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Thread replies: 255
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Hg thread
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>I identify as xir, check yer privilidge
>Fuck if I know, my life is one big meme so I might as well call it no longer depressed.
>Naw, despite being here during nights, my insomnia gives me enough time to chill with buds during days n evenings.
>I barely play any vidya, just doesn't really interest me all that much
First for senpai
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And what might that be? I shall listen.
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Does GR 13 apply to to /qst/?
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My city.jpg
2 MB, 1530x979
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>I have my reasons
>plus I only arr pee with 2 avas, I still love using Neptune but I just have to choose the cripple over her
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143 KB, 311x522
No. But if you're careful, I could give you some of my pictures to look at. Maybe they will tell a story.
Where did it go?
What I mean is that you shouldn't be in possession of such a weapon. Those are for grown up men, don't play with them. In fact you should give it to me.
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>Least Favorite
All of them
I gave up on RPing at all a while back
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747 KB, 1984x2432
Guess what?
Where is Iida?
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Do you think you're funny?
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Don't worry kohai, I didn't notice!
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>He bows.
Welp, there goes that plan.
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Blue Beetle (171).png
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>Well its a nicu feeling
>I feel like my first is always my best, If I know what I'm doing right away.
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Take your bet's lady and gentlmen
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The ways of Tao art not so cruel.
>She laughs briefly, covering her mouth with a sleeve as she does so
Gender is irrelevant, and dost thou know how old I am?
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muh avatars.jpg
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Asgore: plenty of reasons.
Maybe Free or cow: they did not survive the test of time but who knows maybe one day.
Would've been a step backwards anyways considering the 1 min image post timer
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Literally Shit.jpg
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Out of all my avas poste here i still have folders and/or care about, which 1 do you like the most?
>I am Lida meme
I will never know how this meme came to be
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Iceland! Right?

its iida
Twisted fate, trap monk, Severa? and Anubis are the only ones I interacted with so them.
>shouting RP
>only talks to Squid Girl
>saying Lida
not to mention the UID didn't go up
File: A bunch of rocks.jpg (228 KB, 1000x645) Image search: [Google]
A bunch of rocks.jpg
228 KB, 1000x645
ding ding
Iceland has less trees
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Ruby and Stalker, mainly because I like Ruby's character, and I fucking loved the shit out of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

>least favorite
Sonata is getting more and more boring.
God damn, who let's shit like that fly? /vg/ has the same problem.

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>Trap Monk
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Fuggin Canacucks.
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God help me.jpg
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Donic/Nanashi/Yurei/Asellus/Empress: I feel as though these are the people I have the most fun with. Though Asellus maybe getting replaced in the future, still haven't decided on that.
>Least Favorite
Kamui: Eh... I just don't know about her. I kinda of just lost my drive.
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Place that I live.jpg
1 MB, 3888x2592
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Kukuku... I shall accept your apology.
Such information is meaningless, for I am a demon.
Don't act like it isn't true.
A-At least the dutch still love us!
l miss Kuckna
Nooo, you said try me.
What should I be trying instead?
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I-I doubt it :^).
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Wallpaper Condensed.jpg
522 KB, 1600x1024
>Favorite: Martin because he's the least cancerous
>Least Favorite: Takeshita because she's the most cancerous
I've never read the source material, I fucking hate reading

>>shouting RP
>>only talks to Squid Girl
>>saying Lida
See above
>not to mention the UID didn't go up
Course not, I anonposted first
>iceland has less trees
depends what part, Lord of the Rings was filmed there
File: Chibi Libra.jpg (6 KB, 194x259) Image search: [Google]
Chibi Libra.jpg
6 KB, 194x259
Not really my problem that i wasn't blessed with strong masculine appearances.
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About... 12?
And no, it's not. You shouldn't be i possesion of that thing.
Jokes on you, they send us birthday tulips every year
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19 KB, 332x363
>try to send image of ireland
>send bolin image instead
File: I am totally not mad right now.png (39 KB, 708x628) Image search: [Google]
I am totally not mad right now.png
39 KB, 708x628
>Mfw I didn't put Donic on this
>That needs to change.
>Takeshita because she's the most cancerous
Shipping is a mistake.
>only says "wew"
>no argument
link me your anonpost
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Quite the pleasure to see you all again1 I hope you all had a wonderful slumber just as I?
go away rara
Of course you couldn't have read it. That is why your Iida is terrible.
It's ok, it's who you are. Aikawa has the same problem.
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From outside my window
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Great country
I can confirm Iceland Has less trees than Canada senpai
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>It really is.
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I did! I slept like a newborn baby. I hope you had a good rest as well, succubus.
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Blue Beetle (169).png
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Jokes on you, its another spic

