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old thread: >>54585050

What are you working on, /g/?
First for C++
Working on ur mom
Not too sure what I should be working on. I suddenly traded my free time for a job and classes.
first for PHP is C for the web
This must be your house then, anon? I love it, great work.
contemplating my miserable existence.
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=:" %%a in ('echo 12:34:56') do (
set /a s="%%a*3600 + %%b*60 + %%c"
echo %s%

if you really need to use batch
Anyone here experienced with MATLAB and image processing? I'm encountering some issues with what seems like a basic problem

i = 256x256 image
h = 3x3 filter
i_h = 258x258 filtered image

Now, given i_h and h, I want to numerically recover i. To do this seems simple enough, just divide the ffts, but I'm running into an issue.

First I got the fft of both
i_h_fft = fft2(i_h);
h_fft = fft2(h, 258, 258);

I then fixed a zero at (1,1) in h_fft by making it eps + eps*i.

Then to recover the image
i_orig = ifft2(i_h_fft ./ h_fft, 256, 256)

This truncation is fucking me up though, I end up with a massive complex expression that resembles the original image but isn't there.

Any ideas?
This reminds me of that one D screenshot that has its fizzbuzz logic in strings.
Why do languages do this? If the interpreting of the string is part of the compiler, why not just have it not be a string? Is this just so you can pass around arbitrary code? Aren't there better ways to do that? I don't know a lisp but isn't that kinda what ' does?
you won't find taylor
doesnt work
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Writing a method of saving world data to disk for my minecraft clone. Just a very small bit left. Then I have to write a way to read it.

Nice paren colors.
what language is this

are you writing a Minecraft clone in Haskell, how are you doing the graphics?
you obviously have to replace the %% with % if you're using it directly in the command line, and not from a batch file, if you haven't done that
lots of parens means a lisp dialect. maybe Scheme
im running it from a .bat and it's not printing anything for %s%.
Is that hime?

Sweet jesus not Haskell.

Right now it's mostly C and some Scheme. I'm writing the low level engine bits in C. I'm using SDL and OpenGL for graphics.

You can tell which procedures are written in C by whether the procedures use _'s.
So the best way to become good at programming is to practice obviously, but you would do this by completing harder and harder projects as you learn right?
What is your Topcoder rating /g/?

I just broke 1800
huh, I'm looking for a project to do this summer and was considering some sort of game, though I'm a pussy so I'll do it in C++
I program in Ruby only
Generally, yes.
The hardest part is learning to compose code freely instead of sitting there for 10 minutes getting a headache because you're not used to thinking like a dumb computer.

I learned to get over it by doing all the challenges on codeeval, until they broke their C evaluator and now they won't let me overwrite the test input file before running the program anymore.
solved it
echo echo Current File: "%~n1%~x1"

echo Start Time(HH:MM:SS)
set /p start=

echo End Time(HH:MM:SS)
set /p end=

>output.tmp (
echo %start% | sed s/:/*60+/g | bc
echo %end% | sed s/:/*60+/g | bc

<output.tmp (
set /p s=
set /p e=

set /a total=%e%-%s%

ffmpeg -y -i "%~n1%~x1" -vcodec copy -acodec copy %sound% -ss %s% -t %total% "%~n1[cut]%~x1"
sdelete -p 1 output.tmp

i think its impossible using pure batch. sed/bc are needed for windows, as well as optional sdelete for removing the temp file the echo is stored in.
why is recursion taught in schools when its not that efficient?
it's useful for algorithms operating on tree structures.
how is it inefficient?
It's not inefficient.
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>keeping a server next to a heater
oh shit nigger what are you doing?!
-O2 optimization exists.
I am reading in this book that generally iterative functions are more efficient. The reason the book gave was that the function calls require a big overhead on most platforms. I just find it weird reading this when most of the time the professors taught me iterative then recursive functions.

I am just trying to study for coding exams and trying to learn stuff that I am not taught in the classroom. I guess I am just still looking at very simple programs that should not require complex calculations

it's useful in some cases like tree traversals and modifying trees. It's also useful as some people think better around recursion compared to iteration for some reason.

and recursion is only really fucking bad when it's a huge recursive loop which creates a fuck ton of stack calls.
Small tail recursion with -O2 optimization is condensed into iteration.

