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For the stranger there among them had a New Vegas Thread on his hip
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For the stranger there among them had a New Vegas Thread on his hip
you faggots can have this thread, I'll be back tomorrow.
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Post underappreciated weapons
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Rate lads forgive this narcissm.
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Best map, coming through.
So since FO1 and 2 have a pretty solid connection with NV I have a question. What do you guys think stopped Ricard grey from really checking if his Mutants were sterile or not?

>Character name
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite playstyle
>Favorite follower
>Favorite quest
>Favorite home
>Favorite battle
>Favorite shop
>Favorite location
>Favorite perk
>Tagged skills
>First character/earliest one you can think of.
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Because it looks like some modder nifscoped a m249 and M60 parts together. And it does not have a moving belt. Ugly as hell too, just like 12.7 smg
How do I join NCR/Caesar's legion? I'm at freeside right now and haven't gotten into the strip yet, am I able to join that early

I'd rename "Rocks n shit" to "Cazador-Deathclaw Fuck Parade" but that's just me.
You basically do things to win favor with either faction or kill Benny to get the big choice of siding with a faction but even then they give you sometime to do so.
You can choose side after killing benny and discovering yes man, then go to the NCR ambassador/Caesar
Do people actually wear Sierra Madre armor?
Basically once you get to the Strip you can commit. But nothing's set in stone until later, you can revert sides.
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>Have no self control and can never resist easy caps and jury rigging weapons
>Always end up with hundreds of thousands of caps and infinite ammo and stimpaks
Bretty accurate
>Guys stealing my post
>Those (you)'s aren't going to me now
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>Character name
NCR or freelancer
>Favorite weapon
Survivalist's Rifle
>Favorite playstyle
Stealth archer
>Favorite follower
Boone or Cass
>Favorite quest
REPCONN test site
>Favorite home
Vault 21
>Favorite battle
Lift ride through Ashton silo in Lonesome Road
>Favorite shop
Raul's repair shop, if that counts
>Favorite location
Camp McCarran
>Favorite perk
>Tagged skills
Guns, Sneak, Repair
During DM I'd wear it
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I don't but I like to collect armor.

Sometimes I'll give it to companions. Usually Arcade or Cass.
>>Character name
>>Favorite weapon
>>Favorite playstyle
>>Favorite follower
>>Favorite quest
kill the geckos
>>Favorite home
in the dirt
>>Favorite battle
the radroach one
>>Favorite shop
>>Favorite location
vault 34
>>Favorite perk
>>Tagged skills
survival repair barter
>>First character/earliest one you can think of.
Dr. Dolittle
It was an orignal post do not steal anon!!!!
sorry :c
I don't even wear it in the Sierra Madre

My almost autistic compulsions make me take at least the Reinforced version even if I'm never going to use it.
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I need my fucking (you)'s anon... it's all I live for. I don't even get them through bait
why is Boone so good
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I was really butt hurt when pic related wasn't in 4
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You have my pity, anon. Have this one on me
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>Character name
Mac/Courier. It don't matter. I'm just some fuckin guy.
Independant leaning towards NCR
>Favorite weapon
Custom Service Rifle
>Favorite playstyle
Tactical engagement. Hit hard from a distance and close in for vicious cleanup.
>Favorite follower
>Favorite quest
Back in Your Own Backyard
>Favorite home
>Favorite battle
Hoover Dam 2: electric boogaloo
>Favorite shop
Gun Runners despite the jewing
>Favorite location
Vault 21
>Favorite perk
Hand Loader