>Man,I fucking wish, I'd give anything to move to the Big Island, shits so fucking comfy.
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I must compliment you on your theatrics earlier, I was almost sure you weren't actually a demon!
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Sorrounded by it's name island.jpg
76 KB, 600x335

>inb4 3 sophitos pop up and no one replies to them.
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Chibi Libra 2.png
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>Our royal family took refuge in Canada when our friendly east neighbours decided to invade.
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156 KB, 444x250
o shit
Oh then this
is rara
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Donic 5.jpg
14 KB, 340x367
>California, just like me.
>Assuming: the post
>An argument
>least favorite : Uhh, dunno. Everything that requires effort I gues.
>favorite : Mami/Matsuda I'd say.
Jokes on you, I'm not actually Dutch, hah.
Sweet view. Nowi?
ocean island
Oh i did of course. Ufufufu~ Such a pleasurable dream.
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That was a threat.
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Water island.
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name removed.jpg
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Libra 1.png
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In my defense, i'd be terrible at what i do if i had the physical build of an ox.
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Autisto (2).png.jpg
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almar ulcer???? is that u!!?
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H-How did you know?
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Blue Beetle (149).png
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>Yee, gud jub
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Was it as pleasurable as peeing after holding it in for a long time, or that first bite of a warm apple pie?
I know, they teach it with pride in school
when did we establish that?
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2 MB, 2592x1944
Too easy
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Did you hear something too?
>LF likes to fag someone that isn't an asshole
What is wrong with you, son?
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Kuku... Yes, my theatrics, of course.
>Her wings retract.
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Futo (161).jpg
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That meanest naught. Thou couldst more than reattain such distinction in the ways of Tao.
>She seems genuinely shocked. (I blame artists for ignoring the fact she's supposed to be a grown-ass woman)
Such foolishness. Even at the worst I hath but been called 15 and about.
Hm...? Another demon. They art certainly commonplace 'ere.

>Insert muffled Aussa despair here.
>In all seriousness I'm glad you're still around and enjoying yourself here
>The face on the cup always gets me, I gotta admit
File: I am better then you.png (502 KB, 575x978) Image search: [Google]
I am better then you.png
502 KB, 575x978
Too easy.
>Now back to DQ 3
The only ten i see

close enough

The first sounds rather painful, darling.
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31 KB, 225x353
What exactly did you come for again?
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29 KB, 640x368
iPhone and it looks like a nice tropical country!
All day every day.
It gets boring at times to come up with insults without making it reiterate all too much.
It's literally an actual ava, though. They showed up yesterday during deader hours.
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comfy as fuck.jpg
2 MB, 2040x1352
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How true. Swinging an axe around and all.
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>No it's not, it's not close at all
youre a big guy
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Donic Riders.jpg
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>My anniversary is coming up, there is no way i'm leaving before that.
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82 KB, 436x330
Uhh... is this bait?
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fuck this fucking city.jpg
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I care not for it. I do not need such things.
Fu. Fu. Fu.
>She points dramatically.
It is exactly as I said before!I am here to grant wishes and send damned souls back to the underworld where they belong!
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7 KB, 259x194
And healing a certain wounded tactician when a stray arrow hits him in the sides. All in a day's work, my friend.
[spoiler]for you[/spoiler]

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110 KB, 736x490
You fucking assholes, making me go find a pictures of this godawful place.
North carolina

