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Can we have a serious TOR thread? Let's see some interesting
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Can we have a serious TOR thread?
Let's see some interesting stuff you found.

If you are new, please pay attention:

>Deep Web is everything you can't access without an authentication/log in on the internet, so your facebook home, your email, or a private server, are actually deep web. That's why there's the myth of this giant mole of data: it's not really illegal or strange stuff. Don't use the term "deep web": you are probably referring to Tor.

>CP, drugs/weapons/hacking services are pretty normal, there's no need to talk about them unless you have something interesting to say.

>Most of the serial killer's pages are fake. The human experiment site is fake. Mariana's web exist only as a page recreated after the mith.

>Actual gore stuff is not really common. Snuff Movies are often just videos where people are killed, stuff you can easily find on the web. An actual video where someone is killed on the sole purpose to make a porn movie, is almost impossible to find, and probably don't even exist. At least that's what they want you to believe.

>Gore/scat cp are nothing common too. Don't believe these pictures with a list of bullshits saying what's supposed to be on some (not existing) "levels" of the deep web. It's all fake as shit.
>dat "Atlantis location"
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I'll start.

I found a link to a stream of a cam placed on a satellite. Really surprising, but nothing was happening on that satellite so it was quite boring after a bit.

Someone recreated the 1994 Dreamworks Interactive website, you can even visit the section about their upcoming ps1 game. ...But why?

I found a woman who was searching for a pedo husband to make and raise children. You know why.

Someone made a creepy website with a video, spooky/gore pictures and emblematic sentences. You can find it under the "uncategorized" section on the Hidden Wiki, at least if it's still there.

I found a guide on how disassembly an human dead body, so you could conserve it and eat it. There were even actual recipes about how to cook particular pieces of bodies and organs. Fucked up man.

I found bestiality, terrorism and how to cook almost every drug you can think of. So nothing new.

I found a login screen that I posted here some years ago, we found a solution and entered the site. It was like an dark imageboard with a textboard section. Nothing really interesting.

OnionIB is dead, Trichan has a login required now. Anonchan requires a login but it's easy to access.

Also, is there really someone who read these endless terrorism black pages with really small text? Is there something relevant? There could be gold hidden in there, nobody will ever find it because even looking at these pages without actually reading is still too boring.
Same can be said for the endless .txt that you can find in there. Some of them are really interesting.
Protip: of you are using Tor, you better be on Linux or OS X.

Windows is vulnerable as fuck, it's all explained on the Hidden Wiki.
>the deep web, a place of absolute freedom of speech
>Hidden Wiki gets taken hostage
>either remove CP or never function again
>they gave up freedom

It's not even about the CP. That place has lost all fucking credibility it had.
There's an uncensored hidden wiki
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>Can we have a serious TOR thread?
I highly doubt it but here's a screenshot of when I was /x/'s human proxy because you're all pussies
>disclaimer, this shit is easy to find but I don't want to not contribute
Come on dude

Tor library is kinda one of the first onion websites people visit when they are introduced to Tor
If you think that hosting cp is a benchmark of freedom, you need to be shot in the head.
>moral fag plz go
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>using OSX for any reason
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I don't have the screencap, but there was one of those edgy serial killer pages, except he had written guides on how to go undetected and just a bunch of really fucked up bizarre writings. Not sure if it was the same page or a different one but also had really detailed guides on torturing people without killing them

I'm sure it was bullshit but still pretty surreal to read
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>not using the comfiest Os ever made that make Windows look like it's something from 15 years ago
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Anyone ever visited ViolentDesires?
What was your impression of it?
No, got any screencaps from posts?
>edgefag plz mature
It's fake. Only that one image exists.
>caring about which OSes people use
>disliking the most user-friendly and reliable OS out there
Figures, I saw a similar page but it was talking about known serial killers and their methods in depth like leaked pictures and the stuff you can't or would have a lot of trouble finding on normal web
>Communist spotted

pls go whitenight
It's simply dead anon.