pic related start and end game
>I-I'll show you
So can we all admit that mr. sandman is the most useless perk?
OK cya later anon, we can have heated debates into the night tomorrow!
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What are some good radio mods??
But that's how you can get the armor of any faction without killing/ doing shit for them
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>using WW2 weapons
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>30 minutes later
>Still can't decide between Plasma Caster or Laser RCW
They brought back the 1/2/Tactics Plasma Rifle as the Caster, why not the Laser Rifle as something?
Only a master can successfully bait anon
Train more
Legends of the west
Third or Fourth one today, cure your autism and fuck off
I do.
>Character name
Caesar's Legion
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite playstyle
Stealth, no combat skills
>Favorite follower
Joshua Graham
>Favorite quest
Arizona Killer
>Favorite home
Big MT
>Favorite battle
Quarry Junction
>Favorite shop
Goodsprings General Store
>Favorite location
>Favorite perk
Jury Rigging
>Tagged skills
Speech, Lockpick, Repair
Cure your autism and fuck off
>Siding with leigon
Security armor is pretty cool.
>Character name
>Favorite weapon
Marksman Carbine
>Favorite playstyle
Stealth archery + high luck with semi-auto weapon
>Favorite follower
>Favorite quest
Three-Card Bounty
>Favorite home
Lucky 38 Suite
>Favorite battle
Battle of Nelson
>Favorite shop
>Favorite location
NCR Safehouse
>Favorite perk
Tunnel Runner
>Tagged skills

>Character name
Me/ steel brothers
>Favorite weapon
Brushgun / 50BMG because fun
>Favorite playstyle
Stealth and guns. Always 100 sneak/guns
>Favorite follower
Veronica but desu I only miss fawkes from FO3
>Favorite quest
Nothing gives me a bigger boner than killing mr. House. Except for finnish brunettes
>Favorite home
I usually dump shit in lucky 38, but after DM the abandoned BoS bunker. I hate civilization
>Favorite battle
Storming three marys canyon fucking up those white legs nignogs
>Favorite shop
The central intelligence unit in The Sink
>Favorite location
Jacobstown is pretty comfy. Other than that i'm a sucker for hoover dam.
>Favorite perk
Cannibalism or jury rigging.
>Tagged skills
Repair, guns, sneak.
Why not?
They are all homo
Fair enough
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>tfw urge to replay for the 1000th time
>uninstalled few months ago and lost all my mods
time to spend an hour downloading shit again
Why do you uninstall if you can't control yourself
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>Character name
>Favorite weapon
That Gun
>Favorite playstyle
>Favorite follower
>Favorite quest
>Favorite home
>Favorite battle
>Favorite shop
Pimp-boy dude
>Favorite location
The highway
>Favorite perk
Bloody mess
Rape fantasies obviously
Legion has the lowest crime rate though, the only rape on record in the game is of a dyke NCR trooper
>implying female slaves don't get daily raped
independent but sympathetic to NCR
teddy roosevelt's ol' big stick ideology
>favourite follower
>favourite quest
restoring hope
>favourite home
lucky 38/follower's safehouse
>favourite battle
cleansing south vegas of fiends
>favourite shop
>favourite location
>favourite perk
shit nigga idk
>tagged skills
medicine, speech and survival(?)
At least they don't have to apologize to their assailants, like in NCR territory
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>start game with 9 luc
>rape casinos
>1 luc implant
>take advantage of more casinos
>level 4 from achievement, exploration and entering the tops
>50k~ caps and have yet to start the game
fuckyeah, gambling
existence 2.0
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>likes NCR
>Arcade Israel
I fucked up by not tagging barter didn't I
Been wanting to remake a cowboy char for a while, but can't really find any body armor or clothing that matches the black cowboy hat

Been using the sheriff's duster so far, anything better out there?
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>>Favorite weapon
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Max luck is the only way i play.

"Wow, im surprised the bullet didnt just turn around in mid air when they shot you"
I never get how people dervie pleasure from doing stuff like this
>not tagging barter
>favorite quest not heist of the centuries
Come on anon you could nearly roleplay as a kike
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>Character name
>Favorite weapon
This machine
>Favorite follower
>Favorite quest
Crazy crazy crazy
>favorite home
The sink
>favorite battle
Second battle of Hoover dam
>favorite shop
Van Graffs
>Favorite location
The entirety of Zion canyon
>Favorite perk
Sneering Imperialist
>tagged skills
Guns, repair, medicine
>first character/earliest on you can think of
Texas Red
I always fuck up by forgetting to add points to luck and think for myself "probs not a big deal" shitfuck
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Why would anyone choose melee over fists?
Thats about it unless you make some of that leather armor from Honest Hearts and dont mind the black and brown aspect

Fuck no
>get 70 barter
>able to get packrat
>get good prices on everything
Oh man spent so much time figuring out how to escape with ALL the gold...
Jesus the walk of shame when returning to the mojave...
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no, maxing out luck is gr8, I just don't understand how people like to do it so early on just so they can rush to vegas and get caps for late game gear. it ruins the build up
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Is there any way to make Energy actually interesting and fun instead of a boring version of Guns with less options?
take meltdown?
Rock ´n shit is probably the most hellish place in the game
How the fuck a refugee camp can exist is bneyond me
You'll end up with heaps of caps eventually anyways. No matter how you play the game.
There's a couple of mods that add the old laser rifle, this one's my favorite
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>not cazadores
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Don't just write about your character, draw them too.
>No Poker in New Vegas
What were they thinking?

