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/bts/ Battlestation thread
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 102
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Post em
Rate em
Hate em
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Shit Station
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My memestation

Not too bad, would look better if you had actual books desu

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Nice keyboard
Nice room
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>tfw building 60% from old apple extended keyboard but it's an ISO

Everything is a horrible whirlwind of suffering.
My "no life" station
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Forgot trip
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why does your pok3r look so yellow?
Battle Station Thread...so it should be /bst/
not this thread, my darling
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Fancy; what speakers are those?
And does your tv move up or do you just move your monitor out of the way?
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How is everyone
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lelz from the squat.
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>inb4 gaymer laptop
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1st time please be gentle
jesus even your chair is ricer shit
are you technigger?
Monitor Audio Silver RX6
>just move your monitor out of the way?
This. Not ideal but work.
Most likely more comfortable than yours though I'd bet ;)
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rape my armpit.jpg
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good evening /g/

i like it
clean your fucking bong dude
looks nice as usual
hate the kb tho
kinda cramped
coming along nicely
looks cozy like anon said but i cant see shit
the fuck are those wallpapers they look terrible
looks good but too much light for me
normie tier
good meme
make it pinker
sort ya desk out
nice room
cant see much of the station
looks somewhat cramped tho
Loving the Gameboy Color.
but the crack resin makes it taste better.
so when are you gonna turn your life around?
>they look terrible
I detect an acute case of shit taste
What tv is that. i want one
and i detect even more autism than me
and that's saying something
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Poorfag coming through
>tfw Ontrac has delayed my case delivery twice
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I do not have anything to say about any other station posted.
i like your style.
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My usual set up. Maybe I'll take a new shot when I get home.
Simple, but I like it.

I really dig the Philips tv, what model is that?
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>Catpost edition

Your desk looks awful, but the rest is okay.

You're right.


Really bad lighting/10

Clean as fuck, nice.

Turn on some light, don't kill your eyes.


Ricer mouse/10

How do you sleep at night with those spooky scary skeletons on your desk ?

Your chair seems to be lost, it belongs in a car.

Most disgusting battlestation I've seen desu

You should probably remove that shelf from your desk.

6/10 it's ok

4/10 lighting
0/10 cats are for faggots
What amps are those?
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The amplifier underneath the distortion meter to the left is a Yamaha RX-V590RDS. The one in the top right corner is a Luxman L-120A The fancy thing under the monitor is just an equaliser and spectrum analyser.
Woah this is gorgeous
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gaymen keyboard came with monitors
still >>51422048
and what speakers do you use?
>0/10 cats are for faggots
Shit taste further confirmed
>he actually likes cats
dog masterrace
i bet you are a kek too
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Just a pair of Philips 541 motional feedback speakers.
If I'm not wrong you used to have a pair of JVC speakers, don't you?
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JBL, right.

Nice stuff you have here. I just love the mechanism of the EQ, I would never thought is was capable to open like that.
>motional feedback
what make it different?
Did you ever change those tweeters in the philips?
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May as well post.

Looking for a new mouse, but none with a flawless sensor look like they'd be comfy for me.

Gonna replace my TV with a slim bezel 40-45" one when I find one for a decent price.

Waiting for the next generation of Nvidia GPUs to come out, will upgrade when they do.

Once I've got my new GPU I'll look at getting two 27" 4k monitors.
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30hz cal 1k at -3db.png
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Thank you. The SEA-M9 is a Rarity. I just wish that the VFD could be turned off, because I hate wearing it out.

It means that the woofer is a part of the feedback circuit; and the feedback circuit is what enables an amplifier to have a flat frequency response from DC to many megahertz. It isn't perfect, but it does enable this tiny, tiny, TINY speaker to perform down to 30 Hz at acceptable distortion.

No, I found out that the "odd one" was actually the proper replacement for the "right one", and that the frequency response of both speakers is identical within acceptable limits.
>The SEA-M9 is a Rarity
I can see that. I searched on almost every site I know and I didn't find anything.
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sup senpai
What's all the stuff on your left monitor? Just curious.
Please trade your spacebar with me.
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laser kitten
on an unrelated note, is it normal for a 3 month old kitten to play with his tail?
>using Htop to make your self look like 1337 hacker.

