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Jesus fucking christ, every single game they showed was a movie,
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File: sony.png (25 KB, 720x380) Image search: [Google]
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Jesus fucking christ, every single game they showed was a movie, TLOU or a movie-tie in.

Every. Single. One.

Not only did Microsoft make Sony shit themself into not showing Neo, they then proceeded to show actual video games with mechanics and fun, then publicly embarrassed them, fuck they even showed more Japanese games, MICROSOFT SHOWED MORE JAPANESE GAMES THAN SONY. M-I-C-R-O-S-O-F-T

EA, Ubisoft and Bethesda even managed to somehow stir up actual things that looked like engaging video games sometimes

You want to know the bit that resembled a game at the Sony conference? The fucking Crash bit, the part that turned out to just be a Skylanders cameo.

Fuck this company.
Anon, we know Sony makes movieshit, we know MS won, it's okay
>Jesus fucking christ, every single game they showed was a movie
what about spiderman
>or a movie-tie in.
Spiderman was confirmed to not be a movie-tie in
can't wait for Horizon
all this mad, it's okay sony had more hype after their conference it's not the end of the world :)
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>MFW even Neogaf is fucking melting down calling it a shitty conference
I disagree

I have a PC so I can actually play the games microsoft showed and not a single one made me go "damn I cant wait to play that"

Sony showed Resident Evil 7, Horizon, Spiderman, Days Gone, and Detroit which all looked like games I want to play. Not to mention Kojima's trailer was hype and the last guardian finally got a release date. I dont even have a PS and probably wont get one but I can see their conference was much better even if GoW looked really boring

10 rupees have been placed in your PSN account
And those games are? Dead Rising is made by a Canadian studio while ReCore is made by an American studio. All that's left are Tekken 7 (multiplat arcade port) and Scalebound.
Nice to see I'm not the only one hyped for Detroit.

I know people are calling it a movie, and maybe it is, but I like the idea of a futuristic detective game with branching choices.

If what they showed in the trailer was just one of the episodes, then it'd be really fun to fuck around in.

>There are people trying to be unironically hyped for a David Cage game

You aren't even getting paid for that obvious forced shilling, pajeet and raheed
Worst thing is that there was nothing souls-related.
Quick, someone throw in 6 memeflopped xbone memes or this anon is going to commit sudoku
It's over, anon. It's over.
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It was 80% hype 15% substance
>pic related
5% missing shaders
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