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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>3168313

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other retro FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


Doom: https://data.desustorage.org/vr/image/1448/27/1448271860636.png
Doom download: https://yadi.sk/d/469ydBaLndVCJ
Quake: https://data.desustorage.org/vr/image/1405/27/1405272990521.png
Quake pastebin: http://pastebin.com/yV2AwaXE
Duke: https://data.desustorage.org/vr/image/1403/19/1403195896088.jpg
Thief: https://data.desustorage.org/vr/image/1456/09/1456095399293.jpg



Vanilla/Boom: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/
BT (2016-02-01): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13513277/idgames.torrent



irc.zandronum.com #vr (key in faq)




Make a Boom-compatible E1-themed Ultimate Doom map.
Status: https://desustorage.org/vr/post/3019509

[04-27] RECOVERED023 (tsp)

[04-26] Graceful Doom - A Nonrandom Alternative to Pain Chance [1.0]

[04-26] Anon mod release: FrankenGun.pk3

[04-26] Custom Palettes

[04-26] 3D Maze Screensaver Textures and Sprites

[04-26] E1M4b, another new map by Romero

[04-26] Tenebrae, 5 horror themed maps for GZDoom

[04-26] Showdown in Suzhou: a map for Shadow Warrior, by NESFag

[04-26] A Morte released

[04-25] Anon resource release: F-Zero Velocity fonts

[04-25] BLACKROOM: John Romero and Adrian Carmack's new project

[04-25] Samsara 0.32 (bugfix update)

[04-24] Anon resource release: centaur.zip

[04-24] Anon mod release: SlaughterGuns v1 (TEXTURES mod)

[04-24] The /newstuff Chronicles #494

[04-23] MP5 addon for The Space Pirate, by Sgt. Shivers

[04-23] Anon resource release: SmokeTest.pk3

[04-23] A kind anon has written a comprehensive Quake howto.


To submit news, please reply to this post.
>is actually a GM

ya blew it lad
>Script error, "LegenDoom_1.3.wad:DECORATE" line 233:
>Invalid state parameter a_spawnparticle

>Script error, >"ColourfullHell83.pk3:decorate/imps" line 874:
Expected ')', got ','.

Please, send help
so I think we can all agree that a Gundam mod for Doom would be tits right?
heh, oh well. I know very little of giant robots. I had a Starscream when I was 8, but his foot broke off.
Is your gzdoom out of date?
Damn, I wish I had the anniversary Doom Playstation Official Soundtrack. Aubrey's bandcamp won't even let me listen to it anymore.
I'd Imagine something like a cross between that Mechwarrior mod and Project MSX.

>There will never be a new patch for PMSX
Damn it
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FA-78-1 Gundam Full Armor Type.jpg
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Gundam.wad when?
Either of these work?
if you use chrome it auto translates very good site for music
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>0 response to WAD release
>included in news post

feels conflicted
Doomguy 1>Doomguy 64>Doomguy 4>Doomguy 3>Doomguy 2(the cover version)
I mean http://aubreyhodges.bandcamp.com/album/doom-playstation-official-soundtrack-20th-anniversary-extended-edition

In semi-related music news, I didn't even realize this came out.
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That's a pretty acceptable list.
Which one was it? I'll play it right now.
what the actual fuck is going on in that tsp video?
maybe mix in some aspects of Demonsteele and Mechatron as well
clearly stuff is going on in it
>It's an "enemies slowly spawn in" arena shooter
Yep, I was a Doom 4 "Let's just see the SP" apologist, and even I have to admit that this completely turns me off of that fucking game. I'm fucking done, I'm washing my hands of this shit.

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Who wants to explore some spooky dark woods?

Actual giant trees would likely be thinner in a real map. Just testing out some textures and stuff...
that looks preeeeetty good!
It's like they went "Hey, let's look what's popular within Doom Community now", then launched Doomseeker and saw Zandronum servers with BD, Complex Doom and Invasion Survival, and then went "Ok, we'll do it like that, it'd be totally oldschool yo!".
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Thanks. It's getting close... Want more outdoorsy areas compared to doom, so it needed a lot of outdoorsy assets. few trees and stumps, rocks, grass, shit blowing in the wind... There are some indoor things too. Lights mostly.
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Hoo yes, me likey. The animated meters are a nice touch, I hope you expand on those. It's kinda hilarious to hear monster sounds coming out of a gun too.
I feel like your statusbar needs a 1~px line across the top of lighter grey, like how you did the shading and highlighting on the key slots. maybe bring that same effect to the parallel grey edges either side of the HUDface.
Would make the display transition a bit better, I think.