Iteration is more efficient only if you do cache optimization. Otherwise the time spent doing that function call is negligable as you'll be waiting on data to come in from memory.
That book is wrong. Iteration is 100% equivalent to recursion when optimized properly. For a given loop/recurrence, the work you do in an iteration is the exact same that you would do in a recursive call. The issue is that compilers aren't always great at optimizing recursion (which "by default" allocates a new stack frame), whereas with iteration everything is explicit and so the compiler has no say in it. Most of the time, a recurrence is easier to write then the equivalent loop, though, so if you have an optimizing compiler you should prefer it.
What makes you think this is impossible with pure batch?
@echo off
echo Start Time(HH:MM:SS)
set /p startTime=

echo End Time(HH:MM:SS)
set /p endTime=

for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=:" %%a in ('echo %startTime%') do set /a startSec="%%a*3600 + %%b*60 + %%c"
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=:" %%a in ('echo %endTime%') do set /a endSec="%%a*3600 + %%b*60 + %%c"

set /a totalSec="%endSec%-%startSec%"
echo %totalSec%
Also, recursion in principle doesn't have to involve mutation (it will when compiled, of course), so it allows you to write pure code which is easier to reason about.
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I keep running into the same error with that method

I just assumed it worked without needing 00:01:00.

my way works with just inputting 1:00 as 1 minute.

thanks for the help though
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Rust or Sepples, anons?
For what?
an openGL IDE
You mean for OpenGL programming? Glium seems okay, and I'd choose Rust over C++ in general any day.
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Writing an irc bot.
Not sure how to parse stuff.

int loop(bot_t *bot)
int k = 0;
char buf[513], (*message)[513] = malloc(513 * sizeof(char*));
char pong[64] = "PONG :";
const char *pass = "PASS bot1234\r\n";
const char *nick = "NICK mybot\r\n";
const char *user = "USER mybot 0 0 :mybot\r\n";

send(bot->sfd, pass, strlen(pass), 0);
send(bot->sfd, nick, strlen(nick), 0);
send(bot->sfd, user, strlen(user), 0);

int len = recv(boogiepop->sfd, buf, 512, 0);

for (int i = 0; len != 0; ++i)

for (int j = 0; j < 512; ++j)
if (buf[j] == '\r' && buf[j + 1] == '\n')
strncpy(message[k], buf, j + 1);
message[k][j + 2] = '\0';
printf("%s\n", message[k]);

if (k >= 512)
message = realloc(message, sizeof(message) + 513 * sizeof(char));
len = recv(bot->sfd, buf, 512, 0);

return 0;

In this code I expect that
contains k separate lines of text which together makeup the bulk of data received hitherto.

But it mocks me.
It's late and I keep getting a seg fault when I run this. I feel like I'm fucking up something obvious. Pls help
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct node {
int data;
struct node *next;

struct node *makeNode(int data, struct node *n) {
if(n == NULL) {
n = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
n->data = data;
n->next = NULL;
n->next = makeNode(data, n->next);
return n;

int main() {
struct node *root;//, *a, *b, *c;

root = makeNode(5, root);

return 0;
I meant to put
int len = recv(bot->sfd, buf, 512, 0);
on line 14.
You're using and comparing an uninitialized value.
compiled fine on arch no segfault anon

may I ask what exactly you are trying to do their tho it's a pretty retarded way to do a linked list.
You need a list struct that holds the "head" node pointer and the depth of the list.
You need to initialize the head node with a pointer to NULL if you want your little makeNode function to actually work.
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>applying for positions in software engineering or data engineer/scientist
>lots of entry level positions
>mfw so god damn many require 1-2 years of software work experience

I don't understand this shit how is it entry level if it still has work experience required?
The first thing you do in makeNode() is test if n == NULL, but root has not yet been initialized when you pass it in for n.
So struct node *root = NULL.
Not sure if that's the cause of the seg though.

