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Batman V Superman Plot Leak
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Plot had leaked for BvS and has been verified by a bunch of different people.

The films opening credit sequence: basically splitting the action between the night of the Wayne murder, and the day of their funeral. There are some genuinely iconic shots, especially regarding Martha’s pearls, as the film cuts back and forth. Young Bruce is running from the funeral and falls into the Batcave.

When Bruce lands he sees the cavern and the bats for the first time, they start to swarm and literally being lifting Bruce up, off his feet. they carry him up to the light at the top of the shaft. At that point Bruce’s adult voiceover begins, saying something along the lines of “that’s how the dream always goes” or something.

It fades to white, and there’s a title card like, “the day the world was introduced to the superman,” this is the Kyptonian sequence from Bruce’s perspective. The most significant thing is that he arrives at the wreckage of Wayne Financial to find Scoot Mcnairy’s character trapped under an I-beam.

Cut to the present, Lois is in the African desert, interviewing a Terrorist leader. Her photographer, (also not Jimmy) is stopped, his camera destroyed, and a tracking device removed from the camera: he’s CIA, working undercover. Not even Lois is aware. Things go sour immediately, he is killed, as are a few bystanders. Lois is taken hostage, and Superman saves her.
Batman Scene in gotham. The guy that gets branded is running a human trafficking ring, and the victims are behind bars in a cage. Two police officers find the crime scene, where the girls call Batman “a demon” or “a devil.” One officer finds the branded man and batman, and begins shooting at anything that moves. This cuts to a news reel, revealing that the Batman Brand is basically a death sentence in prison, as its only given to rapists, child molesters, human traffickers, etc

there’s a scene in the batcave with Alfred and Bruce, some stuff with Clark being assigned a sports piece for the Planet but wanting to pursue the Batman, and a scene at a beach in Africa, where there is a crashed spacecraft, and divers pulling up a lava-like rock, full of kryptonite.

Lex is introduced at his basketball court, talking to the senator and some other government officials. A small quantity of kryptonite has been found and has been shown to break down the cells belonging to general Zod.

Lex wants more, and needs the Senator to allow the HUGE African shipment into the United States without dealing with customs. He wants to create a deterrent in the event that Superman or another kryptonian should attack. He basically trades the information he’s amassed on kryptonite for access to Zod’s body, and the kryptonian ship.
Bruce is investigating a terrorist group in connection to the group Lois is also researching. Bruce knows that there’s a connection to one of the terrorists from Africa, and traces it back to lex. Bruce is planning to break into Lex’s mansion when Alfred reveals that he’s been invited to a party there, anyway. Bruce is connected to Alfred, sneaking a hacking device into the building’s mainframe.

Clark can hear this happening through Bruce’s headset and begins the face to face interaction from the trailer. Bruce tries to retrieve his hacking device, but Diana has stolen it. He get’s it back a few nights later at a museum. She reveals that a photograph of hers has been stolen, but Lex’s files are too encrypted.

Clark also leaves the party due to a fire in mexico, starting a montage about how superman is perceived as both a god and a devil, there are a bunch of real people in on this debate, from Anderson Cooper, Nancy Grace and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Bruce decrypts the data at the batcave, and triggers the Knightmare sequence. Its almost entirely whats been shown in the trailer. Bruce awakens to Flash from the future warning about causing the apocalypse should “she” die, you assume he’s talking about Lois, but its Martha Kent. Bruce wakes. Once the file is decrypted h essentially learns that Lex is shipping the kryptonite in from africa, and Bruce wants it.[/spoiler
A big chase scene occurs at the docs, where Bruce is after the truck full of kryptonite, this is the big Batmobile scene, and its pretty spectacular. The batmobile can take a tremendous amount of punishment, ripping throught boats, ships, brick walls. This is also the scene where Bruce hits Clark with the vehicle and Clark gives the “bat is dead” line, and Bruce’s “do you bleed” line.

Scoot’s character has been left without legs, and seeks revenge against superman. He is arrested for vandalizing the Superman monument, domestic terrorism etc. and is bailed out by lex. Lex wants to use him to testify against Superman. Bruce sees Scoot’s character on the news, and asks why he hasn't been receiving severance pay. Apparently he’s been sending it back, each with angry notes attached, like the “you let your family die.” Lex gives Scoot a high tech wheelchair in prep for the hearing.

