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>tfw UK plug mustard race Is the rest of the world even trying?
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uk plug.jpg
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>tfw UK plug mustard race

Is the rest of the world even trying?
French plugs ftw

American plugs are pure shit
If you twist them even a little, this shit bends
Too wasteful, both in terms of resources and space.

Plus, half a lethal current is more than likely still fuckin' lethal.
why? also how have I never managed to fuck up a plug? If you're actually manage to fuck up an electrical plug, you're clearly retarded and shouldn't be playing around electrical sockets in the first place.
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The Euro plug is the best, and there really is nothing you can say to refute that.
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I think the italian one is pretty cute
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>be italian
>need an adapter for every single country on earth
>can't buy electro stuff from other countries unless I buy an adapter with it
Why the fuck do europeans go on and on and on about how good their plugs are
I've seen videos and websites and everything of them
Why the hell are you so god damn transfixed on your plugs
lol this anime is eating pasta haha
Because we know it upsets Americans.

It's called trolling and it's fun.
Fact: Your power plug is UTTER SHIT if you can't plug it in upside down as well.
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Because Americans get upset over anything.
>can't plug it in any way you want
British plugs are definitely the best.
>German plugs
>held strongly by clamping into the socket
>American plugs
>frail pieces of shit that literally just sit in the socket and can be ripped out at any time
>tfw 3rd world country with no official plug of its own
Every house is full of adapters and you can tell where from the device was imported based on its plug.

They're a bitch if you accidentally stand on one barefoot.


Are you one of those kids who got angry because he couldn't get the square peg in the round hole?
they're not allowed to own anything fun so they make do with what they have
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what the fuck I thought I was on /v/ for like half an hour but i've been on /g/

not sure what's worse, me being retarded or the fact that I didn't notice /g/ wasn't /v/ for half an hour
/g/ has essentially been a non-video games version of /v/ for a few months now
>they're not allowed to own anything fun
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Also no slimmed down version for equipment that doesn't need ground.
>non video games version of /v/
A square triangle.
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>that slightly bent pin
My two beefs with EU plugs.

>no fuse
Seriously, if a device draws too much current, I want only that device to power off, not everything in the vicinity.

>not standard practice to have a switch on each socket
I hate having to hear a spark every single time I plug something in, especially if I'm trying to force something into a slightly malformed/warped socket.
It's supposed to be like that.
Stops it from dropping out.
Mio negro
It's standard for them to be bent slightly inwards if it's just the 2-pin plug, because you don't have all the other mechanisms to keep the plug secure as fuck in the socket.
Makes it hold in the socket better.
More like cheeseburger without cheese
The cheese is what makes /v/ what it is. /v/ideogames. The burger bun, patty, ketchup and mustard, and possibly onions are just things like shitposting, having ebin m'mays, being social rejects ect
>I want only that device to power off, not everything in the vicinity.

Then how do you know it's short circuiting and not just broken?
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>house is old as fuck
>have a really strange plug type, looks kinda like this

does anybody know about the history of electric plugs in the US?
By inspecting the fuse.
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ayy lmao
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that's really odd, could you take an actual picture of it?

I think it might be an old phone jack.

Are they all throughout the house or is it just one?
which retard country used this?
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>not wanting ghost mask sockets
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Denmark wins the qtest plug award
Why not just buy an adapter for every socket you have and keep them there?
Hurt like hell if you stand on them by accident though
I'd still have to plug them off a lot as everything you buy here has italian plugs
Buy adapters for your native products
How hard would it be for a country to change sockets?
Not as hard as people think, I think.

Just let the two sockets exist side by side for a decade or two.
Use adapters when necessary, you only need two kinds.

Once all the old sockets are replaced convert any appliances that still have the old plug type.
>not preserving the distinction between active and neutral
>trading safety for convienience
What would you do with a plugged in appliance that involves the wiring?
Why change sockets when Schuko is perfect?
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I hope senpai uses me to power his computer!
Oh man why didn't I think of that before gonna test it out right now!
NZ, Australia, China (upside down), various countries across the pacific.
I got one of these with my PSU. It fits my country's socket, but it doesn't have the ground pin. How the fuck do you ground this shit?
why should any country change their sockets? what problem does it solve?
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What has my life become?!
who are these semen demons?
What? It's about safe design for appliances. The switch and the fuse should be on the active line so the appliance doesn't have voltage in it when the switch is off or the fuse is blown. If the user of the appliance can switch active and neutral arbitrarily, depending on which way the plug is in, that goes to shit. That's why they make polarized plugs.
"S-senpai. Please stick your hard metal rods into my eye sockets and mouth."

yeah, the UK one is god tier then you've got the american plug at the very bottom of the list
the ground male pin is on the outlet, not on the plug.
>China (upside down)
I recently learnt about this. Is this why some bullshit products have upside down wall warts?
How do you put in the fuse?
we have technology, we have circuit breaker on the electric panel
>year 2014
>using fuses in your house
sorry, I live in the 21st century and have a circuit breaker like a normal person.
>not using circuit breakers AND fuses
fair enough
>Why change sockets when Schuko is perfect?