Oceans have water yknow

Pasadena texas
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1017 KB, 1280x720
Not at all. Imagine a long car ride with no rest stops. You've been drinking a gratuitous amount of water, and you feel the pressure building up. Right when you think you're at your breaking point you see a gas station. You go in and relieve yourself after almost breaking. It's like lifting a one ton boulder off your shoulders!
I always though you where French
Or Beligian
File: 17050602837_7655dc8c3f_z.jpg (64 KB, 640x423) Image search: [Google]
64 KB, 640x423
>That happened literally a year ago.
It's not buddy, it's faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from it.
File: image.jpg (28 KB, 248x333) Image search: [Google]
28 KB, 248x333
Damm phones giving away who I am
File: Casual Robin.png (242 KB, 243x776) Image search: [Google]
Casual Robin.png
242 KB, 243x776
Fair enough, who's bright idea was it to have the tactician in the front lines anyways?
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171 KB, 378x529
It appears you're pretty older than you look then. I know someone like that. However, you should still not swing a sword. Whoever gave you that, please put it away.
Hello there. Eruna. Are you doing well today?
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here have a pic of my house
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79 KB, 282x394
You're going to send everyone here to hell?
Demons are quite manageable as long as you know how to handle them. They're quite easy to please, Ufufufu~
File: Sailor Ruby.png (107 KB, 240x370) Image search: [Google]
Sailor Ruby.png
107 KB, 240x370
But you can't find water island by calling an ocean island, people will think your just talking about any kind of island laying on the ocean.
So, who wants to host next?
File: ss+(2016-05-08+at+02.52.18).jpg (2 KB, 49x58) Image search: [Google]
2 KB, 49x58
this lil nigga tho lmao
hop the border, join us before trump closes it
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21 KB, 480x360
Could you expect any less?
But I'm trying you.
> tugs on sleeve
What now?
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5 KB, 143x200
I heard it was the idea of the man in question himself. Such bravery, although very admirable, is not really the brightest of schemes to keep one safe from harm.
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117 KB, 308x281
That was a fun ship.
File: 18.png (197 KB, 397x649) Image search: [Google]
197 KB, 397x649
Not now.
Nice house
I live in a tornado alley lower middle class neighborhood
I'd prefer another method of build up and release, Ufufufu~. I can show you sometime if you'd like.
Yeah, ok, Satan.
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530 KB, 1280x720
I'll bite your fingers off or kill ya or something.
Whatever makes you shut up.
Yee. Boone is so fucking nice.
File: LinkWorried.png (138 KB, 438x333) Image search: [Google]
138 KB, 438x333
O-Oh, I see. Well...umm...

>throws brick

You shut your mouth!
>throws memes
But dost thou want it? Aaah, if only mine prince were here, she couldst hear all of thine desires.
O'er fourteen hundred years, at that.
>She shakes her sleeves, and rolls it up and out of the way
And as I didst say, 'tis gone. I made it, and I unmade it.
Tch, and that kind at that.
>She rolls her eyes

>Should've picked a more subtle picture.
File: vlcsnap-2016-04-29-03h19m27s164.png (602 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
602 KB, 1280x720
If it's releasing blood from my stomach, then no thanks. I've already dealt with that kind of release, and it isn't fun. Blood loss in general isn't as much fun or badass as you'd think. There's a lot of crying involved.
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46 KB, 600x400
Hmm no matter, atleast I am good with a sword..Now to stop bugging you and get back to my books.
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>tfw my town is a literally where - category apart from the zoo.
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62 KB, 218x189
I must have been gone for a while now, Link can talk now?
File: Cancer6.jpg (62 KB, 576x915) Image search: [Google]
62 KB, 576x915
Sounds decent desu
>Alma Elma fucks link
>Link fucks satsuki
>Alme Elmo commits sudoku next slide
Sometimes meme events are ok
File: IT77.png (158 KB, 465x750) Image search: [Google]
158 KB, 465x750
Then when? Most of the people here deserve it. Maybe you could take your boss with you.
Looks comfy af
File: Thinking.jpg (16 KB, 236x335) Image search: [Google]
16 KB, 236x335
Who said anything about you bugging me, Grandmaster of Ylisse? Do give my regards to your daughter when you get back if you would.
File: corn as far as the eye can see.gif (117 KB, 625x250) Image search: [Google]
corn as far as the eye can see.gif
117 KB, 625x250
And also for the most part has left for ERP, I think. I don't think he bothers with being IC.

I'll save you. Ride with me on the Spirit Tracks!

File: 348953.png (120 KB, 266x465) Image search: [Google]
120 KB, 266x465
Kukuku... My only desire is to serve my demon masters until the day I am able to reclaim my halo.
You are not one to pass judgement, for you too are full of sin, mortal.
File: ertytj.png (352 KB, 300x300) Image search: [Google]
352 KB, 300x300
Hi Nebraska
It sure looks like it

I just google searched

Best thing is that very little crime exists so its pretty okay

Somewhere mid west
File: LinkApple3.jpg (89 KB, 652x1000) Image search: [Google]
89 KB, 652x1000
Yup, I grew up!

