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They can't even fucking SPELL subtlety, can they?
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They can't even fucking SPELL subtlety, can they?
The fuck are you on about?
gay thread

Have you tried, not, being a mutant?
>They can't even fucking SPELL subtlety, can they?

In fairness, it's kind of a hard word.

The trouble with subtlety is that people are, by and large, thick. They'll just miss it, so you've got to hit them over the head to make a point.
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Not gay at all right?

There's an alternate cut of that scene where Charles uses his powers to screw around with Angel's mind and makes her see Erik in a dress
Remember in X2 when Bobby came out? That scene is even more hilarious now
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yeah i know
I don't believe you for even a second, but I accept it as fact because I want it to be true.

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Bobby, you're a mutant

...I know Jean.
>Have you tried........not being a mutant?
Fuck that bitch

Totally gay. In fact, they've only gotten more and more gay as the franchise has continued, all attempts at No Homoing Xavier with Moira McTaggart to the contrary.
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Truly they were an X-Men: Days of Future Past

I havent had a lot of experience with this Jean, but when she shows up in Civil War II and causally announces to the crowded room that She Hulk is thinking something weird I couldnt help but think
>Bendis STILL hasnt stopped doing that with her?


This is the set of movies that need the gay push. It's not even subtext at this point.
Well I was talking about Bobby's mom but yeah thats weird too
Someone has to have drawn movie Beast spraypainting his mouth silver, yes?

Why are the teen X-Men even in the present day? Why didn't anyone stop him?
This Mortal Kombat X had a subtle take on a gay character and developers still had to overtly reveal his sexuality because people can't read between the lines
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I still think it's ridiculous that the fighting game with the deepest story also happens to be the same one where family members can brutally murder one another for no reason
they really should have been sent back after that fucking event.
>Have you tried...not being black?
Well yes thats obviously what the x-men used to be, but they're gay now.

Our childrens x-men will be stand ins for clones or cyborgs or someshit.
For actual mutants

Our children won't have X-Men though.

They won't even really know who Wolverine is.
>Our childrens x-men will be stand ins for clones or cyborgs or someshit.
>i like wolverine because i too am a wolverine-kin
>i like colossus because on all levels except physical, i am a metal
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>not knowing who Laura is
and i bet you've never heard of miles morales.
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Our children won't have X-Men because I doubt I'll have children, though.

What girl in their right mind would want a skinnyfat guy that just plays video games and reads comics when not working
probably a skinnyfat girl who also plays video games and reads comics when not working would
>They won't even really know who Wolverine is.

Those lucky bastards.
how popular is colossus in scandinavia anyway?
Is surprisingly acceptable to a lot of women
If you have an good job, it doesn't matter what you do on the side.

You mean a character who isn't being promoted or pushed outside of comics?

Wolverine is no where near the popular draw he was 10 years ago. Marvel's doing a damn good job burying the X-Men.
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>When I was seventeen I met a young man named Erik Lehnsherr. Believing that humanity would never accept us, he... he grew angry and vengeful. He became Magneto.

What did Professor X mean by this?
>he doesnt know x-23 is replacing huge jackedman in the movies

Not good enough. Claremont's still kicking.
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They did this shit with Bobby in Xmen 2
>we went to many doctors and churches
There used to be a time when being a mutant was an allegory being a teenager in the mist of prejudice in adolescence and ethnic/religious discrimination. But now it's an allegory for being a closet faggot.
except this is actually valid. the 'do whatever feels good' thing is bullshit enough already, but have they even tried letting nature take its course and see if you can be straight? or maybe (gasp) that your urges are random and mean nothing?
and this is valid too. nobody wants to hear that shit, and if the cliche bully gets in trouble for bringing it up, nobody's gonna get on your case. they wont be able to. he'll get smacked down for insinuating it and you can get on with your life
Oh wow. [Marginalized group] in fiction is used as a stand in for [marginalized group] in real life!

Same shit, different day.
Michal Jackson tried not being Black
>being a mutant was an allegory for ethnic/religious discrimination
>now it's an allegory for an incredibly similar type of discrimination
I like how they just copy and paste the shit on the right. Holy fuck, fuck western comics.
Like the source material?
I never made that connection until you pointed it out
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