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Have an iPod 5th Gen, what do I do with it? >inb4 break it
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Have an iPod 5th Gen, what do I do with it?
>inb4 break it
keep it as a backup
Use it, what else would you do beside breaking it
the back up thing


Use that one hack to turn it into an iphone 6.
Return the phone Jamal
I have one too. Not enough space for my music library, so I use it for podcasts, and for the odd iOS game every now and then. I got it for free so I can't complain.
>iPod 5th Gen
>not classic

sell for applel money, it has no other purpose
Buy a decent Clock Radio speaker and use it as an Alarm Clock. A friend sold me his ancient iPod Touch for $20 bucks and I still use it as a clock. It's perfect
>decent Clock Radio speaker
Any recs? >>51595419 here and it's not a bad idea.
sell it and put it towards an iphone 6s
that's what i did with my 64gb ipod touch and galaxy s3, now i have a 128gb jailbroken 6s and couldn't be happier
>now i eat shit from my hands and couldn't be happier
>64gb ipod touch
i've been eating shit from my hands for 5 years, nothing new
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