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Alicesoft/Rance General
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Alicesoft/Rance General #514
Last thread: >>146471781
Here's your Satella edition edition

FAQ: http://pastebin.com/jumUkvv6
Read the FAQ before you ask questions.

Alicesoft Image Booru: http://haniho.booru.org/
Rance Game Translation Chart:
Rance World Notes: https://mega.nz/#!nRESUJYZ!ZqoypfshkozVBFpeFGI3Oi5xBtU22SjnrnfjIo2SUGY

Remember to use spoilertags when discussing and posting images of plot elements, especially those of untranslated Rance games. Ignore and report any blatant shitposting, including nameshit
Check pastebin for FAQs, downloads and General Hints


Rance 01 OVA Episode 4 - 24th June 2016

Rance X - Announced

Just Released

Beat Blades Haruka (ENG)
buy from Mangagamer if you want to buy
Physical Edition out 1th July 2016

Recent Releases

29th Jan 2016 - Tsumamigui 3 (JAP)

29th Jan 2016 - Rance 01 OVA Ep 3 (JAP)

Released Last Two Years (See FAQ for downloads and info)

October 2015 - Blade Briders OVA (JAP)
August 2015 - Rance 03 (JAP)
June 2015 - Rance 01 OVA Episode 2 (JAP/ENG)
April 2015 - Evenicle (JAP)
January 2015 - Mamatoto (ENG)
December 2014 - Rance 01 OVA Episode 1 (JAP/ENG)
October 2014 - Blade Briders (JAP)
September 2014 - Kichikuou Rance (ENG)
April 2014 - Rance IX (JAP)

On permanent hiatus unless localised by Mangagamer. Late 2016 at the earliest for the next Alicesoft game after Haruka.

Rance 5D - 100% translated,100% edited. Never to be released

Rance VI - 88.4% translated.

Rance Quest - 64% translated.
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Satella is happy.
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worst IX heroine
The correct pastebin this time. Congratulations
I'm not the guy who fucked up the pastebin the previous times.
If it were the same guy he wouldn't have made it a Satella thread.
I like Satella though. Just that on the rare occasions that something happens the OPs should reflect it
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Tenth for spending the summer on the beach!
>Reset with blue crystal.
It's like a plague.
End yourself. I'd rather let the thread die.
What's different about the two?
The new one has some updated links that were dead
Ah yes, forgot about the dead links.

I'm going to sleep, stay alive.
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I'm fucked for a few hours because I took medication to help me sleep and it's too affective
What is this mod
Same anon added characters manually using Rance VI sprites

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If we ever get box version of Rance games here, I want it to look like this.
Just wait for all the westernized names.
Most of the names aren't Japanese names so it isn't an issue
>Westernized names
>In a series where a majority of the names are closer western nomenclature to begin with
I for one would love an English display of the names so we finally put to bed name shit. At least until Alicesoft changes them again.
It happened in 03.
Yes, but not for everyone. I genuinely hope X has it so that can finally be put to bed.
Where the hell is the picture on the right from?
Alicesoft April Fools blog post
I hope not. Most of those 03 names were terrible. If they're going to do it again they should consult with their official English partners this time so the names don't come out nonsense.
They weren't that different from what we already used.
I'm not going to dredge up my copy or anything, but I remember them being b-movie quality takes on actual western-sounding names. Pretty much what you'd expect from a company with very few English speakers. (if they even have any)
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You'll have to elaborate here because I'm not sure I follow you.
Trying to write western names, coming really close, and then failing utterly. Uncanny valley names.
a lot of the names Alicesoft choose for non JAPANese characters are completely nonsensical and demonstrate that Alicesoft have no idea about English
Again, I can't really think of any examples of what you're saying since most of the names were the same or really similar to what /haniho/ has always used.
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Rance and Kanami were the same, pretty sure every other character was different.
I can only remember Lia, Leila and Suu being different.
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The fox girl in the sen tanuki doujin
Stay alive until 6 hours or so from now
Kuh, what a bother.
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>not posting the best Rance girl.
Maybe if you're into bestiality.
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Sorry I don't want to fuck dogs
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That's not the warrior of love and justice, the Level 3 Superhero, Pink Mask.
Mama tudo
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What's with hot widows loving animals.
They feel that no man can replace their loved ones. Not one person is capable of that.
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While that is completely true, her story had its cute moments. Especially her route's nice ending.
Wait, I thought that fox lady was from a different series altogether?
Yeah. That character image is from Toushin Toshi 3 which is where she is from
Sorry but Kay-chan is getting revenge for VI
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Uzra and Maris or Naoe Ai come to mind but we're getting the great man himself instead
Why is pastebin so fucking slow?
It is working fine with me.
Working fine for me, along with my pastebin as well.
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it works fine with other pastebins but with the massive Rance IX on it is glacial. It takes 15 seconds for letters I type to turn up.
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Maybe you should divide it in two parts or something.
I don't even feel sorry for Maha to be honest. He's such an unlikeable cunt
Same, he was a lot more pitiable in the original Kichikuou.
I probably should. In any case I'll be on to the Sen sex scenes tomorrow plus Rolex crushing Leila
I didn't know that was a female WanWan.
Didn't play IX, but in KR i felt sorry for him.
In hindsight, KR is much darker than other Rance games that i've played until now.
It's the dark depressing alternate history of Rance. Where Rance becoming king leads to Helmanic incest and the world's strongest man, Zeth being outright evil and kinda stupid, JAPAN being united by an evil demon Nobunaga (who actually became one kinda the same way as SR, now that I think about it) and Kayblis winning the war early on and screwing the Hornet faction.

