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Smash Thread "Salt Confession Edition"
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We admit what makes us salty

Links long grab makes me extremely salty because it has no end lag and it is difficult to spot dodge while he is spamming projectiles.
Mostly because I main Little mac and can't use an aerial approach when he does it.

Luigi and Yoshi have bullshit n-airs which can interrupt anything. They think they are skilled because of having a frame 2 n-air which cancels hitstun and also will combo into a jab or dash attack.

Sonic spamming spindash the entire match is very salt inducing on me.
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Faggots who take 1 stock and run the rest of the match. I know it's a optimal approach to keeping the lead but it's a faggotous way to play the game. I'm not talking about generally defensive play, because that's how you're supposed to play your good options come from executing punishes on errors the other player makes approaching.

I'm talking about supreme faggotry from the likes of keepaway rollspamming faggots the likes of Tink players and villager players do. The ones that really piss me off though are the really smart greninja players, because I cant even get mad because they're outplaying me WHILE being fags.
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I main Mac as well. Every Link/Toon Link I fight is more annoying than hard, which is why ever losing to one triggers me.

The thing that really makes me mad is whenever someone does that edge camping bullshit. I know how to get around it, but I want a fucking fight, not a war of attrition.

Lastly, any time I see a Wario or Dedede, I'm automatically furious. And let's not forget the reason why Mac gets no respect, the ever-present Shittle Macs. The one character I wanted above all else and his reputation is destroyed immediately after the game launches. Also, roll spammers are annoying. Not hard, but retarded.
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>We admit what makes us salty

People using the word salty.
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Why you hate wario?
He's my 2nd main next to Robin.
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Those people that immediately taunt after every death even though they've lost the past 5 games

Anyone that does nothing but running grabs the immediate match after losing

Bonus points if they switch to

>Captain Falcon
>Zero Suit
>Toon Link
Every single one of them does nothing but bike spam and acts like a faggot. They also tend to spam bites. I'm capable of beating them, but I never enjoy it.
Must be because of how mobile he is in the air and how many recovery moves he can pull off in one sitting to back up his attempts at gimping Mac if he ever goes off-stage.
>The one character I wanted above all else and his reputation is destroyed immediately after the game launches
That's actually perfect though, perpetual underdog
>spam bike
What an unfun way to play wario.
I'll use it once and only so I can eat it.
Yoshi's priority annoys me a hell of a lot. His up air beats out most attacks it meets, and yes, his nair is annoying as hell, too.
And for some reason he can grab you during the invincibility frames of a tech. I don't get it.
I really don't like how ZSS can just fly around the fucking stage and all you can do about it is chase her.
I hate how Rosalina can just stand there and jab or upsmash and there's little to nothing you can do about as most of the cast. Rosalina as a character seems not OP, but mechanically broken. Like she bends the game to suit her.
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>Faggots who take 1 stock and run the rest of the match

This happened with EVERY Japanese person I played in 1v1 For glory when the game first came out.

I recently played against this one Lucario that did the exact same shit.

They lost ledge invincibility and I spiked them for the winning kill
It's motivation to play him and constantly strive to improve, if anything. At the same time, their bullshit means no one ever takes a Mac seriously, so anyone who plays him constantly winds up against edge campers/roll spammers/people who think "this will be an easy win." Most of the time, it is, because their opponent is a Shittle Mac. However, when someone who gets how he works comes along, they get their shit slapped and bitch about how broken he is.
It can't be worse than what you see here.
Fighting amiibo. I have over 20 of the fuckers trained to level 50, but fighting them is an aggravating trial in not fair. At max level they deal more damage and knockback while at the same time taking less damage and knockback, and on top of that they read inputs and have less than 1 frame of reaction time by design.
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>Win a few games against someone.
>They win one.
>Immediately leave.
>We admit what makes us salty

Everything about Lucina. Fucking FE:A it ruined one of my favourite series and since she's clony there's a chance of she replacing Marthy. And i use marth

The worst part is she actually looks great in some skins
I get sick of my IRL friend insisting to play 4PFFA, even if it means including some CPUs. I know why too, he can't play for shit it there's not some dumb AI walking into his fully charged smashes. Worst part is when he doesn't actually lose to the last AI standing he starts counting KOs.
I finally demanded a 1v1 to prove he's a scrub and I took his ass 3 games in a row, the salt was all too real.
being a piece a shit is the way of the wa
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Cordelia secondary here. I still suck with her, but hey, closest I get to Cordy in Smash.

...We need a fucking Lancer, god dammit. Ephraim is fine, too.
What's makes me Salty is spot dodging as ROB in front of ZSS while she is using her grab, but still getting grabbed anyways. Why doesn't the same happen with Pac-Man?
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I only do this if I swap through my two mains and my three secondaries, unless we had some crazy doubles.
Muh nigga. Never give up hope.
Everything makes me salty depending on the context. Fuck literally everyone I play against.
Since we're all here, who's up for a 3/5 match?
It pisses me off how every fight is on final destination.
My favorite character is Mewtwo. It's impossible to win against any good B tier characters. Made me quit playing For Glory mode.This actually applies to any low tier character for me, I get real salty seeing the poor balancing firsthand.
I fought someone on FG one time. He kept kicking my ass over and over, no matter who I'd pick. I actually enjoyed this string of matches because it was great practice for what I should and shouldn't do.

I think I've been at it for about fifty matches against him, with maybe one or two victories of my own. What kept driving me to continue is that no match-up is impossible to trump, no matter how one-sided the outcomes can possible get. But my victories weren't much to write home either.

Defeating an opponent is nothing compared to defeating my old ways at every chance I can get. He may not remember those battles we had, but they meant a lot to me. I wish I could have been able to tell him thanks, but you can't do that on a 3DS.
I hate how some characters are utterly imbalanced, because of someone in testing managing to dominate a 4 player match with all items on
Link and anime-swordfighters.

