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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 101
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meme dog.jpg
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Rover the limit edition
>de gay
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Roverdone desu.
posting itt
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gf cara edition1.jpg
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cara xox
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>tfw no black gf/slave
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candid photography
kentqt needs her arse rammed by yank cock
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what's your greatest achievement in 2015?
Finish your Christmas shopping yet lads?

I know some of you were waiting on shipping, might be a bit risky this time of year.
My favourite one was "just horsing around"
post all your lisicki's, i want to expand my folder tbqh
banging ur mom
go to /wsr/ and find the lisicki thread
Hairdressers is rammed lads
Fuck sake
i expanded your mums folder last night 2bh
I haven't killed myself
good post
neutral post
excellent post
very good post
top post
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How do I convince my gf to start wearing a headscarf/covering lads? I think they look so hot.
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>mfw I read this as "child pornography"
pretty much developing yellow fever 2bh
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t. Rasheed
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>tfw natural vibrato in normal speaking voice.

Get fucked shit voice fags
>buy one
>put it on her head
>if she takes it off, put it on her head again
attention seeking post
yeah I was getting worried then some neighbour with my stuff. Th- thanks. Getting gud at wrapping as well.
convert her to the one true faith

Fuck you Mehmet.
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>Christmas Eve tomorrow
>have done literally no shopping
yeah lad, got my mum some perfume i know she likes and renewed my dads times subscription for 3 months.

I love being a good son.
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what it is
>didn't get any free gift tags from a charity this year
step it up Red Cross

Doing something you're supposed to do doesn't make you a good son.

You're a bad son for even thinking such a thing.
Lads, what does an analyst actually do?

I've developed a sad obsession for stalking old coursemates on linkedin and so many are 'analysts' for investment places or banks

What the fuck does this even mean, or is it a fancy way of atatracting grads with a funky job title?
good post
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tfw no sershie gf.png
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Hello lads

saw work girl today and did a talk to her and stuff, she looked very qt today she had a collar shirt like thing on with a nice jumper over and I like collar like things especially dresses haha

was gonna ask her to go out sometime but I did a panic and didn't ask and it was too late then because she had to go start taking calls

kill me lads
Not a Muslim. I just really like headcoverings.
Yea my wrapping skills are definitely lacking. Ended up unwrapping one of them just to re-do it, can never get the corners right wrapping a box without the white side of the paper showing.

Best get to steppin m8

not looking forward to christmas, lads
will probably just get pissed and cry again
thats really good senpai

you'll get another shot and next time you wont fuck it up
good luck la
is she a clone
You sound extremely autistic.
fuck off paki
Who is his handsome devil haha
>buying presents

average son

>buying presents you know they'll love through spending time with them

good son
>will probably just get pissed and cry again
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How can i look like him lads?
I'm an analyst for my company. It's pretty easy, I just assess internal practices advise ways to improve efficiency. Some quality control on our data too 2bh.

There's lots of types tho, it's just a title that's banded about.
drinks W H E N
doing a sneeze
Not even a Paki tbqh.
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hmm... maybe i'm a better son that i thought.

step it up england
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lifting our feels.jpg
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It was nice, had not seen her for over a week. Told her I missed her and she was happy to see me too :3

soon x

am I gonna make it?
Get a muslim gf
>t. arab
fuck off paki
Wish I had a bizarre combination of a nymphomaniac but incredibly faithful gf and the ability to change my penis size at will so that when she pissed me off I could say "Alright, no more Mr. Big Willy"
We're all gonna make it brah
Got a Lisicki/kentqt fusion coming up soon lads, keep your eyes peeled
"Analysts" at my company get paid £18,000 to be experts on shit that I'm not, while I make £25,000 managing them. It's a chump job.
because depressed and no gf
Already have a gf, I want her to start wearing head-coverings.

Not an Arab tbqh.
wahey thanks la x
>I just really like headcoverings

Why? Are you so insecure that you're afraid people are going to be attracted to your fictional girlfriend's head aesthetics and snatch her from you?
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bit sad that we literally all talk to each other everyday and yet we dont know each others first names and will never be friends irl

kinda makes me depressed haha
This is still just saying stuff.

