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Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 114
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Welcome to the Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc., etc.


>Citronic Gear On's music rips:

>NEW Trailer for upcoming events:

>Movie 19: Volcanion and the Ingenious Magearna [Jul 16th]

Next episode:
>XY&Z21: A Bride for Clemont! Bonnie's S'il-vous-plaît Panic!! [Apr 7th]

Upcoming episodes:
>XY&Z022: Serena Becomes Ash! The Ultimate Pikachu Showdown!! [Apr 14th]
>XY&Z023: Ash and Alan! Greninja VS Mega Charizard Once Again!! [Apr 21st]
>XY&Z024: The Forest's Curse and the White Phantump!! [Apr 28th]

Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and-
Yes, it's fucking good, just start watching it already.

>Will Serena win da Ash?
Ask Bonnie about it.

>Muh subs when?
[PM] is subbing XY&Z. Their releases can happen any time of the week.

Old thread:






>As Satoshi and his friends continue their journey, they encounter a girl named Lillia who has a Mimirol as her partner. Eureka proposes to her, but just when you'd think it'd fail like usual... it turns out Lillia is searching for a prospective partner too. Lillia also takes great interest in the devices Citron has made! Lillia and Citron hit it off extremely well, but Eureka appears less pleased about these developments and attempt to interfere with the two...

>Voice Cast:
>Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
>Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
>Mayuki Makiguchi: Serena
>Yuki Kaji: Citron
>Mariya Ise: Eureka
>Megumi Sato: Dedenne
>Megumi Hayashibara: Musashi
>Shinichiro Miki: Kojiro
>Inuko Inuyama: Nyarth
>Yuji Ueda: Sonansu
>Hitomi Nabatame: Harimaron
>Chinatsu Akasaki: Horubee
>Yuka Terasaki: Yancham
>Kensuke Sato: Rentorar
>Miyako Ito: Pumpjin
>Kenta Miyake: Maaiika
>Sayuri Hara: Lillia
>Unsho Ishizuka: Narration

>Celebrities Show Up One After Another to Showcase Pokémon Merchandise / The Developers Talk About the Special Footage of the New Pokémon Games! / Battle: Rinka Otani VS a Television Viewer!

XY&Z022: Serena Becomes Ash! The Ultimate Pikachu Showdown!! (Apr 14th)
>Serena battles in place of Ash, who's caught a cold!!

XY&Z023: Ash and Alan! Greninja VS Mega Charizard Once Again!! (Apr 21st)
>Ash's Greninja and Alan's Mega Charizard battle!!

XY&Z024: The Forest's Curse and the White Phantump!! (Apr 28th)
>Ash and his friends meet a lost, white Phantump in a forest. They take it with them to bring it to its friends, but then Team Rocket show up to abduct it!!


Serena dressing as Ash does not mean she loves him.
Pokemon XY&Z is a top quality anime.
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What happened to the oak segments at the end of episodes anyway?
>Serena finally gets some battle animation and poses
>it's just Ash's
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>Serena's finally getting into Satoshi's pants.

Clever, writers.
Got a question. What is Satoshi's name in your country?
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>Ash's cold gets better
>Comes out and sees Serena in his clothes
>"Hey, thats-"
>Serena turns around with a facial expression like pic related
>This theme starts playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNn-y44L0kw
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>Ash lets Serena use his clothing
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>tfw I'm legit having dreams about Serena and Ash and me trying to hook them up.

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I'm pretty sure it's Ash everywhere OTHER than in Japan.
Alexa pls
Nope, It's Sacha in France
>she goes to /b/
>reacts accordingly
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One of us! One of us!
Long hair Serena is a beauty
Short hair Serena is a cutie
Serena in Ash's clothes in marriage material.
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>Before the XY&Z22 reveal we were all focused on XY&Z21
>Serena took away Clemonts attention yet again
Ash contain yourself and stop trying to namefag as someone else.
>mfw seeing Serena in a nurse outfit for the first time
That makes it easier for animators to sneak in some Wincest scenes
Serena is never going to win the master class Ash, just give up.
We're ready for Ash vs. Alan pt. Deux and Serena being Ash.
Is there any way to download episodes that aren't so big? I mean they're like half a gig each.
Not really no.
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Happy 19th Anniversary to the Pokémon Anime!
>implying she hasn't been winning for a while now

Your salt is spilling Clemont.
20th anniversary of the pokemon anmie is next year depending if we have Pokemon Sun and Moon adapted by that time.
Reread Martin's post there, Andres, you seem to have mixed up some of the words.
you are such a kid iris
I can almost imagine this being the actual case.