The former for his easy projectile-abuse and powerful A hits, the latter for usually being played by tryhards and those cheap counters (especially if it's Shulk).
Well you gotta consider those were probably japanese brawl players, which means they were used to a lot of keepaway because Sm4sh was still new. They didn't know there were more offensive options, but yea the japanese play like hardcore faggots MOST of the time, especially their ice climbers in brawl.
it pisses me off when people complain about something that is completely duable but they will complain because they suck ass
>those cheap counters
Try to be less predictable, they have lag at the beginning and the counter frames are like a third of a second.
TV is in use, I can only play on 3DS atm. Gotta get some food first, too.
Whenever I suggest to play with some items enabled but on a competitive-viable stage, only to be told from all directions that it's not a real game anymore or that I'm idiot for wanting to do that, even if their reasons are illogical.

Is there really no way to have a remotely competitive match with sufficient moderation on the items that spawn? Or is it just people who are too insecure or unfamiliar with stuff like Beam Sword or Food to give it a shot?
fucking ice shitters managing to pull off wobbling
Fuck that shit
people that camp are tourneyfags and virgins. fuck rosalina, villager, all that bullshit
>ice shitters
Thought they weren't in 4.
Be patient anon, he will improve with time I hope
My main suffered initially too.
Fucking windboxes that send me to the top when trying to gimp someone or trying to attack someone above me so I can't follow up.
>add me to 3DS friends list
>set rules to your liking
>play game
Simple. Or it would be if I weren't eating. Give me a half hour or so.
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But what if they are NOT predictable with their Counters? A good read doesn't always mean an easy or a hard one, it could take only one well-timed Counter to turn an entire battle over.

Speaking of which, anyone has that screenshot of a CPU Palutena countering a Mr. Game&Watch's 9?
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You know what makes me fucking "salty"? When you and two other people are having a good time in For Fun, and then that one guy from some third-world, backwater shithole comes into the lobby, bringing the smooth connection speed down to a painful crawl that just barely manages to chug along at a solid 8fps. A match intended to last 2 minutes suddenly takes about 10, assuming you haven't just quit the match outright, or shut the console off in anger.

Seriously, why is this allowed? It's not fair for the rest of us, and it sure as hell isn't fun to play under those conditions. There should be an update that prohibits these kind of people. If your internet speed doesn't meet requirements, then too fucking bad, you can't play.

Of course, if you dare quit out of the match due to unbearable lag, you're punished immediately with a 10-minute ban. It's basically saying "deal with the lag, or deal with a ban. Pick your fucking poison, nigger."

Bans in general also lead me to my next complaint: why are you banned right away anyway? Why not a warning first, then an actual ban if the offense is repeated?
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Why Sm4sh has no regional zone option is beyond my comprehension, even then though sometimes the south american/central american shitters get thrown in with you. I'm from Michigan, so on Mario kart 8 I mostly get Canadians and midwesterners...but occasionally for NO GOOD REASON AT ALL a mexican player is just TOSSED in there and they start lagwarping all over the track. It's like it feels sorry for them so its like "here join these people and bring their experience down".
Jigglypuff. Fuck that character. She shit all over me until I adjusted. Will always hate her and her juggling shit. I see Jiggly and I get instamad.
I mean in general.

I'd sure appreciate that, but I don't have my 3DS with me right now. Maybe some other time if our paths cross.
Lag is the fucking worst. I went through the necessary, cheap steps to fix my fucking connection. I paid about twenty bucks total. Of course, nothing's complete without shitters who can't be bothered to get a fucking cord and an adapter.

Clearly, twenty bucks is too insurmountable a challenge.
Attacks that just leave a damn hitbox out there for a day and a half, long after any active swing/strike animation has happened (mario or game and watch's dash attack, most of jigglypuff's aerials, shit like that)

it just bothers me is all
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>Get foreigners
>1 second delay
>Game is going at 1/4th of original speed so not only do I hate playing this already but I have to fucking sit in this shit match longer because fuck

I hate netplay.
I feel the exact same way, only with ZSS. A friend of mine has mained her since Brawl, and he's consistently kicked my ass with her for years. Now every time I see a ZSS online, no matter their skill level, I get PTSD.
Links or sonics from mexico
>silky smooth 5 fps
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Fucking pink ball of puff.
>Pink Hoodie Macs from South America
Get fucking Fight Night if you wanna pretend to be Pacquiao, you fucking beaner.
Finally someone who understands. Let me add you on wii u. We can be practice buds sonce we both have flawless connections.
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Got it.

Sanjo9. You up for a match?
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I main Samus, and I fucking hate this:
>play opponent, win the first match
>regardless of whether they were close or not with whatever character, they swap to villager/fox/falco/link
>they play to counter my projectiles only, nothing else
>push their shit in harder than when they fought me with their actual main
>they continue fighting me as the counter pick, and keep losing the same way, just playing more and more defensively
>it degrades to the point where they spend more time floating around off stage and jumping away from me than actually attacking

I don't fucking care if it's free wins for me, that hyper defensive play style is CANCER when I am also playing a defensive character. At least throw projectiles at me or something FUCK.
>Clearly, twenty bucks is too insurmountable a challenge.
Hey, in Mexico or whatever twenty bucks is like a whole goat.
People who run away and throw projectiles the entire match.
People in For Fun that don't fight.
People with shitty connections.
People who play super defensively.
People who play brain-dead characters.
I'm in the hospital right now for congestive heart failure. I'll add you when I get home though.
The lack of ice climbers.
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Woah, shit, that got heavy fast. Don't give up, bruh.
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I play defensively, but if I have time to run away I generally do my best to approach the opponent instead.