If I'm an analyst for a bank or investment company I'm basically just an office drone that's nothing special?
Interesting post
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>t. turk
fuck off paki
You can call me Daddy if it helps you out
1, possibly 2 people here know my first name desu
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implying you'd want to associate with anyone from /brit/ irl
do you have this but with her feet ?
eating a terry's chocolate orange, lads


Dear anon, meet half the posters in brit threads.
Imagine being a world class orchestra conductor. Literally paid thousands of pounds just to stand about pretending to do things with your arms.
i'm paul haha
alright lads i want to live life to the fucking FULLEST

i am 18 now, so that gives me time to get a-

>18-19: normal blonde or redhead british gf
>20: an asian gf
>21: a twinky bf
>22: a brotier scottish bf
>23: a muslim/paki gf
>24-25: a degenerate hippie gf
>26-29: a posh conservative gf with big chebs
>30+ if i haven't settled down: various young cute slavic gf's
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we know some names
No, I just get turned on by them.

Not a Turk either tbqh.
I'm unironically a paki lads
the extra flag stuff has made me feel like I have actual friends here

quite good
how !
this is good

It's better to know the lad chasing the girl isn't the same lad that has widely differing political views and such
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i hate the way you're always right

i hate it when you lie

i hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry

*sobs* i hate it when you're not around a-and that you didn't call *sniffles*

but mostly i hate the way i don't hate you, not even close. not even a little bit. not even at all.
can't get a stiffy lads
It's not terries its mine
Saying you're an "analyst" is like saying you're a "manager", it could mean a million different things and any number of levels of importance, expertise or pay.
good post
Any recommendations on what to see in British Museum?
found my drugs i couldn't find last thursday

out in the open in my draw

hidden in plain sight desu
Now I'm in the limelight cuz I rhyme tight.
used to love those things

Where can you get them? I only ever got them in my stocking as a kid
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>1 year relationships
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Alright, if you want to introduce yourself I will go first. My name is Muhammad, nice to meet you.

This guy had it somewhere closer to the truth. It's usually a specialist field you're an analyst/expert in.

Whether that makes you a drone or something more special probably depends on the company in question.
What should I watch lads?
>t. londoner
fuck off paki

fuck off
make a collage
ur weight

you better walk by, or get force-fed a pork pie
watch THIS

*does a little dance*
relidjón of piece
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2, powergap, 4, 1, 5, 3
>dl all screeners
>realise you have no one from /tv/ to watch it with

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Fuck off Yanks
Cold out.
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I tried that several times but I only end up masturbating

Pretty sure there's some guy in North Carolina rolling around in a yellow 2003 Cobra convertible with a bunch of Xanax and some good weed in his dashboard. Distinctly remember putting them behind a blank cutout in someone's dashboard before we went out somewhere but I was on several bars and couldn't find them later. The guy that had the Cobra sold it to a guy from NC, hope they never bring the dogs to his car or something.
If you're a proper lad then put your name in the "name" box so we can distinguish each other

I'm James
I watched the Creed one last night, didn't expect a scouse boxer to turn up half way through kek
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Dave mentioned wahey
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Snuggle a slag or three
if trump is so rich why doesnt he buy the @DonaldTrump handle
Send help
Gonna watch K-ON.

Only got 11 episodes left.
fuck off paki
fuck off kevin

2, 5, kill the rest
Does deliverroo do maccies?
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who /soon to be billionaire/ here
don't want it to end
might just watch it again when i'm done ahahahaha
mark is a bender name

we shouldn't have driven him away

he was a visionary.

i'm sorry, george
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haha yes lad 2016 is going to mental wew wahey
have no friends whatsoever lads
Hard to rank this due to not being able to see their bodies clearly. Gonna go with

3, 2, 1
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*strokes neck beard*


good lad
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charli lads
orite lads
Done that 7(seven) times desu
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Sorry about that


fuck off yank
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>making the prequels look good
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just ate a big fat curry and wanna sleep but i cant
might buy silent hunter 3
took a poo in the loo
got 5 (five) days off coming up after tomorrow.
Do you think there will ever be a time when the whole internet will ever be externally moderated by the police and by public opinion (read: loud SJW mobs)?