oh god my balls, im laughing too hard.
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It's my desktop. created it with open box. Here's a better shot...
Um I use htop, to monitor my process load, in the original way it was intended
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>How do you sleep at night with those spooky scary skeletons on your desk ?
I am equally spooky. And they are nice.
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I switched a bunch of things (minor stuff) any suggestions?
What size is your bed?
>samurai sword
top kek
It's actually called a KATANA you baka gaijin
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How are those AOC monitors holding up? Was interested in getting a couple to triple vesa- mount.
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Looks good m8 get a bigger pic tho
It is indeed
Seriously raise your fucking TV
Stay comfy
Can't fucking see anything
Get some decorations and it's literally perfect, love the lamp and floors, 9.8/10
But I do believe :^)
Nice audio equipment
DUDE Weed LMAO get it? Dude weeeeeeeed
Pretty plain, nice cameras tho
Very nice anon I like it all minus that mouse mat
Qt keyboard what switches?
Just cause your poor doesn't mean you need to live like a pig
That being said I'm jelly of the audio equipment
Cozy cozy desu
Nice kitty
Spend money on a decent keyboard, get a new desk
God I fucking hate ducky keyboards, everything else is good
How are your eyes not burning with that pape? Nice chair
Get better wall decorations
Spin your pen for me
Fill size
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And what do you suggest anon, I fancy my Kramer portrait and fallout map. I got these to hangup, but that's about it
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If you like them that's fine, keep them but just make it look like you didn't just hang random shit on your wall in random places, get a theme going or something or organize it
What Dell models do you have there?
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There, you happy now?
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I was thinking of putting them right here in order just so it doesn't look so bare
u2515h and u2414h
nothin in this video indicates your the same person besides maybe the model of that spinny pen, how do know its you desu
do you man
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Simple but works
There, filmed at the desk. You happy now?
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Shit taste bro.
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Very nice, although i must say im not a fan of the german rap but thats just my opinion senpai, are you german?
you talkin bout my mouse mat? yeah i know its pretty shit
Haven't had any problems with them so far.

But these don't have VESA mounts.
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Nope, about steam gamepad
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>communists are always the losers
Where is your battle station comrade?
Or are you too poor to afford one? ))
God teir
Get lost you commie scum.

my rooms a mess , not show worthy tbhfasdf
what's wrong with it? I love it
I am German and I respect your opinion, kouhai.
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Updated version should come tomorrow, i need to change the light-bulb.
Comfy as fuck my friend
Upboat : DDDD DD
>Qt keyboard what switches?
good good
Dirty fucking commie, read this:

Communism only works on a very small scale, it's not meant to be used globally, nor countrywide. Once it grows too large, there is no cohesion, no union.
Humans are a pack animal, yes, but we have ALWAYS formed tribes bound by culture. We are also territorial by nature (more specifically, males).

Everybody is required to work, or the system crumbles. You have no other choice than to work because otherwise, anyone (reads, everyone) could choose not to and still reap the benefits of living in a communist nation, where the populace is entitled to just about everything (essential goods).

Why do people work? Necessity (food) or for the benefit of the community.

Benefit of the community requires you to: (1.) like the community, be close to the community.
Would only work in small communities (high cohesion). Large communities get rid of point 1., due to the impossibility that is to relate to a large number of people, and strangers, especially due to how multicultural most countries have become (culture clash; high population number; tribal nature).

Necessity is a moot point, because in communism essential goods are covered by default.

Thus, in order for communism to work: work CANNOT be mandatory

In which case, society crumbles, unless
Work is not *required*, meaning that AI have already replaced most jobs, rendering work obsolete.
Then we are left with a distribution problem: high achievers are left with nothing to strive for other than scientific progress—most humans are materialistic by default—so how does one go about imposing limits?
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Middle monitor is new so haven't sorted new background. Pls ignore pleb lager I have an essay to write.
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Also the lights on these monitors drive me mad at night whenever the computer switches off hence the tape.
What monitor friend?
It's a kitchen counter, it wont bend. Idk how many times I need to explain that.
>jiji mug.
This mother fucker just won it all.
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aye aye cockheads
Emmi master race coming in? God, they are delicious.
I loved that episode
usually buy the illy ones but they had that for £1
Never heard of Illy, I doubt we even have those in Germany. You should try all Emmi flavors, they're all excellent.
Where is your battlestation comrade?
you should have heard of illy as it's a fairly famous italian coffee maker.
unfortunately the local tesco only has the cappuccino ones.
you have the windows i used to have
standard issue uPVC from the local council.
i5-4670k, 8gb 1600mhz 8-8-8-24 RAM, gigabyte 280x, random coolermaster case, 250gb mx200 ssd, 1tb hdd, 800w seasonic psu.