Throw that Caravan shit in the trash
And super mutants
And centaurs
And fucking Nightstalkers

What a hellhole
Scale issues.
The camp could be a couple mines from the dock or the deathclaw infested trainyard.
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>doesn't like killing NCR and will constantly bitch about it
At least Cass kept her fucking mouth shut while being my personal loot carrier and therefore kept her head
About to head to REPCONN, let me know if anyone needs literally a million recharger rifles.
Absolute newfag here. 35 hours into my first run. I still haven't seen anybody with the meme cover armor, should I have already or it will appear just later in the story?
Ugh repconn.
NCR Rangers don't appear until later in the story when they finally arrive to provide reinforcements to the NCR in the mojave
They're around at important NCR outposts. There's some in camp forlorn hope and camp golf.
Vet rangers appear after you kill Benny I think, and the factions thing starts being important. If you don't want to bother go through HH or LR to get the top variant.
It's high level gear. You get it in the late game.
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What don't you like about REPCONN? It has a pretty cool quest and my main man Harland.
Worn by NCR rangers. Just shoot some NCR pricks and they will send some dimwit rangers after you. They will be wearing them. Or just lurk around NCR camps and territory
Ok mates, thanks.
>Character name


>Favorite weapon
Automatic Rifle

>Favorite playstyle
Take GRX, mow down niggas

>Favorite follower

>Favorite quest
Arizona Killer

>Favorite home
Abandoned Bunker

>Favorite battle
Colonel Royez

>Favorite shop
Gun Runners

>Favorite location
Courier's Mile

>Tagged skills
Guns, Repair, Speech

>First character/earliest one you can think of
Punch-oriented freelance merc


Started at Legion and turned NCR
it's ncr ranger armor. yiu can find it in ncr safehouse if yiu have good rep with them or just kill a ranger(forlorn hope)
I just remember it as a tedious shithole filled with robots. Been a while since last time so I might be confusing it with somewhere else.
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Which companions do you never ever use?
Rex and Lily
Y not veronica?
The only companion I ever use is LR's ED-E. The others I just do their quest and send them to the Lucky 38.
Rex, Rose of Sharon Cassidy, Raul, Lily, Boone, ED-E, Veronica, and Arcade
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Literally useless.
No reason to use anyone other than Boone and ED-E to be honest.
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mr fantastic'.jpg
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Don't think there's any robots in REPCONN, there are in HELIOS, though. Which is a total bitch to go through with all the turret.
But it does have fantastic.
Everyone except ED-E and Arcade
I swear those guys are the only tolerable companions.
you might be thinking of the HQ, we're talking the rocket test site
how the hell did he sense me sneaking around his room even when I was using a stealth boy?
Just googled it. Was mistaking. Those space ghoulies were pretty rad yeah
Rex, Raul and Lily. Lily and Rex are boring and even though Raul is a pretty cool character I never go back to Black Mountain after the deathclaw run to Vegas.
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You're thinking of Repconn HQ.
The Repconn Test Site by Novac has ghouls.
>Which is a total bitch to go through with all the turret.
>not having a reserve of pulse grenades for the rare occasion of fighting robots
She's an obnoxious grocery bagger voiced by an even more obnoxious woman, she can fuck off back to the league.
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>tfw to this day I have still never finished Dead Money because I'm deaf

Fucking radios
Yup. Been a while so I mix stuff up. Just came back to the game to finish the addons
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Don't you get a "your collar is beeping" message?
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What turrets? On the ceiling in the very first room you enter after talking to Ignacio?

You do.