Also I've said it before but that staff is gorgeous.
Thanks for the mention of the SW map in the news!
apart from having 16 DM spawns and SSGs near them, how do you make DM maps?
asking because Double Impact was made by folk who primarily did DM maps
Prolly a good idea. Tomorrow. Spent all day after work redoing a monster...
Thanks. Fits well with the trees too
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Hey, just curious, what are you using to make your sprites? They look really rad.
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real talk, TSP has some bitchin menu design

when is the next version?
Remind me of Square's Adventure's menus a bit.
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glad you enjoyed it
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Who else /daikatana/ here?
I can't leave without my buddy Superfly
JPCP bugfix update v1.1
Nothing but a embarrassing footnote in Romero's history. If anything, I hope Blackroom isn't another Daikatana.
just wondering, have you guys watched (or heard about) Hardcore Henry?
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gzdoom 2016-04-28 21-09-22-65.png
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>Use demonsteele-nowthatswhaticallmidi-v3.5.pk3
>See this

I chortled

Where the fuck is everybody and the 32in24 team getting all of these MIDIs?
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John Romero.jpg
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Surely a person can only make a mistake that bad once in his life.
I guess he has a harder leash on himself now, cause he definitely needs one.
Has anyone played Polished Skull?
If so, is it any good?
So, I'm trying to play Doom on Android with a PS3 controller. PrBoom in Retroarch is the only way I've gotten Doom to run on my tablet, and it doesn't seem to be getting any input from the emulated mouse/right stick. Wat do?
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guys, i can totally make maps
>no Archvile behind all the revenants
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I think it's actually a pretty good game, then again, I am playing with the sidekicks disabled.
shit, knew i forgot something
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Which one is better for a title art?
probably should have done that

He doesn't seem to view Daikatana as a mistake
I'm go with left, but if I were you I'd add a little more red tint to the helmet window.
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A friend of mine is doing this for me. Just sent me this one
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forgot pic
only level 4
going for a strength build
Where would the title be?

I'll probably add it myself once we got a good background.

He updated this >>3173397 here
Left still better.
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Is it going to conform to Doom's palette?

That looks pretty cool I think, we're gonna try adding those bars from >>3173408 with a different color and go from there
I kinda like this one

I think it looks fun. It certainly got me hype.

You cocks, you've gone and painted it backwards.
No anon, it's actually a really deep, to truly experience death can only be done from the other side. And to truly read that Death, you have to be on the other side :'^)
The only thing on the other side was a power shield that was so helpfully placed as to only be reachable once you've already cleared the room of the dozen Knights and cloakniggers.

Daikatana is a legitimately good to great game without sidekicks. Episode 1 and the second part of Episode 4 still suck cocks, but the rest of the game is really good.
I meant the other side of the panel, not the room. Or is that panel visible from there too?
What's the best way to make an enemy move with an afterimage effect?

I want the pinkies to have a "Missile" attack where they run at the player at a higher speed for a short time, kicking up dust and shit (the dust I can do easy) and pass through actors as they run for you, meaning your bombs won't block them.
The center pillar has DEATH on three sides and HTAЭⱭ on the fourth (which is the one you shoot for the secret), which is the side facing away from you when you drop down into the room and as such the side you'll see last after you've killed the shit around the sides.
have it constantly shitting out actors that are translucent versions of itself, and that die very quickly?

I thought there was some kind of projectile trace-tail thing that could do this...
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jesus christ how horrifying.webm
1 MB, 720x360

Oh man I think I'm onto something here
He's a fast boy

The scary part is he can pass through solid actors, like other monsters, players, and bombs.

Meaning you can't always bodyblock pinkies with bombs now.

I'm gonna make specters have this at all times
Spooky, I like it.
what if they get stuck?