Slow, tiptoeing approaches.
As a Falcon main I kinda relate. Good thing I'm fast cause I sure as hell end up chasing a lot of defensive faggots who can't handle the heat.
>fucking Koopalings spamming UpB
Meant to reply to >>316548783.
Nah, don't worry about it.
Who's your mains?
Robin/wario/wiifit trainer here.
>I play defensively
Why, how do you have fun?
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Mac, Falcon, and Ryu. Some guy drew pic related for me. Best Dr. Mario I ever fought.
>people in FF who don't fight
Fucking shit this pisses me off. Sometimes I'll start kicking ass with a non-tryhard character like DK or Megaman and suddenly I'm Cena trying to hold my own in a 3v1 tag team match.
Lag is the source of 99% of my rage. I know it's not me because I can have flawless matches occasionally, but somehow everyone in the world but me is able to pull off normal combos in lag like it's nothing.
>have flawless connection with someone
>they blame their loss on lag
I'm not that anon but,
certain characters (like Samus) don't really have a choice. Playing aggressively and approaching is paramount to suicide.

Playing defensively when the opponent plays agressively is fun. playing defensively can be fun against someone else who plays defensive based on how they do it (projectile wars against rob are actually enjoyable to me).

The people who play defensively like running to the other end of the stage and jumping while spamming reflect are cancerous to everyone (fuck those jiggly puffs who just float away spamming air dodges).
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They're faggots, I believe you can report them for it in Smash 4 too. Just report them and move on.
Why does the 3ds online for smash work so much better than online wii u smash?

3ds is 50% chance of lag or 50% chance of a normal game

Wii u, the BEST game you'll find will still be a second or 2 off from the lag.

>left stick

It's just so shitty.
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No but I have a webm of shulk countering a 9
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I give my opponent some chances to hit me without letting down my guard, then act on their mistakes.

It's good practice for perfect shielding, but the real fun is when I get to read their inputs and simply just stand there nilly-willy, leaving them to realize that they attacked way too soon and are wide open for punishment.

But I don't punish them. The psychological pain is good enough for me.
Oh I do, just pisses me off when it happens. They're always Kirby or one of the anime humans too.
>The people who play defensively like running to the other end of the stage and jumping while spamming reflect are cancerous to everyone
You're literally on the same level of cancer as those people.

>certain characters (like Samus) don't really have a choice.
>opponent falls into a pattern of the same attacks or tactics
>i start countering them
>they keep doing it
>i keep responding in the same way
>they call me a spammer

lol ok
Smash is basically a MOBA, right?
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To be honest, Shiek mains. I imagine they only use her because she's top tier. She's not a big character really, and her moveset seems boring, albeit fast as shit.

That and projectile spammer characters who just pepper you with chip damage and run away. I get that's the idea for the character to work, but it's frustrating as hell. Olimar's the exception, since without Pikmin, he's literally missing half of the standard moveset.
Is using an Amibo a viable way to train yourself?
Against players, borderline. Just keep in mind that an amiibo does not win out of smarter AI, but because it possesses buffed damage/defense and action commands that react faster than a human can.

Basically, you don't train to win against human players. You train to win against bullshit.
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Not being able to carry over my customized control scheme on my 3DS if I use it as a controller on Wii U.
So to some degree, it's worth at least practicing with Amibo's then the base Ai? Specially if your trying to learn a new character?
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>RosaLuma is a pile of jank shit fucking up air killing you at 40% breaking Rosa out of jabs before you can even throw her and disrupting your combos and killing you with the dumbest of moves
>easier said than done against faggots that hide in shield then when you try to grab their shield faggot luma breaks her free and lets her punish you and you can't camp her out because MUH GRAVITATIONAL PULL

Rosalina is an alright guy but the way Sack of Lies and his team designed her in this game really rustles my jimmies.
That can work too. It's effective enough to be somewhat ideal, so long as you keep the match focused on practice rather than winning. After all, what matters is increasing your skills and fundamentals.
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>implying Rosalina is alright under any circumstances
Anyone up for playing on 3DS? I'm a bit sleepy.
I'll just farm in MH otherwise.
Spamming Mario's fludd.
I don't know how to counter this.
What are the fundamentals? Can't exactly practice wavedashing and l-canceling in 4.
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>Go on For Glory 1v1
>Matchup against someone you added on /v/
>But what if they are NOT predictable with their Counters? A good read doesn't always mean an easy or a hard one, it could take only one well-timed Counter to turn an entire battle over.

Well, then what? They shouldn't be rewarded for getting a hard read?
No salt, my good buddy just kicked my ass today, his Marth vs my Duck Hunt. His first time beating me, i'm so proud.

so i beat his ass in with Lucina. salt.
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>fighting some random guy in FG
>we're toe to toe, real tense fights
>I edge out a win
>second match is equally tense, I'm real happy because it's extremely rare to find someone in that sweet spot between kicking your ass and being a boring fight
>I win again, but we were both at 80%+ on last stock
>third match he manages to beat me, I start to spiral down for the shooting star ko animation in the background
>he taunts twice
>immediately disconnects
>he hadn't been having a great time during our fights like I'd imagined, he had probably played through them extremely pissed at me

it felt terrible
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Not the fucking CPUs. Not when I'm trying to do shit like clearing Crazy Orders at 20+ rounds. Fuck that shit.
michiganbro here, I can confirm about the mexicans. its shit.
Also where is the smash scene in michigan?
I swear that damn star has longer reach than the monado
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You can visibly see the player's hopes being crushed here.
Little Macs that know what they're doing and know how to use their super armor. Makes me absolutely furious when I land a solid hit, only to accomplish nothing and get punched right in the fucking face
That's because it actually does.
A Rosalina that knows how the place the luma can reach from anywhere and WILL punish if you're in a vulnerable position no matter where you are, you can't escape
Shield grabbing next to ledge. With no shield knockback mechanic in place people can just sit at ledge and wait for you, Link players especially with their bullshit long grab range.
Some attacks do push you away if you're shielding, but it'd be nice if they could push you offstage too, to prevent people from camping like this. Turtling shouldn't be rewarded beyond the block.
Link's grab is easily avoided, though. It isn't active long. If anything, I think it could use a frame buff so it can still catch people that walk into it while it's full extended, but before it collapses.
Anyone who spams one or two moves like a little bitch.