Superman agrees to appear at the hearing, Lex sort of threatens the Senator for denying him permission to create an assassination tool, and Scoot’s character arrives, also bitter. The senator attempts to begin the hearing, only to realize that she’s being threatened. There’s some kind of personal message taped to her tea glass, and she notices Lex’s seat is empty, as Superman approaches the stand. Scoot’s wheelchair explodes, taking out the entire building. This kind of bothered me, to be honest, because Mercy Graves was still in the courthouse, and that mean Lex sacrificed her.

Clark is devastated and flees, having a pseudo-dream sequence in the mountains, where Pa Kent basically tells him that there are always consequences for your actions, despite those actions being inherently good. He tells Clark a story about how he diverted a flood from his farm when he was young, believing himself to be a hero, only to learn that the neighboring farm was flooded instead, their horses drowned.
Lex returns to Lexcorp to descover that he’s been robbed, the building on fire, and the kryptonite missing. In its glass case is a batarang.
Batman begins training to take on supes. Developing kryptonite based gasses, and a kryptonite spear.

There’s also a running subplot with Lois, she’s investigating the bullets from the shooting in Africa. They aren’t registered to any weapons manufacturer in the world, legitimate or black market. Theres a conspiracy that Lexcorp developed the weapons to attract Superman, helping to initiate the suspicion over Superman’s accountability.

While Bruce was investigating Lex’s hard drive, he encounters a file labeled “Metahumans.” In it are a few video files of Diana Prince, and a photograph of her from 1918. He sends her that information, and a few scenes later we see her look through the other videos attached.

One is of Barry Allen in a convenience store, stopping an armed robbery, no costume, however. The next is underwater footage of a shipwreck, and an encounter with Aquaman as he destroys an underwater drone. And the last is of Silas Stone working to repair Vic, who is literally just a torso and a head.
Lex gains control of the kryptonian airship, using Zod’s finger prints, sliced off with kryptonite. He mixes his own DNA with Zods, against the warnings of the computer.
Martha Kent is kidnapped while working. Lois is as well.

Bruce appears in his armored suit and ignites the bat signal, calling for superman. He leaves the kryptonite spear in the building for later.

Lex and Lois have their spat atop the Lexcorp tower, and Lex throws her off. Superman saves her, of course, and lands atop the tower. Lex reveals that he has taken Martha Kent hostage, and is giving Superman one hour to kill the Batman, or Martha will die.

He has some EXTRA creepy polaroids of Martha tied up with the word “witch” written on her forehead, saying that because she is the mother of a demon, she must be a witch. Lex want to prove that Superman cannot be almighty because if God is almighty than he cannot be entirely good, and if he IS entirely good, then he cannot be almighty. Lex knows exactly who Clark is, though I’m not clear on if he knows who Bruce is.
Clark tries to intervene at the Kryptonian wreckage, where Lex unveils Doomsday. The two fight it out very briefly in metropolis, before Superman flies him into orbit. The US government deems it appropriate to launch a nuke and takes Doomsday down. Doomsday lands on Stryker’s Island (apparently long abandoned) and is strengthened by the radiation from the nuke.

Bruce, in the Batwing, realizes that he’s going to have to lead Doomsday to shipping yard in Gotham, where he left the kryptonite spear, as it's the only thing that can stop Doomsday. Apparently the area is abandoned. (Also, the destruction is barely 1/100th of MOS). Superman is rejuvenated by Yellow sunlight and returns to the fight. And Wonder Woman FINALLY joins in. She’s amazing. And her musical theme is just so incredibly B.A.

Its mostly a team up of WW and Supes, while Bats acts as a distraction and Lois tries to retrieve the Spear, which she nearly drowns trying to obtain. Clark assists, nearly drowning, himself, from the kryptonite. Doomsday is HUUUUGE. Like 15 feet tall and evolving throughout the fight. WW does most of the work, and her lasso does get some use. While the rumor that she decapitated Doomsday is not true, she DOES chop off a hand, and a HUGE spike grows in its place.

Superman tells Lois he loves her and flies in to stab Doomsday in the heart with the kryptonite spear, being impaled, himself, on Doomsday’s spikey appendage. (that image floating around is 100% legit). They both die. So, for those thinking “Doomsday is gonna be wasted in this movie, its too soon to kill Supes…” I’ve got some bad news.
The ending is kinda drawn out. There’s a HUGE procession for Superman, and a memorial (there’s a leaked image of that floating around, too), and a quiet service in Smallville for Clark. Lois is there, as are Bruce and Diana. Martha gives Lois an engagement ring that Clark had been planning to give to her.

