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File: terminal.png (20 KB, 256x256) Image search: [Google]
20 KB, 256x256
Share with us your little scripts which help you improve your live

an alias is fine too

I'll start with three simple ones:

screenshot script:

#take a fullscreen screenshot
#requires: imagemagic
#optionally: optipng

DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S`

SCREENS=`xrandr | grep Screen -c`
#the number of connected Monitors


mkdir -p $PLACE/jpg

while [ $COUNT -lt $SCREENS ]
#take screenshots for every monitor, put em in /tmp
#stitch em together and delete the temporary file
import -window root -display :0.$COUNT -screen /tmp/$COUNT.png
convert +append /tmp/$COUNT.png $PLACE/$DATE.png
rm /tmp/$COUNT.png

optipng $PLACE/$DATE.png
convert -quality 95 $PLACE/$DATE.png $PLACE/jpg/$DATE.jpg

window shot:

#take a screenshot from the currently active window

#requires imagemagick
#optionally uses optipng and xdotool

DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S`

mkdir -p $PLACE/jpg

import -window "$(xdotool getwindowfocus -f)" $PLACE/$DATE.png
optipng $PLACE/$DATE.png
convert -quality 95 $PLACE/$DATE.png $PLACE/jpg/$DATE.jpg

suspend the computer and lock the screen with a randomly selected picture:

#Where the Lockscreen pictures are

RNDFILE=`ls $lockfolder | sort -R | tail -1`

systemctl suspend
Made this one today. Toggles the screen and mouse on and off off so tiny mouse movements wont turn the screen on again.

state="$(xinput --list-props 9 | grep "Device Enabled")"
state="${state: -1}"

if [ "$state" == "1" ]
xinput --disable 9
xset dpms force off
xinput --enable 9
>the only OS where you script features to mimic other oses
>The only OS where you can script features
that's not true

OS X comes with the BSD userland tools and a proper shell
i alias a lot of long commands in my zshrc

alias msync='rsync -avHPe "ssh -pNNNN" --exclude imgs --exclude irclogs /media/ root@destination:/media/'

alias ampup='rsync -avHPe "ssh -pNNNN" ~/Music/ user@destination:/home/user/public_html/ampache/catalog/'
.zshrc aliases
alias em='emacsclient -t'
alias ls='ls --color'
alias dir="dir --color=auto"
alias dmesg='dmesg --color'
alias diff='colordiff'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias mkdir='mkdir -p -v'
alias ping='ping -c 5'
alias chown='chown --preserve-root'
alias chmod='chmod --preserve-root'
alias chgrp='chgrp --preserve-root'
alias rm=' timeout 3 rm -Iv --one-file-system'
alias clear=' echo -ne "\033c"'
alias cls='clear'
>>42131694 again

i also have some that aren't long but make life easier when aliased

alias tc='tty-clock -sxcbt'
alias c='clear'
alias mailsrv='ssh -pNNNN [email protected]'
alias websrv='ssh -pNNNN [email protected]'
alias ll='ls -lah --color=always'
ssh -f $1 -L $2:localhost:$2 -N

I suck at remembering flags.


if [ "$1" = "" ]

cd "$DIR"

echo -e "\e[7mCalculating replay gain values...\e[0m"
metaflac --add-replay-gain *.flac
alias alias='alias'
my newest unholy abomination (and proof that oh god, I am not good with this):

script that gives you the output of top for one or more running applications without having to know its pid


if [ $# == 0 ]
echo `basename $0` 'needs at least 1 (one) argument'
exit 1

top -bn 1 | head -n 7 | tail -n 1

top -p `ps -C $PROGRAMNAME -o pid | tail -n 1` -b -n 1 | tail -n 1

web'uhm related, it's the script in action

and no, I am not happy with that head|tail piping, it's merly a draft right now
For this kind of use case, inefficient piping is acceptable.
File: abc.webm (1 MB, 650x376) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 650x376
I keep this script in /bin just incase something messes with my monitors, usually games ran with WINE
xrandr -s 0
xrandr --output DFP10 --auto
xrandr --output DFP10 --right-of DFP11
still, I would prefer to just grab the line I want..
using grep would probably be even less efficient than using head and tail, or?
Encrypted backup
tar czf /tmp/backup.tar.gz $@
aespipe -P /home/user/.backup_key </tmp/backup.tar.gz >/tmp/backup.tar.gz.aes
scp -P 22 /tmp/backup.tar.gz.aes backup_user@myhost:/home/backup_user/backup.tar.gz.aes
I really need to learn about this (new-ish to linux here).