For example you'd be in as much trouble for saying nigger deep in a /brit/ thread as you would be if you tweeted the word nigger today.
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124 KB, 1428x679

4, 1, 3, 2
got 10 desu
>only having 5 days off


fuck off yank
I'm crying again

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nice one
Was it autism?
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148 KB, 616x676
Jeremy Kyle's Youtube is on 120,000 subscribers lads
last day tomorrow off til the 4th
7 working days off
texted a girl without using school as a pretext
let it all out lad

tears are the weight on our shoulders, let them go
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Milner leaning.jpg
66 KB, 600x564
How is /GF2015/ coming along lads?
bet you'll have a fat poo tomorrow like
wew lad

I'm only in for another 3 days next week so it's fine

wahey we should all meet up and suck eachothers willies (i'm a girl)
would love if she poopoo peepee'd all over me
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>not subbed to Jezza
yeah I have 5 not including bank holidays and weekends then

had last 2 fridays off though
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hey xx.jpg
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fuck off it's almost 2016, i'll make it next year... just watch me.
Literal and unironic fucking disaster.
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This reminds me of the lad who posted in here once about how he made Pepe art, and then posted pictures of his little sister wearing Pepe makeup kek

Pic related, anyone have the others?
top kek
About the same as the Watford match
same tbqh
ah, well i'm a girl too so maybe we could suck someone elses willy together
got my window open to keep my beers cold
getting a haircut
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work soon
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can do a lick on your clit x
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post sorry haha lads
I am a boy and I have a big willy
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>22nd December
>still haven't bought my mam a christmas present

wat do
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she's tasty

almost as tasty as nonon
would suck it.
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Good post
buy mam a christmas present
kiss your barber on the cheek for me lad thye love it when you do that
Business idea: deplete the natural resources of australia and sell it to other countries

too young
willy size doesn't matter

height doesn't matter

looks don't matter

what matters is your heart, your strength of will.
Do liquor stores close after 6 pm in Ireland?
I'm going to go Christmas shopping tomorrow, I'll still be able to right?
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great posts

Why are the first posts in a new thread always pure autism?
awful awful posts
bit lewd lads
no idea what to get m8
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>not being subbed to big J

get off my stage you cretin
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2 MB, 1293x1078
>willy size doesn't matter
>height doesn't matter
>looks don't matter
>what matters is your heart, your strength of will.
all me
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300 KB, 723x1023
I want anime canadians to leave
I want anime and canadian posters to leave*
Yeah you got this m8
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Vote Trump.
to set the tone for the rest of the thread
No, unlike in New Zealand they don't have to close once the horses go to sleep
t. newfag
except the nononposter
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all me
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Vote Farage.
Get her Ann Summers stuff. What is it you people call it, craic?
Who's your favourite spicegirl?
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They're opening gimmicks in order to bump the thread
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>spent last christmas taking MDMA with the girl i love in my uni city where i had friends and a life
>gonna spend this one at fucking home with family and no friends and having broke up with my gf last month

it only goes downhill from here
they are literally all shit
the best gimmicks are those posted at the beginning of every thread
>I don't love boipussy
Currently in possession of a very stiff willy.
how long do you think it's gonna be until we stop celebrating christmas? I recon it's gonna be 50 years until it's culturally frowned upon to have a Christmas tree in this country.
stop posting my image

thanks in advance
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Spice Girls Nude.jpg
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Favourite is sporty, but she'd not be my first choice for a shag
>implying that fat cunt has any self respect or strength of will
If me and him had to suffer lashes until one of us admits defeat, I'd win. Even despite him having enough back fat to absorb a hundred blows.


fuck off yank
Has Justin "Insha'Allah" Trudeau banned liquor stores in Canada for offending Muslims yet?
grotty mcpotty
just gonna buy my mum a pack of WKD blue
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gf on the left
only you have friends but you arent with them you normie twat
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>>implying that fat cunt has any self respect or strength of will
>If me and him had to suffer lashes until one of us admits defeat, I'd win. Even despite him having enough back fat to absorb a hundred blows.
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What is a spicegirl?
get over it
bought mine a sparkling cinnamon yankee candle I think she will like it

was £16.99
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 101

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