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Pathfinder General /pfg/

What's the setting of your current game? What kind of setting do you want to run or play in?

If you are asking for build advice, please mention which third-party books are allowed.

Unified /pfg/ link repository: http://pastebin.com/sYFe4hcd

Previous Thread: >>44447995
Post Tieflings
I hate everything, what about you guys?
Oh man, me too!
I hate you!
I hate you too!
I hate a lot of things but not everything. Lately, just myself. I wish I wasn't a shitty DM.
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>What's the setting of your current game?
So for the record this is the third campaign by the GM wherein the setting was used beyond AP/Modules/PFS.

>General Setting Info
Takes place in a homebrew Metropolis called New Aslackby in Andoran on the Missa Shelf between Lavieton and Cyremium
The Goblinblood War just ended and a new revolution began in Galt leading to an influx of refugees
Border tensions have risen with Cheliax as Queen Illeosa came to power

>New Aslackby
Architecturally, the city took a very cramped/Victorian depiction - rather than expand outwards, it went up
There is a functional manmade dock towards the bottom of the Missa Shelf and a pulley system/stairs for transporting individuals/goods up to the city
In short the city is a cramped port town that is tiered in a sense
Industrialization is starting to take way so its very much 1840s America in technology and attitude
There is a high criminal population and around 40 known gangs ranging from various styles such as Italian mafia, Bratva, prison gang etc.
Likewise there is a lot of government influence in citizen lives via passing anti-divination laws and a recent law has been brought to the table requiring those with magic to register (this of course has lead to protests and riots)
Its a predominantly Human town with the next two highest demographics being Halflings and Dwarves
There is a LOT of racism - ranging from off colour remarks or businesses refusing to hire say Half-Orcs to hate crimes or police abuse

The GM basically said create characters and plop them down. Its pretty free roam so I'll continue with that in the next post.
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Now kiss
So, I've been running a game for over three years in a setting that started out as a joke but now has far too much lore for the continent.

Is this a bad thing? Should I have not kept the joke running for three years?
On that note - they main churches here are:
>Abadar - with a large Dwarven population
>Pharasma - the largest church in the city
>Sarenrae - the Rogue player has said this place is a sham

We've all been kind of doing our own thing lately. No one really interacted yet save the Skald and Rogue. Speaking of which, since we don't interact - none of our info is shared which has lead to weird shit. For example, the Rogue hates this Aasimar priest of Sarenrae. Absolutely despises him and will have nothing to do with the church. Meanwhile the Monk is on good terms with the priest and helps the priest with his charity work involving the orphanages/adoptions etc. I don't know why the Rogue hates him, and my character hasn't interacted with him so what I do know is all meta info from our post game discussions.

Its pretty fun so far, and we go in a week-to-week basis in terms of mapping what is going on.
>I will never get to play in Garund

I just want to play a Rahadoumi Bladebound Magus whose sword is a fervent Sarenite.
I've been running a game for a year now with no signs of stopping, based in a setting I wrote up when I was 11 and bored. I'd say if it's fun, it should keep going.

>What kind of setting do run in?
A ring-shaped continent surrounded by a sea of electrically-charged magic stone. Pieces of the lightning rock that are detached from the Lightning Sea repel each other, and are used on the bottoms of boats and other vehicles that ply said sea. Basically bumper car boats. Teleportation and divination effects don't work across or above the Lightning Sea, making physical transportation a necessity.

There's eight massive teleportation circles across the continent, that trigger once per day to teleport anything on it to the next one in the cycle. City-states got built around them, and there's some nations and religions but it's not particularly important.

What matters is that some point, there was an Ancient Civilization(TM) that covered the continent, magically and technologically advanced, that split over religious and philosophical differences (mainline civilization used a lot of fleshwarping and biotech, while the splinter faction was into cybernetics. The former considered the latter heretical). There was a long and awful war that escalated further and further, as high-magic settings are wont to do.
Eventually, there was a weapon created by both sides (a scientist developed it partially, hit a wall, and quietly released it to the cyborgs to see if they could do anything with it. She just wanted to see her work complete, and didn't give a shit about her country) that could rewrite reality. It got hijacked by some rogue AIs and used to sloppily retcon away both parts of the ancient civilization and the entire war. The AI controlling it turned the high fantasy dial on reality way up, created new types of magic, and laid what it expected to be the groundwork for society not advancing to the point where it makes the universe its bitch anymore (namely: fantasy monsters existing to beat down anything that isn't sufficiently badass, and centralize true power into individuals instead of societies).

