Anyone else here play the Wakfu game?
I feel like I never see threads on /v/ about it so I'm wondering if it's too niche.
For those that play, what classes are your favorite? How long have you been playing?
Is it STILL in the beta phase?
The cartoon is great. Game isn't for me.
/v/ talked a lot about the game and the show during all relevant updates (very early beta, cartoon, season 2, movies, F2P update).
The thing is, while the game have an amazing art direction and a pretty much every typical post from "dream MMO" threads as the as the development direction (open world free pvp with harvest moon-like farming with niggers stealing your crops, plus community-driven everything, from money crafting to government), the game is not popular enough, for good reasons (no marketing outside of frog land, pants-on-head-retarded decisions, dev team is mostly idea guys still learning how to code and work as a team, not enough porn, FUCKING BUGGED AS HELL JAVA-BASED ENGINE, for example).
My favorite classes are Iop and Sram. I love stupid and stronk girls, and Sramettes are pure sex in multiple meanings (especially butt-oriented combat).
Game is shit, though. Pay2easymulticlient is stupid, might as well keep alt-tabbing.
Also, ded game ded threads ded guilds
Fucking ankama, every update makes the game significantly worse. Beta was GOAT, current is meh, last year was ok.
Hasn't been in beta for like 3-4 years now.
I just noticed that /vg/'s wakfu general is dead.
Last thread ("14 Oct 2015") on archive says:
>10 day rollback
>deleted characters
>no compensation
>didn't fix any bugs about heroes
>charging another sub fee for them
rip in peaceFucking Xelors ruining everything
I played it years ago. I used that tank class that has bloody arms. I really liked the character designs at first. But then I got to the point where you're supposed to wear armor sets that look retarded and make everyone look the same or else you're weak as fuck. Gameplay was a lot of fun at first. But then I got to the point where it's impossible to progress unless you have a dedicated party.
Game isn't good enough despite having good ideas.
Dofus is by far the better game in my opinion, too bad it's even more dead at this point.
I went back to it after like a 4 year break and had a lot of fun. But I quit again shortly after leveling another character to 100 because the only people left who still play are those that never left. All 12 of them. (If you're one of those people and you read this, hey)
I never got into the game? Should I give it a shot now, or is it too dead?
>love the world
>love the artstyle
>love the class- and racedesign
>not really interested in the rest of the games
it's really sad that they don't do more with the brand gaming-wise. I'd love to see some singleplayer (or rather non-mmo) games in that world.
You should try it because it has trpg gameplay and a bunch of cool stuff like the ecosystem and secrets in an MMO setting. It's dead though.
it was basically dead on arrival to be honest
but if I'm fair, they had an update a while back that vastly improved the starting experience, in my opinion.
who betatest here? what a fucking mess
So what did you guys think of the cartoon?
Can never discuss it on /co/ because of the waifu circlejerk.
The update a while back ruined the starting experience. You also obviously never touched teh beta. Finally, it had quite a few players for a while.
I want Miranda to sit on my face.
S01 is fantastic because of nox.
S02 is good but not as good because the villain was obvious and also the whole thing turned into powerlevel wankery.
The 3 extra episodes were a mixed bag. On one hand,
>yugo acting like nox junior
>adamai is somehow "wrong"
On the other, tristepin being Iop is cool, and the ogre finally being gone can be used to move the world forward in future episodes, which holds a lot of potential. Plus, harebourg was great and we got to see current ecaflip.
There used to be /vg/ threads, but they've been dead for a while. Phaeris' population dropped a lot with the migration, Aydiv is no longer 4chan exclusive and a good portion of the people from /vg/ have quit.
The 10 day rollback was for Remington, but the hit was mostly because of people who abused the dupe that caused said rollback getting banned and thinning the few people that were there.
Elbor got like a 3 months rollback because lol ankama.
A new class was released today but is currently pay only, with it becoming free in march or something like that. There's a new set of quests related to the lore of that class and a newincredibly laggydungeon, with the quests unlocking 2 generic passives and an active.
Game is alright, but keep in mind it gets grindy. Most servers are alive. Just don't expect a 4chan guild around.
