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Black Legion Supplement: Is it any good?
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I have a growing army of CSM marines, but I have no idea what to do with them. I don't do tournaments so I'm not asking for how to make CSM 'viable' more that I need to know which supplement I should use if any.

Basically, should I go CSM vanilla, Khorne Daemonkin, black Legion or Crimson Slaughter? How are they different? And what is bettter about them than regular CSM if anything?
khorne daemonkin is the best of the 4, mainly for the daemons and free shit you get for things dying

Black Legion are horrible.
- Forced VotLW means your army is about 10% smaller than it should be. It also directly contradicts the fluff.
- Chosen make horrible Troops. They are defined as an expensive unit of special weapons with high prices and low defenses. They are the absolute last unit you want to have holding objectives.
- Black Legion artefacts are worthless. The only one of any merit is the Nova one. Admittedly the reprint fixes this somewhat by still giving access to the vanilla ones.
- The only Formation worth anything is the Cabal. Take it on it's own without investing in the rest of the superformation.

Legion<Vanilla<Daemonkin<Crimson IMO.

Daemonkin can be summed up as Gorepack, because that's the only formation of any worth in it. They also have no access to any of the Forge World toys because they are not drawn from C:CSM.
Vanilla is now almost literally worthless, with the only reason to use it if you want VotLW on half of your units.

By far, the best way is to run Crimson Slaughter with a few Gorepacks and heavy reliance on IA:13.
'Viable' means minimizing the number of models in Power Armour and bringing your HQ, Cultists and Obliterators from the stock book. Then pad it out with IA:13 units and Gorepacks until satisfied.
Units of note include:
> Fire Raptors
> Rapiers
> Helblades
> Typhon

90% of the book is trash and don't even think about fluffy Legions.
> Bitter disgruntled vet
I feel you, CSM getting consistently reemed by GW can't be good for someone who's been playing them along time. I may be new to the army, but I can already see the harsh treatment it has received desite having some of the most kickass models and fluff ever.

So the Supplement I should get is Crimson slaughter then? Ok, good to know... though I thought VotLW was fluff consistent for BL? Aren't they dedicated to the Imp's destruction above all?

Just wondering, considering how kick ass the legiona has always looked

The fluff makes a big point about the Black Legion being the hot new thing after the Heresy failed and a melting pot for all the new recruits, turncoats and traitors that fell after Horus died.
It specifically notes that the majority of the Legion are 'young' and not part of the original Legions.
So it makes no sense for them to all be Veterans of the Long War.
Huron Blackheart has the same issue. If VotLW is just supposed to be 'pissed at the Imperium' then it should apply to every single CSM and be included as part of the basic package, not as an optional upgrade.
All vets might have been a good optional way of running things, as an elite Black Legion force or on of the Thrice Cursed Traitors warbands.
Really? I didn't know that about the Legion, though I obviously don't have the supplement.

Alright, that makes sense then. Well, since I know what to do now, lets turn this thread into a general CSM discussion, be it getting pissed at GW's constant ignoring/actively hindering the CSM armies, or just fluff discussion
might as well just pirate them all. if you buy trash, GW will make more trash because apparently you like it and buy it
Go to the 40k general and use the link for the mega uploader, it has all of the rule books and you will want to look at imperial armor 13
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