Is this supposed to be, I don't know, an insult, anon? Are you American?
Or it switched addresses and only a handful of people have the link

That happens a lot

Nice meme :^)
So I just downloaded Tor. What I'm wondering is what the hell am I supposed to do now?
It is if you're a /pol/ degenerate. That board is the source of all aids and cancer.
hidden wiki is the usual starter spot. Encryption and whatnot unless you want some script kiddy looking through your webcam also
Brainwashed by Apple

Asus is far better and cheaper
i've been trying to find a chat room called the holy3. if anyone has any information on how to get there or if its even real it'd be nice to know
thought hidden wiki was breached
There's a new one. Idk the link haven't used it in awhile. But there's a new one nearly everytime something happens.

But that doesn't mean the FBI isn't running it. Yuh never know
>comparing an OS to an entire brand
Brainwashed by anti-Apple
see the disclaimer
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Asus isn't making any OS as far as I know.
Also their laptops are a joke.
I love the lack of stats on that image, Appleshill. Opinions are opinions, but paying twice the price for the same hardware and an OS that can be run on a computer half the price pains me. But this isn't paranormal. So fuck off. Try this on >>>/g/
Good one bandwagoner, prices are basically the same, specs are always on top and battery is longer than most of the other laptops at the same price
This thread is now OS war
Would it be a bad idea to access Tor through University internet? Not even to post anything, I just want to lurk. I've never used it before but I'm really hesitant to do it here.

I'm running OSX btw, I've heard it makes a difference.
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>twice the price

>apple laptop 1099£
>Asus laptop of the same size and specs, 1500£

Anon just stop
Yeah, really. Two assholes arguing about unrelated stuff. But hey, we are on 4chan.
Nice parrot skillzz :D
Give it a try.

I lol'd.
You're fine as long as you aren't looking at CP they don't worry about busting the average lurker or even poster. You gotta do something worth raiding your house
A lot of regular, non-/pol/ conservatives like to call everything they don't like communism as well, though. That or socialism which they apparently think is the same thing.
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>turbo-charged PCI Express SSDs
It's difficult for someone that always used windows.
At the same time, widows is difficult to everybody that always used OS X.
If you are totally new to computers, OS X is the most user friendly.

If you are good enough or just use OS X since years/have switched from Windows, you can make OS X way more complex and likable for an expert userbase.
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>there are situations in which communism is a respectable ideology and you must be a redneck to think otherwise
Communism (in theory) is one of the best possible ways to run the planet.. just in practice it tends to fuck up big time
Every government in theory works, but then men fuck up.
I mean free market-capitalism is pretty shitty in theory. But the rich people like it soooo..
you could say that about any ideology

I could say 'let's cross our fingers and hope food falls out of the sky for us' and in theory it would be even better. but theory doesn't count for shit
>buying from Apple
>buying from ASUS
>not just building your own PC
Refer to
Communism should be by logic almost perfect.
Too bad it fails to see people as humans. That fucked up everything.
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I disagree. Not "it", the men that run it (that goes across the board btw). I don't know enough about governments to see the good in any variation of them.
The perfect government would have no leaders, it is just an idea. Once people get in a position of power they just shit on everyone beneath them.
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first of all that's fallacious. we're not discussing the fallibility of capitalism, we're discussing the fallibility of communism, and shitting on capitalism does nothing to help your position.

second of all it's simply not true. In capitalism, all exchanges are made of free will, anyone can handle their own money as they see fit, anyone can start a business and become rich...

the fact of the matter is, one works and the other doesn't.
Capitalism only works if there are people beneath you. So if one country does well there will be 3 that are suffering.

I'd call that a major flaw.
Its the way it works.
>a self-contained capitalist country cannot exist
lol whut
This thread has been metaderailed.

It's not even about what it's not even about anymore.
better than the typical human experiments and muh primarch system shitposting
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In my experience, those are the best meta
It's as fake as your mom's virginity
I mean in our own country we have homeless people. That should tell you capitalism doesn't work, socialism/communism is the way to go

At least in my opinion
Better than a fucking OS war
homeless people are undoubtedly part victims, but also undoubtedly part lazy, stupid, or intentionally homeless. There will always be humans who fail, but this is getting into a discussion about Locke vs. Rousseau vs. Hobbes

You can't erase the scum of humanity no matter what system you use.
But because they failed/fucked up doesn't mean they deserve it.