I had a load of .mkv files I wanted to run through ffmpeg just to change them to .mp4, how would one script this? I ended up doing it one by one and felt like a fool.

Any good learning resources y'all can point me to?
grep does more precise string matching. Depending on the implementation, this might be more or less efficient than just splitting by line ends, like head and tail do. Either way, if you call this script less frequently than every second, you'll be fine.

@echo off
echo 1) C:\1\images\waifu
echo 2) C:\1\images\pone
echo 3) C:\1\programs\tor
Set /P _option=Enter:
if "%_option%" == "1" (start C:\1\images\waifu)
if "%_option%" == "2" (start C:\1\images\pone)
if "%_option%" == "3" (cd "C:\1\programs\tor" & start tor.bat)
Learn Bash. It's a simple script langage. You could have done something like:
for i in $(ls DIRECTORY | grep .mkv)
your_command( $i )
This script checks a SATA-HDD for activity and in case of idleness will park it. It is very useful for servers. You can execute it on a regular basis via cron.
Needs sdparm installed

let a=0
for i in `seq 0 100`
let a=`cat /proc/diskstats | grep $DISKNAME | mawk '{ print $(NF-2) }'`+a
sleep 0.1s
if [ $a == 0 ]
sdparm -C stop /dev/$DISKNAME
exit 0
here, have some aliases
alias df='df -h'                                    #human readable disk usage
alias du='du -h' #human readable folder usage
alias mkdir='mkdir -pv' #create subdirs, be verbose
alias ping='ping -c 5' #stop pinging
alias grep='grep --color=auto' #muh colors

#colors, human readable, trailing slashes etc
alias ls='ls --color=auto -hF --group-directories-first'

alias grephist='history | grep' #grep in the history file

alias pinstall='sudo zypper install'
alias psearch='zypper search'
alias premove='sudo zypper remove'
alias pupdate='sudo zypper patch && sudo zypper up'
alias pfullup='sudo zypper dup'

alias sudi='sudo -i'
And if you're clueless you can use Automator to make your own scripts as well.
anyone know of a good bash / shell script tutorial?

or would it be smarter to immediately learn a "proper" scripting language like perl or python?
I am newish to Linux too
and I need to learn shell scripting too

i think you could have used wild cards in combination with a converter
You should check out awk, you could script your entire thing in that while being efficient
Not a script, but jq is a really useful for mangling JSON data on the command line.
The Linux Command Line, great book and available for free on the interwebz
thanks mate
you could just do for file in *.mkv
ty based anon, I use this everyday
# Some shell functions

unpack () {
if [ -f "$1" ] ; then
case "$1" in
*.tar.bz2) tar xvjf "$1" ;;
*.tar.gz) tar xvzf "$1" ;;
*.bz2) bunzip2 "$1" ;;
*.rar) rar x "$1" ;;
*.gz) gunzip "$1" ;;
*.tar) tar xvf "$1" ;;
*.tbz2) tar xvjf "$1" ;;
*.tgz) tar xvzf "$1" ;;
*.zip) unzip "$1" ;;
*.Z) uncompress "$1" ;;
*.7z) 7z x "$1" ;;
*) echo "don't know how to extract "$1"..." ;;
echo ""$1" is not a valid file!"

stfu() {
("$@" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null &)

# Toggle vpn on/off
vpn() {
if ((systemctl status openvpn.service) | grep --quiet inactive)
echo "starting. . . .\n"
sudo systemctl start openvpn.service
echo "stopping. . . .\n"
sudo systemctl stop openvpn.service
systemctl status openvpn.service

# Filter to get specific column of output
function awks {
first="awk '{print "
eval $cmd

since there seems to be no tool to extract the lines x to y from a file, I made one myself
enjoy this first, terrible draft

if [ $# != 3 ]
echo "Usage: " `basename $0` " <startline> <endline> <filename>"
echo "Or: " `basename $0` " <startline> -<range> <filename>"
exit 1


