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What's a good program to convert my FLAC music files to
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What's a good program to convert my FLAC music files to MP3.

Or alternatively, what android music player allows me to play FLAC audio because Google Play Music isn't working.
its paid software though


my generic preinstalled music app plays FLAC. It's not a google thing though.
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very good software btw
also multithreaded
I use Poweramo, it's the best imo and will play pretty much any type of audio file. It also has lots of different features.

Just tossing in the other apps I like to use over stock.
For picture I use quickpic, it has way less lag than stock gallery and it actually sorts the pictures properly.

For video video I use MX player. It's smoother, has way more features than the stock player and you can have your videos organized into folders.

If you want to have YouTube videos play in the background without having to pay for YouTube red I use audio pocket. It also doesn't have ads in the videos.
*poweramp my bad
ffmpeg -i input.flac -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 320k output.mp3
I use ffmpeg.
just use ffmpeg or if you need a gui, use audacity or even foobar.

Can't comment on what android music player will accept flac because my rooted cyanogenmod android plays flacs natively through the media player that was preinstalled.
don't put FLAC on your phone that's retarded, it's a waste of space

torrent from KAT:
this program:

it's amazing, convert to MP3, FLAC, WAV, AAC anything
Like phones run out of space.

You shouldn't put FLAC on your phone because your phone can't decode it in hardware, so you'll get a playtime between charges of ~8 hours instead of ~3 days.
Oh, also you shouldn't be using MP3, you should be using the best format your phone can decode in hardware.

For most phones this is AAC.
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