"This seems pretty risky... quick, distract everyone with amour!"
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Let's get her a name while the name generator 8s active.
Chances of Serena doing lewd things while wearing Ash's clothing?

What if she Takes a whiff of Ash's used/dirty boxers before slipping them on?
>future episode involves the group having to ride bikes
>Clemont and Bonnie get a wincest bicycle ride
>Ash, Pikachu and Serena ride on one bike
There is no good name for her better than Swanna girl except mine
>ash and Serena are standing next to each other
>Clemont and Bonnie are standing next to each other
>ash grabs Serena's hand and tells her to follow him somewhere
>in the background of that scene we see that clemont's hand isn't just hanging there but instead is reaching under Bonnie's skirt
>nobody notices because they're speeding over amour
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>Lookily lookily flippa dede
>Lookily lookily baba Eerie

Would you train him?
>during the Ash and Bonnie shots, the tune of the song "Daisy Bell" plays
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I'm sickened but curious.
>implying Ash wouldn't remove his glove first
to maximize the distraction and to obscure the view of Clemont kneeling down so he can get ready to do his thing
>it plays while Ash and Bonnie race on separate bikes
God fucking dammit, I meant the Ash and Serena shots.

Well, this is embarrassing.
>during the Ash and Serena tandem shots, the tune of the song "Daisy Bell" plays
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>meanwhile in the very corner of the screen
Looks like somebody leaked the ending of XY&Z 21
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>XY72 - Mindfuck filler. Look at his feet

Did I overlook? I didn't notice anything spooky related to/around his feet.
Gross. Die.
no shadow
There's no shadow. At all. Everyone else has shadows at their feet.
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>Not imagining yourself with Serena alone.
Why do all those shippers want Ash to be part of their fantasies?
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Because I already a real life 3DPD girl to fantasize about in Serenas place which I had a lot of experience with.

I should probably stop though as I'm trying to get over her, she's a transgender now too
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viewers beware you're in for a scare
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how much longer until this layout goes away
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Fantasising or dreaming about Serena would be awesome, especially since Serena is my waifu.
I just jacked it to the panty version of this.
8-10 hours I'd say.
You have game Serena for that.
I sometimes sleep for 12 hours.
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Don't forget Y(vonne) from Pokespe. She'd also be waifu material.
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>You have game Serena for that
Nah, Shauna took that away :^)
>Serena is my waifu

You're not Ash
>Being the only one who likes Serena
You have no idea where you are.
You better enjoy 2D now, I can't imagine feeling attachment for someone who went a degenerate route like that.
But anime Serena has tons of content because she is in the anime, she is good waifu material too as long as she isn't taken.
So how do we know who's adamant? Or is everyone adamant now?
hi 77
Just ask "MUH SUBS, WHEN!?" and the real one will show up and answer.

but seriously, Subs when?
>not the only one in Serena's mind
Tierno please go.
What if the episode is set up for Serena filling in for Ash during a league match because he's exhausted from Ashninja.
Get a load of this faggot.

/padt/ loves her, you know this, everyone knows this.
>they say only family members are allowed to substitute
>Ash drops the wife bomb on everyone when he he has Serena substitute for him
>spaghetti gets so intense everyone in the room feels it
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Faker? I think you're the faker around here.
Just relaying what he said last time.
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There's no time to play games, you won't even get the chance!
Why wont you retards give up?
Pocket Monsters sub is taking so goddamn long, I can't take it anymore I'm just going to incubate with Naruto or something fuck this shit fucking cuckers too busy trimming their unisex pubes to bother smashing a few words together for me
>Serena isn't present when Ash is told about the family member clause
>she fears she might have just disqualified Ash
>Ash claims in a hurry that Serena is his wife
>he's told that he has four weeks to give them his certificate of marriage to Serena
>Ash walks out of the room
>when Serena asks if he got disqualified, Ash tells her, "Nah, they said it was fine. By the way, do you want to get married? How does next week sound? The week after?"
because giving in any other direction isn't an option
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>Sherri Terry
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Give what up? Give you up? NEVER