>people still do Miranda art
God's not dead, he's surely alive.
>Phaeris Aydiv
Always shit.
I think that Nox was the best villain and that Yugo needs to get his shit kicked in badly.
Played this forever ago when it first came out. Looked really nice but wasn't into turn based games much back then outside of your typical jrpg combat.
Is the game dead now? Worth getting into at all?
>The update a while back ruined the starting experience. You also obviously never touched teh beta. Finally, it had quite a few players for a while.
Seriously what is the time frame we are talking about here?
I remember when it was first "officially" released after the hell the multiple betas were (dead piwi for miles), there really were very few players. At least in comparison to dofus servers.
As far as the starting experience I mean whatever update added some decent quests to the beginning. When the game first began you were dumped with literally nothing to do. Which was part of the idea - as few npcs as possible. But it was pretty bad.
What update did you not like that ruined the starting experience? I haven't touched the game in quite a while, so it's entirely possible there is something even newer I don't know about.
It has nothing to do with God, God is dead, it has everything to do with the greatness mankind can exhibit.
miranda is a gift
a gift from a bob
It was a nice little adventure, the most enjoying thing about that for me was all the locations they pass through. It's not realistic for serialized cartoons to do new backdrops for every episode, but that's what makes it nice.
English dub wasn't great though. Really disappointed in that considering how much attention it got.
post more thick thighs/wide hips
Okay, you're in the green now. Proceed.
>/v/ is actually having a discussion
>they're not cutting to the porncolor me surprised
>Wakfu the game
>the game
Oh yeah, forgot to mention, for those who want to start playing and are using Steam:
Make an account first at Wakfu's website. You can link that account to Steam. If you just play through Steam without making that account and ever have problems with your characters, a purchase, or whatever, you'll be fucked because Steam creates a "fake account" to hold your characters if you don't link one, and Ankama apparently has no access to those fake accounts.
This. NFA was where it was at. Rip best guild.
To be fair, I only played beta on the french servers. There were always a dozen people around dungeons, all the trade bridges and towns alike were full of people, there were people in the fields on almost every map, etc.
Also when I say there were quite a few players, I really mean during beta. Couldn't tell you which beta it was though. It's true that the population magically dwindled around release (which was around the time I came back).
I thought by update you referred to the one that made you do series of fucky minigames instead of the previous combat-based quests. It was an awful fucking update. Also the tutorial update was such garbage. Before, there was a public boss right at the end which spawned every half hour or so. It was a lot of fun to do and you could grind a set if you were autistic enough for it. There were also several secrets with emotes, and 2 places where you needed multiple people to cooperate to unlock an emote chest. It also properly explained the mechanics instead of shoving them in your face half-cocked and throwing you to the next room.
And yeah, adding quests was gay. You always had achievements, and your jelly, which let you get started, and you could go from there. Especially, you could ask around if there's anything fun to do in the area and get answers from people in towns, or actually explore genuinely, It was great.
jealous girls are massive boner inducers
post miranda
Like everyone else, Cartoon is pretty damn good, game is average as fuck, like all of the other Ankama games.
Although I admired Fly'N
If anything, watch the first season and Nox Special, then stop watching if you want
>yfw one of the storyboard artists leaked the actual lewd from that bath episode
France is such a magical place
Truly greatest ally. I wish so many of my countrymen weren't such faggots about France.
I wish I had the links on me
post it
don't toy with my emotions, anon
don't you be fucking with me
Game sucks. It was made to be "completely player run" in a change from Dofus. But then the servers were empty because most players don't have the imagination to keep a server going. Or people are just amazingly jewish and try to fuck each other over to amass the most Kamas which at the time were pretty much useless outside of buying things from other players. Pretty amazing actually that in a player run economy with extremely limited income that inflation was terrible.
They've since gone the route of adding npcs that actually do things, quests, and raid style bosses. But you just grind the bosses and rare mobs for gear without anything to use said gear on because you can already beat the asshole bosses. It fell into the usual mmo trap but with hips and unbalanced as fuck PvP.
