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Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 140
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Welcome to the Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc., etc.


>Citronic Gear On's music rips:

>NEW Trailer for upcoming events:

>Movie 19: Volcanion and the Ingenious Magearna [Jul 16th]
NEW Trailer:

Next episode:
>XY&Z029: Ash Greninja VS Mega Abomasnow! The Giant Water Shuriken Triggers!! [Jun 2nd]

Upcoming episodes:
>XY&Z030: Find Carbink! Goodra and Dedenne!! [Jun 9th]
>XY&Z031: Heatbursts at the Ingenuity Festival! [Jun 16th]
>XY&Z032: The Kalos League Begins! Mega Charizard Showdown: X VS Y!! [Jun 30th]
>XY&Z033: Mega Sceptile VS Raichu! I Received Some EXP!! [Jul 7th]

Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and-
Yes, it's fucking good, just start watching it already.

>Will Serena win da Ash?
It sure looks that way.

>Muh subs when?
[PM] is subbing XY&Z. Their releases can happen any time of the week.

Old thread:






>Satoshi once again challenges the Eisetsu Gym! Together with Satoshi Gekkoga, he goes up against the powerful opponent Urup, whom he lost against last time! If he wins, he'll be able to participate in the Kalos League, but will he win!?

>Due to what happened in the forest, Satoshi has matured a bit further. No longer lost on what to do, he once again attempts a Gym match! His opponent, the Gym Leader Urup, sends forth the Mega Yukinooh he didn't use in the previous battle, driving Satoshi into a corner. How will this fierce battle end...? Will Satoshi manage to get the badge this time!?

>Voice Cast:
>Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
>Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
>Mayuki Makguchi: Serena
>Yuki Kaji: Citron
>Mariya Ise: Eureka
>Megumi Sato: Dedenne
>Kiyotaka Furushima: Fiarrow
>Yuji Ueda: Gekkouga
>Shinichiro Miki: Luchabull
>Kenta Miyake: Onvern
>Ryuzaburo Otomo: Urup
>Tsuguo Mogami: Disciple
>Unsho Ishizuka: Narration


XY&Z030: Find Carbink! Goodra and Dedenne!! (Jun 9th)
>On their way to Lumiose City, Ash and his friends decide to stop by the wetlands where Goodra lives. Ash and the others are delighted at seeing Goodra again, but then trouble suddenly arrives! Incredibly, a single Carbink appears to be going on a rampage in the wetlands. Ash and his friends attempt to stop the Carbink together with Goodra and the wetland Pokémon, but then Team Rocket show up.

XY&Z031: Heatbursts at the Ingenuity Festival! (Jun 16th)
>Ash and his friends drop by the "Ingenuity Festival", an event where one can experience various ingenious devices created by masters in the field from all over Kalos. But as they enter, the devices immediately turn on, and Ash ends up getting separated from Pikachu and the other Pokémon.

XY&Z032: The Kalos League Begins! Mega Charizard Showdown: X VS Y!! (Jun 30th)

XY&Z033: Mega Sceptile VS Raichu! I Received Some EXP!! (Jul 7th)


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Flying to the new thread.
What a colorful team.
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>Hey remember when we met~?
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Reposting for the anon who was watching BW.

These are the reasons to watch it:
>Charizard returning
>the last episode
>not listing Kenyan
Time to kill yourself.
>Bonnie running in the woods somewhere forgotten before they return to Lumiose
Tierno did nothing wrong.
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Do your worst, /padt/.
bianca thighs are the only reason
Whats with this autistic shit?
They're barely ever visible. I'd rather Georgia.
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>yfw da Luna wins da Satoshi