Why are people still trying to use Batch when Powershell exists?

Seriously, if you wanted to convert a string in the format of HH:MM:SS to just seconds, it looks a lot cleaner in Powershell:

function convert_timestamp([String] $time)
$ary = $time.split(":")
$seconds = [Convert]::ToInt32($ary[2])
$seconds += [Convert]::ToInt32($ary[1]) * 60
$seconds += [Convert]::ToInt32($ary[0]) * 3600

I mean granted, it's slightly more verbose, but is is insanely more intuitive. And this is available on every single Windows system since Windows 7 IIRC. (It might be in Vista, not sure, I don't know anyone who uses Vista).
not to mention, now I haven't looked to far into powershell but, the batch interpreter is terrible. It parses line by line (even parsing through comments) and there are cases where comments are parsed into the program!

Do not use cmd, ever. Not when POSH (and now BASH) exist as upgrades.

Using cmd.exe is like those old school unix guys you see who still use plain vi even though vim has been out forever and isn't as annoying or featurless.
the segment fault may be caused by this line:

n->next = makeNode(data, n->next);

since when you pass root it isn't initialized to NULL it could just jump to the else statement at which point it tries to access an unitialized struct leading to the segment fault.

*root = NULL;

will fix the problem.
fuck off, writing software is free. That's why there are so many pajeets who get sw jobs.

>electrical engineering positions 2-3 years experience minimum
>small scale interesting electrical projects are at least $50
Yup, this is what the problem was. Could have sworn that structs were automatically initialized to NULL if they were simply declared. Thanks senpai

>may I ask what exactly you are trying to do their tho it's a pretty retarded way to do a linked list.
lol yeah I haven't fucked with basic data structures in like two years, so I'm refreshing memory. I've also never implemented any in C so I'm getting acquainted with that. I realize the implementation is dumb, I was just trying to bang something out real quick.
>fuck off, writing software is free.

pajeet please I actually worked hard for a degree
just apply for it anyway
ok well I was just checking, I would try to write that linked list using a for loop first instead of starting with recursion to avoid problems like this

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nice waste of money shit degree, and nothing to show for it.

btw after the malloc you need to check if the pointer has a value. Malloc can return NULL if your system can't return any memory from the heap.

so a simple if(!pointer){pritnf("out of memory"); return -1;}

should work to prevent a failed malloc from fucking your system up
Recursion is much sexier though
Yeah I was just typing up something quick and dirty without necessarily abiding by conventions
yeah I agree, but also it can be unwise in some situations.
to fuck over people without connections.
aka social retards

natural selection automatically filters out people who cannot even talk to someone face to face
its an unnecessary barrier thats fucks over far more people then those types.

I have multiple references from professors and 1 from my boss who I developed a website for.

I just lack work experience in shit other than class work and PHP.
just be a female, POC (no asians), or other surface-level minority and you can skip the line!

>what are you working on /g/

My employer has tasked me with shilling /pol/ with anti-Trump pro-Bernie stuff, and pro Hillary upvoting on r/politics.

Aside from that I'm meant to gain positive replies for Windows 10 threads in /g/, and as much as possible keep threads that are positive for Windows 10 active for as long as possible. I have to log everything I do and submit it every four hours.

I hate my life
i'm curious about this apparent market for shilling. is there a site describing and brokering this work, or are you just making all this shit up?
It's to discourage people who don't think they can take the job. You apply for it and assert in a cover letter that you ARE material for the position. Don't be a pussy.
Hey guys r8 my code

public int findWinner(int userMove, int compMove){
return COMP_WINS;
}else if(compMove==ROCK&&userMove==PAPER||compMove==PAPER&&userMove==SCISSORS||compMove==SCISSORS&&userMove==ROCK){
return USER_WINS;
return TIE;

are cover letters still a necessity? I talked to some managers and they said they don't even look at them anymore and focus on the resume and interviews.