Yeah, but you don't get any sense of what direction you need to be moving to get away from the radios so it becomes a really tedious process of quicksaving and running around trying to find the model in the environment.

Just made the whole thing really not fun.
I don't know if other people get this problem with unarmed but the time it takes to execute special moves outside of VATS varies wildly.

Sometimes it take 1 second to do the ranger takedown, other times I have to run backwards holding attack for 5 seconds before anything happens, it's the most annoying shit.
There's a radio disabler on Nexus I think.
Dead money kinda sucked ass until last quest. Tedious repetive shitfest until the very end.
There's a mod that removes the explosive collar from the DLC. It's only there to work in conjuction with the radios so you aren't missing anything by removing it.
Yeah, there's two IIRC. They always fuck me up.
Making AI capable of playing poker would take some effort.
I've played New Vegas on console for a little bit but it wasnt my game and I beat it on PC, I got upset when I beat it because I didn't realize there were mods that made the game prettier and now I feel like replaying it however my pc is quite toaster and I believe my game was auto set to low-mid tier settings
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why is the ranger armor so gay lol
Ranger patrol armor is based AF
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I actually forgot Lilly existed. I wonder why I never bother with her, she's got a pretty interesting backstory and isn't that bad a companion as far as I know. This playthrough I'll use her, for diversities sake.

Im finding this.

Everyone is super long winded in their dialog. I mean I enjoy the character building, but they all talk like 30% too much.

And I thought the DLC would be more like a survival/zombie apocalypses thing after the first 15 minutes, but it turns out its just a constant-health-drain-for-no-good-reason-sim where you quickly find weapons and stims and the enemies aren't even difficult to kill.
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keep telling yourself that gayboy
Looks like it would be hot as fuck to wear in the desert.

Change the shirt from white to brown or dark green, and get rid of that white thing around the collar. Easy fix.
fuck wrong reply
Actually the last quest sucks ass too
Raul is worth braving supermutant paradise just to acquire.
Why do people hurt their pets? They could just not get one, cheaper.
>mfw resolving Crazy Crazy Crazy without killing Tabitha
that was quite cool. I'd never thought to repair the mr handy before killing her
Harley Davidson


Caravan Shotgun

Cowboy-styled in the beginning. Luck, Endurance and Agility are the main focus.


Super Mutant nightkin mansion hidden away in that wooded mountain area


Nightkin mountain, shit was harder than most encounters for me because i was so low leveled

That energy weapon store in freeside

I like Caesar's Legion's red rock area


Guns, Survival, Sneak
I was just trying to be positive but fuck, you are right. The only reason I kept playing was my burning desire to return to mojave. Tbh, it kinda WAS a survival DLC seeing that I nearly died of aids playing it.

