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/wwe/ General #1743 - Whole Damn Board Edition
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You are currently reading a thread in /asp/ - Alternative Sports & Wrestling

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 45
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>mfw literally no other threads matter on /asp/ but us
I miss the time when RVD's best days seemed ahead of him
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First for BIG GOLD
>Implying Heath Slater General doesnt matter.
then he got busted for pot and pills with sabu at the border.
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>mfw they come to our threads to whine about us as if we care
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Who's ready for the one true GOAT to win the Rumble?
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he literally had to dumb it down for all the rednecks out there, he came from a highly educated university after all.
...that was the implication, yes

What was the last quality match RVD had?

vs. Neville?
Is Total Divas scripted?
It's an E! reality show about WWE

The only way it could be faker is if Nikki & Eva Marie got even more plastic surgery
yes, they do some stuff specially for total divas, other is just stuff they film, and sometimes they re-enact funny stories.
Its scripted like how the attitude era and ra used to be scripted. Thats why its so good.
Total Divas is good?
>buries 29 other superstars
>puts over Roman
Its literally the best programming wwe has put out for years.

No way dude, everything that happens on there is real. The camera guys have to be really slick about it.
> Swerved
> Breaking Ground

> literally fucking anything

Never watched it.
What's it's suppsoed to be? the name sounds awful.
Who even fucking are you? Please go away
> /wwe/ shitter

I can understand why a good wrestling product is strange and frightening to you

Do you let your boyfriend paint your toenails for you?
> Total Divas

gb 2 Tumblr
>Kevin Owens crashes WWE NXT Milwaukee, rekindling his feud with Sami Zayn
>mfw KO vs Zayn for the IC title at WM doesn't happen
>3 squash matches and only the main event is watchable
>good wrestling

So. This explains why Dolph is being buried.

Also I like how the music changes when Cena tilts his head.
Better than 3+ hours of unwatchable garbage innit?
this is /asp/ for you. they don't want the product to do well.
How long are they going to milk this shit? These two faggots are only relevant when they are feuding with each other.
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When will they stop with this unicorn shit?

I'm completely okay with their positivity mantra provided it isn't filthy with weeaboo faggotry
That match doesn't need to be for the IC Title

Owens doesn't need that albatross at all
>cucked /asp/ies having to post in our thread because literally noone posted on this board before us

would drive the smarks at wrestlemania crazy for sure.
>implying I watch Monday Nyquil
you're right, NXT is fucking great.
>2016 people still filming like this
> product that gives the fans what they want and sells out thousands of seats in minutes purely off the strength of the brand

How terrible.

Obviously Vince's strategy of making Reigns look really, really strong while getting RECORD LOW RATINGS is better
but you will watch Total Divas right? my sides
can someone make a webm of when john moves his head?
or gif

Who has two thumbs and gold on each shoulder?
Why, it's as if they're heels or something!
fuck dude, I only come here for pro wrestlin and even I want to kick /wwe/ ass.
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>Roman reign push is off the chart
>RR is focused on him
>sheamus is weak as fuck now because of roman

end this
Who said I watch that shit? I never watch any of WWE's reality show shit.
So...literally EVERYBODY in the WrestleMania crowd?

Yeah he's being buried because of a scripted total divas angle.

You got it there chump.
Wow fuck Dolp for trying to cuck CENA
Where as Raw is 30 minutes of interrupted matches that happened last week and will happen again on Smackdown, 30 minutes of promos that go nowhere, an hour and a half of adverts, recaps and shilling, and half an hour of predictable 6+ tag team main event, with 0 minutes of actual storylines.

It's actually so rare that we get any sort of real character or story development on Raw that when we do, it instantly becomes an above average episode.
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>Implying I'm an aspie
>Implying I haven't made fun of you before even while we were on /sp/ for liveblogging total divas alone in the thread
me too desu

I miss /sp/

/wwe/ was GOAT around the rumble last year, the shitposting was something to behold

>tfw you will never watch BMJ revive his career and capture the hearts of the hundreds of posters
>tfw sweden still makes threads on /sp/
Sheamus has a weirdly fluctuating power level

He jobbed clean to Ziggler in his first big match this year, but he also got to kick out of the MemeKO and beat Orton clean

And then Reigns kicked out of 2 Brogue Kicks
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>yfw they pull a fast one on us and let Shaemus win the RR
except me and the sponsors.
>Yeah he's being buried because of a scripted total divas angle.
He lost against the social outcasts.
k cool, don't replying to me again

Not cause of a scripted reality show on E!

He got paid to be part of that, and that happened while he was still "dating" Lana.
> implying you're going to Mania
> implying sponsors

Owens merch has been flying off the shelves ya mook.