>focus on the resume
Let me translate that for you: look at the cover letter
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>mfw I applied for jobs without a cover letter

not him, but i've gone through resumes and done interviews a few times.

cover letters are useful if you don't match the profile they claim they're looking for. it's basically
>here's my resume oh here's this short explanation for why i'm applying even though on paper i look like a shitty candidate

it's not guaranteed to work, but it's guaranteed to work better than just submitting your resume without any explanation for why such a mis-match applied to the job in the first place.
what the fuck is a cover letter?
you have to write an essay along with your damn cv?
honestly if you're asking and not willing or able to look this shit up (e.g. googling your first line, pic related) then don't worry about it. it only makes a difference in marginal cases

>write an essay
google image search. should give you a sense for how long it should be. they're thinking about spending a lot of money to have you in the same workspace as them 5 days a week; everyone who's been in hiring wants as much signal to work with as possible.
Here's the trick. You need to show that you aren't afraid to take initiative and play by your own rules, but you also know your place and are humble. If you're having trouble finding a job, try cold emailing a cover letter (make it bomb as hell) and your resume to a hiring manager. Even if you're not super outgoing and self-assured the worst that can come out of this is that you send your information to someone who never reads it. The best is that you get a job, but oftentimes there lies compromise in having your documents passed to a different hiring manager by the one you spoke to. You got nothing to lose—carpe diem my boy.
>implying they don't redirect unsolicited resumes to /dev/null
Chances are if you get to the manager's internal email it's not gonna have any fluff protecting it. Think about those types of people, now. And to reiterate: what did you lose? Not much.
I have 20min

Can i use a scanner to scan what button the user presses instead of using if, dont ask why just help me find another way instead of if

int r;
if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Do you want to take a risk?") == 0) {
r = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("How much?"));
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do you get penalties for spilling the beans in dpt?
I come up with shit tons of ideas when I'm swamped with schoolwork.

And then I'm dead for ideas when the summer starts and I have time to actually implement them.
You think he's serious?
Unification algorithm for Haskell
data Ty
= VarTy String
| ConTy String [Ty]

type Subst = [(String, Ty)]
type SubstResult = Either String Subst

substFail :: String -> SubstResult
substFail = Right

apply :: Subst -> Ty -> Ty
apply [] t = t
apply ((x1,t1):rest) (t@(VarTy x)) =
if x == x1 then
rest `apply` t1
rest `apply` t
apply s (ConTy c ts) =
ConTy c (map (s `apply`) ts)

unify :: Ty -> Ty -> SubstResult
unify (ConTy c1 xs) (ConTy c2 ys) =
if (c1 /= c2) then
substFail $ "Incompatible types: " ++ c1 ++ " and " ++ c2
foldM (uncurry . foldUnify) [] (zip xs ys)
foldUnify s t1 t2 = do
s' <- unify (s `apply` t1) (s `apply` t2)
return (s ++ s')

unify (VarTy x) t = return $ [(x,t)]
unify t (VarTy y) = return $ [(y,t)]
Learning how to do automated smart contract testing. Protip: TestRPC is buggy, use geth instead as an RPC provider (even though you lose those sweet, sweet instamined blocks).

Also how to use MathJax.

Applied to an add through a Google add asking for data entry, work from home stuff. Ended up being shilling. While I can't tell you the company name a simple google search will show you how prevelant these companies are.
what is this supposed to do
you tell it to unify the type
a -> a
with the type
b -> Int
and it gives you a result saying to assign the 'a' and 'b' type variables to the Int type.
if you'd done
a -> a
Int -> Bool
it would give you an error because it wants either Int -> Int or Bool -> Bool

It's one of the central algorithms in what's called "hindley-milner type inference" which is really cool and not very many languages support a type system capable of it very well but the ones that do let the compiler decide the types for a variety of programs where you don't specify the types, while still checking to make sure they're valid.
it's p. cool. the algorithm works something like this:

we have some code that we want to know what the resulting type is. our code is
x + 1
since we have yet to figure out the type, for now we give it a "type variable", we will name this one 'a'. we say that
x + 1 :: a
meaning "x + 1 has type 'a'".
now we also don't know what the type of our variable x is either. we will give x a type variable, 'b'.
x :: b
now, thankfully we do know the type of (+), which is a function. it's type is
Int -> Int -> Int
(takes two integers as arguments, returns an integer).
by our hindley-milner algorithm, we create the following type for our "x + 1" code:
b -> Int -> a
because x :: b, 4 :: Int and (x + 1) :: a
we then call our 'unify' routine
b -> Int -> a
Int -> Int -> Int
it succeeds, assigning the Int type to both type variables a and b.
we have no inferred that x must have type Int and "x + 1" must have type Int as well
Please respond.
Text parsing is a complete pain in the ass in C, not worth using C under any circumstance for something like an IRC bot that not only does not need to be performant, but also whose bottleneck is mostly likely network latency, not CPU. You could probably write a 100 LOC Python script that does the same as you'll get in 1000 LOC spread across 5 files in C, without once having to worry about memory leaks or segmentation faults.
and I assume this is a type inference implementation in a custom language?
You could put type inference in any kind of language, preferably functional due to how the algo works. OCaml uses a type inference scheme closest to my code, as the algorithm was originally invented for the ML language. Haskell (what the code was written in) also uses type inference although their algorithm is going to be more complicated in order to handle type constraints, rank-n types, GADTs and all the other extension shenanigans in Haskell.
All the good ones do (Haskell, f#, ocaml, etc)
Only shit tier Scala has a retarded type inference
Writing an AI that plays a hexagonic version of 'dots and boxes' in java. It's only playing itself using opening moves and then minimax towards the end game.

I've finished but i'm scared it will fuck up somewhere as I have no other agents to test it against. Besides a random player and a semi-shit player (which are both far worse)..
Need your advice /dpt/.

I want to get into programming, but I'm looking for a programming language that requires little to none math, any suggestions?
>want to get into programming
>language that requires little to no math
but why

you can learn JavaScript if you wanna fit the hipster numale style I suppose
>Only shit tier Scala has a retarded type inference
How on earth does Scala do type inference?
oh come on now anon

I'm atrocious at math in general but it isn't ever much more complicated than converting bits to bytes or swapping between hexadecimal/decimal/binary. That is unless you make complicated things, which you wouldn't do even with a language that required no math.

tl;dr programming gets mathy the better you are at no matter the language
It's shitty, all the code I see have it explicity write the type most of the time

The problem probably lies in that Java doesn't do any type inference so they would need to hack it in the JVM to have some form of proper type inference
Most if not all
What matters is the application

Common Lisp or Racket.
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>code works
>add feature
>code doesn't work
>revert feature
>code still doesn't work
no worse feel
b-but i want to be able to find a job after that
>I want to be able to hardly get good at something and then get paid a lot for being mediocre
Then... Clojure? That's becoming popular these days.
Whoops! meant to quote
I'm pretty new to C. By using CPP and/or Makefile, what's the best way to compile for one library if you want in a makefile, or compile using another library if you want.

I want the user to be able to type:
>make using_library1
and the program will compile using bindings for library 1
>make using_library2
and the program will compile using bindings for library 2

What's the best way to achieve this? Do I need to compile a .so file for the different bindings/
Not sure of the best way, but you can pass arguments to make and choose the lib from that. Or just have two separate rules for each lib.
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I think I'm done with this one.
Great job!
can someone tell me what is wrong with my code
well I think it looks good
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Yeah, I know, it's babby's first program. It was still very fun and I thought I might just as well share some pictures. At least I always loved looking at them.
looks amazing wow nice job
I suggest you first learn about TCP because you've no idea what you're doing.
Reminds me of an octopus I saw trying to fit inside a mason jar.
I have a challenge for you /g/:

Implement Sleep Sort in the language you've recently learned
inb4 30 google results for their memetastic language

Exactly. Higher level languages exist for situations like these. Ruby would also be a good choice.
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Doing a game engine for a school project. Using C# and OpenGL, PhysX and IronPython as a scripting engine.

>Why Ironpython and C#?
Because that was an assignment requirement...
so what do you think about java for an ircbot
I'm a noob and what is this? and how'd you do this?
its mandlebrot
cool math
It's called a Mandelbrot Set.
you are making it choose a random int between 1,1 wich is invalid. the change getting completely through this is extremely low and not something that should be expected in a lifetime
That's dumb as fuck, malloc can return a valid value even if all your available physical address space has been commited in your process address space.