# negative starting line is nonsense, set to 1
if [ $STARTLINE -lt 0 ]
#echo "negative startline detected, assuming line 1 for startline"

# if the endline is 0, assume the user wants only the specified (start) line
if [ $ENDLINE -eq 0 ]
tail -n+$STARTLINE $FILENAME | head -n 1
exit 0

# negative endline means we're dealing with a range here
if [ $ENDLINE -lt 0 ]
exit 0

# probably malformed input
# startline => endline, user probably meant to specify a range
echo "endline is equal to / lower than startline, assuming range"
echo ""
exit 0

#regular case
#number is the amount of lines we wish to extract

apt-get install shutter
File: 2014-05-27_02:38:48.png (5 KB, 484x292) Image search: [Google]
5 KB, 484x292
>40 packages
>28.3 MB
>for a screenshitter
I am become bloat, destroyer of GNU/Linux
arch linux only

alias yolo="sudo pacman -Syu"
Stay ignorant, fucktard.
It has a lot of features that I find useful.
Are you on a chromebook c720, or something?
this is quite easily ported to other distros:
alias yolo="sudo rm -rf `ls /etc | sort -R | tail -13
>no tool to extract the lines x to y from a file
head -n 40 file | tail -n 10
a handy file upload script so you dont have to use imgur or pomf, and you dont need some weird server or script

>well you need a webserver, but whatever

echo "Enter the location of your file, or drag it to the terminal"
read fileloc
echo "Uploading your file..."
scp "$fileloc" user@your-ip:/path/to/symlink
echo "Done! your file has been uploaded."
filename=$(basename "$fileloc")
echo "You're file can be found at [ www.yoursite.com/up/$filename ]"

i've got it setup with a symlinked directory in the user root called up that symlinks to /usr/share/nginx/html/up/

im sure you can do it a different way, but this is super hand and decently secure (i hope).
well, not as a single command, that's why I slapped that script together, to save me the hassle of having to pipe all that stuff together whenever I need to get lines 29 to 51 of whatever
Stop being buttmad
You can do it in one command with sed
sed -n 10,30p file

I give this a short name to make math on the command line easier.

echo "$@" | bc
>you are file
oh gosh, thanks for pointing that out
you put it in, its not like its ment to be supes srs, i just use it to throw le maymay pictures on my server to then post in IRC or whatever.
>you put it in, its not like its ment to be supes srs, i just use it to throw le maymay pictures on my server to then post in IRC or whatever.
nigga error handling is the biggest reason to use helper scripts, so you can read up once on the various ways your program can fuck up and make a wrapper that suits your usage. it's easy.
alias ..='cd ../'
alias ...='cd ../../'
alias ....='cd ../../../'
alias .....='cd ../../../../'

alias histgrep="history | grep -v 'history' | grep -E"

grab () { sudo chown $USER:$USER $1 }

mkcd () { mkdir $1; cd $1 }

cdl () { cd $1; ls }
>i'm so funny guys laugh at me pls
why not alias it?
I go pretty light on the aliases.
alias eggsit="exit"
alias fag="sudo aptitude"
alias faggot="sudo aptitude install"
alias faggotry="sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade"
alias whatisthis="hostname"
... don't use aptitude. it is not really maintained well anymore.
Is there a fork or something I should be using?
no, just use apt-get.
but muh dependency management
lmao apt-get has dependency management and is much less likely to break your system.
alias xgrep='xargs grep --color=always --line-number'

for "find . | xgrep filename"

I'm sure you could do something with "tree" or "grep", but I don't know it.

find . -print0 | xargs -0 grep $@
aptitude has never broken my system
there's nothing to explain. use apt-get.
But with apt-get I have to do sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade whereas with aptitude i just have to do sudo aptitude full-upgrade.
so? it is a better tool.
You've failed to explain to me why it's better.
I've also done a cursory internet search, and everyone seems to agree with me.
i have already explained. scroll up. also nice confirmation bias.
> using backticks instead of $()
I've literally not seen a single person who disagrees with me. Stop assuming things.