It's 2016. This whole "only guys Vince likes draw" claim has been proven laughably false again and again.

Zayn/Owens is money. Catch up or be left behind.
I would shitposr you with mlp if it didn't get me a ban
>>sheamus is weak as fuck now because of roman
>While Owens looks strong as fuck because of Roman.

Poor fella in booking hell.
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When will this glorious beast make his NXT TV debut, anons?
Sure thing, faggot.
> implying you're going to Mania
i am, got my seats during the general sale.
>Owens merch has been flying off the shelves ya mook.
was, havent seen much lately.
>Zayn/Owens is money.
it was interesting in NXT , how it will be on the main roster no clue

>that like bar
>wwe will assume they're working everyone when it's just people hating bad writing
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Agreed. Literally begging Vince to debut him even if it's to be thrown out by the Big Dog. I liked when Rusev showed up at the Rumble 2 years ago.
>mad Dolph will end up as the next Great Khali
Cheer up. :)
How have they kept this guy a secret from Vince? He'd be WWEWHC by now otherwise.
I haven't heard a boo this long for so long.
>was, havent seen much lately.

He's a foreigner

Vince will be so conflicted
Why don't WWE bother to write storylines anymore? Every single feud is the same:
>heel interrupts face promo
>back and forth trash talking
>heel interrupts faces match for DQ finish
>face saves another face after heel beats on him after their match
>heel sits on commentary for face's match, beats on him after the match, face from last week makes the save
>face sits on commentary during heel's match, distraction finish
>cue the PPV
>new feuds begin the next night on Raw in the exact same way

There is never an ounce of emotion conveyed or rhyme or reason to the booking. Just to guys thrown together in the same formula to see how they wrestle. I miss when almost every single wrestler, from the top to the bottom of the card, was involved in a real angle with a real plot. Today it's entirely in-ring promos which go nowhere. The last real story I remember other than Reigns was Ziggler vs Rusev, which was months ago and was also complete dog shit which went nowhere.
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> Kalisto rocking Fénix colours

So you never watch Smackdown?

Brb tweeting him these pics ;)
Because the WWE is terrible and Vince is unfit to lead his company
> nobody in the crowd is visibly reaction


Look at his posture. He looks like a fucking boss in the ring.

>Vince is unfit to lead his company

And your neckbeard self is?
>Balor selling more than Roman
>Roman being this much of a B+ player
State of Roman as a whole desu.
> letz c u do better

holy shit 18+

When you are literally in a business where customers have a direct line to tell you what they want, and you openly spite them by telling them they should want something else instead, you shouldn't be in business.

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>there are Australians ITT right now
Guy clearly has natural aptitude + athleticism:


Gable vs Constantine soon pls
Why isn't he on the main line up yet
Lack of creativity

But that's wrong you retard. The man has made questionable decisions while running the company but he has stuck to a formula that works. The things you like about pro-wrestling are likely cause of things he thought of and implemented.

You being a retard and a critic doesn't mean you're fit for the job. And no WWE isn't about appeasing the vocal minority, which is what you are, you can whine all you want about Roman Reigns or John Cena but the people who actually buy his merch and go to the shows, those are the paying customers, not someone who whines all day about the booking, thinks about "work rate" and says NJPW is better.

You know nothing you dumb smark.
this was such a good match

too bad all it really did was get me hype for meme underground
>the people who actually buy his merch and go to the shows, those are the paying customers
But Vince ignores them. They try to tell the live audience how to behave and who to like. They deliberately push Cena merchandise, sometimes selling it almost exclusively, when other wrestlers begin to sell more.
Oh, wow. An anti-smark cucktrarian. How exciting.

You can make whatever pathetic appeals-to-authority you like, doesn't change the fact that Vince's "formula" has been shrinking his audience for 15 years straight.

>The things you like about pro-wrestling are likely cause of things he thought of and implemented.

But I'm not a /wwe/ babby

>This passionate commentary

Makes me want to watch Smackdown now but I just can't, it'd be great if this new guy was on RAW so I didn't have to hear Michael Cole say "OH WHAT A MANEUVER!" and not know what moves are.
>...that was the implication, yes
>admitted by both men

Yeah you're an idiot who watches outlaw wrestling and think it's the best thing ever watching people who weigh 100 lbs give each other tombstones.

> this petulant salt

This week's RAW was down over HALF A MILLION viewers from last year's equivalent

> V-Vince is a ge-genius, g-guys

The authority should literally delay the wrestlemania to get major heat for once also because they literally have no wm worthy card.

