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hark at this its mental edition
janny delete this
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got an office with everything cocaine white
in the morning it can get too bright
but it doesn't affect me these days
cuz i've been staying up way too deep in the night
listening to kpop before bed
Fuck off yanks

Took me ages to upload this baka
don't wake up you nonce
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pls stop bully
looks pleasant but is this still in middle of a city
stop posting cats
>ghost soldiers
>sashimono visible
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el britANO

is there a more admirable deed than pestering americunts?
shut up you pervert
No this is on a mountain near Nara
He's le Chatposter
One of /brit/s many loveable personalities
Executing the Irish
why are brits such killjoy pansy faggots
fuck off leaf
Why not just make a program that counts (You)'s for you?
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who here /upat3am/
Why do Americans go full fucking sperglord when you criticise their military?
If this was your girlfriend, why would you play away from home, let alone try to shag a fucking 15yo girl?
Anyone else have a housekeeper?
will have a look next time on google earth listening to xfms
Probably an annoying cunt so maybe
Because they're fuckwits who think a large military is a great source of national pride.
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Marina Diamondis
if you're a girl then reply to this post
I deleted it as I realised I forgot to crop out 'Book1' from the top

Could have gotten so many more (You)'s from it as well
eating a burrito ask me anything
When you practically are the army of most of Europe, it comes off a tad hypocritical. It's like a kid yelling at someone for doing something when the kid's dad asked them to do it in the first place.
Ugly greek girl
i really want to smell a girls pants after shes been the gym
what did it ever do to you?

you little whore
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>tfw still no brit bf
absolutely nothing
anyway, the tune you posted is a butchered, simplified version of some famous trap tune
Considering the Rasheeds have the same mentality, you're clearly a fucking retard.
As hypocritical as mocking Europe for immigration when America is 62% white?

Why can't yanks take the banter
I'm so sorry x
it's called - paradoxical reaction
Right, so how many Rasheeds are in the British Armed Forces?
you gay?
Woooooooooooooooooooooooah, Bodyfooooooooorm. Bodyform for yoooooooooooooooou.
>traps = gay
Not this me me again
anyone else guilty of posting deliberately cringey posts to see how many fedora quotes they can amass?

can't seem to get over 2
hey, it's 2016, I won't judge you
Right, so what has that got to do with anything you dizzy cunt?

It refers to the likes of Iran, Saudi Arabia, India and Pakistan. Cretin.
*drops a cack on your nans chest*
Banter is something we're working on as a culture. If you can't handle a bit of teasing when Muslims, by far the worst migrants possible, are flooding your country, you might have a problem with banter yourself. Cheek requires self-awareness on both sides.
I don't do it consciously, it just happens
how rude
Saudi Arabia isn't a tough military 2bh mate, they spend a lot but dont trust their boys so dont train them. So they have top tier gear and veichles but not the training to use them effectively. Dunno about India and India: Muslim Edition
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oh shit, did a yawn
Banter is for retards who struggle to think of anything witty or original.

*shits you out, gets up and has a look at you and decides to flush*
>lacy bits on your rag

Women have to convince themselves even their menstruation is pretty.
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narcissism 101.png
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Why are you posting this fag in /brit/?
We can handle the teasing, though after we get a Muslim mayor of london I think it'll be game over for us
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>2D Traps
Not so gay because it's hard to differentiate genders, they basically draw females then add a cock to make it a trap
>3D Traps
Gay as fuck bruh because theyre all obvious males
I dont even fap to traps but that's just my 2 cents (FOY)
Again; you miss the point.
I'd love to lick that up
Thank you, Owen
because he saw it was relevant
>they draw females and add a cock
>4chan defends this every single time
Imagine having to put up with this shit every month for decades of your life.
How did he dropout of Manchester and then get into Cambridge?
Haha men don't bleed from the crotch every month

Post other ways that makes being a man better :D
another round of shots
turn down for what
probably family money
Post choons I'm almost out of alcohol
It's better than 3d traps where you can see their stubble and shit. You'd have to be a full on bender or extremely dense to think a 3d trap is passable without hormones (and thats only in some cases 2bh)
you get to have a willy

you get to shag girls
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The hideous fucking faggot probably sucked a few gammy cocks.
>bodies that outclass women's in nearly every way
>more rational minds that invented most of everything and built the west
quite unattractive, and that's in done-up photos
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>no ass
you have friends which don't completely fucking hate you
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At least he's got a wide chin
literally gay
Based tony
posted this months ago but you literally have the same taste as me
have never disliked a single song you've posted
>why yes i do prefer fat girls
Anyone got some pics of thick asians with a big ass?