You haven't explained everything, the closest you've come is saying that it's not being maintained. I can't find any evidence of that, so if it's true, please cite your source.
Not sure how to do this in bash. Sorry.
[anon@nsa ~]$ cat /usr/bin/isup
import urllib2,sys

isup = 'http://isup.me/'
isup = isup+sys.argv[1]

src = urllib2.urlopen(isup).read()
if 'not just' in src.lower():
print sys.argv[1]+' is down.'
print sys.argv[1]+' is up.'
print 'Error connecting to isup.me.'
> using old test operator
> not quoting variables
> not using ${} for variable substitution
This is useless in the world of CDN's. Example: 4chan and half of the Internet is down for me because Cloudflare's servers in Warsaw are kill but this site reports that everything is fine because it uses a totally different one.
i'm not going to bother. if you want to continue using aptitude, i can't stop you.
Because you're a retard.
I'll continue using my superior tool.
just use netcat and grep.
Because you're a retard.
I'll continue using my superior tool.

(see, anybody can do that)
You're not giving much choice here, with your retarded argument, with zero evidence and incredibly flimsy supporting points.
I just don't want to waste my time arguing about package managers anymore. Do your own research, and if you feel like you're using the right thing, then use it.
Yet you continue to shitpost incessantly, suggesting that rather than not wanting to argue, you are incapable of supporting your argument, but also incapable of admitting that you're wrong because of your crippling autism.
Is it really that satisfying to your fragile psyche to insult strangers on the internet?
It's honestly more satisfying in real life, but putting idiots in their place on the internet is fine too.
Just reflect on that for a while.
File: 1400474826302.webm (3 MB, 1366x768) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1366x768
This is a webm script that creates a webm of the time in between two screenshots.

Unfortunately the screenshots have to have filenames formatted a certain way: videofilename.mkv<time>
You can use put
in your mpv .config

The working directory has to contain the video.

But essentially this allows me to create webms incredibly quickly just by taking 2 screenshots in mpv and dragging them to the terminal. I also have a version that adds subtitles.

The first three lines are the only important parameters: output filename, bitrate, and scale (height)





#try location later




ffmpeg -itsoffset $start -ss $start -i "$input" -ss $start -to $end -vf scale=-1:$scale -b:v "$bitra"M -crf 4 -an -sn -bufsize 99M -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 16 -quality good -cpu-used 0 -threads 0 -pass 1 -metadata title="$metat" -y -f webm /dev/null && \
ffmpeg -itsoffset $start -ss $start -i "$input" -ss $start -to $end -vf scale=-1:$scale -b:v "$bitra"M -crf 4 -an -sn -bufsize 99M -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 16 -quality good -cpu-used 0 -threads 0 -pass 2 -metadata title="$metat" -y "$out__.webm" && rm ffmpeg2pass-0.log
mpv --loop=inf "$out__.webm"
windows, the only os where you cant do anything with a fresh install. Enjoy jour notepad, mspaint telnet, bing and ie integration.
Waiting for your server to come up back after a reboot?


decho() { echo `date +%x-%X`: $@ ; }

if [[ $@ == "" ]]; then
echo "You didn't specify a host, so I'm pinging"

while sleep 1; do
if ping -qc1 -W1 $ip 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then
decho "Host is back!"
if which beep 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then ( beep -f 1000 -l 100 -r 5 & ); fi
if which notify-send 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then (notify-send "Host is back" & ); fi
if which aplay 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then (yes ddd|aplay -q 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null) & ( sleep 1 ; killall aplay ); fi
exit 0
decho "Nothing yet..."


How'd I do?

God I miss that show.
I made something similar. It re-encodes a video into equal 3MB seperate webms.



duration=$(expr `mediainfo --Inform="General;%Duration%" "$1"` / 1000)

until (($sec >= $duration))
ffmpeg -ss $sec -i "$1" -an -sn -threads $threads -c:v libvpx -crf $crf -b:v $bitrate -fs 3M $j.webm
sec=$(expr $(expr `mediainfo --Inform="General;%Duration%" $j.webm` / 1000) + $sec)
Grepping HTML is always a bad idea, tomorrow 4chan changes something in its code and you have to rewrite it.