Currently, the retcon is failing, and parts of the old world are coming back, "translated" into the thematics and concepts of the current reality.

It's a fucking convoluted mess as a result of when I wrote up the setting, but has been incredibly fun to salvage and play in. My players are invested (somehow), and it's looking like the game will manage to make it to a conclusion eventually instead of petering out like so many other campaigns do.

>What kind of setting do you want to run or play in?
Spelljammer and Eberron (separately).

Currently the PCs are in the dying dream of a planeswalker god thing.

It's basically all the settings I'd want to play in mashed together into an incoherent mess and I've taken measures to leave hints about it.

They got 10 years before the dream fades to nothing before it dies so they have to find a way out.
How do I make gishes not feel boring in a party with initiators?
Cast more spells? Be an initiating gish? What sort of gish?
In this particular group, it's a bard and a hunter.
They can buff themselves and all that, but they also like running up and hitting things, but they've started to feel that that's boring recently mainly because of the party's initiators, which are a primal disciple barbarian and a stalker.
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I only hate people who insist bard-a-dins are lewd!
Love? Hatred?

These things have no meaning. In many ways, these are the same - obsessions borne by those who fixate excessively on a single individual.
Question about the Mystic's animus augmentations:
>Anima Burn: The mystic adds ½ her class level to damage rolls made during that maneuver. This augment costs two points of animus, and can only be applied once to a given maneuver.
If I use a boost that gives bonuses to all my attacks for one round (Like Strength of Hell or Encouraging Roar), does augmenting the boost with this make all my attacks for the round deal the extra 1/2 class level damage?
Well, there's always multiclassing into something like Bladecaster or Battle Templar if they want initiating, or getting the Martial Training feats.

Alternatively, for the bard at least, you could bring in the Song of the White Raven feat (adjusted to fit whatever discipline you feel like) and the Dragonfire Inspiration feat (without the dragonblood subtype feat tax. Maybe tie it to Elemental Flux).

PF Bard isn't actually that good of a gish. 3.5 Bard had all the tools they needed, but the PF one leaves a /lot/ to be desired.
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I have a question, I was making a Wizard/Technomancer, and it says:
"A technomancer adds his class level to..."

I normally see 'adds his level' does this mean that only technomancer levels are added?
In fact, generally class level is assumed to be the default unless it specifically mentions character level.
When a class says "adds his level," it's synonymous with "adds his class level." Sometimes they just forgot. If it's your entire level, it would specify "adds his character level" or "adds his Hit Dice."
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Also, sometimes the scaling for class levels is poorly described:

Destroy Robot says:
The target takes 12d6 points of damage + 1 point per caster level

Whereas Greater Make Whole says
This spell repairs 1d6 points of damage plus 1 point per level when cast on an object or construct creature (maximum 10d6+10)


First off, Greater Make Whole applies to 'per level', whereas Destroy Robot is 'per caster level'
Does this mean GMW applies for levels that don't even take spells in them?
Also, does this mean Destroy Robot scales 12d6+1 damage each caster level? (ie caster level 2 is 24d6+1, and if not, why does GMW scale the dice each level and this doesn't?)

Sorry for all the questions.

Thanks guys, I appreciate the clarification.
It's pretty messy wording, but in this case it's synonymous with caster level because your caster level is the highest level you can cast the spell at.
Yeah, I figured. It wouldn't make sense that you learned to cast your spells better if you were training to be a rogue or something.

Any suggestions about the damage dice on that?
Unless it really scales 12d6 per caster level? I figured that would only apply to the +1
Why do you think you're a bad GM, man?
Do the Steelforge non-magical item enhancements replace, stack with up to the +10 equivalent, or are a seperate track than the usual magical enhancements?

What's the ETA on a re-priced version when they're just flat cost stuff?
>Accelerated Drinker
>You know how to drink a potion efficiently, such as by not using your hands, tossing it in the air and catching it in your mouth, or opening it with your teeth.
>Benefit: You may drink a potion as a move action instead of a standard action as long as you start your turn with the potion in your hand.
Does this work with extracts?
Pacing issues, difficulties playing multiple NPCs at once, difficulties trying to make sure everyone's doing something useful in combats. My players seem (and say) they're engaged, but I keep comparing myself to actually good GMs I've had and coming up short.
no, there was a FAQ entry

One of those things that's idiotic by common sense standards but necessary for game balance
Post your dream party makeup, /pfg/! Races unnecessary, but welcome.

