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Ike isn't gay
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Ike isn't gay
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Kanji wasn't gay
Nah he wasn't gay, fucking muscly catboys and pretty feminine men is okay no homo
I thought him being gay was a meme or something because it's pretty non canon
Both are pretty much gay.
I'm not gay
Priam isn't cannon
ur gay
this thread is gay

I'm gay
If that's his descendent I wish he was.
Me neither
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He is 100% cannon
He only has ending with men.
Other lords all settled with women.
Do the math.
Its not gay if its in prison.
being gay is a meme and these men aren't memes like you are OP.
Nigga If you ain't shipping Ike and Soren then you mad gay.
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Of course not, he impregnated Soren, his long time girlfriend.
>Appears only in downloadable paralouge

So I guess Emm survived the fall too?
Priam only exist as a fuck you to fujoshit.
Soren had magical powers, he could have birthed a child
Truly the hero we needed. Next Fire Emblem better have Priam as the Lord and your inevitable Avatar as either his Tactician again or some random recruit who gets to rise through the ranks or some shit. I wanna have fun adventures in giant merc bands again and go around to other dimensions killing random Dragon Gods and find a new Goddess to bless Ragnell and Alondite.
He also never shows interest in anyone and is all about being a warrior. He's not about that romance shit
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