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>"Truly, I have finally become the Dark Souls™."
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Thread replies: 21
Thread images: 9
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>"Truly, I have finally become the Dark Souls™."

Why is this allowed?
That line was never used you false flagging fuck
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>no dark hand
>he didn't unlock the secret ending
In the end I guess we really are Final Fantasy 13

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>That's quite a hit you took there eh Gordon, sapped 50% of your health. I guess that's why they call you The Half-Life™.
Put some effort and pick games that actually namedrop you little twats.
>Kingdom Hearts™!
>We must do more than watch
>We must
>My face when I actually uttered this as the fire faded in my game

Fucking /tv/, you did this to me.
>It's a /tv/ is leaking again episode
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>The Monado sure is a strange sword. I guess that's why they call it the Xenoblade
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>Hey can you watch over these cities
>So you're saying we're some kind of Overwatch?
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>I guess this really is Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Fucking Kojima
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>"You see, Mr. Dallas... I need my PAYDAY™, 2..."
dropped like my favorite cassette
>"Now we are facing the Middle-Earth:Shadow Of Mordor™"
>I'm not just a fighter...
>I'm a Street Fighter 5!!
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"To liberate all of us... Use the Xenogears... destroy... Zohar..."
>"Truly this man who hit me with a bike chain will be inFamous"
The last of us.
Thread replies: 21
Thread images: 9

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