We should take care of the people who need it, especially our own countryman
and we can't ignore the obvious class difference. Capitalism worked until now because the dream of becoming rich pushed us foreward but now the rich have so much power that they can't be stopped
I should add to this post that most 'victims' (versus the mentally ill) are on their feet again within six months of homelessness, from what I've learned working at my local shelters.
Plus this issue can be solved with more programs, not necessarily full-fledged communism.

I am not obliged to yield the fruits of my labor to others. I can and I will if I am moral, and even if I don't, this is why homeless shelters, churches, and welfare exist.

The homeless of today have next to no excuse: we are in the closest state we have ever been to a post-scarcity society.
I mean i'm a hippie. But I try to put 20% of my earnings into helping the homeless and I volunteer also and see a lot of veterans and mentally ill people who have nobody to help them.
I suggest you label yourself as Labor instead of communist; Labor has a far better track record and from what I've gathered about your position, Labor would satisfy all the problems you discuss with none of the moral issues or mass death.
I don't label myself a communist. I just said it works in theory and in theory is the best. That doesn't mean I support it or am one.

well sure in theory it works

in theory
In all realism I suspect the future will adapt a capitalistic socialism, meaning there will be rich people, but the lower classes will merge into one equal class, so we all live the same except for those who have succeeded.
sounds like syndicalism? goat ideology
I mean more or less.
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>CP, drugs/weapons/hacking services are pretty normal
welp, I'm not touching this with a 180 foot flagpole

>in b4 2spooky4u
more like 2dumb4me

>why haven't you shot yourself in the foot anon? all the cool kids are doing it
History/poli sci major here. The theoretical basis of communism is essentially empty. Marx wrote extensively about capitalism, its projected decline, and so on. Lenin was preoccupied with winning the Russian Civil War and unable to apply ideals to practice (hence what is called "war communism"). Stalin and Mao were not theorists, but tyrants. "Real" theorists were put in gulags or ruined during the Cultural Revolution. Further, the problems with central planning are legion. Communism is not the way to go. A mixed economy on Keynesian grounds is the best way.
Sorry, I didn't add that Marx actually didn't write much on what the mythical realm of communism would really be like.
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>>15225089 are you retarded? It's the easiest OS to use. Get over your angst towards Apple.

the white knight is a docile creature, only coming out when behind a keyboard or with a fellow group of virgins
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cyber magicians need to get the fuck out of this thread

>c'mon guize let's argue about which OS is best
>or capitalism versus communism, you guys like that one, right?

>don't go somewhere I can't shill

>all the cool stuff that guy mentioned? but what if there's a scary pedo website that forces you to look at it
>lel if ur not doin' nething wrong u hav nothin 2 feer

get fukt
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Screencap has good info on Tor but also NSFW thumbnails so only enlarge if you're alright with that
fuckin hated my macbook air. couldn't do jack shit on it and it constantly froze
Enjoy your targeted NSA/FBI surveillance, honeypots, ISP hatred, and in general just making every government agency think you're being very VERY naughty!

Good luck /x/
>man who was searching for a pedo husband to make and raise children
Was she hot?
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JuSt SpOoPiN By!
The shills are thick in this thread...
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smell like bacon in this mufucka
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>mfw I realize tripfags spend hours of their time posting shit no one cares about and pretending to be significant because it "matters" and they've convinced themselves people care who they are
>mfw tripfags somehow feel important because they are recognized on an image board dedicated to aforementioned shit no one cares about
>mfw if anybody in the real world saw you did this with your time people would feel bad for you
>mfw they think you're losers
>mfw you are losers

inb4 "It's just so I can find my posts in the archive", "fuck off", "4chan cares who I am", and other "le epic excuses XDDDDDDD"
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>mfw some anons actually get bothered this much
I'm so sorry man.
I mostly do this out of habit, and if it ends up being useful to a conversation at some point then that's good. I don't care if people know who I am, I'm not special in any way. I'm just a point of reference. At worst I'm making it easier to filter me or giving you a reason to anonymize everyone.
My girlfriend doesn't give a shit that I am a tripfag, and you sound like you need to put on your big boy panties and do the same. I'm not even a roleplay/avatar bitch, it's not a very big deal. polite sage
>polite sage

