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File: 71.jpg (171 KB, 1067x800) Image search: [Google]
171 KB, 1067x800
How can the Small white case even compete?
Post your BBC
Mine is a Phanteks case with good airflow
File: Animu.jpg (2 MB, 4516x2540) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 4516x2540
My BBC is a Corsair 750D Airflow edition.

It has some white inside though
>can't see inside due to weabooshit
File: Updated guts 4-29.jpg (4 MB, 5047x2839) Image search: [Google]
Updated guts 4-29.jpg
4 MB, 5047x2839
You can from other angles, but if you really want a good look at the interior i'd just take the sidepanel off.

It's not like 90% of the people I invite to my house would even know what the parts inside are.
but they would know youre an autistic weaboo candyass if they saw that side window
That's not a secret to anyone I would invite over...
I have a phanteks enthoo pro m. Is my black case big enoug guys?
Fuck OFF
Still doesn't change the fact that you're a degenerate. Poor PC is probably running windows too yuck!
This is my BWC.
There are bigger ones but mine does the job.
The speccy is in the corner of my previous post, so yea... W10.
Enthoo Evolv Atx (BLACK). It's average size
why would you have that case in white? black is so sleek an sexy
only black people are bad everything else in black is tip top
No white case can even compete
Thread replies: 14
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