I wish his voice actor was a bit better. His dialog is god tier but the voice is so quiet, and could use a tiny bit more expression. He's like 60% Machete but he had the potential to go full Machete.
There are some performance enhancing mods that might let you play with better textures, but keep in mind that it won't look exactly the same as vanilla. You can also set the games priority to high in the task manager if you go to
processes>Falloutnv*right click*>Priority>High
I'm not really sure how well this will work, but I hope it helps.
but Raul isn't full Machete, he's an old, reisgned ghoul with a painful past.
reminder that telling Raul to let go of his gunslinger days is the canon way to complete his quest
>play with better textures
*better settings
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>Character name
Independent or Followers
>Favorite weapon
This Machine
>Favorite playstyle
Lone Wanderer
>Favorite follower
Boone or Follows-Chalk
>Favorite quest
Wang Dang Atomic Tango
>Favorite home
Lucky 38 or Abandoned BoS Bunker
>Favorite battle
The one inside the abandoned warehouse with Van Graffs
>Favorite shop
Mick and Ralph
>Favorite location
>Favorite perk
Shotgun Surgeon
>Tagged skills
Speech, Repair, Guns
>First character/earliest one you can think of.
Evil man in evil clothes named Dennis
Independent or Followers
oh baby
melee everything
i put a spell on you
lucky 38 suite
storming hoover dam and killing kimball
the computer merchant in big mountain
melee, doctor, speech
robert (my name), gunslinger
Imagine your grandma having dementia in reverse
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I think Raul is happier as a gunslinger.
>You'll never read the book about Tabitha and Rhonda
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>Character name
>Favorite weapon
Trail Carbine
>Favorite playstyle
Direct Skirmisher. Long Range to short range to melee if it calls for it.
>Favorite follower
Rex with a mod to make him more passive, do less damage and harder to kill
>Favorite quest
None really stand out
>Favorite home
BoS Bunker, with the dude who normally mans it edited out
>Favorite battle
That hostiage situation near Novac. I forget the towns name.
>Favorite shop
Traveling Merchants. Feels so good when you happen upon one when you're full of shit.
>Favorite location
>Favorite perk
And Stay Back
>Tagged skills
>First character/earliest one you can think of.
Can anyone give any tips and mod recommendations for a non-lethal playthrough?
Get the jury rigging perk ASAP
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>cass being a cucking slut
>good ending
I remembered why I stopped taking Meltdown as a Perk, while its cool its basically a free Plasma Grenade its also still a plasma grenade. I've been injured more often from my own Meltdown indoors than by the people I'm blowing up
thanks anon i'll look into it
kill as few people as you can
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>Character name
Casear's Legion
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite playstyle
Sniper using Guns
>Favorite follower
>Favorite quest
Arizona Killer
>Favorite home
I prefer making campsights, usually somewhere elevated
>Favorite shop
>Favorite location
>Favorite perk
Better Criticals
>Tagged skills
Guns, Sneak, Repair
>First character/earliest one you can think of.
Guns, Speech, Lockpick character who sided with Mr. House. I think I mainly used Dinner Bell when I learned how to obtain it.
>>Favorite playstyle
>Sniper using Guns
>>Tagged skills
>Guns, Sneak, Repair
I too like to play as a stealth archer
BTW this might be a stupid question, but here goes:
Why do all meta-humans have these leather straps over their faces keeping their mouths open? Kinda like the shit they put on horses. Seems like it makes it hard for them to talk.
Shouldn't these threads be in /vg/?
set your perception to 0 and never use vats
RP as a stormtrooper
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>When approaching the sign, Ulysses can be seen in the large building to the right of the Crow's Nest. He walks into the open, standing briefly in front of the partially obscured Exit sign in the building, then walks out of sight.
Wait, what.
this is the best rp idea I've ever seen
Is there a mod that fixes the Ranger coats sticking to your leg when running? It looks so fucking stupid, I can't stand it.
He also shows up later in the area with the collapsing building as you're going down the scaffolding
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>perception 0
please no DM PTSD
>Sneaky-Beaky Like
>Veronica, prefer no one though
>Three-Card Bounty
>Gun Runners
>The Strip
>Shotgun Surgeon
>Lockpick, Speech, Guns
I may as well ask this: I bought Fallout New Vegas during the summer sale cause of /v/. and I'm really enjoying it, this is my first Fallout game. Anyways, I was in High School when this game came out, and Middle School when 3 came out. I have some friends from High School on my Steam, and one of em asked me today "Why are you playing that garbage instead of Fallout 3 or 4? NV sucks." I've actually been told a lot of people don't like NV, and love 3, is there any reason for this? Like I said, NV is my first, so I can't judge 3 or 4, or any of the others.
Seriously, fuck that area. You literally cannot throw a rock there without hitting something absolutely evil with it.
3 is garbage for plebs, normies love it
Is there a [muffled bear and bull in the distance]?
Ive played them all except FO4. New vegas is my favorite. IMO it took the things I loved about FO3 and improved. The story, the feeling, the guns and gameplay is all top notch in my book. I see no reason to hate NV if you disregard the atrocity that is Dead Money.
3 is widely more popular, and Bethesda is a very popular company, Obsidian isn't, so it leads to a lot of parroting of popular opinon. A lot of people prefer the humor in 3 as well and therefore like 3 more than NV.
He doesn't know.
he's torn between either retiring from shooting because violence always resulted in more violence, to help people by repairing stuff OR
he can decide he's still good and can protect the weak despite his age.
10 luck all the crit chance+ gear. Youll turn so many enemies into goo Caesar will think he's in Ghost busters 2 or something.
>using anything from the 20th century
Ugh fuck those ghosts. The only enjoyable thing about DM was the story link between big MT and sierra madre. Imagine being stuck in those suits and slowly being turned into a wandering corpse.
>telling us to go to the bethesda general
>get addicted to Jet's slowdown in FO4
>go back to NV because of these threads
>never thought much about Turbo in my 700+ hours of NV
>keep running out of ingredients for Turbo
Will i have fun with an explosive only run?
I have a thing for making things blow up and basicly make enemies run into my traps
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Remember, don't reply to bait.
We don't a repeat of what happened in the other thread.
p-pls respond
What is this UI mod? I've been looking for it for a while.
Lily. I use Veronica just to feed her to the White Gloves or to crush her dreams after I blow up the Brotherhood only after doing their quests for the sweet xp though.
>Sierra Madre security uses M1918 BARs and revolvers
>when the whole place is filled with technology
Darnafied UI.
Turbo is the jam on my breakfast. Shits a lifesaver when you rustle too many peoples jimmies at once.
I never go to Jacobstown, and dog companions are never good.
No because that's how the mesh works. The mesh treats the coat as part of your legs, so both move at the same time.

