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Thread replies: 255
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Suck me edition
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hi how are you
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Vote Leave2.png
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reminder to Vote Leave
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Did a wank
there's nothing wrong with being black
might shave the willy lads

I am black
Where is the women
not happy that it's a nigger ladbible chav edition
girls who like joy division but not bauhaus should be killed
Poor gorilla
He didn't deserve to die for some kid
so what exactly happened with all the commie girls, did they all delete their twitter
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What am I doing with my life?
>All those free (You)s in the last thread from copy-pasting lefty comments from the 1950s London video
Cheers lads. Filled my quota. Absolutely done yous.
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there's nothing special about Bauhaus
Posting in a new
all my life I've been considered as the worst
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didn't buy it because it was healthy, it tastes nice
i'd rather get something like that over coke
you should be killed
>kid falls in gorilla cage
>kid is a wog

ah yes very good parenting as usual from the african american community
Rapturous post chum!
their houses were posted here, allegedly suppose they got fed up and grew up
>caring that much about (You)s

very pathetic desu
Lying to my mother - even stealing out her purse
>tfw actual suicidal thoughts
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look at this fucking dog
reckon i drove someone to become a bit more suicidal

should stop posting
i have done so multiple times over the past few days
Dirty German mutt
best mate called me a disrespectful nigger yesterday
>live in shitty Leicester for years
>parents always made sure I was well presented and spoke eloquently
>people always used to mention how well-spoken I was (not a difficult task to be considered well-spoken there)
>moved to the Home Counties a few years later
>whenever I go back to visit Leicester people constantly talk about how I sound

Really do not understand how it's considered any sort of a big deal or moderately difficult to speak RP
can you please mix it up with some various waggy woofs?
>kid falls into gorilla cage and gorilla gets shot
>kid turns out to be a niglet
>people don't even bother deleting their retarded tweets
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what's atop doge's head
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fresh cringe oc for you lads
Kid must have thought the gorilla was his dad haha x
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my waifu.jpg
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What would happen if there was another Islamic attack in France during the Euros? Will people still sit back and defend Islam?
Looks like you got absolutely done, my son.

His doggy soul leaving his body, he's achieved ultra enlightenment.
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haha accidentally took this photo of myself, was gonna delete it but what do you think? ;P
New Order is better
of course they would.
objective 10/10
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>mfw someone in this thread tried to tell me the kid was white and said "did you even watch the video"
>mfw I posted a photo of the child, as black as your hat
my family lived in Leicester for over 100 years, we moved away because of all the Pajeets.
Literally no one would have cared about that gorilla if the was white.

Love how its life suddenly has value when the kid in threat was African American
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sick kunais
wonder how much he paid for those sprays

more like Borewich
>back from my second only jog

Lads I want to give up, I feel sick :(
Please, I'm being serious when I ask you lads to call me a fat cunt, I need the motivation.
just done a wank with a thumb up the arse
start slow you idiot
That seems mean-spirited
I've enjoyed your contribution to /brit/ tonight
do couch to 5k

start with long walks

we're all under investigation by the cyber fuzzy muff
recommend me some tv shows
well i never
trailer park boys
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the bf just sent me this
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Love this song. Really makes you think.
Quantum Leap.
just did a wank with one hand while evading the police by speeding 90 miles over the limit on the highway
/brit/, more like /shit/ lmao etc

can you go to sverigetråden and call them gay or something

third eye absolutely destroyed
Just watched a video of a rave I went to on youtube and noticed myself going on like a madman haha
The first month is the worst lad, but after you hit your first KM, your knees will be your only bottleneck.
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Love this pic of Tay_Guevara x
Kung Fu
Last of the Summer Wine
la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah
may /brit/ burn in the hellfire
thanks, I did forget that was posted
Mate you've got to enjoy doing your jogging. I tried to go at it really hard and gave up. Tried a different appraoch and built up speed/distance over a longer period and I've kept it going for 2 years now. Also find a running partner, if you can, makes a world of difference.


>literal arsehole of England

Not a single useful thing has come out of Devon. Ever.
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"Alri chum"
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more like borefolk
nice elbow fitting
Alright Petey Crouch
>plastic covering still on

what part of afghanistan do you hail from
reminder that there was literlaly no way to resolve this gorrila situation without people going crazy

if they left it or tried passive means BLM and SJW would be up in arms for doing nothing concrete to save the poor innocent black baby
Trailer Park Boys
Peaky Blinders
Deutschland 83
The Thick of It
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>Mate you've got to enjoy doing your jogging. I tried to go at it really hard and gave up. Tried a different appraoch and built up speed/distance over a longer period and I've kept it going for 2 years now. Also find a running partner, if you can, makes a world of difference.
Wish I could get a teenage girl to give me a blowjob while I race police cars on the highway.