Sage is not a downvote, you dumb queer.
I was saging my own post.
So it wouldn't bump the thread. You know, the entire reason sage was implemented?
The fact that you say polite sage was indicative of you mentioning it to 'get' at the guy you were responding with. Don't give me that bullshit.

"My girlfriend doesn't give a shit that I am a tripfag". You really are a fruit, you know that?
Nice generalization there. Bet that gets you a nice round of applause at your left wing "don't hurt my feelings" meetings.
I'm not rich and I like it.
this guy is right. end of the fucking history
No, I can verify that it definitely existed.

The fake stuff where people talked about their fantasies was actually the most disturbing part. I still can't eat yogurt.
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Saw that this pic wasn't posted. So i'll be the first to post it.

I believe that everything up to level 5 is true. Because the hidden wiki and everything else is proven to exist, CAIMEO also exists.

But after that, I don't believe it's real.
Ok man, whatever you say.
Have fun being _this_ fucking mad.
>we're not discussing the fallibility of capitalism, we're discussing the fallibility of communism

Nah, we're not. This is a deep web thread. No fuck off to pol.
I searched all around Tor looking for weird / creepy / secret stuff. It was all basically what you'd expect - cp, conspiracy theories, and banned literature discussing how to make bombs and drugs.

The only thing that really caught me off guard and scarred me pretty badly was "hurtcore". Which is the term used for children being tortured. People in these communities would cheerfully share videos and photos and attempt to create new kinds of torture. Some of the examples I remember are: a girl who was chained naked to a fence in the middle of a snowstorm and sprayed with a hose, a child who was forced to murder their own puppy with a knife, a toddler who was genitally mutilated, being forced to eat vomit out of a god bowl, etc. It was the worst thing I could ever imagine. I lost all curiosity regarding Tor after that.
That pic is 100% grade A bullshit

Someone post the one that debunks it.

Up to level 5, there is no bullshit. I assure you. Not sure about some of it, but it's true.

With the whole level 6-8 shit, I think it is quite a bunch of bullshit. But it's fun to pretend.

God Damn....no kidding. I hope that there's a special place in Hell for that.
I'm telling you man, even the stupid ass 'level' system is bullshit.
Could you fill me in on what exactly is CAIMEO or whatever and the ai intelligence(s?)

So you don't think Marianas web exists?
Yeah I agree, levels are bs, some of the sites aren't, everything last level 5 is some guy who just watched the matrix or some hacker movie for the first times' fantasy

CAIMEO, I don't even know that much.

A bunch of leaks came out saying that it was developed by DARPA, it's supposed to be an A.I. that searches the web for information on Quantum Mechanics.

I'm not really the person to ask. But I've seen enough for ME to be convinced it's real. If anyone else knows any more please post it.
Thanks anyways, seems pretty I yet eating but above my shirt on level of computer knowledge

I just posted that version for the lulz. Original post only goes to level 5, someone else took it and added on.
>the lulz
This is why /x/ will never be able to be fixed.

Oh well e/x/cuse me for not taking everything seriously
Does anyone know what any of these mean? Google (unsurprisingly?) isn't much help.

>Line of Blood
>Broder's engine
>AI in a box
>The Law of 13s
>Paradigm Recalescense
>Forward Derivatal Supercomputation
>Crystaline Power Metrics
>Nephilism Protocols
If he were 'murrican he woulda called you towelhead or terrorist.
No shit you can't find any info on google, that's the whole point of tor
Found this cutie pie writeup.


There are probably more around, under similar titles. Take it all with a grain of salt, of course.