May be a valid concern for embedded systems, but it surely isn't the case here.
Does anyone know what this error means? It is output from SunOS tool bcheck

signal ILL (illegal opcode) in (unknown) at 0x23454
0x00023454: _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_+0x0008 [PLT]: illtrap 0x241c0

this returns 1 what you say is incorrect
It means a crossdressing faggot is writing your code for you.
a sick crossdressing faggot*
wich they all already are but whatever
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Ask your much beloved programming literate anything (IAMA).

No language require math.
But being good at math is an important part of being an actual good programmer.
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tell me about lua
but I wrote the code, and I really hate homosexuals
can I have source :)
Small, concise, simple, can be quite fast with LuaJIT, perfect for embedded scripting systems.
Whatever you are compiling is trying to read an assembly opcode at a memory address where there is no legal opcode.
Why do I keep getting physcomp to be a boolean value?

def Start():
global physcomp

pc = trans.GetOwner

physcomp = pc.GetGameComponent<PhysicsComponent>()
not interesting at all.
nice trip sevens

do you want to execute trans.getOwner() when you assign it to pc? not sure what language this is so just idle curiosity
It's Python mixed with .NET. GetOwner is a property not a method of trans

How good of a programmer do i need to be to find a stable programming job?
I also am curious about this
Why is the first window clearing to black?
        if (!glfwInit()){std::cout<<"glfw failed to initialize\n";return 0;};

GLFWmonitor* monitor = glfwGetPrimaryMonitor();
GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(width,height,"choco banana",NULL,NULL);

GLFWwindow* window2 = glfwCreateWindow(width,height,"doodoo penis",NULL,NULL);
Gee I dunno maybe because you clear it?
You need to use glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT), glClearColor does nothing on its own.
Good enough to fool people into thinking you can program.
I did. This is the first half of my message loop.




It just resets to black for only the first windows immediately after clearing the second. I've never worked with multiple contexts before.
>multiple contexts before

Read the docs you fag.
I'm afraid of picking up AC for the 3DS. I played it way too much on the DS, it's too comfy. Sage for sage.
Sapples, definitely.
I think you need to call glfwMakeContextCurrent everytime you want to render to another window.
Oh, I don't know then, I never used multiple contexts either. Try putting the glClearColor before the glClear at least, even though it shouldn't make a difference in a loop like that.
That worked. Thanks guv.
>Writing a method of saving world data to disk for my minecraft clone. Just a very small bit left. Then I have to write a way to read it.
Indent hell
say that to my face fucker
I'm trying to RE something just for fun. Currently I'm going through reading CPUID flags. Looks like it checks if MMX is available.
I still don't know why it checks if cpu family is greater than 5 and later on if it's greater than 6.
What impact does const pointer (or const reference in C++) have on optimization?
Is it worth using?
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Why are you using raw pointers in C++, it's 2016
Did I imply such?
Stop changing the subject.
const has literally no impact on optimization whatsoever since in CPP you can simply cast away const.
None, const keyword in C and C++ has no effect at all, it's just a compile time flag that makes the compiler yell at you if you try to modify a const object.
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First, thank you for your question.

Source is Ajin: Demi-Human

As far as I know there's no const optimizations in any compilers, it's purely for the programmer's sake. There is the restrict keyword which does have an impact though, but I've never seen it actually used.
Okay, what about C++ references? you cannot change what they point to, they are always const.
Couldn't the compiler treat that as if the restrict keyword was given and apply the same optimizations?
Thanks. Dangerous place for water tanks, btw.

Found a stupid solution..
I make a property for each specific gamecomponent and use that in python instead.

Apparently generics is complicated for ironpython?

//Properties for IronPython. This segment hurts.
public PhysicsComponent GetPhysics
PhysicsComponent p = GetGameComponent<PhysicsComponent>();
return p;

def Start():
global physcomp

pc = trans.GetOwner
physcomp = pc.GetPhysics
references are just crippled pointers and are just like const only meaningful to the programmer and not the compiler.