Shit makes me so hard
How deer you
So, when are you cunts leaving the EU ?
Can't wait.
I think one thing colonial societies will always have an edge on native ones is that we better understand how to handle race, besides when we're run by people who think they have something to learn from continentals. Integration is only possible to a point, then you must isolate. If you can forgive an edgy metaphor, you don't handle a man holding you at knifepoint by opening your shirt and daring him to attack. You offer the good ones access to a higher culture and let them meet your desires, then isolate the rest from having power over anyone but themselves. I think Britain needs to remember that from all their experience in the territories, and America needs to remember that when it comes to mediating Blacks and minimizing Mexicans.
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>Not wanting an ass to smack and squeeze
compare him to any female politician other than Thatchet
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Why is it always fat fucking green haired freaks?
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fedoras incoming
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Forgot pic
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this is all I have
hello dear
they crave attention
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My waifu
I have a pansexual female friend with rainbow hair. She's actually really nice
>wide chin
not that attractive
Would you rather elect Tony Blair or the Green Party?
remember to drink lots of water every day lads
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cho cho

only drank whisky today
Literally fucking disgusting
Looks like a fucking tranny that failed HRT therapy
I've been doing the opposite. No wonder I'm always dead ffs.
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>Low self esteem
>Dye hair to get compliements & attention
>do dodgy protests to make yourself look like a good person to get compliments & attention
Whats your ideal male then?
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I drink about 4 pints per day. Got really good skin too.
What the fuck are you going on about?
idk desu, just certain things strike me as unattractive as I come across them
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what do you think
Surely it's more than just that.
I love it x
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how do i get one of these flags?
What do you think to Sean O'Pry?
have a glass before bed
it will make a big difference in the morning
still quite unhealthy in general but since i've noticed a big difference since i started replacing fizzy drinks etc. with water
hydration is a really good feel
good lad
Send me a formal request and I will post it to you
In a shop with katanas

Want to take a pic without being an autist
Use a selfie stick
>without being an autist
bit late for that
i like this general
Water is a boring drink, I only manage like 2L a day 2bh
>caring about the opinions of people that will judge you anyways and you will never meet again

You're already one of them
Hate the taste of water
I can see that a lot of the objectively attractive features are there, but he does little for me. I don't think there's any one archetype that I like, it's mostly individuals desu. I like his eyes, I like his lips.
It has no taste (if filtered) but it is a dull taste. Only upside is the hydration you get from it
don't like you
end yourself
It's tasteless
File: South Yorkshire.png (665 B, 16x11) Image search: [Google]
South Yorkshire.png
665 B, 16x11
what we thinking

will get round to adding eventually
Who here /positivecanthaltilt/

good feel
usually have pint 3 glasses a day, i have a sesh about once every 1-2 months, i dont really drink much
going to london next month for a business trip

how do i a bag a slag
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oh cmon i ain't so bad
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Armenian Land Whale.jpg
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What the fuck happened to Kim Kardashian's bottom half?
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What about the crowd pleaser, Francisco?
basically looks the same haha
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oh you're the cat lad
disregard that then
post cats
have about 600 gigs of shite on my desktop
dont even know how i let this happen
I'll give you some chores!!
Well you could try not to impersonate Britbongs, you sleazy fat fuck.
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Me, I have a slight positive canthal tilt and hooded eyes too. Too bad my lower third is utter shit
>tfw pointed chin
>tfw jaw isnt that strong
far better detail and rendering

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How did you post this
conductor we have a problem
What did Corbyn say or do that makes people think he hates Jews?
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yeah, again, very attractive. seems a little more, idk, real
wow calm down ahmed

but i guess you're right, british women do prefer foreigners
Practically elf-like
his phone obviously
>those trousers

Alri beetlejuice haha
Slight positive reporting in.
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2 MB, 389x348
yes, water is great
File: Greater London.png (662 B, 16x11) Image search: [Google]
Greater London.png
662 B, 16x11
don't think you can get reddit flags for mobile
confused at what he meant by that
the labour party is full of people who suck palestinian dick and hate isreal
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Alright last one
Thoughts on diego barrueco?
They don't prefer fat niggers called Ty'Rone or Da'Shawn, so don't waste your time.
>reddit flags
oh fuck off
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haha holy shit
The fact that up until now he's spent his entire career hanging out with people who hate jews
Laughed at this

i have 3 comments to make regarding this video:

1. choon lads banger alert haha *gun fingers* post choons lads

2. >tfw no black gf

3. she died literally hours after shooting this video, absolute madness
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Yanks, everybody.
That doesn't really answer the question, m8.
Do you get broads in atlanta?
how can a "south yorkshire" flag be anything but contrived nonsense? at least the white rose has a connection to the house of york
Is that the girl R Kelly urinated on
Like Hamas and Hezbollah? But isn't his purpose with them trying to resolve the issues they have with Israel?
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like i give a fuck lad.jpg
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3 good posts in one
not as attractive as the other two, the hair kinda ruins it
0161 manny on the map
I come from a little town called manchester
It's a shit flag 2bh but i dont wanna be associated with west yorkshire
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stay perpetually assmad, my friend

and the fanta
dont get this post

whats this flag meant to be
nah but he apparently illegally married her when she was 15
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Best Bugzy tune
Interesting, that sorta hairstyle is big atm
Hamas and Hezbollah want to genocide the jews
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another shoah?
its your flag with the 4chan gloss template on it