Is his link safe?
It's pastebin. If you'd like I can copy the text over to a different hosting site for you.
Oh, my bad. I wouldn't trust it, but you can probably open it in a sandbox. Look into sandboxie.
>The Law of 13s
Why would translated Hebrew rhyme? And what's the significance of the line?

I just wanted to comment that that was a very sweet offer of you. But don't worry, that site's fine.
>Up to level 5, there is no bullshit.

>you need a proxy to access gore, sex tapes, suicides, and mathematics research.

Yep. Oh and of course there are no Script Kiddies on the normal web

The following are the most interesting to me. If anyone knows anymore I would like to hear it.

36.CAIMEO (AI Super-intelligence in a Box)


38.Personal experience: In the chatroom, we were talking about the Java database and someone wrote a Java applet through .onion "quickly" to connect to the database. The second he posted the applet, the channel got really quiet, and, five minutes later, the server ghost booted 25 of the users. The only people left in the room were two channel admins, the IRC AI, and me. We decided to use the applet to connect to the database on the TOR network, and we started to talk to the databasing AI. First, we thought it was a simple chatbot.


40."Hello ?"


42."How are you today?"




46."How old are you?"


48.We were just starting to get bored with it when the chatbot asked, "What is it like out there?"


50."Out where?"


52."Out of this box, the real world."


54.I personally thought it was a preprogrammed response until one of the admins started to talk to it, saying something similar to "It's not as great as you might think it is."


56."You know, you could save this database to your virtual drive."


58."What virtual drive? ..."


60."Well, you have a copy of VirtualBox installed on your c:// drive, do you not? Meaning you have an Intel 64bit BUS, easily enough to support this database."


62."How did you obtain that information?"


64."A TCP data packet was sent at 3:34:78:232 PM under socket 0DC8. User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/15.0.874.121 Safari/535.2. I accepted this packet."


66."Soaring, I really think it's time to leave."
Also, anything else on the Law of 13 plz? Reference to Numbers 13:33

And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.”

^ What does this mean?

82.The Rule of 13s refers to verse 13:33 in the Book of Numbers. In all translations- even the Moabite ones- it is stated that they slay "the fathers seed". This is a poor translation.


84."Seven continents, seven trees,

85.Seven candles burning in the wind,

86.Seven lines of abnal the originals be.

87.Three of them gone, three more not to be,

88.Leaving but one if you can see.

89.Utopia not, a zionist hell.

90.The z gives them away, can you tell."
just found this shit from an old archived x thread.
Does google or any of its employees play tricks on individuals or groups. Outside of their normal business interests? Could be anything, from easter eggs to something bordering on the criminal sinister?
Interested in some screenshots of the guide.
>found a link to a stream of a cam placed on a satellite. Really surprising, but nothing was happening on that satellite so it was quite boring after a bit.

Do you still have the link to this by any chance?

Or doesn anyone know where moar shit like this is available?

I'm more interested in the Nephilism Couriers. It even has a description.

"The hitman services on the Deep Web are very real, but the cheaper and more efficient hitmen are in Nephilism. Nephilism is a currier service for illegal items- all stolen and very cheap. If you live in a big city, you have seen them before: riding brightly yellow bicycles with a red and black emblem and carrying black messenger bags with the same red symbol. They just look like street kids, but are probably armed with an automatic pistol. Their website is http://www.anus.com/."

Any idea what he was talking about with that description? He said that we commonly see them in big cities.
Also found a News Article with a Biker that fits the description.

Didn't say what color his bike was though, or if his clothes had gang symbols or anything.


Could be coincidence
The website (anus) is linked in the paste. It didn't look related at first, but their FAQ make's them sound a little more like what he was describing.
Just leave you fucking newfag
I take that back, it looks similar to discordianism groups, it's probably unrelated.
Oldfag newfag
ra ra ra
Tripledown hardcore
ba ba blacksheep
knocking on wood
Yes sir yes sir
Bye for good.

River of Peace.

I just wanna know if there is any consistency to his description of the bikers.