Also, Kentarou got laid.
>Zeth being outright evil.
Kinda like in canon.
JAPANese incest sex too.
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Also Kanami's happy ending is with a literal who after killing Rance. To say absolutely nothing of characters' bad endings. Shit was grim.
After the way Rance treated her in 4, I didn't find it difficult to believe that Kanami would slit Rance's throat if given the chance of a happy, normal life.

It's also why Shizuka's happy end is being a broken shell of a woman wandering the Continent after getting her revenge is believable too.
Galzooguy is posting new screenshots
He'll take that out on Silky
If KR is anything to go by, he seems to have a much bigger grudge against Hornet.
I just can't see them taking the girl who is the most obvious "prize" for Rance/the player and turning her into damaged goods before he even gets there.

Same with how Sheila had her entire druggie whore thing retconned by turning into "Oh but Stessel conveniently didn't start doing that until her maid took her place"
To be fair, Stessel didn't do it earlier because Sheila's age was changed for being younger.
This is where Rance being an eroge is a blunder.
GuyZoo releasing FriendZoo 2 is more likely than a GalZoo Island release.

MangaGamer releasing Rance IX is more likely at this point.
I'd take a FriendZoo Town 2
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Sorry I don't want to see qts get razor dicked unless I can prevent it
Page 10
I like them broken already.
Stessel has more sense than the Helman soldiers masturbating to loli Sheila, who knew.
I like it more when either
A) It's just in a bad end
B) They get raped after Rance already had his turn like with Crook, then you save them later and the relationship gets deepened
Did someone ever uploaded this album?
Can't you just rip it from the games?
I guess.
Did someone ever uploaded the ost for download?
I remembered someone asking this and did upload it in the end.
Is Sill and Satella swapping bodies the most amusing character swap in the rance series?
waaaat? explain to a newfag
I think that's just my poor wording but in a hypothetical scenario of
Satella's soul/personality -> sill's body and vice versa would be the most interesting made up situation
How would be Satella without 300 orgasms per second?
>Not swapping Satella with Shizuka to make the latter orgasm like never before.
Never thought of either, just liked the idea of imagining satella's bossy personality being moved into rances personal slave
>love all forms of tsundere slaves/maids/servants cliches
Satella in Sill's body would try to dominate Rance? I'd want to see that. Where are the doujinshi of this thread?
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She just tries anyway
i want more
It's from the Quest manga. I only have those two pics because no one ever scanned it.
fucking faggots.
Fuck. Now i want to fap this manga, but i already fapped 2 times today and there isn't enough manga to fap to. FUUUUUUCK
That expression Satella makes in the first (i don't know the name of that shit) thing is making me hard.
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Did Rance ever fuck Biscuit
Biscuitta? Fucked her good.
Must've been off-screen because I only remember her CGs in Rance Quest being non-penetrative
Nope, it's one of the better CG sets.
Why is she sitting on top of Rance?
>That CG in Rance Quest of those 3 gnome dwarf fuckers jerking off to that girl hooked up to the machine
Who the fuck did this appeal to
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>that girl
>He doesn't know
Well she's ruined now
How so? Rance can easily fuck her many times before that
>only goes for virgins

You're the guy that wouldn't fuck anything that Kayblis had fun with, aren't you?
I liked it.
Not him but I probably wouldn't either. Same for Medusa.
I bet you nutted in the Kurohime-Xavier scene though.
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Definitely, but I probably wouldn't fuck her after that.
Frostvine is Pi-R in disguise.