I wouldn't, and I don't have the links on me
Pic or it never happened
best girl
if you don't have the links you're no better than that fucking duck
>inb4 imgur
Too grindy. I'd play it if there was a bot/better rates.
I've played on and off (Mostly off) since the beta. My favorite class is probably Xelor but I think I've played Enutrof the most. Its hard for me to play a lot at a time because of how large and empty the world feels.
I used to play for awhile but stopped cuz of how grindy it got for me at 130 or so, even when playing with my friends to make a full party and dungeon. Mained a pure barrel panda for tank role and loved the map control and armour gen that came with it, but it became slow to do anything by myself after the nerf to their damage. Had a dragon osamodas that did really beastly damage while using a pet, and kinda dabbled in all the other classes except feca. I enjoyed the game a ton while leveling, love/hated the update making decks a thing, and just got bored of it eventually. I don't mind taking a long time to level up in a game, but with wakfu, it ended up just repeating the same dungeons 100 times, doing the same dailies of kill x creatures to get x drops and turn them in, and maybe the occasional story quests that gave you 5 levels every 10-20 grinds. Other than that, I enjoyed the game and the classes. Each felt fairly unique, and each had fun builds that played differently.
Anon delivers!
think we'll ever get a version of the scene with everything minus the duck
which one?
Why is Amalia so perfect.
someone should color it
Nox was Goat villain
Qilby didn't feel as authentic, it brought out the best in Yugo
Still waiting for Rushu and Goltard fight
Also the OVAs did a really good job at explaining Ogrest and Goltards backstory
no one cares namefag
nice thumbnail
Based France.
the proper term is ouiaboo
I'll say the same thing I'd say on /co/.
It's nice, With both seasons it can get boring in the middle, but it's always worth it in the end. Finally finished the second season a couple of days ago, after putting it off due to aforementioned boring middle, and it was well worth it. Then the special episodes afterwards were pretty neat too.
It's not a perfect show, but it's fairly well done.
Last I checked, it's not totally dead, but it's still pretty fucking dead. It's not really that worth it beyond making you're own character and then traversing the world of Wakfu and seeing different aspects of it in a different light. It can either be fun or a bore or both.
That swimsuit looks familiar.
Dofus is fucking amazing while Wakfu is just "good". I think Ankama does better with comedy and drama than it does with action.
Nothing in Wakfu can beat this:
I think you mean ouiaboos
>Not posting superior Cra
>nox special
Czech mate.
I don't remember this scene...
>Dozens of posts in.
>No mention of best panda people.
That ends now.
It's a flash, she's doing exactly what you think she does..
I think the short hair one is cuter.
>mfw Zone's Wakfu animation
everything was perfect final beta, all they had to do was keep adding new items, areas, monsters, and dungeons.
Tried playing it again recently and everything is just a mess
Personally, I enjoy tentacles as much as anyone other guy, but womanly flesh-on-flesh action is where it's at.
I played the game for probably 20 hours waiting for something interesting to happen. Nothing interesting or fun ever happens. It's mind-numbingly dull.
The world, the character designs, and the cartoon are all really great but the game is so fucking boring.
I'm not into tentacles either, but I never make it that far anyway
Eva was fantastic until they introduced her younger, better model
can someone explain the difference between wokfu and dingus?
Expectations for season 3? It's set what, 10 years after season 2? Any chance it will be decent? Will Ankama be forced to tone down their fan service?
>No Amalia
Dofus takes place like a thousand years before Wakfu but in the same universe. Show wise, Dofus is a comedy about an old man telling his kid the adventures of his youth. Wakfu is an action/adventure series about a kid trying to discover what happened when he was a child while stopping some evil dude named Nox from gaining huge amounts of power.
The games? Fuck the games.
Wakfu is magic
Dofus are magic dragon eggs
In any case, didn't a new class come out?
But Eva now satisfies my preg fetish.
Dat fingering scene tho
>mfw the cunt rubbing
Would you guys play a single player Wakfu ala FFT?
They got the basic system built already in the MMO, just flesh it out more and give it the attention that Wakfu really stands out in, the world and characters.
what is fucking a Iop like?
