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>hasn't been officially canceled yet You had one job
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>hasn't been officially canceled yet

You had one job /v/. What have you been doing this whole time?
There are 4 games left on the Wii U (star Fox, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Zelda, and this) they aren't cancelling one
ignoring it so that the hype train never starts
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There was never any chance they'd cancel it. If it's early enough in development that they could still cancel it without losing a fuck ton of money, they'd just start retooling it. And if it were far enough in development that they'd lose a fuck ton of money by canceling it, they'd just release it as is.

The money is already spent. Somebody at Nintendo is probably working long nights doing the math to figure out what to do with it since it's already a very niche game and it might not be worth spending the money to retool it if they think it can make something close to what the last game made.

And also you don't get to bitch about this game if you didn't buy Paper Jam, whether it's a "real" PM game or not you're voting with your wallet and saying you don't want another Mario RPG by not buying that, and it's a good game anyway and better than Dream Team so you have no excuse.
Paper Jam is a dull as fuck RPG, one of the worst on the 3DS and one of the worst Mario RPGs. There was absolutely no effort or creativity put into it.
>Thinking you'll be able to stop this after Nintendo made a "Why Federation Force is good and basically you are fucking stupid" video in response to the backlash for that.
Dream Team was better. It's still nowhere close to how good the first three were, but Paper Jam was ass.
>And also you don't get to bitch about this game if you didn't buy Paper Jam, whether it's a "real" PM game or not you're voting with your wallet and saying you don't want another Mario RPG by not buying that
no... I'm saying I don't want another Paper Mario game that isn't really an RPG.
If they wouldn't cancel metroid prime federation force what hope do you think there is that they'd cancel this?
If they didnt cancel other m than why are you suprised they didnt cancel this?
I don't want it cancelled, I just want the next game to not be shit also if they don't decide to drop the series.
Cute b8, honey.
Can someone please explain this recent neo-/v/ bullshit of "boycotts" and demanding things to be cancelled? Do you really think if they were to cancel a game they'd go and work on exactly what you wanted? Who is it hurting if this game is released?
Whoops, replied to the wrong person.
The normies are going to buy this and love it because "It's like New Super Mario Bros , but with a story!". Not knowing that Paper Mario existed before Sticker Star (But Nintendo won;t admit that)
Well, while we don't know it yet if Sticker Star and the Iwata Asks interview means anything, Color Splash won't even have much of a story.
what about super mario RPG
>And also you don't get to bitch about this game if you didn't buy Paper Jam

Fuck you, I'm not even considering touching another Mario game until I can see with my own eyes that Nintendo is bothering to put a lick of effort or creativity into them.
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>And also you don't get to bitch about this game if you didn't buy Paper Jam
>The normies are going to buy this

Normies don't own a Wii-U, Anon.
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>Tokyo Mirage Sessions
God dammit, I had nearly forgotten that stupid fucking name.
this, and even the ones that do own one just have it for mario kart and smash. Normies and casuals are usually the cause to all our problems, but not this time. This is nintendo completely fucking blowing it making a game that appeals to absolutely nobody. Maybe it will sell enough to not be a massive failure but I'd be very surprised. I guess they're going for a pre-school demographic, but I could beat pokemon and the original paper mario as a wee lad, I don't understand why they think today's kids are any different. teens and adults would have bought a regular RPG as well. .
Well, there's clearly a partner in that pic
Not paying attention to it. IntSys deserves to take the losses.
>Wanting it to be cancelled

Don't be a fucking idiot

You want it to be a better game
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>but with a story
but people will play it and have...ugh...FUN! With something I didn't approve of. Eww...I'm getting triggered just thinking about it...
Burying the franchise beside Megaman and Castlevania

Played paperjam, dont understand everyone's love for it and hate for dream team. Dream team was awesome, we get to learn all about luigi in an interesting way. Paper jam's story was awful. Also the difficulty was poorly balanced.
People hate the amount of tutorials that Dream Team has, due to the tons of mechanics the game had and Paper Jam fixed the tutorial issue. It is definitely a huge step up in originality from Paper Jam though. But both are solid compared to Sticker Star which should have been something else.
Maybe itll be good.
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