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Weird fear
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File: Goosebumps.jpg (45 KB, 370x327) Image search: [Google]
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I have this really weird fear/disturbing thing where when I see shit like a skull with multiple teeth in it or one time I had a dream where my back was really skinny and most of my back was bone and tons of the bone was sticking out in small fragments. It's really odd and I get goosebumps whenever I see shit like it. Anyone relate?
How is that scary? It's a child skull - you can see the adult teeth under the child teeth. If anything, it's sad.
anon are those your teeth?
can you also post photo of your back bone that you saw in your dream please
>I had a dream where my back was really skinny and most of my back was bone and tons of the bone was sticking out in small fragments.

that is very scary, maybe that dream was a warning about some accident or shit.
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Pictured me sitting down, legs crossed. Black is bone, kinda like what I saw. I remember while seeing it in my dream, feeling really jittery and grossed out.
anon what is that brown stuff on the bottom of your back?
is that your brain ?
I think what you saw in your dream was your brain sliding down and pushing down on the bones in your back.
you will be crippled for life now, fuck man
anon did you get prolapsed from ass fucking?
I can't remember, all though I do remember a Rooster with the same issue.
who is Rooster?
the boyfriend of chicken???
Rooster. Yeah.
what you were doing with that rooster that his ass got prolapsed anon, tell the truth now bitch
Pfft I dunno. But yeah weird back bones scared and shit, ok?
OK, I let the Rooster story go, but in all seriousness if you telling the truth about your dream, perhaps that dream was some kind of warning,
about something to happen to you in the future so you should be more careful with your physical activity,
or maybe there is some medical condition
and you should go and see a doctor.
Can you recall more details of your dream and post it here.
Well the background colour is that yellow-ish kinda colour on purpose, because that's what I saw. It was realistic looking in the dream, Except the bones looked kinda how they do in that lovely Paint.exe drawing, except more smooth. Honestly it weirds me out xD
>Can you recall more details of your dream and post it here.
but don't bullshit, tell the truth,
or that Rooster will fuck you in your ass
And also with the physical side of things, I do ride around alot on my BMX and kinda recklessly drive on property, so maybe.
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hey op
google trypophobia
Well, fuck. Thanks I guess. I felt really fucking fucked when I looked that up. I guess i have it then. Wow I feel really fucking weird, finding out about my only phobia. I'm surprised you knew what I was on about with the little information I gave.
so there you go, it could be that you got a warning dream.
I would take that very seriously and quit riding that BMX
>I'm surprised you knew what I was on about with the little information I gave.
OK anon you are FULL of SHIT with your post and your PHOBIA and your Rooster fucking in the ass story.
and FUCK OFF !!
Wew lad
It's not in the DSM V and it's most likely a reaction that is based on a biological revulsion rather than a psychological fear.
Read about it here:
This, I have it too but it's more mild. It's also more for linear patterns for me.
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I had a dream when I was younger that my back had this cavernous systems of holes about a half inch deep throughout it and in the holes were these stringy filaments with hardened balls of bone at the end that I could feel rattling inside me and slide out occasionally, bringing great relief as they slipped out
i once hade a dream where i accidently pulled a tooth out, and another took immediately filled its place, then i just started ripping out my teeth untill i hade filled the sink with teeth, but the teeth never stopped getting replaced, it was disturbing
>Wew lad
You know at the beginning I was taking you quite seriously, and give you some honest advise, but that picture with shit coming from your ass
and the Rooster story >>17818332
and this response >>17818378
give me feelings that you just fucking with people here and posted fake story, I'm 99% sure of that.
If I'm wrong, my apology.
But something is not right here in my opinion
guys is this real ?
do some people really have so many teeth growing inside their mouth ?
come on!
tell me this is photoshoped
I'm being completely serious, I din't know why I decided that a Rooster should get mentioned, though. But I have found out about what the fear was now.
OK, in that case once again my apology.
>Well, fuck. Thanks I guess. I felt really fucking fucked when I looked that up. I guess i have it then.
so do you have this condition, the massive number of teeth growing inside your mouth?
did you had dentist examine your mouth and taking x-ray and it shows on x-ray?
Or you just thinking that you might have that ?
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No. It's not that odd.

I used be scared of small clusters of holes, or postules - similar to what you posted in the OP.

Up until the internet, I assumed this was weird, but then you see pic related and everyone talking about trypophobia, and talking to people IRL, and it seems extremely common.

I'm sure there is some biological reason for finding this stuff off putting.

Maybe it's to do with identifying disease or rashes or something.
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Pretty sure their models/shopped.

The OP is real, it's a baby's skull - Hence Baby Teeth.

I think Shark's skulls are similar.

Pic related is an actual real case of Hyperdontia (basically Too Many Teeth)
No, the teeth are just an example of the small kinda bone things, then I found out n a bigger scheme the actual phobia. But apparently it's pretty common. But man I got fucked with when I looked it up.
You're gonna get cucked by someone who asks a lot out of you.
Lmao the DSM is a joke
Every time I see this it just looks like a guy who dipped his hand in peanut butter and then poked holes in it.
I vaguely do. Sometimes, if I see a sharp object, my mind instinctively sends me a picture of how this sharp object is slicing my teeth + mouth, and is wedged in there or something. A knife, fork or a fence post can do the trick. Doesn't happen often though. I don't have a phobia, I even own a few knives and love sharpening them.

Maybe my brain is telling me to protect my teeth?
>>17818180 ...and others that posted here with their stories...
hey guys is it possible that you are having so called "past life memory flashes" of some dramatic events that happened to you.

There are many stories that for example people who are obese in this life, they were starving in the past life and now are subconsciously over eating from the fear of starvation.
That is not in all the cases of obesity, there are other more "normal" reasons.
Past life traumas can manifest in phobias in present life. You should explore/read books-articles on the net/watch youtube of that angle of it.

Majority of times when past life traumatic event is recalled-revealed and confronted the symptoms, the phobias go away.

Good luck to you guys.

Once again, sorry for being bit edgy here in this post :) >>17818406
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