>Would you guys play a single player Wakfu ala FFT?
So much yes I can't even tell you.
>13 episodes only
Well, hopefully it means 13 episodes of plot and none of filler instead of 1 episode of plot and 12 of fillers.
>set even further than the ovas
That's great, we'll probably see a new party, possibly with whole new classes.
>will ankama reduce the frenchness
possible because >netflix, we'll see.
>will it good?
Who knows. Ankama's cartoons and comics have always been much better than the games, but end of s02 and the 3 specials hint at the possibility it could be going bad.
Is it female fog? No? Who cares then!
like fucking a moron
>That mushy sound and string of fluid
Who /remington/ here?
Currently you have to buy access to the class, though.
I'd like them to animate the franga set between S2 and the OVAs.
nice m8, now do it with the second one
He's the best character of the entire show.
great game but the grind is retarded you reach a point where enemies get retarded amounts of CC and it takes one afternoon to get one level.
the recent rework looked interesting but it's not enough to pull me back in over that shit grind
now do the other one
Nice, good work desu senpai
Isn't the Cartoon french?
I feel empty,
There will never be more of Ankama's original lewds ;_;
I never played Wakfu. I played Dofus. I didn't even know they were different games until now. I just thought Wakfu was the French name. I kind of want to try it out. Since I hear it's dead, is it possible at all to solo? Because I remember it not being viable in Dofus after the starter zone because of the amount of enemies.
>There will never be more of Ankama's original lewds ;_;
first Season was god tier
second season was okayish, too much fan service though
OVAs were garbage, they made some really bad decisions story wise, like yugo not aging like a normal human all of a sudden, everyone and their mother being immortal like the entire Kerub cast, ogrest still being a little kid who only appeared to be an ogre thanks to the dofus, shipping Amalia with Yugo and so on, it was just crap
oh and the game is kinda comfy, didn't play it much though
Wakfu is pretty great, real solid turnbased rpg imo tbqh
Because of a revamp to player stats, most content up to lv100-ish can be done with just a sidekick, maybe even without, since mobs in those areas weren't rebalanced and were designed for players having lower damage/resists. Some of the earlier dungeon even got an "easy mode" which is made for solo .
After that, you'd have to start finding parties, but it also becomes easier to find people to party with at higher levels. Also they added a party finder, though not sure if people do use it.
Ankama should make fully fledged single player games.
Also season 3 of the cartoon was confirmed by their christmas egg event thing, so get hype.
Meh, you should be able to do the frigost questline and then grind the wolves or mechs up to ohwymi. It's smooth sailing from there, cacti give tons of exp and are pretty easy, the questline is very easy, the fat shroom is free exp, and then there's wabbit island, lenald dojo, and then the dimensions.
xaxaxa confirmed it a long time ago. It started production in september.
They made a few.
who /sacrier/ here? This class definitely needs more love.
As for the game OP, it has good ideas and definitely had potential to be a great mmo, but Ankama and its dev team simply can't do it, too many retarded decisions made the game average with a dead community
Is this official?
Back when I played sac, they sucked mad dick and were only good for clinggrinding solo. They were awful tanks, their mobility was a problem instead of something helpful, the mobility-based strategy had just been deprecated in favor of pure DPT (which sacs sucked at because of fuckall survivability and use of WP every turn for their only real damaging move), and they didn't even do as much damage as iop despite iops being a fuckload more survivable.
The concept was cool though. Rip.
Xelor 4 lyfe.
It's weeaboo as hell but Americans loves "French lewdness" so they keep telling themselves that it isn't a poor flash anime's ripoff. Nobody cares about Wakfu in France, Ankama is only known for Dofus here.
They got better with the revamp, they can dish out more damage now and can regenerate WP, they can also stack the most HP out of all classes and even heal themselves if you use cage of blood, their mobility however, is far worse, especially if you don't use air spells.