>Skinwalker (Witchwolf) Wolf Shaman Druid
>Tiefling (Hungerseed) Oni Bloodline Sorcerer
>Human (Osirioni) Cleric of Horus
>Aasimar (Archon-blooded) Shield Champion Brawler
>Human (Varisian) Fractured Mind Spiritualist
Not ignoring you, I just don't know much about Third Party stuff, I don't have the source material.

RAW, no. There's no reference to extracts qualifying as potions.

I would recommend talking to your GM, though. Alchemist does say " An extract is “cast” by drinking it, as if imbibing a potion"

Though be sure to draw attention to the FAQ.
That's not really necessary for balance at all, though.

In an entire decade of playing, I haven't ever seen ANYONE who didn't have trouble with multiple NPCs at once, so don't worry so much on that one.

Trust me on this one, but don't try and compare yourself to other GMs. If you think you aren't doing well, talk to your players. Ask them what they think, honestly, could be improved. Sit down and try and work it out. Either there's stuff you can, and you do that, or there isn't, and that means things are fine.
I think the DSP guys went to bed.
I need to go to sleep, so I'll post my question one more time.

Destroy Robot says:
The target takes 12d6 points of damage + 1 point per caster level

How do I know whether this means it increases by 12d6 every caster level, or just +1 per caster level?

Greater Make Whole suggests the former, and Cure Light Wounds suggests the latter.
I... didn't think you were ignoring me? I found it anyway. It's totally seperate. And also, as far as I'm aware, fully applicable for all mundane cost reducers, including the usual 1/3 cost for mundane crafting.
I should have figured as much.
Sorry, I was just going to go through and answer a bunch, but the thread got a lot more active all of a sudden.
12d6 damage, with a bonus +1 per CL. Yes, that's crap.

Honestly, PF's writing is messy enough that I'd just go with the CLW precedent. It seems like 12d6 per CL is probably not intended, given similarly-damaging spells.
>That's not really necessary for balance at all, though.

>Take quick draw, take out your extracts instantly at the end of each turn
>Or since you're an alchemist, get extra arms and keep one of them always on an extract as you travel

>Your turn comes around
>You can now drink two extracts per turn for free

I figured it could be 12d6 per, considering it only affects Robots, has a touch attack, is a 6th level spell, and has a fort save for 1/4 damage.

Thanks, though.
Hm. Is this just a 'Your favorite characters' request? Maybe not, but mine's the same anyway.

Human (Tian-Sing) Unsworn Shaman
Human (Chelish) Alchemist/Master Chymist
Human (Tian-Shu) Tetori
Half-Orc (Kellid) Cleric, Sentinel, Holy Vindicator of Gorum
Ratfolk (Numerian) Lore Warden/Eldritch Guardian, Student of War, Chevalier
Human (Kellid) Huntmaster
...Yes, and? It's a fucking alchemist. Oh no, you're saving a minor amount of action economy, assuming you've got them on hand or take quickdraw too.
>Alchemical items, potions, scrolls, and wands cannot be drawn quickly using this feat.
I totally forgot that Paizo felt the need to fuck people over with that.
With what?
With the caveat that it doesn't apply to those items for no reason outside of game balance, presumably.

However minute that balance might be.
With Quickdraw.
You can't draw Potions/Extracts with Quickdraw.
There was never a real way to abuse Accelerated Drinker + Quickdraw on an Alchemist, but they made sure to FAQ it anyway, so that people knew for sure that they couldn't do the thing they already couldn't do.
In 3.5, you could draw pretty much anything with Quick Draw thanks to how items worked. In PF, there's an explicit disallowance for drawing useful non-weapon items with it.

There's no real "balance" increase. Being able to use potions without losing your entire turn does not break the game. Being able to draw a wand and fire it off doesn't break it either.
Well fuck that shit, that's being houseruled to work.
Then just get extra arms and do some sort of juggling thing, issue solved.

