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Is the whole chinese everdrives are bad thing just a meme ?
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Is the whole chinese everdrives are bad thing just a meme ?
I don't have one but no one's ever shown any material evidence that they are practically inferior in any way. I have a ever drive md clone and never had a problem with it. The nes one is supposed to be dodgy because of the mappers or something. I think it all started on the krikkz guy's forum and is understandable from people who laid out 100-200 dollars on the real thing
There are a bunch of negative Amazon reviews of the Super UFO 8 that have the "verified purchase" tag. That's obviously not the same as ones bought on AliExpress though.

Sometimes people have shown up here with stories of them failing for no apparent reason, while sometimes people say the ones they have are fine.

I think they all have a fairly low failure rate no matter where you get them. If you are one of the unlucky ones you just might be shit out of luck unless you can do a chargeback. The Everdrive guy does have a good reputation for repairs though. I don't know if the same applies with the UFO 8 or the China versions.
I heard the NES/FC one sucks, but I'd love a second opinion. Would be nice to save 30-40 bucks. Haven't heard much about the other clones.
sup, i was looking on getting a flash cart for my snes since where i live the retro scene was sort of always alive (cartridges are in the jews' radars), i can easily get a super UFO 8 but i've heard it's utter shit at emulating the different cart chips and i havent seen the super ever drive in detail, which one should be the best to play FX stuff?
Neither. You will need the actual carts
You can get a real SED from Krikzz's website for about $15-20 more. With that you get a guarantee and support on the forum if you have any problems. In addition, you can update the device (Chinese EDs have bricked from trying to update). I've heard of many people who purchased without issue, but I'd personally just rather have the real thing and support Krikzz's efforts. Too bad you missed out on the Black Friday sale, all of his EDs were %20 off. PIcked up an Everdrive 64 v 2.5 for $79. Super Everdrives were $59

There isn't a flash cart on the market which will support super FX (except for maybe the UFO). Super Everdrive will play everything except for a few expansion chip games (Super FX, CPS1, 2). if you want to play those games you'd have to go with an SD2SNES. Personally I went with the Super Everdrive because I don't really care about playing SMRPG, Megaman X2/X3, Kirby Superstar or any of the Super FX games. I've been playing a lot of translated and hacked roms lately which are supported by any flash cart.
I tried the Chinese Everdrive MD and it bricked itself pretty quick. Probably not the usual experience but enough to turn me off.
I just got the one in your picture. It's a bit fiddly to get it to make contact. My SNES contacts are fine, most my games run every single time I turn it on, but for some reason, this particular cartridge need to be in a very specific contact position to run.

But once I'm there, it works like a charm.

It takes forever to replace a rom though, and the menus are kind of slow. I wonder is the original Super Everdrive is any better? Or even sd2snes? I can't compare.

I will get a sd2snes if I it ever gets full compatibility (the only thing I'm missing is being able to play SMRPG and Yoshi's Island romhacks, since I already have the originals). Until then, this chinese piece of shit is enough for my needs.
By the way, I forgot to mention that I got this fully knowing that I must not update it, ever. It already happened to me before with an EZFlash IV I got from aliexpress: I bricked it within 15 minutes of receiving it because I updated it, and that was it.
If you're getting one of these knockoffs, you can expect them to work just fine IF you don't change a thing.
Right know I'm expecting the arrival of an Everdrive64 clone that I also got from ali. Hopefully it's functional.
>except for maybe the UFO

There is a passthrough feature but it's a bit lacking. You can play any DSP-1 game with any DSP-1 cart in the slot. Some anon found that the same was possible with the SuperFX, but it only works if the game you're playing is the same as the one you have plugged in. I think it was only StarFox he tested with, so not sure if it would work with other games.
If someone could verify that you can play, say, Yoshi Island romhacks having the original Yoshi Island attached, I may consider getting one
>Yoshi Island romhacks
All 2 of them, huh
Well, I like Yoshi Island. And to be fair, there's like 4 or 5 complete ones now.

What I meant is, if I could use it to play romhacks of games with enhancement chip I already own (Mario RPG Revolution, Mega Man X3 Zero Project), that would be cool.
>a ufo on amazon isn't the same as an ED on ali
No shit
How much do they cost and where do I buy them? Seems like everybody but me knows.
Search "super everdrive" on aliexpress.
Search "snes game card" and you'll get additional sellers who are avoiding to use any nintendo or everdrive references.

When you find a seller, see the rest of their shop. There's lots of nes, snes, megadrive, gb, gba, and n64 flashcarts clones out there.
Let's be honest, they're both cheap chinese garbage.
You need to understand the context of the statement OP. The SNES Everdrive specs were given to the Chinese by the guy who made them, since he figured "The chinese won't steal my design, right?" So the Chinese SNES everdrives are on par with the older SNES everdrives made by the original maker. As long as you don't update the firmware, they will work fine and are generally good quality, or at least I've never heard anyone say they've had a problem with one of those.

Now the other chinese flashcarts, those are of varying quality. The MD flashcarts seem pretty good, but you still have reports of them bricking out of nowhere. The NES/FC all seem to be pretty crappy, and don't work with a number of games.
loading on the real one can be 10 seconds - 2 mins for big roms
i've never had a problem with my everdrive md but i think there are different types out there
They're great if you want to damage your system.

weak bait 1/10

I just received mine in the mail today... it works fine.
Yeah I seen the thing about bricking them when you try to update, But I'm not planning on doing so (obviously)

What are the updates for on the real one ?

I haven't even got to test this out yet because it arrived before my super famicom did. (inb4 hipster; I'm in PAL land and this was actually cheaper than getting an american snes, and modding would be tricky for me)
Looking at the update notes, V5 fixed a minor issue, and V4 fixed some other minor issues and made it so the menu would accept input from either controller slot(which comes in handy when doing SNES Mouse games).
I have a chinese SED since August and works pretty good, I had to fix games like Terranigma and Final Fantasy V but that took like 2 minutes.
You can dish out the money for the nicer one, I have and it's worth it in my opinion, but I have heard great things about the chinese ones, except the nes. heard it was dodgey honestly.

C/P from the retro piracy thread:

<----The newer Super UFO Pro 8 pushed the "custom chips work!" lie pretty hard and I saw too many people fall for it and get stuck with what's probably the worst flash cart available. The UFO P8 is literally the guts of a 90s-era copier with some extra firmware code to adapt the SD slot. You have to manually load a ROM from SD to the RAM bank like it was coming off a floppy disk.

Please guys, get an SD2SNES or Everdrive instead and save yourself the headache.---->

Not to mention ROMs are truncated to the old 8 character filename convention. Have fun sifting through 50 ROMs named SUPERM~1.SMC. You also have to manually load saves.
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