What do you gain from Amour, my good merchant?
Because Ash taught us to "never give up until the end".
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I wonder who's behind this post?
>mfw the circular thumbnails make the spoiler images look like pokéballs
Someone edit this to replace pikachu with ash's clothes
That's the point.
I'm really going to miss this name thing.
I just watched the Kingler sweep. That nigga used 7 or 8 different moves
Does that mean this is actually a beta test, and we're really going to keep this new format soon? God I hope not, the image expansion code needs work, the whole image won't show up when I expand it
Most probably because it's normal for siblings of close age to have seen each other naked as some point.
Oh wait hold on, I forgot about the layout, I had it blocked using Adblock plus.

I meant the spoiler thing is meant to look like a poke ball, baka nvm
It's because sibling incest is the purest form of love.
I bet if you included the Binacle it would be much lewder.
>rolls one of the best names all day
I imagine you will.
>tfw I am one year younger otouto
I recommend you to go to that /qa/ thread.
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Who cares about ash & alain?

Most people are hyped for ashrena anywyas
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Why's Serena gotta be so damn cute anyway?

What is the meaning of this?
fuck, even Buddy Fight had a conclusion arc despite the main character being the same
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Surprised nobody has done this with clemont instead of ash
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Ash Checkem.png
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>accidentally rub pikachu's cheek
>Ash dindu nuffin
if Ash and Bonnie do it, what is it called?

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The end is near
Everytime I see someone on the forums say Misty and Brock should return it literally makes my blood boil.
Fuck off.
But his name is clearly Scott.
Post Cheerleader Dawn
I just see a lot of people saying that since the 20th anniversary of the anime is next year, that they should reunite Misty/Brock for the anime.

Which is also selfish, because if they're celebrating 20 years of the anime, why the hell would they only focus on Misty/Brock, instead of ALL of Ash's travel companions that lasted these 20 years? Which pretty much puts into perspective the stupidity of these original trio fanboy who think the show is only going to cater to them.
Fuck off, Brock. Go do that in your piece of shit waifu threads.
same reason genwunners exist
Same reason only kids can participate in all those events they've been doing at toys r us
I'd be up for a 20th anniversary Pokemon anime thread next year.
Is it just me or have Misty fans been getting a bit vocal lately, I mean moreso than usual? I wonder if its because we're getting toward the end of a gen again and they constantly think Misty is going to return whenever a new saga starts.

Man, back in 2002 who knew this nonsense about Misty would still be going literally 13+ years later? How can people waste over a decade of their life whining about the same character over and over? It doesn't even make sense anymore.
this feels like copypasta
Report and ignore.
>Who can waste over a decade whining about the same character over and over
The irony
It never made sense to begin with.
Sometimes part of me wants to see Amour go 100% canon just to see the Pokeshipper meltdowns. It would be glorious.
>Sometimes part of me wants to see Amour go 100% canon just to BTFO Stale and rub it in his face. It would be glorious.
For all you people who think /padt/ is cancer: Don't go to /v/ right now.

Just. DON'T.

Trust me.
who the fuck is Anthony Burch
It's because the threat of Serena,20th anniversary for the anime,and the overall lack of misty in general in the anime. A lot of pokeshippers will say ash has no more personality and that he's too strong now. But if misty returned for the next region and ash remained the same as he is in XY,they'd say the show is a lot better now that misty is back and ash matured and became competent.
that name sounds very neckbeardy

I can see why judging by your post
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I've been there all day
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>mfw I went there
It is I
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>mfw get a stroke and half my of my body is paralyzed
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I can relate.

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we need this but with Millefeui and Serena or Mirror Ash and Mirror Serena
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It may be Friday night, but little children still need to go to sleep. Do so.
Someone get Serena
Oof, poor you
Well, you aren't getting Dawn that's for sure.
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If they're returning, might as well go all the way and have everyone return. A moment of reprieve from this restless journey that this poor boy took.
>yfw if this artist redid this image today with the events that took place in the show recently, Ash would be reaching up to touch Serena's hand
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That's the thing, I wouldn't mind a big reunion of all of Ash's friends in the same episode, or for a special/movie or whatever.