>minor amount
Halving your buff setup time permanently for the cost of a trait is far from minor.
Will it break the game? Admittedly, no.
Was it an intended design decision? There's no way you can really argue that it was.
Could also quickdraw flasks, alchemist's fire, and the like, making them actually usable weapons for some characters (especially rogues). Rogues got fucked hard by the change, since they can't effectively UMD wands and scrolls and can't sneak attack with flasks well in PF.
Yeah but literally almost everyone knows that Paizo's design decisions are often pants on head retarded. Why would you ever blindly follow them? This isn't a PFS game, it's a home game. If shit's dumb, ignore it.

But when will Quick Draw actually let me do what the feat name says and make Craft(Illustration) checks in 1/5 the normal time?
Never, because you can't quick draw pens and paper.
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Not current, but the game I will run next year will be in the Old Empire of the Forgotten Realms, starting in 1371 DR.

Ideally, the PCs will go through the end of the 12th Seros War, the Rage of Dragons, and moving on to Planescape before Mystra's assassination and the edition change.

I'm allowing DSP psionics, PoW, emerging firearms, and fast xp growth.

Pic related.
I honestly think their intent was to put a damper on casters being able to Quickdraw Scrolls and Metamagic Rods, but to make it seem like they weren't just nerfing casters, they tossed in a few other things too, that they thought wouldn't make a significant difference.
Which they don't, and they sort of actually achieved that goal, BUT later on, someone created Alchemist, and it happens to really want the benefit from that feat that doesn't really matter for anyone else.
I love Alchemists, and I wish it worked for them, sure, but if I have to give that up to prevent primary casters from drawing rods and scrolls as a non-action, I think I can live with that.
Presuming I don't just houserule it, of course.
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My favorite fantasy class archetype has always been the bulwark. I love being a huge dude in huge armour with a huge great shield and a polearm. How would I go about building this? Should I start as a fighter?
Warder from PoW is your best bet. In 1pp pathfinder though, it doesn't exist.
He could use the Phalanx Fighter archetype, but it's terrible.
Is 3.pp or homebrew stuff allowable? Because if so, then I have the shit for you, my man.
Ugh, I guess Stalwart Defender does do what you want, but it fucking blows ass.
Maybe try Fighter with some VMC/Archetype/Advanced Weapon Training into Furious Guardian?
Or an Honor Guard Cavalier who invests a lot in using stuff like Bodyguard/Smash From the Air with some kind of defensive Order?

Obviously, Warder is good. Lots of people love it.

You'll probably want some variant of this to deal with the ACP.


Or this

Oh god why would you suggest that site
Suzerain template. Is it too powerful to give to a level 1 pc?
He wants to be a big tanky guy. I gave things that fit big, tanky guys, because default PF and 3.5 has roughly fuckall content that actually gives you good defense.
> Lawful Good Dragonborn Paladin
> Chaotic Good Human Paladin
> Neutral Good Dwarf Cleric
> True Neutral Human Ranger
Nothing else you could ever want
Form fitting Iron Juggernaut armour sounds interesting. Don't care much for that shield wall but it's a neat idea.
nth for man, it's so much more peaceful here now that certain parties have moved on.
It says "damage rolls" plural, rather than "the damage roll, if any", so I think they knew what they were doing (and it'd be kind of crap to have to choose which damage roll to augment on a thrashing dragon strike). But augh, full attacks on initiators. Have fun shitting out damage.
> Alchemist can't quickdraw alchemical items
> Underground Chemist Rogue can

top kek
Guys... my group has fallen apart, trying to find a group online is not working out, I have lost hope, I am going beyond despair, I am considering playing PFS, help me
Why not just give up?
Check online like Roll20 or /tg/?
Gamefinder threads. Look here. Look on GitP. Look on Roll20. Look on Minmax. Look on Mythweavers.
>>44459672 Meant to reply with
Does anyone know of any mundane weapon/armor enhancements, or some good equipment, that's 3.pp? 3.5 or PF third party is acceptable, but I have... shit, somewhere around 100+ books that I've slowly been searching through and holy fucking shit is it taking a while.