The only way that happens is if they're phasing through another actor and exit out of it, at that point, take advantage of the stupid bastard's mistake and kill him before he tries running again.
for you
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How do you guys play Doom? Is GZDoom still the best. Haven't played in a few years, help me out.
I play ZDoom because I'm a moderate purist. I don't jump/crouch unless the wad actively requires it, I don't use vertical aim/freelook, but I like all the options new madding standards like UDMF bring. But if you want to pull the most out of your doom, GZdoom is probably the best yeah. Zandronum is up to 3.0 now I believe, if multiplayer is what you want.
I had a go at this, just a quick demon replacer. Works pretty well though. Map01 had been replaced with a demon testing ground (runs with Doom2.wad)


The demons charge at you pretty fucking fast, and I cut down their melee animation so they can strike pretty much straight away. Pretty terrifying!
GZDoom with all the texture filtering turned off. Sometimes PrBoom+ as well with texture filtering off. Most of the time runs huge WAD maps with higher frames then GZDoom.
I play in GZDoom but I turn off things like sprite rounding/softening so that it still looks retro.

I've never liked the look of rounded sprites
I play prboom3d on my hacked 3ds, in full 3d because I have a grudge against my eyes.
I play in PrBoom+ even though I am a (G)ZDoom modder because modding has destroyed my ability to enjoy playing (G)ZDoom.
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Making those 1 line depth painting alcoves line up properly took way more time than it should have. Ah well, at least it's done now.
GZDoom is still the best, though system requirements peaked a bit in recent builds.
The difference in power needed between 1.9.1 and 2.1.1 is actually kinda high. Must've just been the change from OpenGL 2 to 3.
Well he did also make deus ex so he can't be all bad
I'd love to play it but on high graphics settings it chugs like a steam locomotive (even though I got it on gog) and on low graphics it looks like ass to the point where even my eastern European eyes are offended and still stutters when there's liquids
I borrowed code from BURL TUMD again. :^)

Getting kinda nervous here, I'm at 40kb and I got another 7 monsters to edit.

and I can't fit that nice titlepic that was made for me either, that really bums me out.
Heard it's good, might see it if I'm bored enough and they're still playing it, but otherwise it seems like gimmickcore at best. First person perspective is good when you're actually in control, otherwise it brings the classic VR headache-inducer of "the perspective changes but I'm still looking straight". I've also heard the camera shakes like a cunt.
Imagine you're playing one of those old Sega CD movie games where you have to press left/right/a button to keep the movie running and not game overing.
Hardcore Henry is that but you don't press any buttons. Looks better then Sega CD video though.
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I've never had a console older than the Play Station 2 slim
unzip your pk3, zip it back up with 7zip (by going into the extracted directory and selecting all the stuff inside, not the new directory made by extracting the pk3)

see how large it is then
Nothing has really changed too much. GZDoom is still the one for modern mods for solo play, and Zandronum is still the go-to source port for multiplayer since it's always behind in features. Though the 3.0 release isn't official yet, supposedly it's updated enough to handle Reelism.

I just wish GZDoom would move away from Edward's shitty netcode. That way we don't have to worry about Z& being behind and thus play with the latest flashy mods online
I mostly use GZDoom but when playing without gameplay mods, I use Crispy Doom.

If GZDoom just had the same resolution scaling technique as Chocolate/Crispy Doom, then there would be no reason for me not to use GZDoom all the time.
cancel that, compress to 7z not zip. i thought this guy got this mod down real small with zip alone but it's just a 7zip with the wrong filename extension

should be .pk7 and not .pk3 but i suppose that's just for humans since zdoom loads it fine
also, expanding on compression, it seems to offer better results with 7z, LZMA2 with 256MB dictionary and 256 word size seems best with an archive i'm testing
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Oh god not this again
>Unzip samsara-v0.31-beta.pk3 to see how small I can get it
>It's full of duplicate files overwriting each other