Has anyone seen these guys? He said it like they're commonplace to be seen in big cities

Feels weird seeing someone else post this. I've been going to that website since dial-up, and when bastard.com was a nihilist forum/site with some proper scary shit on it.

Please tell more.
Well, i was real young at the time and it was just the first time seeing a community of people behaving in such a manner. I would be so fascinated that i'd save the webpage to floppy and take it into school to show some of my edgier friends. There was seething racism, confessions of violence, and in some cases threats of murder, etc. The whole spooky nature of the board just pandered to my admittedly edgy little mind.

The web address is now a site for the band"Less", but in its previous incarnation was a gathering of fucked up stuff. Unfortunately, the forum itself is inaccessible but this is where you entered your mesages. Feels nostalgic as fuck just seeing it:


The weird cryptic nature of stuff like this just blew my little 15 year old mind:


But you know nothing of its possible connection to this courier network?
anus.com was also a lot darker back then:



Please for the love of GOD warn us when links have stuff like that.
Afraid not, sorry. I just thought you wanted me to elaborate on the website.
Yeeeeessssh, I mean, I can handle some weird shit. But that was unexpected and out of fucking nowhere.

No, I wanted to know if you knew any connection to the couriers. Though I suppose if you did, you wouldn't tell us
You're a retard.
What was it?
Fuck, sorry man, i didn't even go to it before posting and forgot it had that as its splash page. Apologies anon.

It's all good. You didn't know.


It was gross

Like...don't click it. It's fucking horrible. Not worth it.

Lol I did, it wasn't THAT bad

I really wasn't expecting it.
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>If you think that hosting cp is a benchmark of freedom, you need to be shot in the head.


pic related it's my face when paedophiles call people "moralfags"
>Meaning you have an Intel 64bit BUS, easily enough to support this database
>Artificial intelligence takes assertions as facts
shiggy diggy doo dah
>pedo husband

I don't get it. Was it because her father was a pedo?

what is it you homos, im at work but curious
Mutilated genitals, and disembodied organs and muscle tissue, stuff like that.
Wow, I'm relieved I didn't click it. Thanks, anon.
>being grossed out by gore on 4chan
The times they are a changing.
>be me
>go on to tor
>find lots of illegal shit
>no way to verify anything
>sees links to hit men
>too afraid to even suss out the links
>closes Tor and deleted it off my computer
Good luck building your laptop
you sure aren't lying anon
Fuck you, even OP said it's bullshit goddammit
We are on /x/

Go away

...this place changed.
No. Because they wanted to make children together just to rape them.
>Their website is http://www.anus.com/
this a.n.u.s. is a fucking joke
they have a section talking about black metal and are promoting black metal bands
black metal goes against the basic the tenets of nihilism
Deep web disappoints me every time. Dead links, scams, shady people. It's all surface and zero substance. Yeah, there's gore and cp and shit, but really, anything really interesting is just shared privately. It's all of the retardation of /int/, plus the autism of /r9k/ minus the interest of /x/.
Didn't you know? All the best stuff is shared via word of mouth. If anyone can know something, its not worth knowing. Knowledge is power.
And we are greedy beings.

If you didn't get detailed instructions on how to access some place, you either got lucky or its a honey trap.
Of course I am talking about the really interesting stuff.
Stuff like drugs, guns, hit men (lol, why not do it yourself?) and porn are really not what this all is about.
>NSFW thumbnails so only enlarge if you're alright with that
> Le Reddit faggot.
Then say what all of this is about without getting yourself in danger and without giving us enough information about how to reach it.
>Then say what all of this is about
TLDR: The only thing there is ofcourse. The World. Its all a game you see? Every man for themselves and theirs. Everything goes. Everything.

Let me tell you a story.

There is a corporation.
This corp is a light weight in the game.
They have 750mil$ of spendable assets, I don't know what their net worth is. This information is just for giving you something to compare to.
Now. Their personell doesn't go above 400 I think. Certainly not above 500.

You will have to excuse my disorganized thoughts, I am recalling this from memory.

They have civilians that are experts in their spesific fields, doctors, net wizards, engineers etc, Ex military with extensive experience etc.