Most specifically looking for armor/weapon enhancements, or interesting materials.
Steelforge by DSP is including the Forgeworks mundane improvement system that DrowAnon made.
Yeah but the pricing on that is wonky, all the CMB-maneuver ones are crap due to being a 1/round limitation AND having an arbitrary -2 tacked on despite them already being difficult to do without that, and there just aren't that many of them. Looking for other stuff.
Have you checked out the update that came out for it this weekend? Nonmagial enhancement pricing got streamlined.
Yes, to a system that doesn't stack with magical stuff, is still priced the same as them or worse, and is excessively expensive for such small bonuses. And the CMB ones are still crap.
It does stack, actually. You can have a +10 magical +10 nonmagical weapon, and since it's not a requirement for it to be at least +1 nonmagical, some of the benefits, like jagged, or Serrated on weapos with lotsa dice.
They are a separate track so you can stack them up.

However, while it would be fine to do it the way it's done, they are prohibitively expensive for the most part compared to magical enhancements. They also can't be applied to ranged weapons.

Accuracy and Lethal are separate, for example, and do not allow you to pierce DR; that's a THIRD ability, Breakthrough.

However, it could be quite worth it to make a magazine of adamant, cold-iron or silver bullets "Durable", though you may want some method of retrieving your bullets that isn't "two guys desperately looking for where it sliced clean off the fairway to"
Which system for business is better? The alternative one for profession or downtime?

And if downtime version is better, what's the best way to become a rich mofo to act as the party's wallet, along with what class would be best.
If you can't do 3pp stay the fuck away, because polearms are two-handed and require significant feat investment (they're worth it if you do, just that otherwise other weapons are better options), and shields use up a hand, and require significant feat investment.

>You're short a hand
>You don't have access to some of the better abilities and feats for either
>You really kinda need a hand that can use a shield for this
>Your polearm can't be used up-close without massive penalties and that's IF you buy feats for it
>Your huge shield is mostly just giving you penalties, because 2/3 of the stuff out there will ignore or bypass that AC

Now, if you DO have PoW... Defensive Expertise and the polearm feats will get you what you want to do and more.

And you don't even need to be an initiator: Aegis and certain Akashic Veils will give you that extra arm instead, to do it a different way!
The class is obviously Noble Scion with Noble Scion cohort who has Noble Scion cohort. It's infinite money.
No, I mean that the +Enhancement stuff doesn't stack.
such as a conserving weapon?
Probably not, actually, as it only triggers on a miss.
For a +1 that's kinda...
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Stat 'em, /tg/.
Those things are virtually bulletproof unless you have explosive rounds, plus they're fucking terrifying.

High natural armor, Physical stats in the mid to high twenties. Blindsight 120ft, Frightful Presence, and a rule about acidic blood. Give them a Bite, two Claws, a Tail Slap, and a Striketeeth attack that counts the same as a T-rex's Powerful Bite rule.
Ha. Hahaha. Ha...

I was there for when it happened. Back during the original beta, for Pathfinder, some of the CharOp folks that had offered out of the goodness of their hearts to test the numbers on the game were running rogue builds with flasks to be able to get sneak attacks off.

Bulmahn felt this was completely unacceptable, and that those weren't "real rogues", and nerfed Quick Draw to prevent it.
You can put extracts in poisoner's gloves - potentially two extracts, and inject yourself with them at the start of combat.

>>Take two vestigial arms or a tumour familiar capable of using the gloves
>>Turn 1, drink a mutagen and command your arms/tumour to inject you
>>Three buffs administered in one turn
If they've been eating natives, they'll be adopting some of their traits into the local batch. Expect spell-like abilities.
>displacer xenomorphs
>blink xenomorphs
>rust xenomorphs
We're gonna need a bigger nuke.

We're fucked
On second thought making them a template that you apply to the host creature is a much better idea.

>+1 Size Category
>+14 Natural Armor, rule where half of it goes to Touch
>+12 STR, +8 DEX, +8 Con
>Gains a Bite, 2 Claw Attacks, a Tail Slap, and a Slam (piercing) attack. The Slam attack's damage dice are determined as if it were a size category larger, and it deals twice its strength mod.
>Grab and Pounce abilities. Multiattack feat.
>+10 to Speed, gains Climb Speed of 40ft.
>Blindsight 120ft, Tremorsense 60ft (for the seeing through walls thing)
>+8 Racial Bonus to Climb, Intimidate, and Stealth.
>Gains Telepathy 100ft, can only speak to its own species.
>Alignment: Chaotic Evil
>Level Adjustment: +3
>>LA +3

Now I wanna play a charismatic guy who starts a pyramid scheme to get rich quick.
+3 is where things generally top out.