>you cannot change what they point
Wrong, in C/C++ you can always change the value of something if you really wish. Think of reinterpret_cast.
Not that you should actually do this. But you still can.

Personally I don't like references and just use pointers instead.
LEarning JAVA
I like JAVA.
Soon I will be able to code some games.
Something similar to Castlevania, but more grimdark futuristic and dytopian.
THEN I wll stat learning Haskell and dOH EEEET EGG AYN!
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Is this bait?
It will leave the thread.
How hard would it be to create a filter that gave photos this effect. I have no idea how to do this effect by the way, was hoping there was a guide somewhere.
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Is it possible to follow sicp using a different language than Scheme, such as Python ?
Working with ironpython is like sucking dick for money.

It might not be that bad, but at the end of the day, you're giving fellatio to someone you're not sexually attracted to.
or JAVA?
yeah or Java I don't care I know both
Yes, we know JAVA here in /DPT/ on /G/ on the website 4CHAN.

Stop capitalizing random shit.

It's like pronouncing words that aren't french as if you were french, like buff-ayy for buffet (it's pronounced 'buff eht').
Are you french ?
>buffet (it's pronounced 'buff eht')
Oui, je suis un travesti, mais pas un travesti typique.

The hardest part is appearing to be a competent programming.

Once you've got the job, you can easily learn what you need to know to coast.
Oh cool, je suis luxembourgeois. C'est marrant mais quand je traîne sur 4chan j'imagine que les anon sont tout sauf francophones, je sais pas pourquoi.
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Anon, I think you may be talking to Eddie Izzard.
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forgot image.
I know this is an anime picture but its the exact effect I want on my images.
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>je suis luxembourgeois

Why are you on 4chan instead of counting your jewgolds all day long?
Those are some pretty bold lines.

There are plenty of filters that do similar things.

Consider looking to see if GIMP's filters are open-source.
A bit off topic, but were desktop threads really banned? Why?
They were completely off-topic.

Anime is fine, but literally just spamming ecchi on /g/ is not.
>Those are some pretty bold lines.
for you
>like buff-ayy for buffet (it's pronounced 'buff eht').
You can't be serious.
When was this? Where was this announced?

the auto-sage could be a fluke if it's just this one time that someone put it on auto-sage
Probably because desktop threads are a mix between dumping anime unrelated to desktops and two guys dumping history of their desktops.
Not working on anything. Tried programming a few times and gave up. For how long do you have to learn programming to get over the initial bump? Should I kill myself?
use a non-shit language and you can get started straight away

Work on a project that actually interest you.
>non-shit language
this is bait.
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>Talks about non-shit languages
>What are you working on, /g/?
Crafting/streamlining agile user stories for my crowdfunded full stack Rails app using the most async version of node.js while figuring out how to make it scale and perhaps include some deep learning into it. Why do you ask?
>Doesn't contain 'synergy'
Working on first yera college homeworks. I've to program Othello, and i can't get it work.
How much am i failure from 0 to 10?
same old hilarious meme
honestly java looks fugly.

hmm yeah then I must find something that really interests me. im so lazy i still didn't configure my arch install in vm.

OT: does weed makes you lazy and ok with doing nothing?
>OT: does weed makes you lazy and ok with doing nothing?
In C, if I wanted to use the length of a string to define the field of a format specifier, eg

 printf("%*s", strlen(words), words);

Would I be best off casting strlen to int with
? Compiler warns me if I don't that the field assignment wants an int.
>OT: does weed makes you lazy and ok with doing nothing?

only if you let it. i know people who work efficiently while stoned. i cannot, though.
>printf("%*s", strlen(words), words);
If that's how you're using it, there is literally no point. Specifying the length is only useful when you're trying to print a substring or something that isn't null terminated.
Otherwise, yes.
>i know people who work efficiently while stoned
either they smoke like pussies or they've smoked so much and fried their receptors that it doesn't have much of an effect any more
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Hello fractal bro!
Yeah I know it's useless, it was a test of sorts from something I'm reading. Thanks
Anyone here ever tried to program a learning AI?
>Not working on anything. Tried programming a few times and gave up.
NEET? Not a STEM major? Doesn't matter.