Just use the JSON API.
File: 1400474751798.webm (181 KB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
181 KB, 960x540
I-I'm sure we'll get a season 2 as soon as there's enough source material. And maybe someone will pick up translations!
This allows you to automatically get updates for manga releases from mangupdates.com, something very daunting or hard otherwise, at least without being locked into some crappy website. There's no proper RSS feeds for this or anything.

Just add links to the manga you want in manga_array, and run it with cron at least once a day. If it finds an update it will leave an executable file in your home folder which launches firefox on the page for the manga.

mkdir -p $HOME/.baka_updates
cd $HOME/.baka_updates
update_file=$HOME/New\ Manga

"https://www.mangaupdates.com/releases.html?search=38312&stype=series" # Amanchu
"http://www.mangaupdates.com/releases.html?search=62896&stype=series" # Chimoguri Ringo
"http://www.mangaupdates.com/releases.html?search=43241&stype=series" # I am a Hero
"https://www.mangaupdates.com/releases.html?search=94116&stype=series" # Koe no Katachi
"http://www.mangaupdates.com/releases.html?search=106871&stype=series" # Kotonoba Drive
"http://www.mangaupdates.com/releases.html?search=48607&stype=series" # Ryuushika
"http://www.mangaupdates.com/releases.html?search=40342&stype=series" # Tonnura-san
"http://www.mangaupdates.com/releases.html?search=68820&stype=series" # Watamote
"http://www.mangaupdates.com/releases.html?search=5&stype=series" # Yotsuba

today=`date +%D`
yesterday=`date -d "yesterday" +%D`

update() {
echo $link $1 >> mangadb
echo firefox \"$link\" >> "$update_file"
chmod +x "$update_file"
echo Found update.

for link in ${manga_array[@]}
wget -q $link -O temp
if grep -q $today temp ; then
if ! grep -q "$link $today" mangadb ; then
update $today
elif grep -q $yesterday temp ; then
if ! grep -q "$link $yesterday" mangadb ; then
update $yesterday
rm temp

Now that is brilliant.
I've been tweaking it all the time, it's more like for personal use I just shared it with someone who was in charge for archiving a quest more than a year ago. And I don't know how to deal with JSON in Shell to male it work on Android as well (remember that this is for personal use mainly). Still no WebM support in the 4chanX injected which I haven't bothered with yet because I used some minimizer and I don't have the original anymore.
And I still need to find a way to preserve deleted posts.
Dirty ass hack to download all images from many imageboards/archives, and all images on danbooru of a certain tag.

It just takes the link to the thread as an argument. e.g.
qget >>42139217

I use this function in my shellrc to get rid of the names of some images I post on 4chan:

erasefilename() {
local base="$(basename "$1")"
local name="${base%%.*}"
local rand="$RANDOM$RANDOM"
echo "$name -> $rand"
rename "$name" "$rand" "$1"
>line 44
> [e]
What's the point?
Yeah I know I didn't do it for the other sites.

Rarely some people upload images with a ".jpeg" extension and many sites accept it as is. Another thing is with the capital ".JPG" and ".PNG" extensions.

I basically made this so if I ever wanted to I could very quickly add any site I wanted to a one-in-all script to download images from any site, and that's pretty much what I did. A rampage of grepping regex on html for a bunch of sites.

It works though I mean, I can quickly download all images from threads or whatever on any of those sites, and it's very modular so you can just add in any site you want later on.

Of course it's dirty as fuck, a lot of the regex isn't even uniform and it's all mis-matched, it could be easily cleaned up though.
I mean that regex is wrong:
root@jflte:/storage/extSdCard/wps/save # echo jpg | egrep 'jp[e]g'
root@jflte:/storage/extSdCard/wps/save #

you should use e? instead of [e]
Since I'm a filthy pleb that doesn't sort his chinese cartoons, I use this a lot.
function play() {
if [ -z ${1} ] ; then
echo "play: Invalid number of parameters."

for ARG in $@
FILES=$(echo "$FILES" | grep -i "$ARG")

if [ -z "$FILES" ]; then
echo "play: Terms \"$@\" not found."

while read -u 3 FILE; do
if [[ "$ANS" != "a" ]]; then

while [[ "$ANS" == "" ]]; do
read -n 1 -p "Play $FILE [y/n/a/q]? " ANS && echo ""

if [[ $ANS == "y" || $ANS == "a" ]]; then
echo "Playing $FILE"
mplayer -fs "$FILE"
elif [ $ANS == "q" ]; then
done 3<<<"$FILES"
unset FILES
unset FILE
unset ANS

I was going to add operands but I never got around to it.
Usage: play chaika 08
>alias histgrep="history | grep -v 'history' | grep -E"
Noy him, but how would you alias that pipe, when you need to put some argument after the pipe.
You're right.

