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What other games let you overthrow kingdoms and steal their women?
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File: Little King's Story.jpg (21 KB, 189x266) Image search: [Google]
Little King's Story.jpg
21 KB, 189x266
What other games let you overthrow kingdoms and steal their women?
Those fuckers at XSEED need to stop teasing the pc port and actually give a release date.
How is this game?
Not OP, but it is in my top Wii games and one of my favorite games of last gen. The boss fights vs the various kings were a highlight for being chaotic and epic. Having a soundtrack of remixed classical music really adds to the punch.

The kingdom-building portion was also a lot of fun as you got to build up your kingdom, conquer new territories, and churn out peoples to fight and build for you (loved the touch of people walking around in funeral garb when one of them died - made you keep things together to preserve lives, on top of needing high-level citizens with various strengths to push forward into other kingdoms).
Sauncho was so wise in the hard mode.

His wisdom changed my life.
Will it be a PC port of the lame Vita version, or the charming Wii version?

My gut tells me the lame Vita version, because of course the game with the shittier art would get ported.
The vita art was even more offensive than the chibi robo sequels.
File: 52646801.jpg (110 KB, 809x458) Image search: [Google]
110 KB, 809x458
They stated it would be a remake of the Wii version with slightly higher res graphics
Man, LKS was so fun. Shame cing went under.
New Little King Story
I'm glad to hear that, but uh, pic... unrelated?
File: 5248654824.jpg (134 KB, 809x458) Image search: [Google]
134 KB, 809x458
I meant to post a picture from the original but i misclicked and put an image from New title king story.
Thread replies: 12
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