Start out doing an hour a day, maybe 45 minutes if your babby ADHD kicks in. Try learning Java first (as pajeet as it may be) to get acquainted with the fact that if you want to program, you're gonna type a lot. C is also an excellent choice, if not better, and is generally more respected around these parts.

If you get a book, make sure you look at all the practice examples, but don't get nuts about doing every last one of them. I personally got more out of asking "why does [x] work?" and spending time looking at documentation after finishing an easy example than wracking my brain for something you're going to learn how to do more efficiently later on, but make a note on what didn't click and come back to it later.

>does weed makes you lazy and ok with doing nothing?
I don't know many people who are energized or focused by weed, so that would be a yes.
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I have programmed a multilayer perceptron and successfully trained it to discern handwritten digits (MNIST dataset). There are plots of some of the weights learned by the first layer.

Machine Learning is real but you have to downplay your expectations about "learning AI".

Just read http://karpathy.github.io/neuralnets/
I'm working on fixing a bug in neovim that effectively makes it unusable when I run my music player in it.

It's been bothering me for months, and I'm only just now getting around to solving it.
you run a music player in your text editor?
Not until I fix this bug, I don't.
i know this feel
How do i learn the "theory" of programming?
I mean if-statements and loops and such are fun, but where do I go if I want to get a better idea of the bigger picture?
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>inherit large code base
>see this

I'm scared to remove anything, because this shit is like a house of cards.
it's mostly black magic, there are books on the subject but no one can spoon-feed you in-depth programming knowledge, you need hands-on experience and intuition
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> Theory

What do you mean?
But the only things I can come up with are either too small to offer any worthwhile experience, or so large that I lose interest in a few hours :_:

Should I just try going trough a book first?

I want to put money on these being exceptions that are never referenced.
design patterns and concepts and such
Think of a thing, a really cool thing, to do

write it and it's going to be messy and shitty and probably require you to learn a heap

then rewrite it again, and again, and again until it's clean and organized and uses the best and most memory efficient ways of doing those things that you need to do in order to get your thing done

eventually you'll get there, or lose interest in programming entirely/commit suicide halfway through ~ the second rewrite
I can't seem to get an answer, so I'm asking you SICP worshipping fucks. I'm writing mit-scheme code and getting a weird error:

(define (make-sum a1 . an)
(let ((num (sum-list (filter number? (cons a1 an))))
(vars (filter-not number? (cons a1 an))))
(if (null? vars)
(filter-not (lambda (x) (=number? x 0))
(append (list '+ num)vars)))))

gives the error:

";Unbound variable: |â|
;To continue, call RESTART with an option number:"

Specifically, I've narrowed the issue down to the statement

(append (list '+ num)vars)

The weird thing is that if I get rid of the let clause and just write out vars everywhere, everything works fine. What the hell is going on?
Haha, I'm 100% cliché but I'm a law and economics student, I was taking a break from my textbook.
If I were to make a website with a database, where do I start? I know html/css/js, so the front end would be easy, and I know enough php to get around. I am also willing to learn SQL. Where do I start?
Host a database and store and call data using php.
Ok. Do I use one of those MS Database builder things, or do I write a database from scratch?
>write a database from scratch?

Just use something like MariaDB.
can you give me some examples. The name of a filter or something. Im not even sure what exactly Im looking for.
Are you 12?
Works fine for me, I don't see any unbound variable. It could be interpreting some weird character. The only thing on that last line that could be a problem would be the lack of space after num)
If your site is going to store very basic/few things, making your own simple database might be a better idea.

Duh yourself, little nigger.
Every time I post this 4chan removes that exact space, but it's there in my text editor. It seems to be interpreting '+ in a weird way (hence the bizarre |â| symbol in the error message), but only when append is called. Glad to be sure I've at least written something correct.
What is the default way windows deals with programs trying to write data to the drive when there is no space left, assuming it is not handled by the program?
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Try reading SICP
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