Every Link/Toon Link who does nothing but roll away and spam projectiles like a faggot. That goes for any other zoning character too, like Samus, Bowser Jr., Zelda, etc.

Putting in work against a heavy character like Bowser or Ganondorf, only to get fucked up by just a few good Smash attacks or moves in general, and somehow losing despite being on the winning side most of the match.

Any fucking piece of shit who just stands on the ledge waiting for me to come near as Little Mac. Fuck you, play properly you little bitch.
This shit.
It nullifies all projectiles within a radius of roughly half of Russia, has almost no lag and the nullification bubble lasts a little bit after the move is even done.

Because Luma's meat shielding wasn't enough of a fuck you to projectile characters.
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not even a meleefag
>tfw long time smash player
>tfw have no fucking clue about anything you're talking about.
>tfw will never go full autism and get good at smash.
It does. It has the same range as all of rosa's moves.
This, I can't even attempt to aerial a lvl 9 AI I've launched. They ALWAYS just wait and dodge.
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This motherfucker right here.

Everyone I've met who plays Jiggly, save a few exceptions, has been a colossal faggot.
>muh shorthop nairs for the entire match
>I got a stock on you now i'm gonna roll away and bait shield grabs for the rest of the match
That's because they read your inputs, they will always evade or block your attacks.
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>mfw I go Mac and some fuckers automatically starts to hang around the edge of the stage



makes it so much more satisfying when I bait that shit and take them out
Fuck off macfag.

Mac sucks.
I'm aware, shit just pisses me off. Between that and oline lag I cant get any real training in.
This is no way to git gud.
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>I wanna use my super-armored op ass moves so I can then 1HKO you a minute later.

Yeah fuck off. You said you can get around it. You pick Little Mac, what do you expect?
>end lag
I'm not trying to be that guy in the smash thread saying smash isn't a fighting game, but why don't you just call it negative frames or anything else like the rest of the world? End lag just sounds like some shit a 12 year old thought up.
When people run a lot I just bait them into a grab.

It's extremely easy to do so with characters that use their hands like Shulk or Roy.
FGC calls it recovery, but recovery in smash refers to your ability to return to the stage after getting knocked off, so people started using Lag instead and I guess it just caught on.
Lag works anyway, whatever.
Sheik's needles going through everything and bumping you up just high enough for it to enable the most annoying fucking manner of camping ever.

Coming from a Mega Man main I'd rather fight Rosalina.
That kind of makes sense, but it's always lag and not frame advantage or disadvantage. It's just strange as an outsider looking in, but your explanation does clarify some things.
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By tryhards I mean the type of person who ALWAYS plays 1v1, Omega, 2-3 stock, no items, and only uses the same few characters. THOSE people.This is EVERYONE I KNOW.

Any time I suggest turning on items or playing on regular stages for a change of pace, they treat me like I just killed Mufasa or something. Fucking hell. I hate what this game does to people.
Surprisingly, most projectile users fall for Mac's neutral B quite a bit in my experience. They never expect anyone to actually use it, let alone charge it.
>needle camping sheik
>laser camping (and running away when you approach at the speed of snail) fox
>down b mashing rosalina

Basically the reason I had to take up a secondary.
Fucking hell.
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>play FG to learn a new character
>opponent kicks my ass
>taunts like crazy
>okay i'll just switch to my real main to teach them a lesson
>they leave
>infinite air dodges
>Ness, his back throw fair combo, pkfire to grab anything, pkthunder launch, the way people who play him are insufferable
>people who autiscally taunt every kill
>Nintendo's inability/relctance to balance
>heavy characters being worthless
>No Bomberman on the perfect venue for him
>Controller options
>Mostly no Bomberman
Yeah you're the autist in this scenario
>switch to main to teach them a lesson
>they still demolish me because they know the ins and outs of my main

Shit is humbling
I get where you're coming from, my problem is the exact opposite; my friends pick terrible levels and play half the roster badly, then they act all superior when I'm out first due to some combination of ganging up and stage hazards.
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Nothing really makes me seriously mad in Smash, but there are things that annoy me. Like when my friend busted out his custom Mii fighters, I hate that. I had no idea what to expect, and he put all the cheapest moves on it. Also when people roll-spam and I can't find myself reading it correctly.

But seriously, if you get legitimately mad when you're playing Smash, your friends will NOT like it. I know I don't. Me and my friend decided to 1v1 with mains after he lost the last match with me and another friend who was there, like he felt like he needed to protect his Smash integrity or something.

I fucking DESTROYED him. It was his Mewtwo vs. his Marth, and I 3-stocked him on final destination in a 4-stock match. It was the only time he's ever rage-quit on me in person, and he literally got up and was saying he was gonna leave because he was so mad. I had to actually console him to come back because I didn't want the ride back to be awkward. Then when we left, he wouldn't stop talking about how much he hated Smash 4. Please don't do this and act surprised when no one invites you to play vidya.
Also people who 'wavedash" or short hop-fair the during your entire respawn. Is there anything that takes the fun out faster than that type of gloating?
Rosalina and Luma.
Just... fuck Luma. I wish they nerfed Luma's spawn time and HP.
>theyre using your main
>switch to your main because you want the ditto
>they switch characters
>of all people they choose, it happens to be your worst matchup
>they thrash you
>change name to "nice try ;)"
*My Marth
always start with your main
Wendy doesn't have many other options though since her side special gets stopped by a puff of wind and the mecha koopa is a great mind game. What else is she supposed to do other than mecha koopa into a favorable read(clown car) or cannon?
Tryhards, you say?