After the league...
>Serena finally tells herself she's going to tell Ash how she feels
>Ash's constant help with Luna's own synchro shit leads to develop feelings for him
>Ash is all alone and Serena is about to use this opportunity to tell Ash her feelings
>Luna calls on Serena before she leaves to tell him
>"U-um... Serena, can I ask you something?"
>Serena looks over to Ash then back to her, her good side gets the better of her "... Sure~"
>"Um, when is it best to tell a boy how you feel about them."
>Luna looks over to Ash and smiles
>Serena looks over to Ash and then back to Luna, heartbroken
>"Right now..."
>She winks at Luna
>Luna smiles and runs off to tell Ash
>Serena starts crying.
>She looks back up and see Ash and Luna kissing
Georgia's ass is what got me through the dark times.
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Check 'em
The only thing he did wrong was not getting a Mega stone for Blastoise
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He was born, that was his mistake.
I can't wait to see Ash or Serena reject the other at the end and the Amourfags explode
Lunaposters are cancer
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>Ash or Serena reject the other at the end
This won't happen as much as i would like. They will just promise to see each other again like always. No confession no nothing
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D-delete this!!
>Forgetting Cameron
Serena giggling at her newfound ability to stop time.
>Remembering Cameron
See each other again aka "I'll never see you again until the next region where you'll just come in as a guest character for about 4 episodes before you leave again"
Just get reporting already.
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I only remember my anger.
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no satoshi...
Or never like Iris
>Implying she won't get the Pidgeot treatment.
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And, of course, yours truly.
Did Japan even like Iris?
Nope. But stop responding to shitposts.
I'm pretty sure it's Botch anon
Fuck that autistic faggot
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Will she get used to the no Satoshi for the rest of her life?
Looks too much like his Hoenn outfit. I'm hoping his outfit is very light this time around, just a t-shirt and some shorts would be cool.
>festival episode sounds like filler
>basically waiting 2 weeks until we get plot
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Pretty sure it was Kenan.
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417) 312-5636
Need good pics of your best Pokemon please
>implying we won't get plot in the Goodra episode
I don't even think Ash will be in the next arc, at least not as the main character.
someone's triggered :^)
>Implying her beanie is not filled with cum
Because of the low ratings, I assume? It wouldn't be too surprising if they did a major retooling of the show considering how BW sent it into a fucking nosedive that XY hasn't really recovered from.
cute, CUTE
He will be.
Dream on, Scott. Kill yourself.
Fuck off Scott, you know perfectly well none of that is true.
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>ashnime without ash
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>Ash vs Diantha at the Pokémon League
>Serena tells herself "After he wins I'm going to confess!"
>Comes down to Ash-Greninja vs Mega Gardevoir
>Perfectly animated battle
>All other animu is jelly
>Final moment, Gardevoir is open
>Serena: "You can do it Ash!"
>Ash: "Greninja! WATER SH-"
>Ash passes out despite having "mastered" the technique
>Diantha wins
>/padt/ loses half it's anons to suicide
>Serena realises the reason Ash passed out is because she called out to him making him lose focus
>She thinks to herself "If Ash and I end up together then he won't be able to focus on battle, because I'll be there..."
>Doesn't confess because she doesn't want to ruin his chances at becoming a Pokémon Master
>/padt/ loses the other half of it's anons to suicide
Wait, which of them were Scott?
>But stop responding to shitposts
Are you saying im shitposting? What is wrong with you. Seriously all this Ammourshipping bullshit is damaging your brains
Doesn't matter, if they endlessly obsess about Ash ending, then it's him.
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One can only hope
You sure proved him wrong, shitposter.
I don't want a different protag, but I can't deny the possibility considering the ratings have dipped considerably.
>yfw Ash ends up deciding to pull a Red and goes off to train because he's now maximum salt he lost AGAIN, but leaves his Pika to either Serena or some new faget to have travel with them as he leaves
>yfw new region is new protag, same Pikashit
Are people really so surprised they might try something without Ash? Nobody said he had to be gone entirely, he could have a recurring role similar to Alan.

