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Roll for initiative!
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What method of rolling for initiative does /tg/ prefer, and why? A D&D like "highest to lowest declares and performs an action in order"? An OWoD/Exalted like "highest declares last but performs first"? Something else?
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I honestly have never found one I liked, and I wish I could because initiative is one of the biggest roadblocks to me enjoying combat in any RPG. I have never played one where I liked the fighting, only ones where I didn't hate it and Savage Worlds, where the whole point is to get it over with as quickly as possible.

This is bad, because one of my "lazy DMing" tricks is to throw a fight at the party to stall for time. My players never have their shit together when it's not a fight they planned for ahead of time, so it almost always gets me time to think. Does anyone have any good/unique initiative systems that are preferably setting agnostic?

Do the Bolt Action method throw dice into a bag and draw who gets to go next?

No possible way to increase your initiative but if you like dynamic and the unknown this could be fun. A player could have two consecutive turns or have a gigantic gap.
>one pc rolls, one npc rolls
>if pc wins, pcs go first in whatever order they want
>if npc wins, npcs go first, pcs go second in whatever order they want

Boom done.
>pcs fight over who goes first
I'd imagine this method only works with non-faggots. It makes me sad how many RPG mechanics either don't work or are just plain left on the cutting room floor because people realize "oh wait, lots of players are assholes and we have arbitrate every possible aspect of this to help prevent that from happening."
Not rolling initiative is the way to go. Static turn order is the way to to.
No, they don't, because I don't play with dumbasses.

Quit playing with dumbasses/being a dumbass.

I am intrigued by (but have not yet tried) the Marvel Heroic RPG system: At the end of a character's turn, their player chooses which character goes next. (subject to the rule that everyone gets one turn in each initiative round) In a system with good teamwork rules, this leads to very natural "I set up an advantage for him, and then he goes next" situations. The drawback is that you need to keep track of who has already gone this round, unlike a static turn order system.

Obviously, you need a way to choose who goes first. Do that in some system-appropriate way. (highest initiative stat, highest roll, group vote, etc.)
>Roll die and add stat
>Highest goes first, although you can hold your action

>the whole point of Savage Worlds combat is to get it over as fast as possible
>the best part of the game
>get it done as quick as you can
Nigga wat
To relate to your pic, I've been digging the Edge of the Empire initiative; PCs and NPCs roll individually, but the results determine initiative slots. Any PC can use a PC slot, likewise for NPCs. Abuseable, but fast, and possible to port into D&D-style systems.
Dungeon World's system sounds pretty cool.

This maybe?
I really like how oWoD does it. I also like systems where, if you get abilities for it, you can do multiple actions per phase. Like Shadowrun or Eclipse Phase iirc. So that even if you roll badly you can still have some bonus from your skills etc.

Also, ORE is pretty nice, where your initiative is read from your attack roll. I'll try to get it together:
1) Everyone declares what they do
2) Everyone rolls (Xd10)
3) Choose the set (matching numbers i.E. you have 5d10 and roll 4, 4, 2, 2, 2 you have two sets one of 2x4 and one of 3x2) you want to use for the action
4) The character with the highest set (the number on the dice) goes first

If you take damage before your action resolves you lose one dice from your set.
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