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I have never played any games in the Final Fantasy series. Having
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FF1 logo_PSP--article_image.jpg
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I have never played any games in the Final Fantasy series.

Having recently bought a ps4 I have decided I should probably give one of the games a go so I can make my own decision on if I like it or not.

Can /v/ recommend which game to start with?
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ff7 reactor animated.gif
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seriously? That thing's a literal no-gaems machine, and I don't think it even can run most of the games at this point, unlike PS3.

IV, VI, VII and IX are the most beloved games by the most fans, and the ones I could easily recommend to anyone.

After that, choose your poison. Since the stories and worlds are (usually) not connected in any way, you can pretty much shoot blind. Different things appeal to different people, and that's also why there's so much arguments about various titles in the series.

I for example really liked the FF XIII trilogy as a whole, but I know that many bash it as the worst blunder of the millennium and death of the series.

The ones I would personally recommend skipping are the NES originals (1-3) and the MMOs (11 & 14). I also wasn't too fond of VIII and XII.
Eh I have the money to burn and really wanted Bloodborne.

Just looking to give some other stuff a try that I haven't given a chance to yet.

Is the X and X-2 remaster worth getting?
Best starting points are FFIV, FFVII or FFX, so just pick one, try it out and if you don't like it try the other two out.
10 is probably the best game to use as a first. Cinematic so it eases you into the story, chill gameplay so you can learn fundamental FF mechanics, good amount of voice acting but not completely voiced so you can start getting used to a lot of reading without getting totally worn out right away.

After 10, do 6. It's the best, ignore anyone that disagrees. After those two, work your way through in whichever order you want.
>Just looking to give some other stuff a try that I haven't given a chance to yet.
You can emulate FF1-9 just fine on any wormbox PC. That's what I'd do in your case.

>Is the X and X-2 remaster worth getting?
yeah it's good.
Ok /v/ thanks, I'll start with 10. Hopefully I'll like it and then move on to others.
You can sink around 200 hours in FFXII if you feel adventurous enough
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good luck out there.
Like said, each FF is its own thing, with a few common elements shared by the whole series to make them recognizable as FF titles.

Also this should be quite obvious, but don't expect to rush through any of the games under 60 hours. I've seen some new players be amazed and even discouraged about this fact lately; yes, they are long games, that can easily clock over 100 hours if you try to do and find everything.
FF1 and just play the odd numbered ones except 13.
Play the SNES games (4, 5, and 6). Start with 5 if you like gameplay over story, start with 6 if you like atmosphere, start with 4 if you like simple old school rpg aesthetics.

The NES games (1, 2, and 3) all aged pretty badly, though 1 and 3 and still playable games and interesting artifacts of the era. I certainly wouldn't start with them though unless you're accustom to NES era rpgs. Never play 2 though, unless you are an extreme pain-loving masochist.

FF7 and FF9 are both excellent games for the first half or so. After that, they both suffer a severe case of Developers Were Coming Up On The Deadline To Finish The Game syndrome and go off the rails, but not in a good way.

FF12 is ultimately bland and forgettable.

FF8 and FF10 are like awful fever dreams and should be avoided.

Only ever play FF13 if the only alternative is scouring your face with a belt sander.

Bear in mind that all the FFs are pretty different, so if you don't like X - entirely possible since it's still mildly polarizing even within the fanbase (I personally really don't like it) - it might still be worth your while to try other games in the series. Especially as X is quite different from most of the others in terms of story and gameplay.

VI or VII would be good places to jump to, regardless of whether X winds up being your thing or not.
Anything released after 8, bar 12, is pure shit.
>skip 4
>skip 6
>skip 10
>but play 3
What of the MMOs? Are either of them any good?
>skiped 4 and 6

the 2 best FF game, nice job anon
Final Fantasy Adventure. Literally the only good final fantasy game. It's not even really a FF either.

the tactics games are pretty good too
They all have their pros and cons, especially as a first game.

I-III are pretty run of the mill, simply due to their age (slightly alleviated with re-releases)

IV-VI are great, but some people think SNES era is too aged (fuck them) 4 is a classic, 5 is fun and lets you play with the job system. 6 is ezy mode but a awesome ride.

VII is a good spot to jump in. People will bitch constantly over it. If you like world, there's plenty of spinoffs.

VIII has an odd character system, and the plot goes off the rail toward the end. You'll either love it or hate it.

IX is a love letter to the original games. It's gorgeous, but it's hampered by being slow as fuck.

X is also another good starter. One of the best battle systems (easy to pick up) but very linear.

XI is an MMO from the early 2000s

XII is a contentious entry. Play it later if you enjoy the Tactics games

XIII is the PS3s prettiest hallway. The two followups mix it up some but they're all pretty average.

XIV another MMO. Pretty and has nice animations. I would have enjoyed it more if I could have dragged my friends away from WoW.

Tactics/Advance/A2 are srpg spinoffs. first is best, A2 is the weakest but they're all solid as fuck.
XI is dogshit, XIV is pretty good
>XII is a contentious entry. Play it later if you enjoy the Tactics games

Never played either XII or tactics. Can you elaborate on what you mean by this?
onestly i don't think that X is the best to start, it's the first FF game to change almost all from the prevoius games
>turn based combat instead of ATB
>no world map
>almost no exploration at all
>weird levelling mechanics with no real levels
>almost no equip item at all
>mid tier music with no Uematsu
and so on

>Play the SNES games (4, 5, and 6). Start with 5 if you like gameplay over story, start with 6 if you like atmosphere, start with 4 if you like simple old school rpg aesthetics.

Play the SNES games, they are the best FF, with somid mechanics, good or great story, interesting characters, and GOAT music
or you can try the PS1 games, they are still great, but the SNES ones are much "noob" friendly
Play everything from 4-7 and tactics, that is the golden era of FF.
They share the same setting.

XII also mostly does away with the usual battle system for a realtime script/AI driven one. It's pretty in depth and powerful once you start unlocking it's pieces. Essentially though, it's simply very, very different to the other games.
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