Its the people who ONLY want Misty/Brock that bother me, because all they want is their precious original trio back together and they don't give a damn about other characters. The writers can't even be bothered to put Misty in a single episode in 11 years, and they're stupid enough to think she'll return for an entire arc?
ITS OVER /padt/!!!
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Is it?
Now we get to yell at people for being namefags again!

Like this motherfucker right here >>25800815
Is it safe now?
I'm gonna miss the random namefagging.
Fuck Piplup

Ironically it was the best way to counter trip fags
What do you think: Are we in for more fan service for the rest of XY&Z, or is the meme magic coming to fruition going to be for this month only?
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Maybe meme magic can give Serena long hair again.
Things are going as planned for Serena.
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Ash blushing.gif
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>Get him addicted to puffs: Done (more easily than planned!)
>Use puffs as a reward to recondition his behaviors and reprogram his thinking process: Done
>Build up an addiction to me personally: Possibly done; additional tests required to verify results
>Get into Ash's pants: SOON (literally, at least)
>Get him to confess his love for me: Almost... almost....
This might be the only outfit she's even worn other than her day clothes that doesn't include a choker.
Was getting left behind with the old hag part of her plan?
Yashio is her ejection seat/parachute: in the unlikely event that her master plan goes completely up in flames, she needs an exit strategy.

That is to say, if, even after all of this, she ends up confessing to Ash only to find that he only views her as a friend, or if he catches on to her soft power manipulation and starts hating her for it, she needs a way to extradite herself and get the hell out of Dodge.

Yashio is the perfect backup plan in case the entire thing goes to shit. She was so happy at Yashio telling her about it because she realized that this offer has no expiration date: she can keep it on hand until such time that she can safely ditch the backup.
Yeah, I don't think Ash will ever hate Serena, I mean, he knows Iris, and he doesn't hate her, I think.
Wow, that's very good quality crop. How did you do this?
time for the dub to fuck up

>oretachi wa motto motto tsuyoku! ikeeeee!

Who's ready?
We're talking purely in terms of worst case scenarios. In engineering, even if the odds of something failing are one in one million, that system needs to have a backup designed under the assumption of that system failing.

I'm not being serious in applying all of this to Serena, I just think it's hilarious to act as though Serena is treating the Ash Bowl like a war to strategize in
What if Ash gets really shy about a girl wearing his clothes?
>We're going to become even stronger than that! Let's do this!"
Wait, a sec-

>watching dub
Kill yourself.
I think it'll be cute.
Looks pretty lewd in my opinion.
as long as there's no poopoo hole then it's not lewd
damn it was even worse than I expected

>Well we're going to be stronger!... lets go!...uuuuuuuuh

Literally didn't even try to sound convincing.
>not "We're gonna get stronger and stronger. Here we go!."
The worst part was that the grey haired guy actually had a good VA making taylor sound even more half Ashed.
I wish.
>Ace Attorney Ep 01 is out
Time for some more Yuki Kaji while bitching about everything else I guess.
It looks lazily done as fuck, senpai
I know. Caught the OP on /v/ while torrenting and it looks like utter shit.
Haven't watch it yet, heard the animation is bad, is it true?
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>mfw I realize Bonnie's clothes and hair match up (or at least resemble) Shiny Dedenne's colors
was this intentional on their part
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this seems familiar.png
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Even Mia supports this
Who animated PW anime? It looks shit.
Yeah, it's nothing to write home about and there are some QUALITY parts, the CG for the courtoom being especially bad and the cel-shaded audience on the stands is almost always immobile, which looks terrible. Music wasn't anything special either.

As an adaptation of the first case of AA1, it was pretty on-point though.

Funniest part was hearing Yuki Kaji slip into his science-mode Clemont hot-blooded voice when objecting and cornering the witness.
like I said he seems to be using his Clemont voice frequently lately.

Even his Koichi in Jojo was like this.
Also, ED by Rei Yasuda. Pretty good, though not as good as Tweedia.
I heard Tomioka is the writer?
>Yuki Kaji slip into his science-mode Clemont hot-blooded voice when objecting and cornering the witness.
That's just a case of lack of range. Kaji is very well known for his lack of range.
I'm really glad that they adapted it so well. The scenes and reactions of the characters are all really fitting and faithful to the games.
I hope the animation gets better but I don't really care as much about it in a show like this that hardly has any action scenes anyway.
quick, I need pics of Cal and Scraggy
Yeah, although I don't know which specific episodes he writes (unless he writes all of them).