>Originally 40.3 MB
>Now 29.9 MB
>26% drop in filesize

When will Slade just have 7zip shoved inside of it
I play in Zandronum cause I'm too lazy to download the others and I already had this one
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so uh

do you like quake
Eh, it's okay
Yeah, Quake's cool.
Hell, I like it better than Doom.
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Quake? That's my favorite!
Why is Ranger so mad all the time?
Why wouldn't he be?
Well Doomguy keeps his cool most of the time...
Doomguy gets plasma guns and an enclosed helmet.
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is this map real?
he's going insane from all the eldritch horrors around
They woke him up at 4, man needs his sleep. Even worse somebody drank the last peej.
Ok, I'll take that. Those can be a bitch.
Why not? Where did you get it from? Reminder that script/special spawned monsters don't appear in the monster count until they've spawned
>If GZDoom just had the same resolution scaling technique as Chocolate/Crispy Doom
So GZDoom with vid_renderer 0 and 640*400 res does it differently? I thought it replicated the standard way fairly well.
So did we decide what Ranger's Quake 3 description implied, that he went nuts and kept killing Cthulhu's inbred cousins or went nuts and started killing people back on Earth?
is there any difference between the two?
The status bar is fucked last I checked
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To him, probably not I suppose. Start seeing other people as monsters and all that.

If that description is to be taken as canon he's kind of a dick anyway. Not sure if that's linked to the whole Old One runic abuse and shit, though- if anything you'd expect that type of thing to just outright snap someone's mind while Doomguy's various ventures would be more likely to start tainting their thoughts with evil and hatred because Hell.
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>That pulsating FIREBLU
i've seen people use reshade or sweetfx to palette gzdoom and pixelate it

i can't tell you how but i've seen it
>Getting kinda nervous here
Same here. I had some trouble with my ACS yesterday (FUCK YOU SetHudSize) and figured I'd take a little nap. Woke up 5am and had wasted an entire day of productivity :^)
I'm quite certain the description implies he went to other demon worlds and dimensions, it doesn't mention anything about returning and his genocide campaign led him straight to the arena itself so it wouldn't make sense for him to end up at an alien arena by killing people on earth.
It just says that he "embarked upon an endless travelogue of blood and destruction," and his ingame text quotes act like he thinks he's still shooting Quake's minions. Whoever Quake actually is, given that the whole thing between Quake and Shub-Niggurath was kind of fuzzy in Q1 and handwaved because who cares.

>it wouldn't make sense for him to end up at an alien arena by killing people on earth.
The alien things I forgot the name of that run the Arenas grabbed people from all sorts of times and dimensions- other combatants include a normal Earth person who was on death row for murder and a WWII German soldier who got blown up just before they teleported him in.
>Where did you get it from?
from ss13 general
>why not
i failed to find it via google images
I wouldn't mind a deathmatch map with a floor constantly moving in waves like that.
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I enjoyed it during my trip down ancient history lane and remember enjoying myself after half life 1 had the worst shooting in history (seriously, how the fucj do you expect me to murder hitscan marines without taking damage myself when they have a whole fucking SMG mag's worth of health, and don't really feel pain so you can't stunlock them either)
Anyway, returning to quake after gzdoom, everything's so dark it makes my eyes hurt, the enemies are alright, the guns don't feel punchy enough when it can take a dozen shotgun blasts to fuck up one snake's shit, and overall, there's not enough enemies at once
Is anyone even reading this wall of text

Anyway, now I've downloaded duke 3d (which isn't piracy because I have the may 2002 issue of seedy action kicking around somewhere in my house) (and because fuck randy pitchford with a fork)
Let's see how that holds up. Will keep you cunts posted if anyone shows interest

Also, issue 07/2000 in which they gave daikatana a... 7/10?
And the cons they brought up are that the partner a.i. Is bugged and that there are some other small bugs.
Duke 3D is still fantastic. The shotgun will forever be one of the best ones in games.
Yeah the guy is making a zandro tc, he posts here from time to time. It looks amazing.
Quake is most certainly shub, I do not recall anything else being referred to as quake. As far as the description goes it's still a stretch to assume earth as if that were the case they would have implied it as opposed to vague violence, looking at the expansion packs for example are things that could have been after killing quake.
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>people think this looks good
I never liked the HRP. It's the same reason why I don't use Darkplaces to play Quake or use texture filtering in GZDoom.
It looks really stiff
>everything's so dark it makes my eyes hurt,
Turn up the brightness? I hope you're not using standard glquake.

>the guns don't feel punchy enough when it can take a dozen shotgun blasts to fuck up one snake's shit
The single barrel shotgun is lame, yes. It's Quake's version of Doom's pistol, but unlike the pistol, you actually have reason to go back to it once you get better guns (namely, conserving ammo on weak/distant enemies).