Now fuck off, commie.
they replaced that shit with slightly newer ones here
it was annoying and awkward when i was trying to look at furry porn and they were right behind me installing the windows and looking at me like im some kinda faggot
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fuck man.
>Single monitor
Dell U2414H.
still russia/10
The bezel looks hot. How is the 8ms response time for gaming?
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>just because you're a poor doesn't mean you need to live like a pig
You know what you're right, here it is cleaned up
дoгaдaтьcя ты мoг здecь тoлькo пo бaтapeям oбoгpeвaтeльным. Знaчит caм зaшквapeн. Tы тoжe pyccкий
Works fine, i went from a shit 10 year old TN screen to this and i really see no problem with fluidity or ghosting while playing Fallout 4 or War Thunder.

Quite frankly it's perfect, and my only complain it gets noticeably dirty quite often.
Would be perfect if I could get it in 22 inch desu. Not enough space on my desk for 3 of them.
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>being able to shitpost from 40,000 feet
technology sure is amazing
how much you paying for internet access rn
Company negotiates a rate. I think for flights over 3 hours it's a flat $10.25. Nothing out of pocket since it goes to the company.

(Have Citrix to my company open as well so I can do some real work.)
Probably 0$ because he is smart enough to use DNS tunneling (like everyone else on /g/)
Not worth the risk when the service provider could potentially detect it and my company is paying anyways.
You could get the smaller u2314h.

I would have bought the smaller one if i knew i was staying in this apt for long. But i'm searching for a new place now.
Fair enough, I assumed you were just traveling.
The bezels look way bigger on that one unfortunately, which was the main reason I was looking at it. Trying to get three side by side on a wall mount so trying to limit bezels.
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Wifi pricing has gotten insane on most airlines. I was on DFW->LGA two weeks ago and the price for 3 hours of wifi was $30.

I fly wayyyyy to much though. If I were flying casually I would probably look up one of the many methods to screw with GoGo.
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Accidental reply.
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Nothing too special.
You seem like you're a functioning member of society / 10
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battlestation Nov 2015.jpg
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Manage dem cables boi
What is a good extension cord to use for all my electrical needs?
which model is which? more to the point, are they both vertical capable? because theres like a $150 difference between them
Making a change for the better anon, if you take pride in yourself and the things you own/do it doesn't matter if your poor, best way to start doing that is to keep clean
Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
landcape monitor is U2515H which is a 2560x1440p IPS panel, the portrait monitor is a U2414H which is a 1920x1080 IPS panel, any monitor is vertically capable, it boils down tot he stand or mount that makes them have the ability to be put in portrait mode; apply yourself
any color disparity between them? colors hold up?
4chan + cs go ...good
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Cut your disgusting nails.
>not knowing its the same person that posts pics of his hands with long finger nails, thinking it fools people into think hes a girl.

Any anon have pic of what I am talking about?
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Please tell me where you got those NGE figs and what brand/model they are, Onii-chan.
I was about to ask the same thing
>> MAGI 2

2015 and not using glorious NVIDIA MAGI 3
The big Unit 01 is RAH Neo, the rest are just revoltechs.

Poorfag reporting in, I almost got enough saved up for a gaymen laptop though (predator 17, with 980m, €2299), and my room is being renovated so I'm not even able to sit at my desk, which looked prerty nice tb.h
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Shit, forgot pic
So sterile it makes me hurt. Do you not own anything besides your computer & peripherals? Throw up some posters/pictures or literally anything
I remember selling those.
Moving parts means EM interference, just so ya know....
9/10 docked off a point for meme chair
I must have one of these. Where'd you get it? A quick search of Google and eBay turned up no searches.
> what is cable management
Don't give me the audiophile "but cable bends cause interference!" argument.

There are so many easy and attractive ways to hide cables that have absolutely no downside, especially compared to the speaker placement, listening position and room acoustics. It looks like you're testing the equipment to see if it works... attractive room otherwise, slight clutter aside.
I just don't give a fuck, it makes sense with the computer because it keeps them clear from your feet so you don't accidentally yank something, but I'm not stomping around behind my audio equipment for several hours a day so who cares?
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sans cumstains.jpg
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literally nothing changed.
considering how you painstakingly organized everything else, I imagine you do, in fact, give a fuck... as you should.
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Have you EVER seen these posted on /g/?
If I did I would have trimmed it nearly a year ago when I first put everything together. I organize when when it potentially gets in my way, nothing against the wall under the TV is going to get in my way.
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Let the hate flow through you.
post your music
ice jj fish
>young gawd right there
Still learning a year later bud, sorry
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trip pls
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Not too shabby
Also your background is gr8
wallpaper plz
>eating/drinking on your desk
>leaving trash on your desk
>unironically having animeme wallpapers on your desktop
>filthy fucking trash can empty that
>poor cable management
>jank ass desk
>is that individually packaged toast?
>seriously what the fuck