The need to prove yourself to a complete stranger while you're trying to learn a new character, you shouldn't let losing one match get under your skin like that, regardless of taunting
I know this feel.

I swear to fucking god, I don't fucking suck. I just wanted to try out using a new character, you fucking piece of shit.
Me and my friends all like playing with no items/omega/3-stocks. I think there's a lot more depth to the game when you don't have to completely rely on items or final smashes, even though we're still total casuals. It also pisses us off a lot less.
Just seeing ZSS, Rosalina, Duck Hunt Dog, or Pac-Man makes me salty as fuck, for different reasons.
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>Zeldas who play defensively and spam the fuck out of Nayru's Bullshit
>Link and Linklet when you're playing as Ganondorf or DDD
>Link(s) as DDD

God that has to be one of the most wretched matchups...
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Mewtwo being even weaker than he was in Melee.

I mean, I swore up and down I wanted Mewtwo back in Smash Bros whether or not he got buffs. Well, here we are, I suppose. At least his 3D model is the best he's ever had.
>mad about yoshi
only shitters complain about yoshi, he has lots of trouble in higher level play confirming kills
>mad about falco
literally what
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>Manage to finally get an aerial off
>Link recovers and grabs me, throws me off, and runs to the other side of the stage
Exactly the reason I dropped DDD. He's fun, but he blows in this game, and it's too easy to make his bad matchups unenjoyable.
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I wish Luma was its own fighter. Rosalina can just leave and never return.
He's so fun and has amazing matchups and terrible matchups. i used to main him and now main Peach and only touch him for fun and in doubles with my roommate.

>tfw youre right and can only pull him in FG is I'm playing really well or against a shitter
>Only shitters
People who say this are invariably shit themselves. Semi-decent Yoshis are fucking Sonic tier horseshit. They're incredibly boring to fight, and their U-air is one read away from killing you at 60%. They will camp your ass with eggs and silky smooth 10 frames per second connections, since all Yoshis online are invariably poor faggots living in 3rd world countries or niggtopia, and when you hit 60%, they're going in for that U-throw U-air HOO HAH.

At least when Donkey Kongs do the U-cargo-throw U-air HOO HAH I don't feel like I'm being shortchanged. Yoshis are pieces of shit, and fuck you for defending them.
>and their U-air is one read away from killing you at 60%.
As a Yoshi main, I fucking wish
Rosalina could've been a half decent and fun fighter herself if they just removed Luma and gave her some new moves to compensate. Hell, she could use lumas as projectiles still. It would do wonders to balance her out.
I'm a G&W main. I've been killed by that horseshit as low as 50%.

I've also been killed by it as Ganondorf at 90%. Shit's worse than Ness's b-throw.
>doing anything out of a throw

so you're admitting you suck and lose to shit yoshis, right, that's what i thought
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At least he's still fun to style on shitters with. All it takes is one particular faggot to see DDD, pick Link, and then spam your good mood right out the window.

If I ever pick him anymore, it's only for one round, and then I immediately switch to Villager.

>I've been killed by that horseshit as low as 50%.
Then you're doing some fucked up DI, anon. Even with G&W it should be in the 80-100 range.
>He can't follow up out of throws as Yoshi
I see you've never actually played at any decently high level.

The worst is when they pull this crap on battlefield or smashville, because then your only option is to camp the shit out of the ground.
taunting makes me salty. not just the D-Pad taunts, but actions that are very clearly done to say "I'm better than you". especially people that put "EASY" or something as their name after a match

most people can shrug that kind of stuff off, but I can't.
He's right though. Yoshi is the only high tier to get nothing off a grab (except the obvious stage control and damage).
You're doing something really wrong if a Yoshi is getting consistent followups out of a throw, anon.
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It was in a local tourney. Absolutely nothing I could do about it, since not even DI can help you in certain stages (Halberd, Duck Hunt, Town and City, Smashville)
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>he thinks he plays at high level because he gets hit by attacks all the time that don't even link into each other
Duck Cunt.
Maybe if you were at the top of the tree on duck hunt or on halberd maybe, yeah.
But then you fucking ban them you idiot.
You wouldn't take a DK, Rosa or a Fox to those stages, would you?
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Getting bodied by DK, King Chicken, and Ganondork

I feel emasculated every single time
I second the statement about DDD, his smug face pisses me right the fuck off just by looking at him.
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>DK and Bowser pass through the fucking ledge
>Marth clipping on to it from fucking far
>Pac-Man's grab missing all the fucking time
>Yoshi spamming air attacks the match and running away
I mean I can win, but it's so boring
>Grabs and tilts missing when too close
I don't even like winning like that
>Teleport character go with stages arch instead of going to the ledge and being led to death
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>her selling point is "look at all these completely
different and unique moves guys!"
>can't use them in for glory

the fuck

I mean regular tourneys offer 1v1 Custom Special For Glory brackets but still
Yoshi gets plenty. It's really easy to say that when you can descend quickly, or have options to stop it, but Yoshi can hit many characters with his U-air by coming in from the side and doing it. It's not as hard to avoid as the Kong's crap, but it's serious shit.

