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/EDC/ - Every Day Carry
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File: image.jpg (1 MB, 3264x2448) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 3264x2448
Go ahead, /g/
File: sandisk-128gb-microsd-card.jpg (22 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
22 KB, 500x500
a 20$ feature phone, my wallet, house keys, a usb flash drive an somethimes a ballpoint pen.

10/10 completely satisfied.

EDC threads are retarded btw.
Wat is this? 1998?
I got the same palm btw, mostly playing simcity
iPhone, keys, wallet, VP9.
>daily carrying a gun to defend yourself in case you get caught at the weekly school/workplace shootout
>end up getting shot by a cop over a parking ticket

Fucking americans.
>hand over CCW permit with drivers license
>cop secures firearm
>cop writes ticket or whatever
>profit (don't get shot)
File: EDC_2016-05-23.png (3 MB, 1606x1138) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1606x1138
File: EDC 29-5-2016.jpg (813 KB, 3000x2250) Image search: [Google]
EDC 29-5-2016.jpg
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Nice palm, did you replace the battery?
>waiting for someone to post a gun
>waiting for yuropoors to bitch moan and complain about anon having a gun
>i don't know how owning a legal gun works

it's like you're a nigger or something
Thread replies: 12
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