See: Gigantean creature.
A template like that should have CR adjustment, not LA.
Ah, my bad. Where I come from the two are virtually the same. My DM is nuts with what he allows during an evil campaign.
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>This can be a thing
why did they create their setting like this instead of making it something with an actual story and a theme?

like this you might as well just don't have a campaign setting at all, it's basically any d&d generic shit you can think of
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Yesterday i saw some bits of discussion about Shadow Evocation/Conjuration/Enchantment.
Are they high-tier spells in their levels (two 4th and a 5th)?
What class can i make resemble a witcher? Basically a monster hunter who uses alchemy.
Separate tracks, the systems are intended to be used in parallel.
Any tips on feats to take for an animal companion?

I am dumb and without anyone's guidance I'm just going to end up take dumb shit like grapple upgrades to improve the big cats grab success rates.

Also, aside from flavor, is there any reason to take the wolf over the tiger?
Inquisitor with brew potion

Power Attack? Narrow Frame?
What about broken wing gambit that I keep hearing about. Is it any good?
Wolf and Tiger serve different role. One is mobile controller/debuffer while another is a striker.
That is for AoO build. It is good but it's better on PC that automatically share feat with Animal Companion. It is also better on Companion with one big attack.
Ok got it. So Tiger is good for raw damage output and wolves are good for AoO reach builds.
AoO reach build with Ankylosaurus is nice too. Multiple chance of Stun is nice.
Actually what about horses? At first glance it looks like a terrible investment of a feat to get something with mostly secondary attacks.

Mounted combat doesnt seem very worthwhile when you could be controlling twice as much room in the battlefield.
When it has that format, it's only the fixed amount that scales with CL. Look at the cure spells for example, since they cap the fixed amount saying something along the lines of (+5 max).

Hey Anon, you wanna play? I'm looking for a group too.
can a magus use spellstrike ( full attack + spell) and spell combat ( free attack on touch spell) in the same round, resulting in 2 attacks +1 spell at class level 2?

seems too good to me.
Yes, they can. That's their signature move.
Horse is kinda meh. It's not terrible but if you have access to full animal companion list, there are better choice out there.
What's the general feat path for archers?
If a creature only has secondary attacks, one of them becomes primary.
Everything with "Shot" in the name.
Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Deadly Aim, Manyshot, Clustershot.
Animal Companion Horse has 1 primary and 2 secondary attacks.
some mounted combat is good for action economy. For example, Mounted Archer can do Full-attack and move at mount speed without any penalty. Melee mounted combat is pretty bad though.
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>That picture

Oh dear.
Don't let her steal your heart anon, she's a thief

>tfw no biomechanical power armor to interface with.
>Social status for both royalty and senators is tied to their lavish beards, which by law only they can legally grow (leading to them being called the "bearded"). Greater, more extravagant beards are a sign of a higher status.
>The massive underclass of "the unbearded" make up 99% of Taldor's population. They are merchants, craftsmen, day laborers, dock workers, vagabonds, soldiers, sailors, and so on. Taldor's crushing taxes and the policies of the ruling class regarding the rights of citizens keep the unbearded in poverty. Careful advances of key citizens from the ranks of the unbearded keep their compatriots ever hopeful that after hard work and long loyalty, they might join the ranks of the bearded. Taldor's military and civil service usually offers such a way of advancement, and because of that the branches of the military (the Taldan Horse, Phalanx, and Navy]] are loyal and strong.

Neckbeards count.
So how do they justify the Underground Chemist with that then?
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>Raucous Canard
>100 GP
>The raucous canard appears to be a small, nondescript piece of rolled-up parchment. Unrolling the parchment, however, allows you to record up to a 25-word message. Once you record a message, you may throw it into the air, causing it to animate, sprout small feathery wings, and circle overhead for 10 minutes while loudly repeating the message over and over in a bland, genderless voice. Alternatively, you may close the scroll, and the next person to open it triggers this animation. After 10 minutes, the raucous canard disappears in a small shower of sparks. Scheming nobles like to use these to spread gossip about their enemies.