>He hasn't played anything beyond 4glory and thinks he knows how the game works
It's not a kill confirm by any means, but one soft read at 80-90% can finish off most characters, especially when you play stages other than omega stages and get killed off the top extremely early.
His crouch is the best taunt in the whole game, his actual taunts aren't even that bad
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>mad about yoshi
only shitters complain about yoshi, he has lots of trouble in higher level play confirming kills

Too many people bitch on young Yoshi. People don't realize the thought process behind playing Yoshi at a high level. They mostly base their assumption on FG shitters.
Players that legit have an issue with Yoshi need to either git gud or pick a better character.
>Yoshi gets plenty. It's really easy to say that when you can descend quickly, or have options to stop it, but Yoshi can hit many characters with his U-air by coming in from the side and doing it.
No, he can't. I'm a fucking Yoshi main, and I've actually talked about it with other Yoshi mains. You can just jump away with any character, read his attack and air dodge when landing.
Yes, you get hit if you don't jump away and try to land immediately, but if you do that you're an idiot.
>End lag just sounds like some shit a 12 year old thought up.
welcome to the smash community, enjoy it while you can still tolerate it
you can't save this one anon, just cut your losses and admit you fucked up

tru.dat, i never have issues fighting him, and whenever i see one i switch to him for those delicious mirror matches
Captain Falcon.
what makes me salty about him is that every, single, one I've faced plays the most obnoxious defensive style ever, they literally just jab-jab-jab, dashgrab-Dthrow-Uair, and then spam Utilt when you're off stage (and then taunt if they get the spike, because it's very impressive to land once an attack you've failed 20 times before, apparently).
The worst part is Falcon is just too safe to throw anything, since apparently he doesn't have any endlag and he can shield/dodge instantly, and I have to use a top char I don't even like (ZSS) to pretty much outbullshit him.

Also this shit >>316558708, its existence was a mistake.
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Theorycrafting is just that. It's not that hard to pull it off when you're baiting air dodges. His U-air doesn't have many starting frames, and, as far as I know, the whole tail is the sweet spot, meaning that you can just barely scratch their stray hitboxes with it (especially common against characters will bullshit hitboxes, like Samus, Donkey Kong, or Mewtwo)

I take it you've never actually played against good Yoshis? They're hard to come by, but more infuriating than good Sonics.
Senpai! So glad I'm not the only one who's pissed off by Captain Falcon. Remember when that nigga was fun in ye olde Brawl days? Now whenever I see a Falcon on the opposite side of the stage to me I want to vomit.
FUCKING FUCK ALL OF YOU CAPTAIN FALCON ASSHOLES. i just can't keep up with the speed.
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I become saltier then a sailor in a saltine factory when my two best friends gang up on me in FFA.

It's obvious as fuck, and they acknowledge they only do it, because neither can win otherwise.
Just found confirmation, pic related. Hitboxes only actually got larger in Smash 4. Look at this bullshit and tell me that it's "easy" to deal with. This dinosaur has a hurtbox smaller than your dick on his tail, yet his hitboxes are fucking huge.

His tail doesn't even have to touch you to kill you. His tail can whiff and you can still get KO'd at the top of the stage quicker than if Luigi got his sweet spot on jump punch.
ZSS's down B fucking infuriates me
>I'm just gonna hop over there instead
Doesn't help that my main's best poke is punishable on hit by it.
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Forgot my pic. Lower hitbox actually got expanded to include more of his body, upper hitbox is roughly 20% bigger (just eyeballing it)
>I take it you've never actually played against good Yoshis?
I have, and, as I've said, I use the character myself.

You're the one theorycrafting, anon. I have loads of experience with the character.
To be fair, you very rarely see any Duck Hunt Dogs these days, or at all, ever, really. Character's never been popular.

A good DHD is a fucking nightmare to fight against but they come once every blue moon.

>tfw beating a DHD as Little Mac

Not even sure how that happened
>le Toon Link is spammy zoning character meme over every website
I hate this more than anything in the actual game, because the characters tools lead him to be a lot more offensive than anything.
he ain't gonna give up man, he probably thinks everyone has a down throw followup too because he airdodges instantly and falls into a charged forward smash
ZSS's up B fucking infuriates me
>at 60%?
>I'm just gonna kill you in a game where most people live to 120%
>A good DHD is a fucking nightmare to fight against
Even then he's not that bad once you learn to avoid his kill setups. Fucker can't kill till 200% if you have an average weight.
>bitching about Yoshi still.

You know, a lot of people say: "Hmm, man Yoshi is so good and so easy! Why does no one rep him?"
There's a reason for that: Because he ain't easy. Shit nigga, I've been maining this young Dino since the 3DS was out. Sure, at a low to mid level coughcoughforglorycough, but at a higher level this nigga hard as balls. Especially in a major tournament setting.

The thing about Yoshi is he's floaty and pretty much everything is unsafe on shield. Which translates to being easily juggled. Sure, he can land with a wavebounce egg lay, but most smart players will catch onto that which forces an adapt situation. Even then, all it takes is good reaction time to spot dodge it and punish.

In the air, Yoshi is both good AND bad. And being able to effectively utilize his aerial strengths in higher levels of play is fucking difficult. And this is just covering his aerial options. This doesn't even begin to cover other complex things required to learn with him.

>tl;dr: if you honestly have an issue with Yoshi you need to git gud
Stay mad, scrub.
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>Try to pick a character that you never see online
>Practice him non-stop until you think you can hold your own online
>Put him to work and you've figured out how to make him badass
>Suddenly tons of people start playing as him
>You're no longer special
pic related
I have to fight the faggot several times every tournament, and have ample experience fighting him. It's really, really easy to kill with that U-air, since the thing comes out quick, hits hard, and his little lag. It's safe to throw out, and can be done multiple times, even if you miss it.