>I'm not a /wwe/ shitter
>Uses /wwe/ memes

Back to reddit you cuckold.
Apparently TNA signed Gabi from Tough Enough, lmao.
Judging by the state of your WWE shilling, seems like you'd be right at home on plebbit
Is she the Aussie slut?

>Posts in a thread he doesn't like
>Is a whiny manchild

Wootist detected
it's really sad that cena is dead
Any time you wanna post something that isn't complete shit go right ahead.

Or do you need Vince's permission first?

You first cuck boy.

>Hurr Vince sucks balls

Why don't you go start your own successful pro-wrestling empire full of people who wrestle in basketball shorts then you genius? You're yet to actually make any valid points.
I like the part where you're such a dumb McMahon cuck that you do something after I make fun of you for already doing it.

State of McMahonlets.

>full of people who wrestle in basketball shorts then you genius?

Owens is literally the top heel in WWE
that was GiGi
>>Hurr Vince sucks balls
>implying he doesn't
Post promos that always make you laugh:

>on balance, off balance

always kek
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>I am a #SocialOutcast


>Shane & Mr McMahon vs Shawn Michaels & God

>God gets his own entrance into the ring

What the fuck was WWF

How do you have to be so mentally insane to book this

>tater tots

>Stone Cold saying "What" 3 times has the crowd more pumped than anything anyone today could ever say.

>The current state of things
i'm interested in who's fault that is

JR recruited some of the biggest stars ever guys like Rock and Brock. Heyman is credited with recruiting Austin. Who recruited the Shield? Was tn DeMott? I feel like that sort of stuff isn't revealed until after talent personnel retire.
It's what happens when performers are given chances to succeed instead of set-ups to fail

The current WWE creative environment would've buried Austin.

Just consider the ramifications of how fucked up that is.
This makes me REALLY hungry

>1 beer
>2 beers
>3 beers
>A shot of whiskey
>A margarita
>A bloody marie

fuckin hell this is amazing
18+ mate
>Who recruited the Shield?

Rollins and Deanetty were recruited by William Regal.

This was during the WWF era you CENA years manchild

This was one of the best things I'd ever seen.
*Puts you in a crippler crossface*

Time for this move to kill another child
>I was just pretending to be retarded hehe


That tater tots bit would be hilarious coming from someone with personality and charisma. The Rock would make it magic.

Too bad Reigns is nothing like The Rock.
I believe that all 3 of them were Laurinaitis signings

> who's fault that is


It's ALWAYS Vince.

His insistence on doing things HIS way, rather than the way it was during his most successful era, is why the company's in the shits that it is today
Yes. Much better than Raw or Smackdown.
*locks it in*

No tapping out now
> the very likely possibility of this match being better than the Royal Rumble


State of WWE.

Not really no
>Getting off to female bloodsport

what's wrong with you ?
Go watch last year's Royal Rumble mang, it was the shits
CM Punk.

Brock vs. Cena vs. Rollins was MOTY so I didn't hate the entire PPV, too bad we're not getting anything close to that match this year.
Who will be the surprise entrants at the Rumble this year?


Vince will actually book this as a suprise

Triple H, Daniel Bryan, AJ Styles, Big Cass (w/Enzo and Carmella ringside) and maaaaaybe a diva.
Does anyone here play wrestling manager simulators or participate in E-Feds?
AJ Styles won't enter unless he's winning the title

nah dude, i fuck girls.
>The New Day are in the ring

Would you mark?
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>Finisher Name

>Ideal Push

>Entrance Music
Shawn didn't return until WWE you fucking lunatic. Proven 18- never come back.
paige is worst girl
What happened is you saw Vince in a match, saw Shane and saw Shawn and assumed Attitude era when any wrestling fan who is of age to visit this site would know Shawn was no sort of Christian during that time and that the production is way to good to be 1998 or earlier.
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quads confirm. ayy.

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>giving you dank ideas you could steal
you first and I'll think about it
The Outsider
Edgy underage
Canadian Driver off the top rope
>Finisher Name
The Cutting Edge
>Ideal Push
All the belts all the time
>Entrance Music
>Women fighting men

I'd puke


always cracks me up
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facts and claps.gif
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Johnny Legend

something between goofy heel Angle and winning streak Bo.
overly positive heel.

ankle lock

>Finisher Name
Leg end lock.

>Ideal Push
starts off as a Jobber who suddenly starts getting lucky wins, gets huge ego, goes back to jobbing and then into midcard comedy relief feuds.