Bruce and Diana discuss the future. That Bruce worried and wants to contact the other metahumans. Diana doesn't think that's such a great idea, but Bruce feels that he failed Superman. Its all obvious set up for Justice League.

Another scene towards the end is of Lex being admitted into a high facility prison and getting his head shaved (even the rumors surrounding THAT weren’t true). It ends with Batman in his cell, threatening him with the Bat Brand, but only punching the wall with it. Lex reveals that the kryptonian ship sent out a signal, and that more big bads were coming. He “rang a bell.”

The final shot of the movie is at the graveyard, you can hear a faint drum. It sound like a heartbeat, the second time. The camera dooms in on the casket, the heartbeat is heard again as the handful of soil on top begins to levitate slightly. Then the camera cuts to black.
Bullshit but likely and also my penis is erect
its hard to believe DC is aiming these movies at grown men
>he’s CIA, working undercover.
Aidan Gillen cameo?
>Bruce begins to just beat supes to the ground. Utterly merciless.

So fucking excited to see this
They show it in the trailers
Also where the fuck is aquaman
They show small parts probably. Nothing like what I'm imagining the whole scene to be.
so he dies but he doesnt DIE
Sounds okay.
Sounds like it's mixed in with predictably and total ridiculousness at times.
Sounds pretty good desu, also
>He's CIA
Fucking chuckled irl
did you not read it, hes shown in the videos of meta humans seen underwater destroying a drone or somthing
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kid this 'superman dying to doomsday' has been done before, and errr die;s and then comes back from the grave, sound familiar? pic related
i hope they do The Loneliness Of The Underwater Crimefighter When There's No Fucking Crime Underwater
So they don't show green arrow, lantern, or manhunter in that metahuman bit? Are they hinted at in other ways or ignored for now?

I honestly expected a lot worse so now I'm not dreading seeing it. I still think gadot and Eisenberg are going to be the lowest points easily though. Thanks for the rundown OP
i dont get "The Loneliness Of The Underwater Crimefighter When There's No Fucking Crime Underwater" and hes not an underwater crimefight, hes the ruler of an underwater civilization, and the "criminals" are those above land invading on his domain
Im sure they ran out of money
Wow if this is true it sounds epic! DC has done it again and outdone themselves.

I'm definitely going to buy tickets to see this next weekend.
Fuck, now i'm hyped.
Almost like what happens in the comics, huh
God damn I was really hoping Zod was going to be reanimated and made into a Bizzaro like character and then be mutated into Doomsday after being defeated again.
How awesome would have this been if Superman just dies. And stays dead, a week later Snyder and DC announce no Justice league. But Batman will continue in his own movie line up. Fin.
>Wonder Woman FINALLY joins in. She’s amazing. And her musical theme is just so incredibly B.A.

>So they don't show green arrow, lantern, or manhunter in that metahuman bit?

They aren't going to be in the Justice League movies so why hint to them at all?
WB is going to wish they had

British airways?
look at this nerd
>he's CIA
No way...
>When There's No Fucking Crime Underwater

How the fuck do you know? do you live underwater? yeah i didnt think so faggot
So this movie is confirmed for being a turd
you actually believed he would die at all?
I figured since Warner and co. already went back on their word on there never being a dc movie universe, they might as well back pedal all the way and let in everyone they can, especially since they're trying to cram as much as they can into one movie.

When the competition is using everyone they can, there's no reason not to follow suit. It would actually pay off more for them since manhunter, and the greens have a decent sized fan base to work with compared to the smaller ones that gotg and antman had before their movies.
Where's these supposed leaked images?
The script sounds like total dogshit.

Whoever said it was an amazing screenplay was a fucking moron.

>Don't worry guys, Terrio and Affleck will fix the script!
>Affleck admits he didn't touch anything
>that godawful promo clip between Bruce and Diana
>Manhunter and Green Lantern have a decent sized fanbased
Kek, Manhunter is selling lower than fucking Squirrel Girl and lost pretty much all his name recognition now that Justice League has been off the air for a decade. Green Lantern fans are hilariously split, there's a vocal fraction of them that hates all of them outside John Stewart, and fucking despise Hal Jordan for being the main Green Lantern again.
that sounded like shit

hope it's fake, i was hoping for more actual Batman vs Superman action
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