It's not like a Ness f-air where you can DI out of it with little prediction skills, the thing is a hard-read-or-die situation. At low percentages, it can combo easily out of a U-throw to platform into U-air, and in laggy as 4glory, the shit might as well be a kill confirm.
>Practice him non-stop until you think you can hold your own online
If you aren't playing people then you aren't practicing, anon.
>pretty much everything is unsafe on shield.
Not exactly. Fair is safe on shield if you get the spacing right (the head) and dair shield pokes if you get off enough hits.
IIRC Dtilt is safe as well.
Plus he has the best air speed and two really great b-reversal momentum changing moves to get around his floatiness.

The thing that makes him hard at higher levels of play is that he has to work harder for kills. He doesn't have ezmodo kill setups and his grabs are horrible.
And his roll sucks.
People that say some character needs a buff because they suck
I will never understand why someone would want to buff Peach
She's pretty damn good already.

oh my god he really is retarded
Stop making excuses for being shit, anon. Up throw Up air is not a kill setup against anyone with a brain.
Stop making the same mistakes over and over again. Try something different, you're doing something horribly wrong and you refuse to admit it.
You'll never get better that way.
>Fucker can't kill till 200% if you have an average weight.
I didn't know about this, since you literally never really come across DHDs online 95% of the time.
He has problems on shield, but it's honestly not as bad as it could be. Yoshi actually has some of the most shieldbreaks competitively, since most of his attacks, even though unsafe on shield, apply horrendous shield pressure, and the recent match made punishing D-air out of shield hard as fuck.

Yoshi-mains can't see how faggy their character really is because they main him. Everyone has problems. It's not as bad as Sonic, who can be entirely unpunishable on shield, but there are very few options against a skilled tournament player. Yes, he's hard at higher levels, but playing Pikachu or Shiek takes far more skill and is far more rewarding.

Doesn't take away from the fact that Yoshi is extremely hard to approach himself, meaning the only situations that are bad for Yoshi is where he's getting camped himself. The N-air is fucking bullshit as well, with 3-frames (3 fucking frames) of start up, and active frames that make Jiggs jealous. The character is faggy as hell, and only fags and nogs play him. Playing him gets the same reaction out of people as when someone picks Sonic and plays safe the entire match.
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Also what this guy said. Yoshi's kills need to be worked for, but they're not as hard as many would make it out to be. Any stage with a platform or low ceiling is easy for Yoshis, and gimping with him is really easy, which is why he does relatively well against Rosalina, especially in the offstage game.

He's got 2 spikes, both of which are easy to space with, and 1 3-frame-startup aerial with horeshit hitboxes and active frames that last half a millenium. You can ban stages to get an advantage against him, but that's still no guarantee he won't soft-read kill you at lowish percentages.

At least Shiek and Pikachu have to work for their kills
You do know that you can combo people when you throw them onto platforms, right? It's like the only way Samus can get kills in high level play. You get a free hit off, and when it's Yoshi, that free hit can kill you extremely early, especially if you land on the top platform.

Or get tripped on it by whatever tilt it is that drops you flat on your ass.
It's true. All of his kill moves are garbage, and setups into them are either shit or require him to be 10 steps ahead. You will hit max rage every stock if you can avoid getting tagged by Uair.
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>that read
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The fact that I will never be good enough to win a major tournament, or at least post highlights on YouTube and get a following.
You can post replays on youtube with it though
Unless you're on 3ds
>All of his kill moves are garbage
>Pikachu-tier U-smash that kills non-heavies at 120-130%, even on stages with high cielings
>U-air that's easy to land on stages with platforms
>Hard reads with D-air or F-air
>Ledgeguarding with D-tilt or D-smash (they soft-spike, which means they can kill at under 50% if you're good)

He has plenty of options to kill. They're difficult to use, but that's the one thing keeping him from dominating the game. The day Yoshi gets a true kill-confirm is the day everyone switches over to Yoshi. That missing kill-confirm is the only thing holding Yoshi back from being the new Yoshi or new Diddy Kong.
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Goddamn, that webm is too good.
I have Ganon as a secondary but I have to admit, it's annoying as fuck to put in work against a heavy character like that, only to have them take it all away in a heartbeat.

Not him but yeah.
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Fuck everything else. Take your third world connection somewhere else
I'm talking about DHD you mong
The work you put in to damage someone is not as important as the closure. Comebacks happen for a reason.

>Lag makes smash attacks, tilts, and aerials into neutrals
>Die because of it
>An obvious troll move
>Gets rewarded for playing like an idiot

So when does this get patched?
As a ZSS main, kek.

Who's your main?

>tfw chaining to u-airs into an up-B to take a stock early
>reading the opponent hard, hitting them with an up-B out of nowhere when they're at a high percentage and killing them
Feels so fucking good doing it too.
He risked dying and landed it
He deserved it
I want a sick as fuck comeback like this one day.
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Kirbys who keep spamming foward air and up tilt, and finish off with a guaranteed kill witb down smash.

Marios who keep up tilting after down smashing and keep using up and forward smash nonstop.

Basically anyone who wins the first fight and immediatly leaves the game after doing so

Anyone who uses one of my mains from a previous match, and beats me with them.

Anyone who stops playing right in the middle of the match (Somehow, these have been Palutenas for me recently).

The type of Ryu players who know how to use the character, because with this, lets just say the match only lasts 30 seconds to a minute.

Shulks with "Oi, We're gunna have a backslash, ya wankas" and who always use back air.
That webm makes me salty.
>Everyone who doesn't perfectly DI everything is an idiot
>You deserve to lose because your opponent read your DI and you couldn't do anything about it
Yoshi/Ness players LEAVE NOW
>start get a good combo going
>lag spikes
>you fall down to your death jumping over a hole cause you couldn't do mid-air jump
Lag online.

