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So I'm moving and am looking to get rid of most everything I own, including a slew of older games, mostly ps1 rpgs. I imagine most of them won't increase in value that much from where they're at now.

Just wondering if there was a Kelley Blue Book but for games, other than just googling and checking the price/condition ratio on ebay and amazon.

And speaking of that, what's the best place to sell? Kinda afraid the listing will just sit there forever.
Here, bro! Slap up a new Buy/Sell/Trade thread and let your fellow /vr/others get first pick.
There is no good place to sell.

People on the /bst/ here want a fucking deal, like the money grubbing jews they are.

People on craigslist will flake constantly and harass you with endless emails over minute details of your stuff.

eBay BIN's will sit forever if you've priced it "competitively" since no one wants to play reseller prices.

eBay auctions run the very real risk of getting 5-10 dollars for stuff going for 40-50.

Local stores will give you shit return then mark it up to eBay or more.

You can't win. If you have anything interesting I'd be interested in looking, you can just post stuff you're interested in selling in this thread or make a /bst/
Don't sell. You'll regret it later and want to kill yourself.

If you're already suicidal, if you want to make the most money in the least amount of time, use ebay auctions and start very low.
Since eBay takes 10% of all your sales, another way to do this is to look for a mom and pop store that buys/sells. They usually know the value of these games and will give you a good price.

If you have all the time in the world, put it at Buy It Now for a high price and let it sit there.
>Don't sell. You'll regret it later and want to kill yourself.

I sold my copy of suikoden years ago and while I did get a lot I really wish I still had it. That money went to fast
Exactly. You can always make more money. You can't make another original copy of Suikoden.
Keep your fucking games op.they probably mean a lot to you and will keep you warm and fuzzy inside
>Don't sell. You'll regret it later and want to kill yourself.
The only thing I regret in this world is letting my friend in high-school borrow Tactics Ogre and Tales of Destiny II. Haven't seen either in ten years.

But anyway, it's not that I need the money, it's that I have too much stuff. I don't want to keep lugging it all around each time I move every few years.

desu prospects selling are so dim I might just gift them to some friends

How do you guys handle the transaction?
>it's that I have too much stuff
then just put it up for auction on ebay starting low. prices for RPGs usually reach a decent amount

>How do you guys handle the transaction?
for ebay or craigslist?
for the /bst/ threads. I've always liked this board and wouldn't mind selling to a /vr/ bro, but how do y'all avoid getting scammed? Escrow?
Can't say I have experience since I'm not comfortable dealing with anonymous. Safest way to not get scammed is with ebay and to reject any buyers unless they have proven buy records. Though the 10% cut does suck.

Though I have bought with online with no middleman. What I did was they sent me payment request to my paypal email, and once I paid them, they uploaded a tracking number to the paypal transaction page. No idea what the norm is on /bst/

just give it to your friends then.
You could use eBay but mostly it's just handled via a paypal payment and email correspondence.

I've bought a bunch of games from people here. I'd wager there arne't many people trying to rip you off.
Are your friends vr autists? If not those games will go right on the trash
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