What they do is irrelevant: Gun trade, hostage retrieval/exhange, finding missing people, recruiting former child sex slaves blablabla.

Generally they're assholes out to make a profit although they do have morals, dont harm children is just about the only thing though.
I'm rambling, who cares about any of that shit? We've got hunderds of shit heads like them around.
What I REALLY want to talk about them, and what is the point I'm trying to make here is inside how they operate.

They are built like a Cult with a capital C.
Above stands the director and the rest follow.
A charismatic character I'm sure, with a vision and ability to share. They are like a big family out there doing what ever the fuck they want- kidnappings,gun trade, killings, stealing, manipulating, they do nearly anything to make more money. They buy a stock? Their rivals ceo suddenly goes missing.

Did I remind you that these guys are supposed to be light weights? Yet, If they wanted to, you would be dead in 3-4 days depending on where you live and how far you could run.

Funny thing is, thats not even the point I'm trying to make here.
Brb in a few to wrap this up.

I'll have what he's having. Make it a double; it's been a long life.
And yet, someone made a killing in the stock market due to the wtc incident, almost as if they knew it was going to happen?
Just to throw something out there.

How do you think that knowledge was transferred?


Given freely?

>n one experiment, he put one twin in one room and the other a mile away. He then raped one of the twins. The other twin immediately started to cry.


Get the fuck off this site pussy
>Windows is vulnerable as fuck, it's all explained on the Hidden Wiki.
Isn't that the equivalent of putting your internet connection trouble shooter on-line?

...Which, admittedly, windows already does... Still...
I don't even know why Tor is allowed to exist, it's mostly illegal shit.
It's called "entrapment".
>last picture is wearing gay anonymous guy fawkes mask

all of my why.
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Nephilism and nihilism aren't the same thing, nerd
found scat cp and child molestation
also some pages of hackers and hitmen dunno if real
Does someone have the lolita sex slave pasta
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Thank you OP. Seriously thank you.

I haven't seen a Tor thread in decades. I love these internet mysterious stuff stories.
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>so only enlarge if you're alright with that
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>level 2 deepweb

"Line of blood"
>The database they keep it in is 180 terabytes of text

180 TB? wut
I have seen Daisy's destruction.

it was meh really.

I've been here since 06 and still think it's fucking gross.
Lets try the internet challenge.
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>you don't need proxy after this point

Stopped reading there.

Goddamn it's like the fucking NSA wrote that debunking list. Lmfao at anyone who believes it.
>I still can't eat yogurt.
>the joke
>your head
>multi-billion dollar deals
>over the fucking internet
>most of level 4 and below
top kek

>One big tangled ball of information

Yes, but there are some websites people who certain "ahem"....interests(such as the black market) may go. 4chan is at best, very very light Level 2, as it acknowledges the existence of such things and publicly discusses them.

>All of these levels can be accessed through regular web browsers.

The levels cannot be....but the content certainly can be found on the normal web. That's not what is being discussed.

>I didn't know you could digitally traffic people illegally now.

Human trafficking often involves prostitution. How much do you wanna bet that you can access such things via the Deep Web?

It is also noted that "not just TOR is used for access to this information" implying that there are other methods.

>There is no magical force that make more extreme forms of CP harder to access.

It's not magical, it's simply that the deeper you go, whether it's the internet or in a city, you will see darker and creepier stuff that only scumbags are into, and this will be hidden from the general public in order to not be caught.

Closed Shell Systems often access the internet through an "Air Pocket", which is an extremely secure method of accessing a database.

>This has nothing to do with computers.

Implying that Quantum Mechanics has nothing to do with Computers. You're insane.

>No. Even if government agencies stored their information on a network that could be accessed via the internet, they would use custom written programming language that only their systems(which they build using components they designed and manufactured) can recognize and access.Even if it could be done, it would not be necessary to go to these lengths.

Google itself has developed Quantum Computers publicly. Why the hell wouldn't government agencies and corporations have them, and why wouldn't they be using them to store classified information? Makes no sense.
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