>Enemy approaching as you are descending in the air
>know he's going to attack
>air dodge
>LOL lag you didn't do an air dodge fast enough
>get hit

Nothing else ever. Playing with 0 lag is a fucking dream compared to that shit.
>>tfw chaining to u-airs
Anybody want to get into a lobby? We can squash beefs with characters other anons are salty about.
>playing as Kirby with 3 friends on pokemon stadium 2
>Smash Ball appears
>sit back I got this
>absorb ike and go for it
>captain falcon hit it up high with an up air or something
>hit an up air and use final cutter while it is off screen above
>doesn't break
>go for it again because I'm the only one who can jump high enough
>footstooling someone, get high enough to partially charge the eruption from ike and land it offscreen again
>it didnt break
>hit a down air while it is moving to the right
>it doesnt break and goes under the stage until it disappears

and can't forget the always favorite
>work hard for smash ball that takes forever to break
>lose it from a peanut or jab or some shit

I like how they made playing with items not fun
Okay. so thats 10% of why someone would do that.

the other 90%

He obviously knew he couldnt beat this pika who outplayed him in all aspects, so what does he do? RANDOM SIDE B AND HOPE FOR THE BEST
This has litteraly been my last couple of games, actually.
>Land a reverse aerial warlock punch after DI'ing out of a wombo combo that left me at 200% on Palutena's temple while receiving a blowjob from the best hooker in the world and being blindfolded
>It doesn't break
That's why I don't play with Smash Ball anymore.
It's infuriating because the game is designed in that you should minimize the buffer before countering an opponent. That is, you should dodge almost exactly when they attack, not before that, so they cannot react. So lag fucks that design up, it's just frustrating to play that way.
Roy easily is the worst thing in Smash in my opinion. He's retardidly easy to use, even more easier than Mario. His Sweetspot is harder to miss than to hit. His neutral b has almost no cooldown at all making it damn near unpunishable, meaning you can just throw it out there. If it hits, great if it doesn't no big deal because you can shield/grab/roll/dodge instantly. His counter does absurd knockback. His Throw into up-b or side smash is almost unescapable. On top of that, he's garbage in his own game but Royfags who haven't played the games praise him as the second coming of Jesus.

Fuck Roy and everything he stands for.
fucking Diddy Kong. Everything about him. Admittedly I have such a severe mental salt block against this character that I just completely do shit against him, but Diddy is so powerful and so annoying. He's definitely definitely still A tier. He has lag less high damage moves, ample kill set ups, a command grab, a good fox trot, that god damn banana, a projectile, crazy aerial and ground range, speed, and fucking dumb monkey sounds. Diddy makes me feel retarded fighting against him. And I usually just get so salty I'll roll or sit in shield excessively.
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Villagers who keep forward airing. Seriously, the slingshot really pisses me off.

When I use Rosalina and fuck up the Up-B and fall into the abyss.

Just the shear fact that I'll never be able to pull off neat combos on some videos with some of my best characters.

Anytime you have an opponent with shit McDonalds wifi.

When I know for a fact that I pressed a right button but it doesnt register on my character. This has killed me so many times in the air, I pressed the dodge button, damnit.

When you start the game with a friendly taunt and they attack you as you do it.
Ganon vs Pika is 2/8. Cry more
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>Launch a Lucas far off the stage
>He makes it back
>Can't punish his pk fire spam because he gets pushed back by it and it has less end lag
>He has a great recovery and a tether grab
On an unrelated note
>Try to fast fall
>Doesn't work and die
>Don't want to fast fall
>It happens off stage and I die
>Villagers who keep forward airing. Seriously, the slingshot really pisses me off.
Oh yeah. FUCK Villager, I cannot stand playing against one.

Fuck him, fuck his projectiles, fuck his setups, fuck everything about Villager.
His foward smash and falling tree are too damn strong on top of that.
I'm getting really pissed at this nigger that's spamming charizard's flame tackle or whatever the fuck it's called.

Like every 2nd attack I hear that stupid sound effect and he dashes across the field like a dumbass.
>Can't recover low because of his fsmash and tree
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>People that taunt and crouch a lot
Nothing gives me more satisfaction than 2 stocking this hotheads
Fucking THIS.

Good lord, I hate a Villager who knows what he's doing. I tend to use Ness as a counterpick b/c he can reflect his projectiles but even that doesn't really help much against a high-level Villager.

Fuck Killager.
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Kirby Dance.webm
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What about this alternative?
The DO cause too much damage though once hit.
>I tend to use Ness as a counterpick
>Against villager
The minute you fight an actually good villager, you're going to get your ass raped.
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Fucking wizards.webm
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And speaking of pet peeves, the CPUs' bullshit AI stuns me even to this day.
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Do they have increased damage and knockback? On events it seems like I die retardedly early. Like uncharged smash attack at 80% when not at the stage early.
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These are CPU players.webm
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It's like there's always that one CPU out of a dozen that is designated to try harder than usual and win at all costs.
Advice against a good Villager?

That one guy on /ssbg/ fucking raped me the last time I played against him.
>the villager who quit because of yoshi spamming dair
I'm sure it's already been mentioned, but counters get on my nerves, and it feels like half the characters in the game have them.

Counters also basically ruined my evening, so they're fresh in my mind.
>make one fucking crack about counters when two of us are playing Jigglypuff and the other two are playing Marth and Ike
>friend that countered me gets pissed as hell, proceeds to not talk for the rest of the matches, makes everything unfun, even if me and my teammate are winning
Your friend sounds like a fucking bitch.

I like LM's counter but fucking Christ, Sakurai gave like, almost every newcomer a fucking counter.
It's amazing how much you can feel like you're losing even when you win if someone's being a bitch about it.
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