>Entrance Music

>The Outsider
>Johnny Legend

These are real HOUSEHOLD names fellas.
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Emeritus Midnight
Gothic loner
Triple DDT
>Finisher Name
The Threefold Thought
>Ideal Push
Taking out the Wyatt family in guerilla warfare
>Entrance Music
Bring Me To Life by Evanescence
Nelson Creed
Misunderstood genius (heel)
The Great Slamsby
>Finisher Name
Cartwheel Sidewalk Slam
>Ideal Push
Leader of faction
>Entrance Music
Some classical music of some kind
Hey /asp/ I haven't read a wrestler's book since the Mick Foley one way back in the day.

Are there any you guys would suggest? I'm thinking about getting the Daniel Bryan book.
>Juan John Long
>Pimp gangsta homie
>Inverted chokeslam
>>Finisher Name
>Juan KO
>>Ideal Push
>>Entrance Music
Dynasty Jay Z Intro
one of the hollies wrote a good ass book.

>cartwheel sidewalk slam
that even a real move?
Okay, that's fair

[My name here]
Daredevil heel who does everything to win
>Finisher Name
Probably just use Vertebreaker
>Ideal Push
Decent title run then fucking with midcarders on their way up
>Entrance Music

desu I'm not a very creative person
>that even a real move?
I just made it up.
trash and go suck shane helms dick faggot
>Leg end lock.

The Outsiders were a tag team

Book it

>Cartwheel Sidewalk Slam
I want to see this

He's gonna have a long career
>Had to look up who that was
>It's fucking Hurricane
Don't even remember that being his move, just saw a gif one time of two asian female wrestlers do it and thought it looked good. What's wrong with it?
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based swampman.gif
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literally undoable.

>inverted chokeslam
like, holding from the neck?
its one of the most dangerous piledrivers, and literally everyone uses it.
one of the mexicans in TNA does it, Drake Younger uses it, Shane Helms invented it and every outlel wants to use it.
>literally undoable.
For you.

Nothing, it's a great move and Hurricane was based.
>Shane Helms invented it
No he didn't, you sports entertainment faggot.
how do you do a cartwheel while holding someone up for the sidewalk slam?

yea its a cool move IMO
This. Everyone knows Himusa Nakayaki invented it.
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eh, whatever.


you want a cool indie ass piledriver?
use the Omega driver.
less of a hassle to set up, its safer and looks pimp as fuck.
Here's an infographic showing how to do it.
There is no way this


Is safer than this

Saved for future reference when fags ask what a cartwheel sidewalk slam is
are you fuckin retarded? where are his thighs in the vertebreaker idiot?
so you neck youself and fall on your face?

>legs to support head
>absolutely no support for head
Are you fucking retarded? In the vertebreaker all the person taking the bump has to do is make sure they curl their spine enough to land on their shoulders. No way they're gonna compress their sprine
I just meant the Rumble match itself

Go to bed Vince you've got the times to be behind
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gringo killer.webm
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this is literally about as safe move to take as a ganso bomb.
Literally happened in the Royal Rumble at least 3 times already

youre a fucking idiot
Even if the Vertebreaker isn't safe the Omega Driver looks unsafe as fuck
How did you end up landing on the poor fucker like that?
daily reminder curtis axel beat triple h multiple times on raw, he is winning the rumble brother, the social outcasts are hot
This guy is careless, has he ever injured a guy doing it like this?
Crighton Mole
Michael Cole's biggest mark. Does everything to impress Michael Cole. Cuts promos about Cole's commentary on his previous match eg. if Cole criticizes him he says he'll do better then works it into the match (psychology). Hates the other commentators because they get to sit next to Cole.
Abdominal Stretch
>Finisher Name
Submission Maneuver
>Ideal Push
Cole gets fired by the Authority and Mole goes on a rampage.
>Entrance Music
Whatever Cole's entrance music is.
its pretty much an average piledriver with a cool setup.

i dont know.
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>Submission Maneuver
Can anyone recommend a good pair of headphones? Yes, I'm asking /wwe/.
Do you mean headset like with a mic or headphones just for listening purposes?
What kind of headphones? Headset w/mic? Or for purposes of listening?
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reigns headphones.jpg
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It's obvious.

Nah, just for listening to music/films etc.
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You know what to do pham.
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just get one of those 20$ earbud type things.

those are good.


Any SethGOD ones?


I'd imagine they're overpriced
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There's these pieces of shit.
thats a way better colour scheme.

Actually tempted lel. Are they good quality though?
You're goddamn right I would.
Can't fine these on the WWE website
Is there anything that Rollins can't do better than Reigns?
get vince wet?
Look strong
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Mandatory reminder that the RAW after Seth became WWE Champion was the highest-rated in years

Too busy actually being strong:

RAW after Mania usually has a high amount of people watching
it tends to be the best RAW in terms of crowd reactions, too
Don't forget that when he fucked his knee against Kane he still somehow lifted that fat fuck
>Owens vs Lesnar
when will this meme end?