not the other shitty one

you have to click on it to see it properly if you didnt already
He has the worst profile i've seen in a while so she must be pretty dutty
The Jews think criticism of Zionism is a criticism of them and Judaism. They want sympathy and attention by deliberately twisting criticism of the State of Israel and making it about them as Jews.
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Bakers delight Logo(1).jpg
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hark brothers! i bring news from the bakers delight cutie front

so i went to the shops to get my coffee and while i was walking i saw her walk the other way because she must have been on her lunch break
*enter scene, me and her walking in opposite directions*
>my inner monologue: ummmm hello? earth to dope? what are you doing?! this will be your best opportunity to talk to her like let me think ... uhm ever?
so i go to the food court, do a sweep shes not there. i do another sweep and shes not there. i go to another smaller foodcourt and do a sweep shes not there. i go back to the initial foodcourt and do a sweep and i see her there on her phone.
i go for a sly squat and she hangs up and i say something along the lines of
>me: hey this is a bit awkward but i can't keep going to bakers delight because ..
>her: yeah the food's a bit rubbish
>me: yeah it's all just pastries. but i was wondering if i could get your number
-she stares kind of blankly-
>me: oh do you have a boyfriend?
>her: yeah it's just the beginning but you're really >cute (editor's note: wahey)< i'm so sorry
>me: no worries i probably won't be around bakers delight that much anymore
>her: wait whats your name?
>me: my name is [my name]
>her: oh i'm malery
>me: fantastic meeting you malery

so there it is lads. there it is.
Reminder that Jeremy Corbyn praised and invited to parliament Raed Salah a man who has called for the eradication of the Jewish people and has said that Jews bake their bread with the blood of Palestinian children
>not this
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>Work in the public sector in a department that should not exist
>Paid a handsome salary despite it being a junior position with no responsibility
>Walked into the job with a mediocre humanities degree
>Spend most of the day shitposting, listening to music, watching TV shows, messing about with younger colleagues.
>Even turned up high a couple of times and have done about 4 wanks overall
>Do a long poo every day, which you're all paying for

I'm laughing to myself as I type this, I can't believe this is my life. Surely someone will put a stop to this soon, right? Hahaha
Leftists hate Israel so they must love that
>tfw anti semitisism is on the rise
wish I had an R32 GTR
Got any openings?
>a man who has called for the eradication of the Jewish people and has said that Jews bake their bread with the blood of Palestinian children
Does he post on /pol/?
Weird how the left used to love Israel
I like the instrumental, but still not the best ive heard
yeah, I get why people like it too, it's style with little effort, but I can't help but feel that lads who pull it off would look better with something else.
might make some more te
wish i had a second chance at life
Took a dip into /pol/ to see how they are, some American lad actually said he has hated America for their role in the demise of Rhodesia (which is no role at all) and would give up his citizenship if he could fight to save Rhodesia, that he was born too late to do something so noble. Absolutely bonkers
eagerly awaited x

*reads it*

Pendulum swings. Israel, despite being surrounded by countries that'd love to see it annihalted, is hated. Lots of Palestinians even go into Israel for their jobs too.
s m h
>Leftists hate Israel so they must love that
Ultra-Orthodox Jews hate Israel, they're far from lefties.
Not where I am but there are plenty of civil service jobs going that are just as cushy. I will never work in the private sector again if I can help it.
how do inform the greek guy i work with he isnt white lads?
When my dad was a lefty student he said they all supported Israel and used to gather round the TV when Israel was at war and cheer them on
I'm not a big fan of it either, just shaving the sides and gelling/waxing the bulk on top is lazy and other styles alook better
did your dad realise that the israeli army couldn't hear them?
"you aren't fucking white"
Deranged bunch on /pol/.
ask him to point out his skin colour in the dulux paint catalogue and when he turns to the creams/whites shout "WRONG" in his face
why would you need to inform him that? mate let the memes stay memes
ahhh, yes
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It's bullshit anyway mate.
You nearly had me there
Lots of people hate Israel because of "Apartheid" even though that muslims get equal rights in Israel? I mena NUS has called for a boycott of Israel yet refuses to condemn ISIS because of Islamaphobia?
yeah this has had a pretty good success rate with me
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was reading about Ganymede and apparently it has the highest chance for intelligent alien life of any other celestial body in our solar system. in fact it gives off radio signals and interference through its magnetosphere which we've never seen anywhere else in the known universe.

It's quite funny when they actually believe Nazi propaganda
Would Israel exist as it is today if not for WWII?
/pol/ has completely lost the plot
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Ian Smith.jpg
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Get fucked nigger
>he lives on a meme island that isnt newfoundland

less of this
It's one thing to say Rhodesia was on its way to being a decent country and was willingly allowed to be infiltrated by communists so Britain could wash its hands of it. It's another to constantly fantasize about race war and be incapable of having a romantic notion without race war.
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>was reading about Ganymede and apparently it has the highest chance for intelligent alien life of any other celestial body in our solar system. in fact it gives off radio signals and interference through its magnetosphere which we've never seen anywhere else in the known universe
Zionism predates the holocaust by many years
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Thread images: 83

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