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You have a reverse-time capsule and can use it to send your childhood
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Thread replies: 13
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You have a reverse-time capsule and can use it to send your childhood self a vidya-related item that you wish that you had back then. What do you send yourself?
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I'd send myself JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle.
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I choose to make fuck with mommy.
Duke Nukem Forever.
Gothic 2 or a TES game (oblivion probably).
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Nothing because that could change too much of the future
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Send myself a letter to get apple stock purchased in my name in 97.
Then to sell it in 2007.

It was like a 878% increase over that time
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what is this film and is there lewd
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Back to the Future. Honestly, Anon, I'm disappointed.
man, my parents immigrated from Kurwa land when I was 8. I was poor as fuck, and was outcast. My childhood has no culture. Take pity on me.
Honestly? A Wii U with Smash 4. Imagine your 10 year old pre-Sega leaving the console industry self recieving a game in which Sonic, Mario, Ryu, Mega Man, Pac Man, and more fight to the death?
My amiibo collection
Thread replies: 13
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