>overall, there's not enough enemies at once
I dunno, I like Quake's more sparse, intentionally placed and intelligent enemies versus Doom's hordes that you can just circle-strafe around all day until they're all dead.
The worst thing about is a lot of people who like the HRP or work on it have this attitude that anybody who prefers classic mode is some kind of luddite and not just because the HRP looks fucking awful.
So basically like the people that can't play Doom without using Brutal Doom?
I think darkplaces looks great with standard textures and no trilinear filtering. The lighting system really fits quake's mood and visuals imho
Setting the lighting to a more original Quake level it can look okay, sure. I just prefer Quakespasm's way of doing things.
Worse in different ways. At least Brutal Doom changes gameplay and adds various things...the HRP just completely rapes the aesthetic of the original game and some of the people working on it get really passive aggressive about people who prefer the classic style.

Even DNF looks better than the HRP.
>Setting the lighting to a more original Quake level it can look okay, sure.
Nah I like the lighting with all the bells and whistles, I just disable pretty much everything else.

>I just prefer Quakespasm's way of doing things.
Quakespasm is indeed a great port.
Sculptris, Maya, and Photoshop. Sometimes one sometimes all three.
That color scheme is kinda fucking with my eyes. Is that a Doomguy Powered GM? I think I know what I'm building in Gundam Breaker later tonight.

Oh right, Doom thread. Uh, it sure is a shame that Metroid Dreadnought's creator vanished.
>in the first second of the video you can see the seam of the arm in the corner of the HUD
>they didn't bother with full body awareness
lol, quality

I like the texture effects, reflections and shadows. Hate the models. Can you mix & match ?
I hate how the magazine kinda glitches into the pistol unnaturally. It's so stiff.
>seriously, how the fucj do you expect me to murder hitscan marines without taking damage myself when they have a whole fucking SMG mag's worth of health, and don't really feel pain so you can't stunlock them either)

You guys need to play more Rainbow 6
why couldn't they go quake with the models instead of bootleg cg movie
more polys and higher-res textures = better

Just ask all those Elder Scrolls/Fallout modders that just blow up all the textures in Photoshop and run a sharpen filter on them!
I've just played through the first Doom (the first few maps of episode 4 were brutal) and I'm currently making my way through Doom 2. Which would you recommend I play first after this between TNT and Plutonia?
Don't forget to save them as heavily compressed JPGs though, don't want the files to be too big.
Want difficulty above all else? Plutonia.
Something more balanced? TNT Evilution.
Why do you think a 19 yo is here instead of playing the division or whatever it is that normies do these days

They're not intelligent at all. I suppose I never got the hang of circlestrafing in doom so that's why I enjoy it more without a gamebreaker tactic making it too easy

First impressions are alright. I had to drop down from Damn I'm good because fuck respawning enemies, and turn off the music I'm listening to on my phone because the sound quality is shit. Is there maybe a remastered soundpack?
TGA is the most lore-friendly and immersive texture format.
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>floaty hands
>magazine mysteriously floats into Duke's hand then vanishes
>those really bad textures
>those animations.

I'm taking my time so I would prefer a more gradual difficulty curve, at least for now. Once I finish with TNT and Plutonia I'm likely going to venture into the likes of Scythe and Alien Vendetta.
Technically, episode 4 was made after doom 2. Where in Doom 2 are you now? Opinion is more divided over its maps, with one of the more common opinions being that it takes a nosedive after Dead Simple. And which difficulty are you playing on?

I'd recommend TNT before Plutonia.
Refueling Base is the beginning of the less good maps.
I remember butthurt modders that did do that remove their mods after being called out on it. There's plenty of quality textures but some are just really fucking lazy jobs.
So does anyone know off the top of their head what would be the translation code to turn something red into green?

I want the hell knights to throw an imp fireball for an alternate attack but it'd be better if I can keep them green

Oh it was? That's interesting. I'm currently on Industrial Zone so just about halfway through by my count. I've not really had that much issue with Doom 2 so far aside from Tricks and Traps with the floor before the exit. That was cruel.
You could do that, you'd just have to edit the def files and strip out all of the models.