Owens looks like a fat neckbeard when he stands next to guys like Orton and RR, it be hilarious sure but why would people want this?
Kane is not fat actually, he's quite jacked
He then went on to be a crap champion who spearheaded the record
low ratings
But it was highER than previous RAWafterManias

Which is the inverse of how ratings for RAW go on a year-to-year basis
Yeah maybe 19 years ago.
> blaming Seth for getting willfully booked like shit

Have you not watched him at all lately?
>When ratings are good while Seth is champ it's because Seth
>When ratings are bad while Seth is champ it's not because Seth

Not the guy you are arguing with but come on man
Let me explain this to you anon
>Seth gets good ratings first night as a champion because people are wondering what the reign will be and are hyped for it
>Seth gets shit ratings as time goes on because of the horrible booking and making him look weak and lose clean all the time
> WWE does potentially interesting thing
> people come back to check it out
> it's otherwise still the same bad program
> they return to not watching WWE

You follow me?
>Mandatory reminder that the RAW after Seth became WWE Champion was the highest-rated in years

That was cause of Brock, not that ratings killer.
Prove it.
You know what I'd like?
An older guy who just told it like it was and didn't pander to the current generation. I know why they do it – humility, give them confidence, good grace, respect – I'd just like an old guy to be completely legit.
Like if Sting said: "Yeah, Seth? He's a great wrestler and he does some really neat flippy stuff that wasn't popular in my day but he's not half the worker I am."

Prove what? WM 31 was WWE's highest grossing live event ever, the main event was Brock vs. Reigns. Brock lost his title in weird circumstances and then he opened the show and he said he was invoking his rematch clause against Rollins. People stayed tuned in cause they wanted to see what Brock would do but then they wrote him off the show for 3 months, and the next week RAW ratings started going down under Jasethy's reign and his 15 minute "STING I WANT MUH STATUE" monologues.

Is that enough logic for you?
So...you have no verifiable evidence.
Holy fuck that was a bad segment.
Seth's adlibbing is atrocious if that's anything to go by. I know his promos were clearly overly-scripted but there are a few flubs of his that make you think he needs a script because he flounders without strict guidance.
Sting isn't delusional tho

I just explained to you the exact logic, did it not make enough sense to you?

>That time he said, "YOURE GONNA TUCK YOUR LEGS BETWEEN YOUR LEGS" and then BMJ called him out on it.
Even at his peak Sting was never an elite worker and he'd be first to admit it

Meme elsewhere, people who actually watched him in his prime are talking
>my flippyshit favourite is a better worker than Sting at this stage

Literally 18+
> implying that "I'M GONNA KILL HIM ANYWAY" wasn't heel line of the fucking millennium
> Rollins
> flippyshit

Maybe compared to the lumbering oafs you see on RAW but he's pretty grounded all things considered
That sounded like Seth was complimenting John's penis size.

It was okay and would have been better had it not followed a torrent of embarrassing verbal diarrhea.
> my "logic" equals irrefutable evidence

You should be a lawyer!
Eh, his matches are a bit too spotty.
It's probably also symptomatic of modern WWE but I find his big outings at PPVs were a little too robotic. He's a little clumsy, too.
> bit too spotty

That is literally the WWE main event style and has been for decades
I know, and I'm fine with that mostly, they still stand out as very mechanical spot-fests, though.
They're like the KO vs Cena matches but they didn't fully dedicate to the notion of two titans just throwing haymakers from square one like those matches did.
does Vince like Randy as being one of his top guys?
...this is a joke, right?

Orton was Reigns before Reigns was even washing out of football

The only reason he isn't forced as top babyface is 'cause Vince dumped him for Cena

And you should try acting less butthurt. I have no clue what kind of evidence you're asking for. You probably don't even really require any and trolling on anime imageboard is your favorite past time. Who knows.
Holy projection Batman!

You could post some quarter-hour breakdowns or something. Do you even know what those are?
>it's a "Seth killed ratings!" "No he didn't!" Episode

Let's shortcut it to the eventual answer we always reach: he and Creative made a damn good tandem effort and both spitroasted the ratings over an open campfire.

Holy projection Batman!

You can go back to reddit and post your queer stupidity over there. Do you know where that is?
> he thinks parroting somebody is clever

18+ 18+ 18+
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>Liking Seth "Worst drawing champ since Bret Hart small dick" Rollins
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