>don't play for months
>all pets are dead
>skills have been reset
>don't remember what skills you preferred, so don't remember how to distribute experience
>shit you used to solo now takes forever
>have to remember what each skill does
what do you think?
of course_no
I only started watching this show because of Wakfuta Academy
See >>323334726
Well, I know dungeons on divine dimensions can't be soloedunless you're a Sadida, except maybe for Enurado. Haven't tested anything else, though you do need a locker for Wa.
But anyway, castuc is like 110ish, and is a pretty popular leveling spot along with spores, so you should have no problems finding a party there.
Been seeing people do the Occullege which is 130, both because it's new and because it drops garden gem fragments. But Ankama decided to add cutscenes and fancy effects to every single room in the dungeon, on top of scenery changes, so the one time I went into it the game lagged pretty badly on my computer.
I can live without the mobility, since the way it worked was an inconvenient 90% of the time. Same with sacrifice.
>can heal and swap place with someone? Sweet!
>can't use on tank otherwise boss is free
>can't use on DD otherwise they won't deal damage next turn
>can't use on healer because they won't be in range of the wounded anymore
>can't use on support because they care about positioning a lot
>can't use at half the bosses anyway because they require specific positioning
I tried for about 10 minutes. Couldn't bring myself to care enough to play longer. Show is gud though. New season soon.
You don't need to do dungeons to reach max level. There's no way you're soloing any dungeon if you're not double its required level anyway (unless they casualized shit even more than before). Enu and sram questlines are definitely soloable. I think xelor is, too; don't know about the rest.
>can post Miranda on /v/
>can't post her on /co/
Explain that Athiests
Sacrifice unfortunately still works the same way, and it's an aoe now, it is really only useful when YOU want to swap places with someone and for some reason you can't use assault or transposition, or when someone is out of the support's range and you are, other than that, it's better to just use the spell slot for something else.
>and it's an aoe now
At least they noticed that foggers could do literally everything sacs can but better by a wide margin it looks like.
What the fuck. Wakfu is popular as fuck in France.
because i am kind
it's shaped like a cross so it's weird to use, anyway, they are definitely better, but still need some buffs.
Ah i forgot to mention that bloodthirsty fury is now a self damaging spell, before the latest patch we could use it to kill ourselves and trigger clinging to get an extra turn, it was really good for pvp or to kill bosses faster, but we can't do it anymore
mods being pissy and want you to go to /aco/? mods on /co/ are notoriously fickle
/v/ is the superior board
except for this salty sue: >>323347698
Is it wrong that the blush makes me question my sexuality?
mods on /co/ are awful and they hate waifus
The boards share the same mods. Miranda gets ban hammered just as fast on /aco/ as she does on /co/. Same anal mod(s).
I don't know, /co/ mods are more constricting while, even if /v/ mods had a problem with it, they probably have bigger fish to fry.
I would propose it's because a lot of /v/ characters are "anthro", but way more /co/ characters are that way, so it's just /co/ mods being Dreddful.
Weird when you consider they couldn't get a French channel to fund another season so they had to go to Netflix.
Game went to shit recently, they destroyed the main hangout at the Temple where oyu prayed for buffs, they completely fucked over the last round of class overhauls, my Osa in particular is no longer a Diablo 2 Zookeeper with 3-4 pets out but a fucking WoW Hunter now and I don't like it. Towns are ghost towns now and I just can't bring myself to go back because of the Osa change, it was hte only thing that made me have fun with a stable of pets in pve only.
It's because it's a global rule 3 breach, which is "no posting of furfaggotry". Some mods don't care if it's 'relevant' or not.
But Miranda is human.
Nigga you either retarded or blind, on top of the fact that "humans" per se don't exist in Wakfu, yo race is your class
>There's no way you're soloing any dungeon if you're not double its required level anyway
Except early dungeons. Again, since they revamped stats and the mobs there were designed for the old system, you can end up with more resists and damage than those mobs were supposed to take. If you gear Astrub Knight properly you can pretty much do those dungeons without other people.
And then there's easy mode on dungeons up to Blibli/Plants/Snappers/Scaras which is actually designed for soloing.
But yeah, if you don't do dungeons you could just go all the way to ~170 no problem. Haven't set foot on Moon Island so dunno if you can solo to 200 as well.