The real time lighting and stuff is really cool - the problem is they have no fucking idea how to use it. They reshade the default models and stick all of these bright uniform circular lights in pitch black rooms and it looks even worse than shovelware Unity games.

This is how Polymer should look:
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666 KB, 1280x720
The HRP looks so fucking awful, why do people like it? The original aesthetics are beautiful and fitting.

The animations are one of my biggest gripes, they look like complete dogshit. Also every single part of the HRP sticks out like a sore thumb everywhere.

I've never seen 3D this bad.

>how the fucj do you expect me to murder hitscan marines without taking damage myself when they have a whole fucking SMG mag's worth of health
>standing out in the open when someone is shooting at you
It's your own fucking fault. Pig cops and assault troopers will rape you the same way in Duke, shotgunners and chaingunners in Doom as well.
"176:191=112:127", "168:175=112:115", "208:223=112:115", "224:231=112:114", "232:235=119:122"

It's a little complex since the spawn frames have some orange and yellow but this'll get it all green.
That shotgun is terrible. How do you let that slip? Sounds doesn't line up, animation looks floaty and weightless, muzzleflash looks stiff and unnatural.

Thanks man. I'll get a webm soon for you.
I didn't make that video, just showing the visual side of it (I agree that the weapon needed a bit of work though)
Plutonia. Tnt tired me out to the point where at level 27 I just stopped giving a damn. Dump is p gud tbph senpai
I'm a freak who prefers TNT. I hate Plutonia's theme. WTF is that? Space Vietnam?
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>Hdoom multiplayer
Jesus christ I hope this wasn't a /vr/ public server.
I dunno anon, space Vietnam is pretty cool. That's how we got the "OORAH OORAH" marines from Aliens.
Having just murdered a bunch of pig cops, no they won't. I only had a problem with them because I thought that them going prone is them being kicked back and needing to be kicked as a finisher. Chaingunners go down in one or two shotgun blasts and sergeants in one
The problem with the HRP is that levels were absolutely not built with it in mind. So there is a dichotomy between the levels architecture and the textures.

Somebody made a small episode BASED on the HRP, and that actually looks good, at least the environments. Now if I could only remember the name of the mod...
After playing Doom to death I've started Quake, shit is tight once you adjust the renderer properly. I really enjoy the verticality of the combat and the unique feel of every weapon, especially when compared to the relative simplicity of Doom's weapons. Would I enjoy Unreal? Is it worth playing?
Ah fuck, I died and got kicked back to my first save I did. What the fuck is that shit, eduke
You'll like Unreal
I just got the urge to bust out my old copies of Shadow Warrior and Redneck Rampage. What is a good build engine source port?
Unreal is great but definitely kind of wonky with the inventory stuff if you're used to the standard "1-9 for weapons and nothing else to worry about" like id's games and Unreal Tournament.
The best Shadow Warrior port is the paid version on Steam, IIRC. There's free ports out there, like SWP, but I remember them having issues with save games sometimes.

Redneck Rampage never had its source released, I think someone was trying to bend eDuke32 into handling it.
Oh, damn.
Best way to play both is still DOSbox imo. Well, for RR you don't have a choice.
For SW, there is Redux, which is pretty cool, but it doesn't use the original 2.5D 8-bit renderer. It's opengl only.
There is SWP which is free but it's a bit glitchy here and there.
Apparently one of the EDuke32 devs is working on a SW sourceport but that shouldn't be done before a long time still.

While you're still at, once you're done with the original game, it check my SW map, it's mentionned in the news up there.

Redneck Rampage has no sourceport.

>I think someone was trying to bend eDuke32 into handling it.

Not really, it's like BloodCM, it's a recreation, all behaviours re-coded from scratch as a guess work. it's terrible imo.

Alright, so at closer ranges they'll throw arcing fire like imps, which pass through their buddies harmlessly.

They also have a chance of throwing the big fireball which detonates your bombs. Annoying AND dangerous as fuck

I feel like I should add a translation effect to the big fireball to further signify "HEY THIS FIREBALL IS DIFFERENT, WATCH OUT SON"

if someone could throw me a translation code for green to red, it'd be appreciated
There's a few ways to translate green to red since red is a larger range than green.

