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Can someone remind me how expansive Spore was meant to be before
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Can someone remind me how expansive Spore was meant to be before EA butchered it? It's been a while and difficult to find articles with Will Wright chatting from pre-release/development
Sure, why not.
>Before cell stage were 2 Tetris stages where you built up the DNA of a Cell on the Atomic level and the DNA level, respectively
>Cell stage
>water stage
>a more expansive, long Creature stage
>Tribal stage more akin to controlling a small army and not just "creature with multiple creatures"
>Civ stage was going to be basically the same, except NOW you're conquering the continent
>Civ 2 stage is a bigger numbers version of Civ 1 as you conquer the planet
>Space stage basically as is
>Finally reach the center of the Universe and enter the God Stage, which is where you get access to all the crafting tools and can make your own planets and whole ecosystems and induce evolution to make a race become your potential successor
Cheers. I'm searching google by date now too to see if I can find any articles.
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who else bought into the hype and was massively disappointed
All I wanted was a fun cell stage. Game didn't even deliver that.

Any other games where you evolve as a tiny organism?
Well FlOw is essentially the same type of thing as the carnivorous cell game but with more variety in creature design
i would have been more disappointed if i had actually bought it
Thanks anon. I'll check it out.
Too sad that Spore forced Will Wright to retire from videogaming. He was my fav dev and i really expected a more realistic Sims game.
I should clarify, you don't actually choose how you evolve your creature, it's more you get different creature types that naturally just grow as you eat.

No joke, it was the game that taught me to never get hyped about anything until it happens.

I was full on hype mode, this game will be the pinnacle of gaming which shows that it is more than just a hobby.

When I played it, I was crushed. Someone who had heard me talking about it got it for me for my birthday (months after it came out, but a nice gesture). I couldn't even hide my disgust, I didn't even return the copy. I think it is still unopened somewhere in my house.

I don't get excited for anything I don't have control over. I sound like a broken record if someone tries to get pumped for a movie, or show, or anything; I'll just keep saying "we'll see." If it is good, then great I am surprised. If it is shit, well I didn't get my hopes up.

Spore played a pivotal part of my world view for the past 7(?) years, so thanks EA.
Keep in mind the game came out in 2007 so you'll need to dig through print as well.
>No joke, it was the game that taught me to never get hyped about anything until it happens.

same here

i think this was the game that did it to me.
I kind of want to construct my own creature but I don't think there's a game like that out there except for spore
Check out the old Bubble Tank flash games too.
listen here you fucking retards
sme ideas are just way too ambitious, they sound good in your head but can't be executed well irl

what we got is what was possible to make, you're retarded if ou actually thought all those insane ideas were going to work in one game
We could do much more with current technology.
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The net is limitless. Anything is possible.

Spore planted the seed of depression in Robin Williams' head which eventually made him kill himself

No Man's Sky will be the same flop as Spore
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Wow, was it really supposed to be that way? It really sounds like the pinnacle of gaming. Btw what happened? How is it now and why? I wasn't part of the hype back then so I don't now
I remember it most as the game that finally got Robin Williams to really reveal his power level to the world at large; he was fucking stoked for this thing.

Originally you could only adjust your existing creature with evolution points, not completely redesign it at every stage.

Design of the creatures affected their physical attributes. If you had a long legged creature, it'd be faster, bigger claws = stronger etc. That was gimped and changed so creature design didn't matter, only what parts you used.
Does anyone have the images from the screencapped posts?
>it's been 10 years since this bloke

the fuck


To sum it up in one sentence, a major decision maker at EA had ""Strong misgivings about how all this hard science would appeal to the wider world." ie idiots don't like hard games, so he created a "cute team" who took the near finished game and raped it, ate it, then shat out the results on everyone.
Those were really fun, thanks for reminding me they exist.
Imagine how amazing a spore game could be if it was made today with no butchering.

Too bad we'll never get a game like it again.
No Mans Sky looks great
Thanks anon. What a waste
What? No you fucking idiot. There were two teams, the serious team and the "cute" team. The fucking cute team won out and made the game gay as hell.
>Game still did gorilla numbers
>Arguably sold more than it would have it it had been reviewed as an incredibly complex and deep game

He did his job, but I'm sure they could have at least kept the original build nd sold it as "Spore Pro" or something else retarded, and made even more money.
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It still hurts.
Literally spore 2.0

Wasted potential.

>tfw he was dead inside all along
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>tfw bought it, having no info on it at all.
>pretty fun I guess, just a sim game but with evolution and galactic conquest.
>hear about all the shit that got cut out years later.

Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
The release of Spore is when video games were exposed
If anyone thinks the anons in this thread are exaggerating, they aren't. Spore broke people in ways nothing else can. If you don't believe it, go watch Wright's TEDTalk, which was a tech demo for an earlier iteration of Spore, then read the comments. There are people that will never know a pain worse than playing Spore.
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>No joke, it was the game that taught me to never get hyped about anything until it happens.

I already experienced that with Fable years before hand
that is why i never bought an EA game ever since
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What never was, nor ever will be
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