Hate wanking and driving at the same time.
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>tfw no bf
Probably the best edition I've seen

This general needs a revamp, no one in here is autistic or watches anime anymore they've all scuttled off to r9k where they belong. It's more a discussion general for normal lads.
breaking bad
the knick
not a fan of veiny arms desu
There's two of us lad, you wouldn't stand a chance

umm, where did you get that photo of me?
I did. Very. I'm just a fat fuck who can't jog for 10 seconds without needing a rest.

It is. It's also very effective.

That does sound good.

I know I should but it sounds like it'll take too long.

Thanks. You been in the same situation? How are you now?

How big were you when you started? I'm 19 stone lad, there is no possible way I can enjoy it.
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Who /edwardianfarm/ here
Good post. I am a bit crouchy like but it was me going 5x as nutty as everyone else which made me stand out
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It's a manly trait, why wouldn't you
u're hard d rive, where else?
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getting cucked lads
might make some vanilla milk
she has such strange eyes
this is a message from your local police department.

don't wank and drive.
>It's more a discussion general for normal lads.

that's what facebook is for you unoriginal boring knob
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29th May 1453
Any lads want to go to the Commonwealth Games together? Would anyone on /brit/ or /int/ be up for it?
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might make some man milk
wish I was back in america
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>I'm 19 stone
>tfw have HBO
>tfw almost no HBO shows on it
really dont understand this
>Flag collecting
Do any of you nerds do this?
>I did. Very. I'm just a fat fuck who can't jog for 10 seconds without needing a rest.

clearly you fucking didn't, you need to be walking at the start.
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Serves you right. Brit's are glorified bloodhirsty pirates 2bh
like a freight train

can't bring myself to do it for regional flags

but i've got pretty much every single country one, haven't found a new one in years
wanking to 70s porn again lads
This is one of the best editions of Brit there's been

Autists leave
blood vessels that look fit to bursting always worry me

it's not a rational thing
Bet you don't have Antarctica.
>joy division

You mean those guys that draw all the Belldandy NTR porn?
attacking a sporting event is a great way to get the masses to turn against you
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it was on here the other day anyway
you accidentally greentexted again

only irl, i'm not that sad
did you get sint maarten and saint martin a few weeks ago?
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How and why do you get 3 locations what the fuck
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Everyone ITT in 50 years

you disgust me
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> I collect flags
Yeah I know. Fatty bum bum inni?

I went walking for 10 minutes and I sat down on a bench for 5.


No need lad, I like the insults; they give me motivation.
already had both of them
Doing a wank
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Alright then do some walking then some running that's what I did. I used to be pretty big a few years ago so I start with 50 steps jogging and 50 steps walking. If you find that too hard do 50 running 100 walking. Every two or some runs, do less walking and more running.

If you're not in great shape and you're 19 stone, I'd suggest doing like 1-2 km. Start small lad and remember the hardest part was starting and you've already achieved that!
Not quite.
Typical skinny-fat, started with ~20 seconds on, ~30 off.
Eventually built up to a mile on, 30 seconds off.

My height was ~5km before I started my wageslavery.

>19 stone
Yeah you're going to have to start with long walks or you're going to have a heart-attack going right in to jogging.

Just do it every day lad, same time every day helps. When you feel like you're going to die, go a little further.
proxy flags dont count
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Really makes you think....

>Will ethnic minority voters decide EU vote?

To see how immigrants will fuck up the UK's only chance to get out of the EU. Then I see this:

>Aftab Chughtai says "If it was fair and went all round the world, we could get the best people; computer programmers from India, nurses and doctors from Commonwealth countries where they speak our language and share our law. By staying in the EU, we don't have control of that."
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dont make me gut you
well now they're legitimate
( ._.) . o O ( fuck )
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Rather enjoyable video game 2bh lads
>why yes I am a turbonormie however collect flags at the same time
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Really makes you think huh...
REALLY good posts lads keep it up :)
nigger nigger bum bum
wank willy wank willy
nigger nigger bum bum
wank willy wank willy
the girl in orphan black is too qt can't take her seriously
They weren't proxys, pk literally travelled around the caribbean just to post with the flags
*hides a steel chest-plate underneath my poncho
Why do you sound like that mate? Leicester lad here.
unlike your life
i am a man of many talents
is everyone on >>>/x/ a retard or what lads
Amazing edition
blacks are better at this
fuck right off u absolute waste of spunk
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>pk literally travelled
>population is 10 billion
considering how high Muslim birth rates are, we'll easily recoup those losses.
arabic numerals
hahaha those pirate words are really funny
stop repeating yourself you autistic pleb
None of this was created by muslims. Precisely none of it.
yes and black people travelled around in spaceships before white people oppressed them
altright are indeed pathetic

shilling with anime, wow
please someone just give me attention
i know, but blacks claim they were kings n shit everywhere...even in my country
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>mfw this Iraqi girl told me she's white
does your bedroom door have a lock on it
/x/ is plagued with constant cross-links and references by /b/.