But you have full control of the summon now, and a bunch of other shit like teleportation for summons and party members or giving MP/AP. Osa+Crobak chief was so hilariously broken in PvP after revamp that they had to nerf it shortly afterwards.
a lot of characters get the boot despite only being 10%
I actually PREFERRED no control of them. I absolutely hate having to take the time to control the damn things. There was nothing wrong with them before as far as I cared, though I'm sure others will disagree. I want to be a Zookeeper, with a stable of shit running on it's own and I manage it, not a Hunter directly ordering the pet.
The only other saving grace they had coming was the Hero system...and they had the gall to make it a time-limited pay system. Why the fuck are people going to pay to do something they've been doing as Multiboxing in multiple accounts for years already other than slight convenience?
I really love Ankama "lore" but both games are a fucking mess right now, specially Wakfu.
Played on phaeris before other servers went f2p and saw how it died really fast.
Remington was ok, didnt get to feel the dupes problem because didnt play that long.
Elbor was far the worst experience i had, it was fun at the start, lots of grind with spic friends but suddenly i lost the equips of 3 characters level 178 so i gave up on the game.
Fuck you ankama, just redo Dofus in a new engine.
Actually, all the classes you play are humans. The races are just religions, and the more religious you are to your god, the more you look like them.
They may as well be different races, but technically they're mostly all "human". Or something.
>try to do dungeon
>border tiles heal the entire enemy team
>4 "allied" monsters repeatedly full healing every enemy every turn
>or meteor on all allies
>also they always get in front of the ranged dudes so they never have LOS
>nothing wrong
Good joke!
>Nigga you either retarded or blind
Looking right back atcha. Have you even played the game or watched the show?
Proportionnaly speaking, it's more popular in America.
The game was ruined by some of the most blatantly retarded developers imaginable. The game is so poorly made and designed, most of the updates consist of fixing or entirely redesigning old things. Some things have received several reworks.
Due to this, the game gets almost no new content. And the content it has wasn't very good to begin with.
Last I heard, the game was on life support and run by a skeleton crew, most of the developers have been moved back to Dofus.
If it was /b/-tier fur shit, I could understand, but if it's relevant, it seems stupid to be stupid about it.
/co/'s entire moderation team needs to get axed. Fuck hotpockets and being unable to talk about cartoons on /co/.
I find it humorous someone can take such a firm stance against furfaggotry, and then welcome bestiality with open arms. Calling them "animal fuckers" used to be justification for the hate they got.
Sufokia-based RPG when?
I dont know how many times I've jacked off to that shit.Or the Midna flash with the Wolf ending
Wow so it's a shitty flash anime from the creators of Rayman. Count me out.
Didn't they do one of those crowdfunding drives for english edition release a few years back? Whatever happened to that? French voice actors did a spot on job I thought.
>wolf ending
You gentleman, you.
It happened and they delivered through netflix.
If it was more polished and marketed to a wider audience, it would be goat, but as it stands it's just a great game with little buoyancy.
>Public Enemy No.1
It happened, went to netflix, and it sucked.
It happened. It came to Netflix and got shat on.
we're getting a 3rd season because of it though, it's not all bad
this year
Oh? Care to elaborate? Bad voice actors I'm guessing?
>remi kiddo still trying to shill the game
>the creators of rayman
Yeah, but it's still a disappointing dub.
Y'know what that means?more lewds
I'm surprised you're still alive jamal
Yeah, mostly just bad voice actors.
>not supporting the KS just to own the first seasons on Bluray
Super disappointing. The guy voicing French Nox even said he would be interested in reprising for a potential English dub
oh no totally. I saw a guy call it "powered by the cheat wakfu" and that's the best way to describe it.I'm also upset that my name isn't in the credits like the kickstarter said
>muh boogyman
wow thats sad, I would of loved to hear his english Nox
>heard about it too late
>cant own it on dvd/bluray ever
True suffering.
reminder that nox's VA speaks english and was totally ready and willing to revoice nox in english
Somebody needs to rip that shit and upload it raw.