Man, I wish I still had the screencaps to that game. History was made that day.

Also pretty much this.

>hops on board the getaway train
Hit the gas! Full steam ahead!
93% white, so we've got that going for us.
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File: IT73.png (61 KB, 540x393) Image search: [Google]
61 KB, 540x393
Sin? What sin? As far as I know, I may just take a bit too much pride in abiding by the rules.
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35 KB, 425x541
Anyone want to host a fresh new game already?
Link x Alma erp needs to happen RIGHT NOW!
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182 KB, 403x524
Not really. I can't believe so many people around here have problems with this, but I will ask you anyway.
How well did you sleep?
Fourteen hundred years old, huh? So you're older than your parents? Where are they?
File: vlcsnap-2016-05-07-05h07m15s195.png (869 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
869 KB, 1280x720
Hey, can I have another wish? I'm starting to feel hungry again.
File: CheekyBlossom.jpg (11 KB, 200x200) Image search: [Google]
11 KB, 200x200
Always thought you were shy back then. Good to see you've all grown up!
File: Cancer7.png (408 KB, 500x732) Image search: [Google]
408 KB, 500x732
Yeah, me too.
>tfw deleted hg folder out of panic on old laptop
Fuck, those games were on it.
We have low crime too, though it's ez pz to get drugs
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477 KB, 940x556
>moves curtains
>This is literally the first thing you see
File: 25.png (89 KB, 377x300) Image search: [Google]
89 KB, 377x300
Not only Pride, but also Wrath.
Proof of this being your... "display" from earlier.
Are you capable of paying the price for such a wish?!
File: THis is where boys get molested.jpg (2 MB, 4288x2848) Image search: [Google]
THis is where boys get molested.jpg
2 MB, 4288x2848
>tfw the only non-white in the part of town i used to live in was a 24/7 drunk carribean guy

Here, have a picture of my town's church.
File: image.jpg (2 MB, 2048x1366) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2048x1366
circa 1930s
Why would you want me to shut up?
> carefully touches her teeth
Why are they so sharp anyway?
File: Bimii5.png (416 KB, 1281x721) Image search: [Google]
416 KB, 1281x721
I was playing overwatch again!
File: ugh.png (238 KB, 480x320) Image search: [Google]
238 KB, 480x320
Well I'll be dammed...
[not going to work spoiler]except me[/spoiler]

but i heard that this place also has high drug rates and low education so shit

dust bowl living
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493 KB, 645x618
None of your fucking business!
File: Futo (82).png (1 MB, 1032x1457) Image search: [Google]
Futo (82).png
1 MB, 1032x1457
I offer thou opportunity to claim it with thine own power, to wrest control of thine fate.
Dead, for much the same time, I wouldst presume. I didst cut off most ties from mine family in service of mine prince, and I knowest not of any living descendants.
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268 KB, 800x686
>be MN fag
>middle of farm country
>livestock and woods as far as the eyes can see
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423 KB, 1280x720
Yeah, I think I've got something you might want. I found it on the side of the road and though it looks pretty cool.
>he hands you a rock
>Artist: Yosuke
That sounds kind of hilarious. What happened to him?
File: LinkSad2.png (143 KB, 419x314) Image search: [Google]
143 KB, 419x314
Thanks! I haven't seen you in a few months, I hope you've been well.

>tfw "quit" playing Link awhile back and delete folder.
>puss out a few days later
>old winscreens and screencaps gone.
I feel such regret.
Its actually a nice read, you just need to know the righ moment to stop
File: 20160508_160409.jpg (1 MB, 3264x1836) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 3264x1836
Sounds nice desu

i was sorta right
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High drug rates. Dumbasses don't get as much pampering as is the norm in most countries so people smear us with "bad education" when in reality we have very good education, our colleges are some of the best in the world.
how to get past sad panda
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>Tfw never got past panda.

Kinda of glad I didn't now.