For player sprites I like "112:127=173:191", otherwise "112:127=176:191"

You can preview translations and get the codes from Slade by right clicking on a graphic and going to Graphic, Color Remap.
A Dark Souls style Hexen mod...Serpent Resurrection kinda fits the bill but that would be neat to see. I don't mean a recreation as such but copying a few mechanics might be neat. Resting at bonfires would refill Quartz flasks to a point but it would also resurrect all the weak enemies killed (and maybe restore mana as well) Maybe change it so killing a level's boss monster would remove all the enemies as well unless you introduced a levelling system.

Speaking of which, something like DRL or Legendoom would fit even better in Hexen as well.
Duke Nukem Eternity?
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>The problem with the HRP is that levels were absolutely not built with it in mind. So there is a dichotomy between the levels architecture and the textures.The problem with the HRP is that levels were absolutely not built with it in mind. So there is a dichotomy between the levels architecture and the textures.
It's the same reason that using a HiRes pack with original Doom looks like dogshit.
>Uh, it sure is a shame that Metroid Dreadnought's creator vanished.

Nah, mate, I'm here.
>Speaking of which, something like DRL or Legendoom would fit even better in Hexen as well.
it would probably fit in Witchheaven the best, but nobody cares about this game
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Thanks pal, I added some extra visual flair when this guy is winding up, I might do this for the caco too


This is FUN
Looks sweet man.

In the meanwhile, my goal is to finish placing the monsters for ARCHVILLE tonight, hopefully finish version 0.9 for testing tomorrow. Biggest thing that still needs doing is setting up a starting area that "triggers" all the arch-viles so they can ressurect without seeing you, and to make the bossfight script.
Any good gameplay mods that play nice with Chex Quest besides Samsara?
Brutal Doom
>Using actual images of mars as textures

Is there a way to display floors larger than 64 X 64?

Got the images from this 360 degree panorama shot. Some nice mountain and atmosphere shots

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looks fine.

No, it really doesn't.
>Is there a way to display floors larger than 64 X 64?

Add them as textures (between TX_START/TX_END if you're using a wad, textures folder if a PK3) instead of flats. ZDoom is cool with using non-flats for floor/ceiling textures, and GZDoom Builder is too.
High res textures.
Or a ZDoom port, you can use any wall textures as a flat.

It just barely doesn't stand out like a sore thumb there, but as soon as it gets a little more abstract, it goes ugly.

If you thought Sandy's levels weren't aesthetically presentable before, boy, get ready for a surprise!
>Stuck in map 28 of Scythe

How do I go faster /vr/?
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is there any way to enhance the space/sky-box?

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that's not a baron....webm
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Oh hey hellknights can do a spreadgun attack.

Wait something's not right
>is there any way to enhance the space/sky-box?
Yes. Define a GL cube skybox in your mapinfo lump, using a set of 6 ..spacebox textures from somewhere like OpenGameArt.
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I think you made him his own target somehow

I fucked up during inerhitence and the game's obituary said it was a baron. My bad.
Alcove, cubicle, whatever. English isn't my first language chap.

I think what you meant is that bit where the hell knight took damage. The modder has increased his own melee range, that's why, I believe.
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I seem to remember that if you keep floor and ceiling textures in multiples of 64 or 128 it works ok... I change a few of the 333 X 333 textures to 256 X 256 and it seemed to work
Yep, thems be alcoves.
Run forward and sideways at the same time.
Now to hammer out the rest of the vital info part of the hud ASAP so I can get working on the MFD displays in the corners. They're going to contain "software" for your cyber rig, like image intensifiers (zoom, rear view camera, night vision, flashlight), grav skate activation etc. If anyone has any suggestions for utility features like that I'd be glad to hear them.
alcoves is fine comrade, i just can't see or hear the word without thinking of this scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQXlW0GzlD4

hoverpacks (Temporary flight)

stun grenade (just have a big projectile sit there with +forcepain and toggle it on and off with a_setflags)

taunt module, doesn't do anything but you can go HEH HEEENNNHHHH with a push of a button
I adore that film.
so this is going to be a SS1 style mod?
How about a regen module that converts battery power into health. Or a info module that give you info on the target you're aiming at (like a picture of the target, its health, etc.)
Yeah. It's called doomshock.

