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Why was he such a complete dick to his wife?
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Why was he such a complete dick to his wife?
She was an annoying cunt
she was thick when they got married but she went all anorexic

Please be advised that I have not read the book, and have only ever watched the movie. For enhancement, read the book and/or watch the miniseries, each of which is a distinct work. The following will pertain only to the movie.

1) Jack voluntarily put himself in a corner, after he made a mistake. He injured his son, and that'll snap you back to attention. So he quit drinking. The very manner in which he injured his son to begin with suggests anger issues.
2) Wendy is quite ugly to begin with, a 2/10. And now you're sober, all the time, and have to regard your ugly wife in the stark cold light of sobiety. All the time. And, she has something that she can lord over you for as long as you live.
3) Whatever choices Jack has made in his life up to this point, he deeply resents the arc that his life has taken. Which is part of why he drank in the first place. Clearly, what he really wants to do is write and be known for that. The rest - this caretaker gig, the teaching - it's all noise. He just wants to be the big literary man. The family was just something that happened, that he went along with. Even the woman in 237 was a cute release - at first. The 'booze'? Also a release. Somehow, the hotel is bewitching him, using him, drawing him in, makes him forget. Details are confused. Jack says something at the bar like "it was three years ago!" or similar, when Danny's injury could not have been more than a year ago at whatever that time was. This makes Jack an unreliable narrator, and even though it is reasonable to suppose that Wendy would remind him of his promise, Jack obviously resents and hates the spot he's been in. Not only had he cursed at his wife earlier, but now the hotel has actively set them against each other in the most cleaving (in two) fashion, where it intercedes again just after, by means of Lloyd. Lloyd will make it all better. Lloyd will even hear you denigrate your wife to a virtual stranger(?) as the "sperm bank".
She was a ditzy bitch who deserved to have her brains bashed right the FUCK in.
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Why was he such a complete dick to Frank?

So it's partly that Jack hates and resents his position in the world, and later, the hotel feeds on this to use him, which naturally escalates things. We can even see this in

4) when Jack returns from 237 and lies(?) about not having seen anything, he uses the opportunity to turn on the wife. His whole hatred and resentment of his shit jobs (in his mind) comes out, and he identifies Wendy as the problem. The rift is complete. Wendy wants to see him degraded further, "working in a car wash", because Jack is proud and angry like that.

tl;dr Jack is a naturally angry person who kinda hates his life to begin with, his wife is ugly and a nuisance to him, and the hotel pushes him over the edge one way or another.


Writing all of this reminds me of a haggard-looking tall man in his late 30s/early 40s that I used to work alongside in a warehouse. We had a strained working relationship at first, and he clearly had a temper, but he also wasn't a total idiot like some of my other co-workers. I could actually have a conversation with him, and I got his respect once he understood that I knew what I was doing, and could direct traffic intellegently. I kinda liked him at times, but there was always this temper. He drank heavily.

A year or two later, this person who had a baby mama and a kid of some kind, for whatever reason, he was just unhappy with the arc that /his/ life had taken, and so he attempted (and failed) to choke his woman to death. He was later sent up for attempted murder. Angry, drunk man, unhappy with life and work, lashes out at his family. My own personal Jack Torrance.

At least I didn't catch an axe to the chest.


conflicting orders from humans (and inconsistent story details between 2001 and 2010 tbqh) senpai.
>he was always working, and never playing

Also, because she looks like a Tim Burton version of Olive Oil from Popeye
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forgot pic
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Fuck you nigger lover
Bad writing
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Shelley Duvall3.jpg
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