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Sup /x/, I'm gonna keep this one short. As a guy with adhd
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Sup /x/, I'm gonna keep this one short. As a guy with adhd I know how fucking exhausting it is to read a long story. Anyway the whole thing started about a month ago when I was gonna buy a laptop for torrenting. I found an old guy selling his shit laptop for a cheap price. I gave him the cash and went straight home to boot up my new shit laptop. I started fucking around on it and checking out the folders on it that the old man forgot to delete. I found one folder named "porn". I hadn't jerked off that day so I pulled down my pants and clicked on the folder. With my cock in my hand I saw 5 videos. I clicked the first one named "doll" that were about 7 minutes long, like the brazzers previews on pornhub hehe. It started with a blonde bimbo with huge tits laying spread eagle on a bed saying: "I'am a used fuckdoll that live for being filled with cocks in my holes like a whore." Then four black dudes walked in the bedroom and took turns filling the girls pussy with semen. I blew my load as I have a weak spot for creampies. Still curious I clicked on the second movie named "clown". The name was pretty odd but I were used to kinky shit so I didn't mind. This one started with a clown stroking his dick on a chair faced to the camera in a circus tent. He was fat and looked like a truckdriver. The video was only 21 seconds long, thank God! A bit weirded out I thought the seller was bi or something with some fucked up fetishes. But I wasn't done yet! Now I had to see the rest of the videos!

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why not
This board is slow as shit anyway so just post for fucks sake
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just do it.gif
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The third movie were about 3 minutes long and named "do it". Expecting Shia Labeouf to welcome me with a "DO IT!!!" I clicked on. This was just disturbing. A woman in only panties were crouched down to the level of a kid that was about 7 years old, telling him about how she loves to fuck her dad and that she has been doing it since she was his age. The kid starts sucking on the womans tits and then it ends. What the fuck! My morbid curiosity had grown meanwhile my dick had gone soft. The fourth video had only the name "movie" and were about 2 and a half minutes long.

Fake. Post proof.
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It started with the woman from the third video choking the kid to death with her tits and then when the kid was dead kissed the body of the child. WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT! Now I felt like beating the shit out of the old man that sold me this. I told myself that I had to see the last video before doing something in that fashion. The last one had the name "montage" and were 20 minutes long. I went to grab some popcorn.. Just kidding I really didn't want to watch this one but I felt like I had to. The first 5 minutes were a montage of men standing on chairs with a noose aroud their necks while a woman jerked off the guys and pushing the chair right before they came killing them right away. Well that was pretty fucked up but not that bad if you compared that to the previous video. Now there were 5 minutes of girls getting fucked by dogs and horses. Pheeew only 10 minutes left of this shit! The last 10 minutes scared me. A mother was tied down on her bed naked crying while two men with guns made the rest of the family of 4 watch the mother being raped by one of the men. The kids were about 16 and 18. The girl was 18 and the brother was 16 I believe. When the man came in the mother he went straight to the brother and pressed his gun to his head. "DIE OR FUCK YOUR MOTHER!" he said. The mom started crying harder and so did the boy. "WHAT'S IT GONNA BE?!!" the sick fuck roared into the brothers ears and then pistol whipped him breaking his nose. The kid wimped out the words "I want to fuck her" with tears running down his face. The video now cuts to when the kid brother is fucking his mother, both crying. When the kid finishes in his mother the men cuts her throat. You hear 2 seconds of screaming then the video ends. I reported the man to the police and gave them the laptop. Makes me sick only thinking about this shit. (sorry for bad spelling, english is not my first language)
No you fucking pervert, go to /b/ if you want to tell jackoff stories
Wow you knew how old everyone was just by looking at some shit videos? Vool story senpai
hahaha are you the same person that was double spacing earlier? You went full edgelord
Ebic, simbly ebic
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Confirmed half-chub.
a montage of men standing on chairs with a noose aroud their necks while a woman jerked off the guys and pushing the chair right before they came killing them right away

and now we know you're full of shit because that doesn't kill you quickly at all.
>I'm gonna keep this one short.
>op has adhd, easily gets sidetracked
well I guess he does have adhd, kek
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