This is probably the first time in the animes history they might consider such a thing, because even at the end of Johto Shudo only wanted to drop Misty and not Ash himself. Also with DP to BW they had to reset him to keep him around.
I too would like a different protagonist even through i love Ash but its pretty obvious he will lose the League and they can't end his story with him losing so we won't get a new protagonist
Do people really see Ash in Sun/Moon like he was in BW? No way can they do that again. Even this outfit is so atrocious it reminds me of his BW outfit.
Can't agree more
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Here is fixed
Why might they consider it? Why? They went too far? You overestimate them, they'll find a way to destroy Ash yet again so they can have their patterns.
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This is seriously so cringe.
Fuck off.
Easy as fuck to filter though.
It's troll pasta, it's been posted in every thread for weeks now. Just report it.
But you're a NEET. You're cancer for literally everybody living of other people's hard earned money.
Already got warned for reporting. I just hide it everytime.
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This is such obvious bait, kill yourself. Thanks.
And I reported a bunch of shitposts last thread, and it still said they were in the report queue at the time in got archived.

Jannies fucking where?
>tfw lunatard and stale are easy as fuck to filter

Feels good knowing our shitposters are retarded.
How do you see the report queue?
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Serena is a slut
WTF was that episode 25!?, ash beat the crap out of dianthia, wtf...
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Very important poll here
Maybe her Dragonite or Excadrill but f her
Not worse than the regular amour greentexts. I like it.
Click "Report post" on a post you've reported already. If it gives you a "you've already reported this post" error, the post is in the report queue. If it lets you report it again, it's been removed from the queue as "not delete-worthy".
The power of synchro, m8.
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shipfags going full retard again
Good try stale. You forgot Serena leaves with Clermont afterwards.
Amazonfags aren't welcome here either.
>>>/lit/ might be a more appropriate place for you.
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>Not knowing where do you are
Fucking concierges.
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All the CotD in Unova were extremely forgettable
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>not posting the webm
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Some of them are a QTs
Iris's dragon friend was cute
Doesn't matter stale, after all Serena's likely loves Clermont as hinted by her uncomfortability in XYZ22.

Am I doing it right?
why is Serena such a slut?
No, stop responding
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Serena is pure because her love is pure.
No. Stop tying to be witty, and report and ignore, retard.
What a hoe
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Is fine to be a slut if it's for one person only.
>tfw Serena/Citron isn't a thing
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>mfw I'll never have a devoted and loyal slut all for myself like Serena
why live?
>ancient CIA gif
>downloaded it literally a week ago

Fuck off newshit
This a gem right there.
If Ash wins the league how can he be in the next arc?

- Powerful Greninja dumped at Oak's lab

- Main girl who loves him is dropped

- Ash going from strong competent to weakling again like BW

Nobody outside of little kids will give a shit about the next arc. And kids these days aren't even watching pokemon much anymore even in Japan/
All the better reason for them to return to stupid land, since that's what's beating them.
Cool falseflags. Go back to wherever you came from now.
I've went through like 3 computers since 2012
all my old shit is gone and now I'm sad
I assume it's some shitposter trying to push the "Yokai Watch is killing Pokemon" shit again.
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Find a flaw.
Not Serena
Must be TSS wasting time again instead of working in subs.
Isn't YW doing bad lately? Or was it only the games?
Please. They've done this for ages and no one cared. Nothing is different now. Nothing. Ash is forever.
TSS doesn't work on the subs.
Doesn't he? Strange I would've swore I saw him in the credits recently somewhere.
Well, they certainly get better billing. They'll advertise Youkai over Pokemon any day.
The entire franchise is losing steam, yeah.

Probably not the best time to discuss that, though
The games are still doing well, it's the merchandise sales that have fallen off a cliff (80% down on an annual basis, but still good). The anime is also already usually out of the top 10 just like Pokémon, although I think the release of Yokai Watch 3 in a month and a half should help revitalize it.
Thats a Pro
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Not Dawn
Will Ash ever stop catching the regional birds? Apart from Noctowl and Talonflame which have neat quirks they're boring as fuck and waste space for more interesting flying types.
If you consider how Shudo didn't like/hated Ash and didn't want him to win, and ignore the shitshow that was BW, then AG and DP don't stand so bad:

>loses to a Meowth with a meme hat but wins the Battle Frontier
>the only way to stop him was with a diabolus ex machina with legendaries
Millefeui shows up to compete in the league, what's her team /padt/?
This is why I really want his to catch Mokuroh this time around. It doubles as starter and bird.
>>loses to a Meowth with a meme hat but wins the Battle Frontier
Oh yeah that happened, i never saw the Hoenn League
Yes, too bad really because Tyson was legit outside of that.
I already forgot, does she really have a Meowstic?
>Rotom Heat
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those legs.jpg
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Yes, a male one.
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Now THOSE are thick
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>When you can differentiate the horny underage from the anon trying to help
Lord knows, we never will.
The way they stopped him in DP was shockingly bad though.

Tobias simply having a strong as fuck team after Darkrai and Ash not using 50% of his team on shitmons would've presented us with both a better battle and a less bullshit loss.
>ywn lick her thighs
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Ash after the league finals.png
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If you're going to have Ash go down, at least make him go down all the way to doom.

I want this show to fucking end.
Of course you won't Tierno.
The League, Perfect Zygarde, Team Flare finale
Someone needs to disconnect your internet and destroy whatever TV you have.
>seriously replying to the most blatant shitpost yet
It's time to stop posting.
An Articuno episode
>Now that Serena probably doesn't love Ash anymore, what is there to look forward to?
We're not talking about your fanfic suift.
>being this much of a butthurt faggot
Why? I'm sure you want it to end too. Isn't that why we want him to win the league?
Ash's mistake was bringing reserves that weren't strong enough at the time. Just think about it: in DP, his two most powerful Oak mons were Sceptile and Snorlax, and he didn't bring one of them.

Now think about how many powerful mons he has at Oak's lab now in XY.
You've been reading too many shitposts, I think.
>I want this show to fucking end.
Why? You know you can just stop watching it, right?
I stopped watching the anime ages ago.
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Last episode told you everything you needed to know.

Greninja's going SRW.
I'm looking forward to see the next gym leader companion

There will be at least one
Good thing with him replying to himself is that you can just hide the first post and the rest falls with it.
His Sceptile finished Darkrai off
>gets mad over being called out for replying to blatant bait like a faggot
Rotom Heat? I think that would bring some laughs, but it matches Millefeui.
But I don't want to, at least until XY&Z is over, I want to witness it ending and I enjoyed XY/XY&Z, the same as you.

He used both, he even used Sceptile against Tobias and it beat his Darkrai. Snorlax was shown finishing off some other trainers Pokemon with a Body Slam too.
I was just digging for cake-baking-related mons, really.
During the preliminary rounds, Satan.

The point is, Ash didn't have as many strong pokemon then as he has now. At Oak's, I mean.
Will you shut the fuck up already?
>You have to wait a while before reporting another post.

Get to fucking work.
>Serena very well still loves Ash. time will tell.
But he did use Sceptile against Darkrai. It was basically the rest of the team that made no fucking sense aside from Pikachu. Sure Heracross made sense but to use Torkoal, Gible and Swellow was baffling.

He had Glalie, Infernape and Snorlax all sitting there thinking what the fuck are you doing.
>Snorlax against a Ghost
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It's not Dark/Ghost? Fuck me then

It seems some of you don't play the games. Me neither, I also thought it was ghost-type.
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I bet you thought Florges was a Grass-type.
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Darkrai is maximum edge.

So Dark/Dark/Dark/Dark/Dark/Dark/Bladez
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Another true synchro.
That's Bisharp. So edgy it's Dark/Steel.
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Will they revisit this scene in the gym match? They should IMO. It was how wulfric got his first impression of Ash and he wasn't satisfied with it.
I was told that the Lucario movie was good to watch, butt it contained NO FIGHTING SCENES.

I trusted it because out of all pokemon, I thought the Lucario would show some ass kicking.

Is there any movie with some good pokebattles?
They were made for each other
I thought 2000 had some good action, thought they were mostly just fighting off the birds as opposed to trying to knock them out.
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>good pokebattles
Keldeo movie.
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In Ash's perspective, I want his eye's glued to Giselle
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Actually, I like how cute all these season one QTs were

The Keldeo movie is probably one of the worst, but it does have good fights. Just fast-foreward through the rest.