I kind of don't want to break maps or upset balance too much. But a stealth field that eats armor or cells perhaps? Would use aux power if I had the time to implement a system for it.

A stun of some sort is a great idea. But I'm thinking a flash of disrupting energy around the player (radiusgive with some script executing item) that does some nasty temporary flag changes on monsters would perhaps be more fitting than a grenade.

Stealth and invisibilty are usually shitty in doom. Could always go for a disc of repulsion to swat away monsters and projectiles then
>taunt module, doesn't do anything but you can go HEH HEEENNNHHHH with a push of a button
kegan pls
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I'd be inclined to agree, but my beef with the Beta wasn't just the generic multiplayer, I could ignore that. But the movement feels like wading through hot dogshit because it's so optimized for consoles.
Even with ijon-formatted posts!
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or is there any wad / pk3 for that?

tried niteskye.wad
but it didn't do anything.
Are you making it as a patch to an existing mod or modifying the original file directly?
Regen module is a great idea.
> Or a info module that give you info on the target you're aiming at (like a picture of the target, its health, etc.)
Hovering the cursor over a monster displays it's health and class name as a tooltip already, but more advanced target info should make for a good "program".
Toggleable partial invisibility should be pretty useful against chaingunners.
>why not just... show more stuff when theres more stuff to show? you yourself had said before that things come up and it gets busy, but at the same time theres all these sort of needlessly overhype style stuff
quick question: how many calls of a_raise does it actually take to put a weapon in the ready state? also why isn't this on the wiki
I feel like that clicking sound any time I want to shoot the blaster/pistol will get on my nerves (it already does and I'm not even playing it yet), I don't know about anyone else though.
Only one, looping.
A thing you can do though is to add another frame with A_Raise, displaying at 0 tics, which will double the speed at which the weapon is raised.
This works for A_Lower as well
The more you add, the faster it swaps.
>The more you add, the faster it swaps.
yes I know, but exactly how many times does it have to loop until it's put in the ready state?
I think anon means how many times is a_raise called in the loop until it's done raising / how many tics of looping a_raise does it take
dunno, but it's easy to test

PISG A 0 A_Raise
PISG A 1 A_Print("1 tic")
PISG A 0 A_Raise
PISG A 1 A_Print("2 tics")
PISG A 0 A_Raise
PISG A 1 A_Print("3 tics")

Then where's the next version, you hack fraud?
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has there been sam's corpse in some game
While he's kinda right, he didn't say it in the aggressive tone you're implying.

It's also not really marty's fault the state of things.

What, you didn't get the 1.1 update? :^)
You have to ask the dev channel on IRC.
thanks, it stopped at 15.
>next version
what would even be added?
>inb4 new monsters/maps
What... exactly are the benefits to using each of Shihong's styles, mechanically speaking? Aside from special attacks.

I know Strength gives energy from melee attacks, Guns give energy from ranged attacks, but what does Ghost give energy from? I know that Guns lets you throw random junk (and an occasional bouncy ball or rubber duckie) if you use the grenade and you have no ammo. I know Ghost makes you go faster and jump higher. Does it increase damage to nearby enemies when you fall, too?
ghost is a bit of a wildcard
go faster
jump higher
jetboost regens MUCH faster

the latter is the big thing, since basically it means you can dodge a lot more

it also lets you wallgrab with crouch, but that's kind of wonky in practice
kind of curious what marty will say. the guy is one of the nicer guys in the community.

i see chronos point tho
One or more of the eight things the creator mentioned as potentially being in a future version.
I think it's fine as it, but it would have been neat to see more cool shit to mess around with.
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Now I'm not saying this is the dumbest thing I've made.

But this is the dumbest thing I've made.
Too bad Serious Sam (FE) is two years shy of being eligible for /vr/. I had a lot of fun with that game.
does it scream constantly in flight?

When I'm done with it, yes.

Then on impact it releases three mini boners that run around and punch you in the leg
Maybe if it had bulging eyeballs in the sockets it would be super silly.
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Looks weird, man.
It makes the geometry stand out like angular dogshit.

Yeah, if there's one thing that debacle taught me, it's not to get excited over and hastily announce things involving features that requires a lot of outside help.
Sorry about that.
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I enjoyed tse more because of the theme variety, but that's another year from then.
The pumpkins felt really out of place though
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