I'm pretty sure that was done shortly after they were released
>get to the part where Yugo screams NOOOOOOOXXXXX
>he ends up doing an unemotional Noooooooo instead
That was the worst part of the dub, it killed me during that part
I guess my google-fu is weak then, i can't find shit.
It was a fun game for awhile but really was never popular.
Korean levels of grind that forced you to level in a few specific manners to get it quickly and all the crafting was autism levels of grind for mandatory gear later-on
Although I don't doubt that those pieces of gear are now stupidly irrvelent due to the level cap being higher.
It was 'wasted potential: the game'. Not sandbox enough, most systems were unfleshed out and never planned to be fleshed out.
Sorry son.
I would've, but no bluray player on my laptop
The kickstarter was less about getting it dubbed and more about giving fans BDs and proving there's some sort of market for the series outside of France to France 3. Which helped them convince France 3 to make a season 3.
The dub itself was shit, but the BDs were great, especially for the price and we got the OVAs that finished the Ogrest arc out and set us up for season 3.
Are you fucking serious? And they didn't let him voice it why?!
I'm pretty sure someone from /co/ did it. I'd do it but I don't have a bluray drive on my pc. try asking in a /co/ wakfu thread, someone might know
Because his voice was heavily frenchaboo english
2 seasons, plus 2 miniseries, plus OVAs on Bluray for 35 americlaps
Fucking steal of the century bruh
Guess i'll lurk /co/ for a bit, thanks.
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
I really like the game to be honest. The combat is fun.
As far as the shows go I like Dofus better.
And this is a problen because?
they didnt care enough to contact him for it
Please please tell me it had french audio with english subs. I need to get that shit.
so what
Because they wanted it to be "english"?
I dont know, I am just saying thats more than likely the reason.
Even if frenglish would be a good excuse to say 'thats why hes the villian'
How can one ass be so fat?
But of course
Excellent, I see on their kickstarter page they started shipping it out mid last year. Glad it got the support it deserved.
Yes. one of the first stretch goals was dual audio with french.
What was it?
Oh man, the wait for them was fucking brutal, but well worth it.
Honestly, I wouldn't be mad at all if they released some sort of Bluray package for non-KS supporters.
I would personally be fine with a completely identical release, but I know people would throw bitch-fits so maybe just the seasons without the bonuses?
Also I imagine it'd be a bit more expensive.
No, they're all humans, then they get shaped to be more like their god.
Also is it bad that Ecaflip was my favorite class in Wakfu? I loved throwing RNG Dice at people and playing with tarot cards.
I recognize that animation.
Is someone doing the the Panty and Stocking transformation sequence with Eva and Amalia or something?
Do the official subs retain the fan subs puns like the Breadnought?
Did they say Breadnought in the english dub?
I always got ridiculously lucky and had god eca more often than not, was hilarious seeing peoples reaction to it.
>mfw full earth branch wombo combo on a god card turn
It took a while after the KS for them to ship anything. Mostly because of the OVA production and France 3 wanting to air the ovas before they were shipped to anybody. They also threw in some mifuchi game thing for free into a lot of the shipments. I still have no idea what it is but the box is hanging out on a shelf anyway
It's based off that, but I don't think they ever finished. That pic's over 4 years old.
Alot of the animation staff are pretty fucking awesome
Met them during my time overseas at their own con (and others).
Pretty fun lot to get about with.
Quite alewdbunch. To bad the games just wasted potential and especially post-Square acquisition that won't change (and hasn't).
But Wakfu/Dofus series are all great
>playing anything other than female Sadida for maximum booty
Anon, we are talking about canon tits on a kids friendly show. You don't understand the scope of the situation.
Little kids will have their first faps remembering these scenes. In a few years more, they will learn how to properly use the internet and stumble upon these images, gloriously having one more nostalgia fap. This is history for the little red corner of mankind's collective unconscious.
Miranda a Sloot. SLOOT
miranda a best
Why are the french so good at making waifus?
>playing anything but female Osa
If they resolve that they won't have an basis for a new arc of something stupid happening
Also canon lesbians on a childrens cartoon.