The Hoopa one is good if the idea of an all-star legendary cast appeals to you, but some are better implemented than others.
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His eyes were on her which is how he saw that she deserved to get her ass kicked.
I was referring to the week break after the festival episode
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Cutest anime mon?

I have a soft spot for Pikachu.
Misty > Giselle, and you know
Other way.
Is that wood or blood?
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Poke r9k.jpg
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t. Tierno
Do you want to find out Millefeui?
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Fuck off Amelia.
What board was this posted at?
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>Shota fought a Fire, Water, and Flying gym leaders
>Didn't fight the rock nig, clemont or korrina

I understand they've been doing this in previous seasons, but if that's the case, why not develop it further rather than claim there are only 8 gym leaders?
Is that Ritchie with Sparky I see there? Holy fuck it's been several seasons.
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I wish Jessie's hair was still red
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Biggest bullshit was Sleep Talk Heracross losing to Dakrai.
Swellow was important because it was Ash's first regional bird used for battling and Pidgeot was released. Since Ash only had Noctowl at the time Swellow was a big deal.
You know its not happening right? Besides Dawn is better for him than Serena
What a low bitch. Who would want a passive girl like that?
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what does she want to see /padt/?
I liked Emobird since it had the novelty of being legit good and that was unheard of for a bird pokemon used by ash at the time.
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>Tierno and Trevor get kicked out of the league in the first round
>Didn't fight clemont
But he did.
No he didn't
Serena does not want to share.
Yeah i've always wondered about that. The games should have more than 8 gyms really
correction, he did, but got his ass whopped
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>train hard for months
>probably almost die a few times going from city to city
>fight long grueling battles against 8 gym leaders separated by long distances
>lose in 1st round of league
>All For Naught

I don't think 'disappointed' is the word I'd use in a realistic fashion. What are some real world equivalents to this sort of endeavor?
Tyson's team was Sceptile, Metagross, Shiftry, Hariyama, Donphan and the Meowth in boots.

If you noticed he had all strong and solid pokemon and his Meowth was clearly far more skilled/powerful than any other Meowth. That being said Ash's XY team would have destroyed Tyson and he won the league.
I don't remember him fighting Clemont

What a fag... 'This gym's too hard! let me go look for an easier one!' I have no respect for Shota anymore.
It was during the time Clemont was preparing his battle against Ash.
I wonder if Tierno will have a mega blastoise.
Trip losing to Ash

I forgot the episode, but it was way back in XY

Ash's XY team would probably wreck every league at this point, particularly Kanto's where most competitor's Pokemon were fucking unevolved. Hell, Ash would probably solo the Kanto league.
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>no doujin of Ash and Diantha
Okay Zoey, obviously you would say that.
Yeah, the thing is that outside of Tobias, none of the other characters Ash lost to in the leagues were particularly strong or that amazing. Harrisson and Tyson were competent trainers but they were only slightly more experienced than Ash was at the time, and his matches with Richie/Cameron were just screw overs.

Also keep in mind Ash only had Grovyle at the Hoenn league too. If he had a Sceptile by the Hoenn league instead of Grovyle he probably would have won. I wonder if this is why the writers didn't evolve Grovyle till battle Frontier.
It's Jimmy and his Pikachu Spike.
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She better keep her hands away from Satoshi.
Nice implications stale.

Where do you stand on the Kalos League, anon? Are you among the 42% who think he'll win?
In the tobias situation, I was glad they acknowledged that Ash was the only one to take down not just darkrai but also another of tobias's bullshit team, two things that NO ONE else in the region had done prior to that.

It was the most bullshit match ever, but it at least provided that much respect to ash and in that sense was vastly more tasteful than the loss to cameron at least.
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Proof Serena still loves Ash, which is a big unknown.
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It's confirmed he doesn't.
Meanwhile Serena is sitting in the stands enjoying Tierno getting rekt.
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