Not sure what I was thinking, could have sworn I read a guide telling me to do something like that and it worked somehow.
for f in *.wav; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -ab 320k "${f%.wav}.mp3"; done

Change the file extensions as needed.
Someone here pointed this one out:
mkdir -p T43p

mapper="-map 0 -c copy" #default: "-map 0 -c copy"

test $rescale == no
if (($? == 0))
for a in *.mkv
ffmpeg -i "$a" $mapper -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -tune animation -preset veryfast T43p/"$a"
for a in *.mkv
ffmpeg -i "$a" $mapper -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -tune animation -preset veryfast -vf scale=$res T43p/"$a"
That's mine actually.

mkdir -p T43p



if test $rescale == no
for a in *.mkv
ffmpeg -i "$a" -map 0 -c copy -c:v libx264 -crf $crf -preset $preset -tune animation "T43p/$a"
for a in *.mkv
ffmpeg -i "$a" -map 0 -c copy -c:v libx264 -crf $crf -preset $preset -tune animation -vf scale=$res "T43p/$a" &
let count+=1
[[ $((count%4)) -eq 0 ]] && wait

This is to actually re-encode all the video in a directory. I only use it to re-encode 10bit and/or 1080p video to 8bit and/or 720p to run on my slower computer.

He just wants to change the container? Easy.

for vid in *.mkv ; do
ffmpeg -i "$vid" -c copy "${vid%.mkv}.mp4"
So make an alias. WELCOME TO THE THREAD.
File: leet.jpg (95 KB, 1770x655) Image search: [Google]
95 KB, 1770x655
or just use scrot and scrot -s
How is that "yolo", you're just updating packages. Try this: alias yolo='yaourt -Sfyyua --devel --noconfirm --insecure --force --really-force -vv --debug --color always --skipchecksums'
One of my most helpful.
# run tsocks with temporary conf file
# socksify host port program [arguments]
shift 2
cat > "$tempfile" << EOD
server = $host
server_port = $port
TSOCKS_CONF_FILE="$tempfile" tsocks "$@"
rm "$tempfile"
You should check out "man ssh_config".
> > not using ${} for variable substitution
It's only useful when you have alphanumeric characters directly after your variable.
Fucken saved, bro.
I'm using alertbox for firefox. Pretty sure it's working with mangas.
I fucking knew that common sense is optional in perl.
It did for me.
In fact in 2 months aptitude caused me more problems than pacman in the last 3 years.
>remove something
>suddenly aptitude wants to remove linux, glibc
>can completely lose track of the system if you use dpkg, ending up suggesting fixes where you have to remove packages you don't even have installed

It's basically one of the examples when an application tries to be smarter than you and utterly fails at it.
Wow, that's simple.
I ended up patching Blender to export webms to achieve the same.
I used to have a ton of aliases that unfortunately got lost after a hard disk failure.

the one's I have now are fairly obvious:
alias ll='ls -laF'
alias yinst='yaourt -S'
alias inst='sudo pacman -S'
alias upd='sudo pacman -Syu'
alias svim='sudo vim'
alias uinst='sudo pacman -Rs'
alias part='df -h'
alias pingg='ping www.google.com'

I also have one for restarting wifi, since it keeps fucking up sometimes.

alias rwifi='sudo rmmod iwldvm iwlwifi && sleep 1s && sudo modprobe iwldvm iwlwifi'

if [[ $2 == "-f" && -d $3 ]]; then

if [[ n -le 0 ]]; then
echo invalid number
IFS=$'\n' files=( $(ls -t /home/zeta/Downloads/*(.om[0,$n])) )
print -C 1 $files

echo "Copy - c" "Move -m"
read op

ops=(m c)
if [[ ${ops[(r)$op]} != $op ]]; then
echo invalid option
echo exiting.