Remember, this is Gamebryo we're talking about.
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I like using Rex because I like dog companions in any game. He's fragile as shit though so taking him with me always feels like babysitting. I still do it for my pupper though.
Get both ranks of the Implant GRX perk.
Nobody trusted the shady tech sinclair got paid for testing.
Everyone complains about holograms creeping them out
>lol just put that deadly gas in the pipes, relax, we're scientist! Besides, we paid you for it.
>not visiting the comfiest of places in all of the mojave

A lot of people like The Big Bang Theory too.
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I used rex on survival once. Once.
Still can't look the king in the eye.
Super Mutants ?
Its kind of out of the way and not necessary for anything, I get side tracked with dlc too. Its on my to do list.
I savescum on survival just to finish his quest for a new brain and then let him retire in peace.
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I finally got around to continuing the DLC today, played through Old World Blues.

I got the mk.2 stealth armor and it keeps apologizing when I fuck up and trying to heal me when i step on mines.

It's adorable, is it wrong for a man to fall in love with his armor?

>Character name
Slane (edgy I know but I've been using it for 20 years now)
>Favorite weapon
Thermic Lance or Displacer Fist
>Favorite playstyle
Boone for distance, then my fist in their asses
>Favorite follower
>Favorite quest
Beyond the Beef
>Favorite home
I don't usually use a home
>Favorite battle
Bitter Springs pt 2: This time it's personal
>Favorite shop
Van Graffs or the DINO DEEEEELITE
>Favorite location
Always loved how Jacobstown felt
>Favorite perk
Jury rigging
>Tagged skills
Unarmed, speech, sneak
>First character/earliest one you can think of.
Other than Slane, I did Vash the Stampede investing mostly in luck and cowboy toys
Think I ended up with NCR
>You have become addicted to Med-X
Its the home of the most oper8r of all companions. If having a demented nightkin grandma following you on your travels aint reason enough, youll also find a snowglobe there.
Pretty much this. Cool armor but OD'ing on med-x aint my jam.
>"Many Super Mutants have a mutation that causes their upper lip to grow grossly out of proportion and hang down like a flap over their mouth. The leather straps hold this lip up and out of the way, allowing them to speak normally. You can see the deformity very easily on the Lieutenant's talking-head pic. Harry has it, too."

>"Other Super Mutants may wear the straps simply to make themselves look more fierce by forcing their lips into a perpetual snarl. Some may not even realize why they're wearing the straps, and just wear them because everyone else is. Super Mutants tend to be a little dim like that."

>"Of course, this trait isn't universal among Super Mutants. Marcus is a well known mutant who doesn't wear lip-straps."
I'm doing the dlc with my endgame character, so I don't really get addicted to shit because of perks and when I do the base in Old World Blues has that wonderful gizmo that cures addiction toll free.
Thank you!!!!
Been wondering for ages. I didnt find any info on the wikia so this is godsent!
LAERs and proton axes aren't shady tech though. They're certainly better than outdated WW1 guns.
>The only 'immortal' npc in the game is Yes Man
>His respawning is explained, as his personality is installed dormant in every securitron in the strip, and another securitron takes yes's man's place after the previous one gets destroyed