What's worse are people who take it too seriously and shit up the board with their autistic triggering though.
left ear is rather warm
yeah it's very fun, I wish they'd release it on PC
They're indian, we just call them Arabic because they came through the middle east

I just appreciate good banter when I see it, sorry little sissy worm you probably want to see naked yellow ladies don't you XD??

The absolute SCROTES
>voting to leave the EU

the alt-right are absolute wank mate, cringey shit.
That's me
*ignores you*
what's wrong with you?
someone please reply so that I know this isn't a nightmare
yes actually

but I sleep with the window open which has a large ledge of sorts underneath which negates that

if you're light enough, you can use the trellis to give yourself a leg up

its not overlooked either so take all the time you need
>swipe right on a few girls in Paris: 0 matches after a few hours

>exact same in Manila: 75 matches in 2 hours, two people literally asking me to marry them

Why are Pinoys so fucking easy
great post.
Thank you lad, good advice.

Yeah I'm a full on hamplanet. Reason I've jumping straight to jogging is ironically that I'm lazy and think it's easier.
Is it the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, or the Arabic-Hindu numeral system?
i loved the moment when brits in /pol/ really claimed that curry niggers were aryans in the past
want to vote leave for the lols but don't want to side with england on anything

bit a of a pickle
fuck you
yes YOU
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>Muslims """""""golden age""""""
They do actually refer to themselves as white in Iraq and Syria. To be fair, this woman looks European: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N5IQxrac6g
Are you fucking retarded or what

They want citizenship
I pride myself on maintaining a high standard
Extremely gay
tbqh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOJwHzLCD3U
if you vote leave then maybe you'll get independence
it's not like england's stance on this is to vote leave anyway, the bloody tories (david cameron) wants to stay
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grexit, czexit, or maybe even fexit will fuck the EU up
when's next watching time btw?
Obviously I know why they're doing it u twat it was just a cheeky little rhetorical question, this is why we need to leave the EU so I can manipulate French girls into thinking they'll get my precious green card.
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i was thinking about ridiculous statements like that the other day.

i was trying to figure out why most people would automatically dismiss that as nonsense but religion still exists in the world - and that is pretty nonsensical.

is it because its been around for so long so people have trouble getting their heads around how ridiculous it actually is?

really made me think
toothache is driving me fucking crazy lads
>that I'm lazy and think it's easier.
Well just be careful la
Your heart needs a lot more conditioning, I hope you're eating better too, or else you're just wasting your time.
>if you vote leave then maybe you'll get independence

how dyou figure?
thought that was if scotland voted stay and england voted leave
have a wank
Tomorrow, 괴물
If you don't think the NHS should be privatised you're a cretin that should be hanged.
i find this post very interesting. yes very interesting indeed. i may or may have not added the information it includes to a dossier now numbering over 50 pages
YOU constantly obsess over Japan and Japanese girls.

Japan and Japanese girls NEVER think of Britain or British men.
Great moves ethan, keep it up, i'm proud of you xD
>Arabic numerals, also called Hindu-Arabic
>The Hindu–Arabic numeral system[1] or Hindu numeral system,[2] a positional decimal numeral system, is the most common system for the symbolic representation of numbers in the world. It was invented between the 1st and 4th centuries by Indian mathematicians.
probably not really but scots will kick up a big fuss about it anyway
excuse to try get another referendum
Religion in general doens't try to make claims of being rational

and irrationality isn't a bad thing
How often do you jog per day? I'm trying to do 10K a day, problem is my legs turn into rubber and shins start to hurt despite my attempting to not bounce a lot.
gotcha pham
ye whas
be there at 9 you fukkifnrg
don't want independence. just don't like england.
>bloody hell
cycle/swim instead

jogging fucks your legs up

>that terrified cat
fucking italians
Why waste your time?
Lads my laptop's a slow piece of shit. How do I unslow it?
bit rude that
Well Yurop-stan will be a thing in the next century at this rate, so I'd say they're having one right now.
It's because of how absurd it is.
White people couldn't just magically oppress Africa back into mudhut-age if they had space-travel-tier technology so early on.
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I cycle instead
More fun and easier on the joints
I did go 4 days not eating anything last week, only drinking water. Yesterday and Today I've eaten my normal amount (a lot) so I def fucked up there. But I'm definitely am starting a good diet tomorrow.
This is a really good edition don't worry about what the fuck heads say I've been here a long time I know how it is
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Shoes don't lie mate
drop in the ocean mister
used to cycle 30 miles every weekend

miss those days...
what surface are you running on?
>another korean melt

just fuck off
its not terrified

its excited. its sexually attracted to him
ooh, excellent

I also sleep in full plate, within a titanium sarcophagus and I have surgically solved my need to breathe so it is sealed tight

not even qui-gon jinn could penetrate its blast doors
nobody posted in ym thread lads

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il padrone di casa

thanks google translate
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Thread images: 57

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