echo "destination: $dest"
for file in $files
if [[ $op == "c" ]]; then
cp $file .
echo "copied $file"
elif [[ $op == "m" ]]; then
mv $file .
echo "moved $file"

Use to list the n most recently added files from the Download folder. You get the choice to move/copy the n files to your current directory. I use this one all the time. However, it's not bash-compatible without some of it extensions.

function cde () {
dirs=$(emacsclient --eval '(with-current-buffer (window-buffer (selected-window)) (personal-current-dir))')
echo $dirs
cd "$dirs"

Used to change dir to the current working directory of the active emacs frame. It only works if you use the emacs deamon, though.
resets dpms every 50 seconds so the screen doesn't suspend.


while true; do
sleep 50s
xset -dpms
xset dpms
Why not just use yaourt for everything?
>hard disk failure
just upload your scripts and configs to github
or dropbox, if your scripts are proprietary and for the eyes of the NSA only
why should I? yaourt is just an extra layer on top of pacman.

I use it explictly for aur packages, nothing more.

yeah I'm backing up everything now on a regular basis.
Because updating on Arch is always living on the edge.
>--noconfirm --insecure --force --really-force
why not just "xset -dpms" once?
I used to do that but I'd always forgot to turn it back on after watching a movie.
Now that is pretty neat.
>using clear
Press Ctrl+L, dummy
# usage: nodpms mpv ...
function nodpms (){
xset -dpms
xset +dpms
why not &> /dev/null ?
> ssh to root account
I always forget and type clear. I just can't change this habit.
Everything that's great about 4chan right here.
Because this is /g/, and we are fools.
why would you do that?
>why should I?
because it wraps everything pacman does, you could alias pacman to yaourt and it'd just be pacman with color and aur support
>I ended up patching Blender to export webms
Holy shit what

Also, do you know that mpv has nice commands for that? You don’t need to abuse screenshots, you can just use the run command and pass it some properties, like "${path}" "${=time-pos}" "${=sid}" "${sub-visibility}" etc.
Google image search

#!/usr/bin/env python

import json
import sys
import urllib
import urllib2

GOOGLE_IMAGE_SEARCH = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/images'

def search(term, n=5):
query = urllib.urlencode({
'v': '1.0',
'q': term,
'safe': 'off'})
url = '%s?%s' % (GOOGLE_IMAGE_SEARCH, query)
response = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
if response['responseData']:
return [
for result in response['responseData']['results'][:n]]

if __name__ == '__main__':
term = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])
results = search(term)
if results:
print '\n'.join(results)
print 'No results found.'
blurred screenshot as lockscreen

convert x:root -blur 0x8 /tmp/lockscreen.blur.png
i3lock -i /tmp/lockscreen.blur.png
Quick cmdline search of urban dictionary

#!/usr/bin/env python

import json
import sys
import urllib
import urllib2

def search(term):
query = urllib.urlencode({
'page': '1',
'term': term})
fh = urllib2.urlopen('http://api.urbandictionary.com/v0/define?%s' % query)
data = json.loads(fh.read())
if len(data['list']):
return data['list'][0]['definition']
return 'No result found'

if __name__ == '__main__':
term = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])
print search(term)
you can save some lines by using
tar xf
tar will know what to use itself
>>I ended up patching Blender to export webms
Piss easy, about 10 lines, blender already using ffmpeg, all you need to add is webm output (container is choosen by using file extension), and the VP8/9 codec.
Didn't send it in yet as VP9 rendering crashes if you cancel it before the first frame is completed and I don't know why is that.
could not just use urllib2?
sudo apt-get autoremove
Fix for if you don't want to see your mouses battery in the power manager.

function unifying(){
sudo cp /lib/udev/rules.d/95-upower-csr.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/95-upower-csr.rules
sudo sed 's/, ENV{UPOWER_BATTERY_TYPE}=\"unifying\"//g' -i /etc/udev/rules.d/95-upower-csr.rules


And fix for if you use an AR9462 chipset and wifi keeps shitting out.