2/fucking 10
yeah I know, it's fucking horrific
only faggots put mid towers on their desk. what the fuck is wrong with you cunts
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1st time, be gentle pls

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I shall post it again
What kind of lighting are you using? I bought that NXZT LED kit that you stick on the edges inside the case but that shat out after a month, so then I bought 2 lightbars, but they shat out after 3 months. Both of them. I really like lighting my case with white like that, but I can't seem to find a reliable lighting method.

where are you it looks great
If your desk isn't puny garbage, it's much better to place it on your desk unless you have a method of lifting it off the floor, which in that case I sure hope you have some good filters on your intakes, especially on your underside PSU fan. If you don't you are guaranteed to suck up a shit-ton of dust no matter how clean your room is.

you have shit taste in airlines anon

but that 1k, nice
God bless that CRT, but for real though are there any functional advantages it has over our modern screen tech?
They are cheap strips from eBay, I just used superglue to stick it, they're been there for like 5 months. The one in the desk is the same cheap ones with USB port.

>actually posts what his bst looks like
>gets rated 2/10 because its too realistic

you other faggots need to remove that dildo from your ass. All of you don't keep your bst that fucking clean all the fucking time.
Highest refresh rate
Lowest latency
Low persistence with zero latency penalty
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cable ties.png
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To be fair he should at least do something about the wirey mess underneath, cable management shit is pretty affordable too. I barely spent $10 usd on my shit.

At minimum colour matching cable ties and a bit of patience. wow, less than $1.00 usd
Holy shit 100 of them for 38 cents? Jesus fuck thats cheap.
res on that crt?
I don't know how you live your life but I don't leave food on my desk or let my trashcan overflow. That's fucking disgusting.
The overflowing trash can is pretty disgusting, but at least it doesn't look like something out of an ikea catalog desu
besides the obvious, I only have water bottle my netbook, usb hub, xbox 360 controller (dark souls) on my desk. Sometimes I think that is too disorganized, but at times I use my netbook daily.
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It looks like he has a bag of them on the right side of his desk.
Actually I think those are cotton swabs, can't accurately tell that though. Also looks like 3M wall strips.

did you put a pc in that ps2? if so pics and specs?
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It's actually bag of cotton swabs
fuck monoprice needs to come the UK.
I just got my EvoDesk and absolutely loving it. I've always been one of those guys who hate cubicals and would tell people "I just don't think I can sit that long in front of a computer". Every job I've ever had involved standing or being up right. Absolutely so fucking worth it.

Now I've gotta wire manage to fuck and back though.
WMO + That MM Rank

true bro
save your bad pasta
i trip so people can filter me when i homosexually shitpost
yea i am
ha faggit.
mmmm say it again~
fuck bruv you better not be getting turnt
putting my panties on right now.
you asked for this.
BEATS triggered
i currently own a set of Z506 and id like to move unto two speaker setup since the two side speakera for surround sound never work. I also like my bass so recommend a sub woofer also

>gundam wing penis
>everything expensive as fuck
>speakers 20$

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nice kittycat

buy a new monitor tho
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I found some green zipties to use for gardening a few weeks ago. No cables are visible behind my desk ever since. Feels gud.
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What the fuck is going on in there?
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Recently put the detolfs on a stand. have not taken a picture yet.
Throw away these ancient TVs and get the flat one, damn
whats that black spikey stuff on the wall?

sound sound proof or sound related something im guessing?
you obviously don't play older games. Any older console looks like shit and has lag on newer flat screens.
Soviet obsession much, I approve тoвapищ
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Yeah except I never implied anywhere I was a girl you fucking nigger
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we /vr/ now
where my PVNs
mine, mix of old, new, and poorfag
Finally ordered my new keyboard!
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The mighty Kishta, dual screen edition.
>he fell for the fallout 4 meme
That chest or whatever it is that you're using as a stand for the monitor...

How old is that? Where'd you get it?
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>All that audio equipment
>windows media player
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Making the best of what I have.
Nice meme browser
how's that 4:3 aspect ratio treating you?
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 102

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