Will Bethesdrones even compete
LAERs and Proton axes weren't sent to SM.
>Big Mt. Hazmat suitsâ„¢(the irony, they corrode from the cloud)
>Cosmic knife (saturnite)
I don't carry meds because of that, it's still irritating that she uses them as I find them though - you'd have thought someone would have come up with a mod for that by now
Is it possible to make an explosives-focused character? I am a sucker for seeing enemies fall into my traps

I've only played 2 hours so far of NV so i'm wondering

Also, anyone knows why i just can't install MCM? No matter how much i reinstall it, when i press ESC it tells me that i should reinstall it
Got NVSE ?
Yes, i have many mods like Project Reality and Nevada, you know. MCM is the only one i can't get to work properly
Explosives is far more viable then it was in fallout 3. But grenades and shit are still expensive.
It works but I'd pair it with Melee so you can survive if you run out of explosives. Really helps in the early game.
Yes I know, my point was being why did the SM security got shit guns when Big MT supplied the whole area with different techs. The security could have been supplied by tech like LAERs as well.
You need to install one mod that MCM manages, if you haven't it won't work.

Thanks anons
I think it was just the local police department who had them
>>Character name
Mad Motherfucker.
>>Favorite weapon
Cowboy Repeater (with the mod that gives a better iron sight)
>>Favorite playstyle
Top sneaky, top shooty. No laser weapons.
>>Favorite follower
>>Favorite quest
My kind of town.
>>Favorite home
Novac is comfy as fuck, son.
>>Favorite battle
>>Favorite shop
Gun Runners.
>>Favorite location
>>Favorite perk
Jury rigging.
Because that was the deal sinclair did.
THey didn't send anything they have successfully tested and proven.
Sinclair was a turbo autist who build everything for a woman, supermegaebin vault, that costed so much it forced him to make shady deals with shady scientists, who just decided to dump failed materials, untested gear, BIO-CHEM WEAPONS
Holograms were paid for by sinclair though.
>I only use That Gun because it's a cheap good buy early game.
Always been a sucker for bladerunner. I force myself to use it regularly because I love the look and feel of it.
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>you can kill him permanently by disintegrating or gooifying him
>it can be literally impossible to complete the game this way
>I found this out the hard way, and had to delete a character because of it on dedbox
I fucking hated DM too. Then I had low STR, so I didn't get to keep the goodies.
What happened?
Next level autism
It got derailed by a series of baiters, went on for almost an hour straight. Be glad you weren't there.

No matter how high STR you have, it was impossible to carry more than 4 or 5 IIRC. I had to get smart and use some tricks to get it all out and reach the exit overencumbered with a 1500 pounds backpack and a beeping collar.
>arguing on the internet
why are you both so sad?
I'm under the impression the people who make these threads are obsidian employes.

Listen we love your game. It's one of my favorite RPGS. But when's the new one coming out?

I would love to see New Reno or New Atlantic City with the powa of the ps4.

Just do what New Vegas did right and improve on it all we ask.
>Every time I beat it I say im gonna explore the madre more now that the collar is gone
>Every time I lose the will to do so because of the bunkers bullshit and just leave with the gold instead of storing it somewhere and finding that damn snowglobe
I didn't partake in the shit show, I just watched.
Gotcha, my bad.
I did this glitch where you drop the gold in this certain spot in the force field then run out of the area pick it up and heavy walk out the door and laugh.
What happened?
>the feeling of apathy and fatigue after you escape the casino.
>the feeling of relief when you return to the mojave for some fresh desert air.

Sweet jesus dead money was a rollercoaster of emotions.
It'd almost make you wish for a nuclear winter
IIRC I loaded the backpack, hid by the railing, just next to where elijah comes out and down the stairs to confront you. Pop a stealthboy and haul my ass past him and through the door just before he realize im gone and he activates the force fields.
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She's trying to get you addicted to med-x, and by proxy, addicted to her.
Why do you want to wear another armor, anon? Am I not good enough for you?
Thinking about playing New Vegas on my shitty laptop
It's well optimized?
It's alright, check out these mods to squeeze a little more performance out of the game.
>tfw its kinda working
I have a tendency to get pussywhipped IRL so it checks out.
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