I'd do her afterwards as well
I don't fap unless it's Rance doing the fucking
Why would anyone want something Kayblis has touched

Once you get Razor dicked or in Medusa's case snake dicked whatever happened inside of them is no place for a human dick anymore

Even Rance never touched Silky or Hornet after what happened to them

No nigger slang in here please.
Getting dicked by dwarf gnomes is like getting dicked by a dog, if they got raped by a human or just got fucked in general before that's fine.

Once you start fucking shit that isn't even human no thanks, that's like marrying a girl who got gangbanged by hannies or some shit
I have no problem with that. It's not like i would marry her.
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My favorite girl wasn't a virgin though
>No Kay-chan/Medusa scene
I just take issue with gangbangs and gorefags
Kinda hard for them to fuck when one has razor dicks and the other prefers to penetrate people with a snake dick and then eat their reproductive organs from within
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I guess you fags were okay with Rance not fucking Usupira then.
I wasn't that big of a fan of her design, so yeah I was ok with it.

Would've preferred that they just skipped using a CG scene on her altogether and added another h-scene with someone else.
I want to see an Uspira scene with Sayth
I would have preferred that they didn't tease a scene not once but twice and didn't have it lead to a proper scene. I would have preferred somebody else got a real scene instead
I've fixed up the Rance IX plot summary to make it a lot easier for me.


Hopefully it isn't too inconvenient
>no Hawzel option

Because it's guaranteed?
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Yes, because Hawzel getting raped will be the trigger for Seizel joining Rance somehow
Is this including bad endings? If so, all three seems likely but otherwise probably only Hornet or only Silky.
Are we looking at this purely from what can happen or actual canon ending? Because Miki rape is probably gonna happen in a bad ending.
Don't be sad. I prefer fucking you over any living being.
No bad endings, talking unpreventable stuff only
Miki is not even an option then.
Wasn't Demon King Kayblis a thing in Kichikuou
Bad ending.
And it was a bad end supposed to be unbeatable.
Yes, but not for a canon route. DK Kayblis route is a bad ending by itself.
Hawzel and Silky, Hornet is probably going to get the Sheila treatment with a bad end rape cg with DK Kay-chan.
It's not meant to unbeatable. Just super hard mode.
Hawzel has to get raped by her troops before Medusa though
60000 HP dealing 5 damage.
I wouldn't be surprised if that scene is removed.
>This voting
Things not looking too good for Silky
Just because he's technically beatable and some crazy people did it doesn't mean that he wasn't meant to be unbeatable. The fact that killing him results in the exact same event as beating Kayblis(even with Miki alive and regular Kayblis) is proof of this,.
It's definitely supposed to be unbeatable. The game even acts as if you've defeated regular Kayblis if you manage to do it.
Be happy that it's being treated like a possibility, unlike Hawzel who's pretty much guaranteed.
If Hornet doesn't get raped Silky will. It would be entirely unsurprising if they even set it up as
>Hornet faction about to be fucked over
>Silky buys time while Hornet flees
>Gets raped
How do you guys think X will start?
Alicesoft it's eroge maker
Scene of all the females in the Hornet Faction getting raped by Kayblis and Medusa before getting passed around by all the monsters
Satella shows up and asks for help
After the Hornet faction suffers a major defeat from Kay-chan's forces, Satella will try to think of a way to beat Kay-chan and the only solution she'll come up with is Chaos. So she'll attempt to steal it from Rance and fail only to get raped by Rance, so she'll try to convince Rance to assist in war effort instead.