I meant for countries that don't have Schuko yet.
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Why don't we all just use these, or at least some amalgamation of the ~240 volt countries' sockets? I'm sure the designers of the component plugs had decent safety standards. If it's legal to sell travel adapters, why isn't it legal to put the same thing straight into your wall?

I'd be interested to hear if you have any of these.
I-in Chile we use the Italian plug.
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That's weird. Well, after about 2 and a half years, when a power surge messed some shit in my MoBo that required a CMOS reset, I figured out I should have probably used a local grounded plug.
So over 2 and a half years my computer's finally gonna be introduced to the ground.
These are shit they have no fuse and stupid little clips on that break to easily.
>press light switch
>hear 'ping'
>whole house is dark

thank you ring mains
The only right answer. No way to electrocute yourself.
Because when something spends some much time shoved up your ass you eventually form an emotional bond. That or the whole god damn continent is filled with autistic fucks.
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Any plug that has ground is master race. Anyone who disagrees or who is so fucking pathetic to argue otherwise, should just kill themselves. Because you clearly have no ability to contribute to society in any meaningful way.

>need to bend pins to keep it securely plugged in

Looks like an EU power outlet.

We use that in Argentina.
Europlugfag here.
I have some devices with US plugs (and adapters), they just feel... bad. Of course if they ever bend I can bend them back, but still. Like butt plugs, the bigger electrical plugs feel so good.
Sure, but French or Schuko?
Modern Europlugs are compatible with both, but the sockets still differ. I actually have a Schuko plug on an old amp that cannot be used with a French socket.
Rate your countries power sockets!

Has in socket fusing - add 1
Has per-socket switching by standard - add 1
Maintains polarisation - add 1
Socket is only used for one voltage in your country - add 1
Socket is only used for one frequency in your country - add 1
Socket provides 220-240V - add 1
Is used somewhere in the anglosphere - add 1
Each socket is required to have earth - add 1
Plugs have shutters - add 1
Earthing is uncommon in your country - remove 1
Plugs are easily damaged - remove 1
Used in less than three 'large' countries - remove 1
Plugs connect electrically while pins can still be touched - remove 1

Example score for Australia:
>Has per-socket switching by standard - add 1
>Maintains polarisation - add 1
>Socket is only used for one voltage in your country - add 1
>Socket is only used for one frequency in your country - add 1
>Socket provides 220-240V - add 1
>Is used somewhere in the anglosphere - add 1
>Each socket is required to have earth - add 1
>Plugs are easily damaged - remove 1
6 points.
>Has in socket fusing - add 1
Meant plug.
>Socket is only used for one voltage in your country - add 1
>Is used somewhere in the anglosphere - add 1
>Earthing is uncommon in your country - remove 1
>Plugs are easily damaged - remove 1
>Used in less than three 'large' countries - remove 1
>Plugs connect electrically while pins can still be touched - remove 1

Japan -2
I disagree because it usually requires a recessed receptacle which is a space waster.
AFAIK Japanese plugs are identical to North American plugs except 99% of the time they're ungrounded.
>ensures kids can't touch electrical contacts while live
>"space waster"
I'd really want to rate the Israeli plug, but I have no idea what most of those characteristics even mean. In all seriousness, nobody cares about these things.
It's a firm grounded plug that doesn't bend or break, isn't fuse-infused or anything. 220v to 230v. I never thought I'd say it, but it just werks.
When I was a kid in Canada a few times I shocked myself with exposed plug contacts. It sucked and gave me a slightly painful tingling sensation but it didn't kill me. But having lived about half my life in placed with recessed vs. non plugs I'd say the convenience of the latter is more important to me: power bars in particular end up huge with german/korean style fully recessed and grounded plugs.
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british fap material.jpg
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3phase 400V industrial plug is the best
You just bend them back.
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>implying that plugs shouldn't be easy to pull out

It's common knowledge that it's ideal to unplug unused appliances, and that we use our sockets largely to charge mobile devices. Why would I want a plug that I use for an hour or so then pull when I leave the room to clamp in?
>half of a lethal current is still lethal
>lethal current divided by infinity is still lethal
>everyone in this thread is dead because of homeopathic electricity.
>stupid little clips
wtf, there are no clips m8

easier to electrocute something with that than it is with dem europlugs

>it didn't kill me so it won't kill any other kids
Are you going to charge your RV with that nigga? I mean what the fuck are we plugging in.
>crack it open
>desolder wire
>solder a new wire with ur plug on it

Do you know how much fun during sex it is to have a foreskin? the main difference between america and europe is that the european can pretty much get everything the american has but the american will never get the most pleasureable part of his penis back even if he makes fucking billions a year.
Much better to have a switch then.
But that's the Irish plug OP (we put the insulation sleeves on live and neutral pins) standardised as I.S. 401
>implying this matters in most cases
>implying american plugs don't have the option to have a larger pin to force the orientation
>Socket is only used for one voltage in your country - add 1
>Socket is only used for one frequency in your country - add 1
>Is used somewhere in the anglosphere - add 1
>Each socket is required to have earth - add 1
>Plugs have shutters - add 1
>Plugs are easily damaged - remove 1
>Plugs connect electrically while pins can still be touched - remove 1
+3 for Murrica
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Thread images: 22

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