kernelver=$(uname -r | cut -d- -f1)

function wififix(){
if [ $(echo "$kernelver >= 3.12" | bc -l) ];
echo "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1 blink=1 btcoex_enable=1 bt_ant_diversity=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf
echo "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1 blink=1 btcoex_enable=1 enable_diversity=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf

Easily install nvidia drivers in debian

apt-get install module-assistant nvidia-kernel-common &&
m-a auto-install nvidia-kernel${VERSION}-source &&
apt-get install nvidia-glx${VERSION} &&
cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf << EOF
Section "Module"
Load "glx"

Section "Device"
Identifier "Video Card"
Driver "nvidia"
git clone "http://github.com/$1/$2.git"

script username reponame
wot, thanks mate, wasn't aware that existed

so, this'd be the "new and improved" version of topthis

if [ $# == 0 ]
echo `basename $0` 'needs at least 1 (one) argument'
exit 1

#get the PIDs of the Programs via pgrep

#use sed to replace the spaces with commas, so top can read this
PIDS=`echo $PIDS | sed 's/ /,/g'`

#output sans the first 7 lines (top's header / summary)
top -p $PIDS -bn1 | tail -n+7

echo ""
I like this. An adjustment I made though darkens the image slightly and decreases the blur, which I prefer.
convert x:root -brightness-contrast -50x0 -blur 0x4 /tmp/lockscreen.blur.png

Takes a bit longer though.
What package do i have to install to get the convert command?
glad to help
pgrep and pkill with zsh shell is absolute perfection (tabcompleting names of processes)
also look at pgrep arguments, you can easily filter all the different threads of some process, or only show processes of some user etc...
all mine are short and simple, like xset -dpms; xset s off becomes 'nosleep' and my cgminer startup script becomes dogemine or litemine etc.

I guess I could makes ones with arguments for shit like making webms. one day
Anybody know of a script to browse the Arch wiki?
I really like these threads 339
That's neat, scriptbro.
What would the output be like/ I'm on my phone , cant check

It prints the direct image URLs

Note if you have python3 also you have to state python2 at the top.
You do realize that as an OS, linux has more functionality than windows, right?
A little script I wrote that whispers remaining battery percent every minute. Depends on espeak and grep.
while true
acpi | grep -o -e Battery -e , -e ..% | espeak -ven-us+whisper -s 130 -a 10 -p 1 --stdin
sleep 60

Reminds me of Lain. I find it very enjoyable.
That sounds creepy as fuck.
sed -n "42,50p"

If you don't have acpi installed

cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity

Or if the battery name is different

cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT*/capacity
I've seen some wget scripts (the best one I saw was just a wget command with a million flags) floating around for archiving entire 4chan threads. Anyone have one?
What do you mean by "archiving entire 4chan threads"?

Downloading a 4chan thread is piss easy

wget -p -m --accept-regex="4cdn.org" >>42131516
Anyone wanna write me a script to make a swastika out of swastikas, or link one as I'm sure one exists? :^)
>The source of the page, the images, and the thumbnails linking everything together locally.

better use '?' then
Put -k to convert links to local
Put -P .\directory to have it in one directory

Really this is elementary stuff
Thanks, and me and your mother are real proud of you for knowing stuff.
Gee wiz bro, if you didn't want help why did you ask?
USS Enterprise mode:
play -n -c1 synth whitenoise lowpass -1 120 lowpass -1 120 lowpass -1 120 gain +14

requires the SoX framework, which is pretty much standard on pretty much all distro but we do have some extreme minimalists in here too.
how do i do this on windows?

downloaded sox.exe but doesn't work
it's probably play.exe or something, I don't know. I don't use windows.
seems to be a seperate executable, so yea, you'd need a "play.exe"
$ head $(which play) | file -
/dev/stdin: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
>head $(which play)

Why the head...

file $(which play)
/usr/bin/play: symbolic link to `sox'

So through your unnecessary code you managed to ignore that play is a symlink to sox.
>"You do realize...."

That's like the reddit trademark catchphrase. Go back to reddit you fucking cocksucker.
If you are on a deb based distro I recommend apt-file for these kind of questions in the future.
I would make a backup for xorg.conf before overwriting
Ok I lol'ed
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