Meanwhile one of Kay-chan's demons breaks the Helman wall and Sheila send a message to Rance asking for assistance.
Which one of the demons would go after Helman though?
I'd say Medusa but she has to get her hands on Hawzel so maybe Red-Eye after somebody informs him that Rune's Tohushin is under Helman's capital?
>Hornetfags have to wait until 2017 to find out if she'll stay pure until Rance gets her

Babora, start off with the weakest Dark Lord

Alternatively Red Eye

Alternatively just have him send Kite to do shit since he's forever whipped by Kayblis anyway if Mary is canon
Don't you mean Ray?
Got them mixed up, yeah I meant Ray
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Don't forget to masturbate, Anon!
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There's no way Rance X will manage to satisfy people

Too many characters need screentime/CG and there's not enough to go around
Obviously but they are putting their all into X so even if it doesn't meet every expectation it should still be a extremely good game
Red Eye because Patton needs to do it for Freak
I would be quite happy with just a satisfying closure to Rance's saga. Guy's been at it for just about 3 decades. Sure they'll be gripes like x girl not getting a scene, but I'm pretty confident the finale will be quite enjoyable.
Hawzel and Silky are pretty guaranteed.

Hawzel is already getting set up.

Silky (or Hornet) are the sacrifice to show how strong and evil Kayblis is
It'll actually manage to be worse than expectations because they'll waste CG on bad ends and Sill
Well it's not like Alicesoft has ever met every expectation so that would be a unrealistic mindset to begin with.

Don't remind me, every scene is valuable if they are on the same quality as the IX ones.
>Hawzel is already getting set-up
When did this happen
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Bad ends and a bunch of Sill scenes are definitely within expectations though. Unless they pull an OVA with Sill and give her 3 times more scenes than expected.
Maybe it will get an expansion later on that will add a post game similar to VI that will tie in all loose ends.
I just worry that they'll somehow just have none of my favorites with scenes or that too many scenes will be focused on "And then the dark lords/monsters raped some people and it was a bad experience" cutting into scenes that could go to more girls
She'll get more scenes than normal due to being absent for a while
Eh, she was in 01 and 03 in the meantime.
Since we're on the subject,

List your top 3 and then rate the likelihood of them getting scenes in Rance X

The scenes I want in X won't happen because pregnant women.
>Not having Medusa get her hands on pregnant Lia somehow and eating her womb while raping her
I can't see Modern Alicesoft making a scene like that, nor Rance allowing Lia to participate on the front lines when she's pregnant nor any of the other pregnant women.
Sen would be more likely for that bad end due to her willingness to be on the battlefield.
Hornet 10/10 likelihood.

Miracle 9/10 likelihood. I would be really surprised if she didn't get at least one scene considering most of her scenes in IX were basically edits of her defloration scene. I don't have numbers but something tells me she's decently popular despite only appearing in IX too

Alkanese 5/10 likelihood. She'll be around because she's strong, but I get the feeling she's not that popular in Japan which means I doubt she's getting a CG. Which sucks because if I could only have one girl get a CG I would want it to be her.

Isoroku could always be the one to get the bad end rape if she shows up, couldn't she get raped by Medusa in Kichikuou
And because I am a cheat Sen vanilla
Shizuka/Nagi threesome
Lia/Sheila/magic foursome
She was second in IX's poll

She will get a sex scene
I doubt Isoroku will go to the battlefield when she has a 1 year old to take care of if they are going to make a reference to the scene then they'll use Isoroku instead of a new girl.
Isoroku already gave birth
Aren't Magic and Lia pregnant
Miracle was 2nd in IX's poll and only lost to Sheila due to main girl popularity.

They don't care for the exact details of the scene, see IX and SR.
Depends how far ahead X is
Suzume 0/10
Milli 0/10
Tilde 9/10

1 outta 3 ain't bad
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>Alkanese 21st
kill me, I'd trade everything for just one more Alkanese scene.

How is she even going to get out of the seal? Aurora frees her somehow maybe since she's still running around the human world incognito?
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Lia is pregnant and while it hasn't directly stated that Magic is pregnant, it's strongly been hinted towards with the whole pregnant women like sour things saying.
>How is she even going to get out of the seal?
I bet Kay-chan will send one of the lower rank demons to get her out like Ray.
Taking bets on how long the timeskip will be.
It's probably going to be a short timeskip because Rance's level would drop too much otherwise
2 - 6 months max

What was the point of her vowing vengence on Rance and Kayblis if she won't return
>Kayblis frees her
>She doesn't want to go back since it's Kayblis
>Gets raped and killed
the end
What happened to Kamilla in Kichikuou anyways
Killed by Kayblis after she didn't want to fuck him
Killed by Kayblis or suicide IIRC
There's not much point in bringing her back since at most all that'll happen is she'll get raped again by either Kayblis or Rance and then either killed or sealed and that'll be the end of it

I can't see her changing her mind about Rance anytime soon and her attitude towards Hornet makes it seem like co-existence with even other dark lords is incompatible to begin with for her let alone humans.
She'll be bought back for suffering reasons or if they want to maximize the suffering they'd bring back Albert and have him tell Kamilla what he did to Reincock and why he did it.
Most demons don't seem to particularly like listening to Hornet

Might say something about Hornet.