I have. Yes, it has been a while.
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I already said I need no such thing.
>She pushes it away with an open palm.
Fufu... A "Thank you" will suffice, so long at it comes from deep within your soul.
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I was just incredibly distraught due to how awful your boss; I was expecting you to be an extension of her and I am glad I was proven wrong.
Next host when?
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Some halfarsed mall.jpg
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Believe it or not, he actually sobered up because he didn't want to lose contact with his two sons.
Pic related: The shopping mall in the part of town i used to live
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>I'm not that stupid I swear.
After the meeting

Was this a fast post or
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I'm thankful for your wishes, but at the same time I can't help but think you're getting the short end of the deal here.
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Futo (59).jpg
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And why, perchance art thou so disinterested? Thou knowest firsthand of the validity of mine claims.
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el dado.png
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here have a pic of el dado's house
hire hitman pls
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I know bro. It was pretty foolish of me.

Glad to hear it! Hope to see you around more often.

I'm outta here for now. Gotta go do the mother's day thing with my family. Peace out y'all.
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That's nice, but for how long did you sleep?
You did sleep, right?
Your parents are dead? That's ... but it explains your wild fantasies. I'm not blaming you. But who's taking care of you now?
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Classy Bolin.png
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VERY fast post
ever experience cartel
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no why
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Hmm? Let me check your eyes then. A closeup will easily give that away.
Yes you were
oh i thought that was a Mexican nvrmind
>does this

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Ku, ku, ku...
I am just as vile as my boss is, a demon through and through. It is the job of demons to harass mortals like yourself.
One time I distracted an entire group of children from their schoolwork with a plate of cookies, and forced them to say "thank you"!!
>She retrieves a plastic container filled with baked goods.
Kukuku... Your wish is already granted, mortal. I prepared these overnight for just an occasion!
My powers as a demon shall be enough.
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give me your hand.jpg
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Kek, try Janus
If you saw someone shoplifting what would you do?
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Well? Huh!?
I fucking told you I would!
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What store he be robbing?
Kick their ass because I work at retail myself
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Futo (189).jpg
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Well, most humans dost not live for some fourteen-hundred years, but that fails to justify thine mere bemusement by mine statements.
I dost serve as the right hand of mine heavenly crown prince, for mine current means of residence, within Senkai, which she wrought in to being with her divine power as refuge for all whom wouldst study the ways of Tao.
Why settle?
whats the special occasion

he's mexican?

pretend never saw anything
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I'd shoplift what the shoplifters were shoplifting.
Twisted justice.
Depends who they are. If they're an Inkling, scold them and make them pay for the item. If they're an Octarian, ink them
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I can be trusted!
Tell me the secret of the horns!
>Hope to see you around more often.
>is never here anyways
Show up more often faggot.
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Whoa, you're getting better at this! I was a little worried you'd overdo it again!
>he swipes the baked goods away and starts eating them
These are homemade, right?

Is the person shoplifting tougher than I am?
Someone elses job
Y'all squids be racist as fuck.
But the question is if it is a serious pick up or not.
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Do you doubt the full extent of my abilities?
>The horns are plastic and come of.
W-wah?! Give those back!
Of course...
>She snickers, watching you eat the treats she prepared.
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Ask him to give me his address or I'll snitch, and tell him if he doesn't give me some of the profit from fencing it I'll snitch.
Think so, he's currently in Merica though
who's the most adorable in here.
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How horrid! That is sloth itself! Surely you at least made them pick up after themselves after stopping them from working on their studies?

Report them.
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Hey now, you'd be mad too if a rival race tried to take away your territory
oh never would of guessed

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can i throw this at you.jpg
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This little tall thing >>2740079
If they're still in the aisle confront them demand they empty their pockets and if they come back we'll call police
If they're leaving: tackle, ziptie, police, drag them to the break room and depending on my attitude beat the shit out of them
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Darling (93).png
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>most adorable ava or most adorable avafag?
Dost thou doubt thine ability to improve regardless?
Mine prince dost command the adoration of all!
The orange muffin
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Yukine (52).png
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Why should I care, it's the owners problem, it's not like they are dead anyway.
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post a picture that symbolizes your avatar, and guess who the avatar is
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They kind of taste bad. I hope you didn't leave anything out when making these.

Probably not me, but I strive to be adorable everyday.
The Inkling, duh.
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Kaiki (2).gif
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Alright, I'll play this game
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You're the good ones in this thread.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 251

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