Precisely because of a lack of budget-eating action scenes they should focus on not having stiff movements and off-model characters during the talking scenes that make up 95% of the series. But I guess the budget/talent isn't quite enough for even that.
Check the end credits, the writer should be listed there.
It wasn't quite that bad though and if they're concentrating more on other things, I'm fine with it.
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Mille and Serena being inverted to eachother weirds me out too
Any Niji alternatives so far?
>implying it wasn't his idea in the first place
I know its gonna be nothing new, but what time does that show thats supposed to have the sun and moon stuff in it start?
>Yeah, although I don't know which specific episodes he writes (unless he writes all of them).
head writers usually write the first episode
So none?
When the Pokenchi thread gets made you'll know.
8 hours from now.
When did the sub give a name to the Ash-Greninja form? Because he finally evolved in the dub and they didn't say.
Official website/announcements months ago.
From Adamant:

>"As Ash and his friends continue their journey, they meet the only heir to a robotics company, a girl searching for someone to marry. She has an interest in the devices Clemont has made and the two of them hit it off well."

>"Clemont is marrying this girl!?"
>"Bonnie doesn't appear pleased about the prospect of her brother being taken away!"

It's never been called anything in dialogue.
Either heiress let's Clemont go for the sake of the siblings relationship, or she tells Clemont that she will wait for him when they, and Bonnie, are ready.
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Serena is so cute I'm dying.
So Lillia IS looking for someone to marry

I hope she and Clemont fug
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>not knowing it's always been wincest
Try keeping it in your pants Ash.
Although that's questionable next episode.
Ash pls
I remember this.
But I'm Millefeui
Poke, especially during OI, and Contest had better subplot development without needing the blatant promotion tactics that Amour has gotten. RIP potential.
>Hoody Serena with Dawn skirt.
Muh dick.
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>that's actually how Clemont departs
>still disapproving it, but realizing his onii-chan is happy by his future bride's side, she lets him go
>Ash and Serena officially adopt her
With all of this emphasis placed on her being an "heir," is her father going to die during the episode? Somebody almost always dies during Bonnie episodes.
Nice implications there.
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Bonnie and now Clemont episodes have dead people.
>Pokémon no uchi atsumaru? episode 27:

>Abareru-kun gets voice acting training from Rica Matsumoto, who plays Satoshi in the anime! Also, a couple hot guys drop by Pokénchi and a super flashy battle takes place!

>In order to become a movie voice actor, Abareru-kun receives special training from Rica Matsumoto, the voice of Satoshi! But Abareru-kun struggles during his training when he's tasked with dubbing famous scenes from Pokémon movies... Will he successfully complete his training? Also, the hot guys from the dance vocal group Da-iCE visit Pokénchi and a super flashy Pokémon battle takes place!

>Shoko Nakagawa
>Rinka Otani
>Guests: Sota Hanamura (from Da-iCE), Hayate Wada (from Da-iCE), Golgo Matsumoto (from TIM), Rica Matsumoto

Get hype!
>in some future episode, the gang is shown sitting down to eat
>yfw in the background, Ash pulls Serena's chair out for her to sit down and pushes it back in after she's seated

We haven't see Lumiose City's restaurants yet as far as I can recall.
Actually sounds interesting.
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>yfw during the training segment, Shoko asks Rica to say "I love you, Serena" in her Ash voice
Is Godot still out there?
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I fucking hope so. I don't want to be stood up here!
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Will Serena speak in a deeper voice?
>She uses Getto Daze while reading the pv
>those porportions
So I heard that Ash will face Shota and Alain in the same episode. I saw Ash v Alain footage, but where did people get the idea of Shota appearing as well?

I really want to see Shota's M. Sceptile, Salamance, and his Doublade already.
There is no evidence, in fact there is evidence to the contrary at least on the grounds that the two battles do not take place on the same battlefield. Depending on how it goes I suppose it's still possible they're in the same episode, but I personally think they won't.
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Will we get to see Ash's future female travelling companion today?
Maybe, maybe not. But it won't be Serena and Amour will have amounted to nothing like predicted.
It will be the fucking Direct video. Mark my words
Pretty heavy implications there.
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Here she is.
There was that time they had cake then Ash fought Diantha.
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