I think with Kamilla that she will be the onr absorbing blood souls to get stronger
>Most demons don't seem to particularly like listening to Hornet
Probably because she doesn't know how the demon king is supposed to act and that Gai was the exception, she's naive but that can't be helped because

>Might say something about Hornet.
Gai raised her to follow his methods so it's natural to believe that his ways are right, she also is extremely strong for somebody so young which would piss off quite a few of the other demons.
Her and Rance go great together though, they're both lazy.

Just apologize for the whole killing her apostle, scarring her face and raping her thing.
Wasn't Hornet born from a human? That probably didn't help her case at all.
She was born a half like Kurohime.
A lot of Dark Lords are spawned from humanity, that should be non-issue.

If anything being the child of a Dark Lord who then became a Dark Lord herself should be more prestigious.

The only Dark Lords that weren't humans to start with were either old protagonist race members like Kamilla or Kayblis, Kalar like Kesselring, or monsters.
IX happens in September LP6, so I think X will be January LP7.
There's more dark lords in Kayblis' faction that are there for
>insert stupid easily fixable or petty reason here
than there are those who genuinely hate/disagree with Hornet.
Spawned from humanity, not directly descended from the Demon King. While not really a big difference, I think it's enough to go on the other lords may be yet another reason for them to dislike her command.
Most of the demons wouldn't have had any problem with her if she had just been passed the mantle directly though. It's just like how the second Miki actually does become Demon King in KR that Kayblis is instantly whipped into servitude like the bitch he is.

The real fuck-up was Gi assuming that Miki was just going to fall in line and become Demon King because boy was that a mistake
I think that's because Demon King has some aspect about it that forces cooperation. In fact the reason Gi could even rebel in the first place is of his second half being a semi-loophole to allow him to do it. Personal feelings are irrelevant when matters are the demon king are involved. They would follow Hornet out of obligation.
So out of "Who's going to get raped by Kayblis or Medusa" we have Hawzel, Silky and Kamilla as "High chance" and Hornet as "Maybe" right?
Kamilla would be lower than high.

Much more likely to get raped by Rance and make up for the fact that there aren't too many enemies for Rance to go glorious days on in X
>I think that's because Demon King has some aspect about it that forces cooperation
>Personal feelings are irrelevant when matters are the demon king are involved
Judging on what little we've seen of interaction between demons and the demon king, it's mostly based on fear of punishment to the point that being disobedient is an impossibility or complete willingness to follow orders.
Seizel, Yuki, Kesselring maids (If they don't suicide like in KR), πR's sister and his robot girls, Warg. This isn't even counting Angels or Lesser God types potentially showing up.

There are options even if Kamilla doesn't get raped by him again. Though rather than who she gets H'd by I think it'd be interesting for Kamilla to be against Kayblis by the end of the game either by circumstance or change of heart.
She is already against Kayblis
Being against Kayblis and being on the Hornet/Rance faction's side of things is pretty different though.

She'd rather be psuedo involved with Kayblis' faction like she had been rather than go work with Hornet, especially if Rance is involved at the moment.
Seizel is going to be an ally.
>tfw Medusa isn't even a remote possibility
>Rance will never take her probably virginity and make her love the dick
Though to be honest she pretty much does deserve to die and Rance probably wouldn't have any problems with killing her given what she does to women
Would be pretty amusing to see an alternate ending where she totally cleans up her act just for him, much to his repeat disgust.
Hawzel is a fact.
Silky and Hornet are dependant on what happens with the other basically. In the original KR, Silky was the one that wasn't caught while Hornet was. It depends on wether they swapped those roles or not. If they don't want to turn Hornet into a more prominent character like they did with Sheila, chances for her being stained by Kayblis increase.
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Medusa is too big for Rance
They need to fill the "Underaged looking girl that Rance gets baited into fucking" quota

Unless he's going to fuck Yuki or Kayblis' apostles instead. Alternatively he could fuck Aurora if she shows up again, though she's in his strike zone.
Rance please
Why would he not fuck Kaybnyan and Kaybwan?
There's also Garutia's apostles and Kenja Keiko by the way.
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