You guys should really be reading the Wondrous Items commonly used in Taldor, they range from hilarious to extremely flavorful, such as the Bureau of Infinite +2 Charisma Clothes.
That item would make for trolltastic party tricks.
Post more lewd bardadin pictures
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well i think red saber could qualify.

as like, an antibardadin

Bardadins are not for lewd!
Her Antipaladin half would be the new Insinuator archetype I guess.
Is that from fate/zero or fate/hollow?
Bardadins are the lewdest. Everyone knows how much they like holding hands with their beloved those sluts.
Fate/Extra CCC
It's Emperor Nero.
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Thats Nero Claudius Caesar, AKA Red Saber from Fate/Extra CCC

You're thinking of Saber Alter, which means its still Arturia Pendragon. Pic related is Red Saber.

Who likes to sing at people and murder them with her sword.

Are they supposed to be related? Is there good in story justification for why they look the same?
As far as I know the reason is fanservice.
There's some theory about how Arthur was descended from roman emperors, but that's mostly something the fans came up with. The games don't go out of their way to justify it.
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So basically people were like "Saber is too flat and annoying" so they just gave her bigger boobs and a perkier personality?

Well shit, if people wanted that they should've gone for pic related.
To troll people into thinking it was saber in the initial reveal.

there's some connection to rome in that
Lucius Artorius Castus is thought to be the bases for King Arthur.
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Pic related is Saber Alter. Look at how lewd this bardadin is.
>To troll people into thinking it was saber in the initial reveal.

( - 3 - )

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What is there to really do in Tian Xia? I mean there's the stuff outlined in Jade Regent, but the continent itself is kind of lacking in plot hooks.
That voice is familiar...
There's plenty of monster kingdoms to purge
You could take down that kraken overlord
her VA doesn't do a bunch of stuff, the most recent big show i can think she was in was Aquarion Evol
The only monster kingdom that needs to be purged is Hermea. That Mengkare is going to wipe out humanity with his breed of mind controlled supersoldiers but nobody believes me!
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Are you suuuure?
Why would anybody think Nero was Arturia? For one thing, Nero has a chest that doesn't look like a twelve year old boy's.

Reminder that the secret to Lingshen's military success is that every soldier they lose is placed into a terracotta body to fight again.
A formerly closed Worldwound that is currently disgorging qlippoth hordes.

Anon, I'm sure that Mengkare is perfectly trustworthy. He's a great gold dragon, after all, they know what they're doing.
>What is there to really do in Tian Xia?

Unite the Successor States.

Liberate a monster kingdom.

Fuck the locals and do heroic shit.

Move to Goka and aim to rule the city.

Carry Ameiko across the Crown of the World, put her on the Jade Throne, and rule an empire the size of Avistan.
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>trusting dragons
Got a link?
Same hair

They didn't show her entirely obviously
He's a dragon, they're incapable of not being selfish. Besides, I heard he's got the Golden Dragon orb and is using it to mindwipe any dragons that visit his breeding factories. Plus he's a known ally of Trumpets McGee and you know what she's like.
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Besides the Raucous Canard, here are the ones listed:

>For Transportation

>For Appearances

>For being a fruity little gossip girl

I don't care what anyone says, I need to get a Pendulate Divan of the Emperor Fotigre and Costume Bureau.
G-guys, what should i name my Bard-a-din

Should it be something Roman? Roman names are cool. Luvia or Claudia or something

Let's establish some facts.

Fact 1: All women are sluts
Fact 2: All Bards are double sluts
Fact 3: Being a slut is immoral
Fact 4: Being a Paladin requires a clean moral conscience
Conclusion: Based on the prior facts, Bardadins, especially female bardadins, cannot exist.
>G-guys, what should i name my Bard-a-din

Where is she from (include culture) and what social class was she born into?
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>pendulate divan of emperor fotigre
Yes, this is quite delightful

Being a slut isn't immoral, it's neutral. Sluts of all alignments can exist. After all, paladins are all into butt stuff. How else would they manage day to day life with sticks up their butts?
B-but i'm making a Bard-a-din right now.

She's clean and pure and chaste!

Also while i'm on it, since i have FULL ACCESS TO ALL SCROLLS any good scrolls you'd suggest??

I'm thinking definitely more of a humble beginning for her, literally a farm girl or something. Culture is western, maybe i'll roll roman-esque.

Bard and Paladin cancel each other out, since bards love sex but Paladins love duty and commitment.

What this translates into is the Bardadin is an absolute freak in bed, but she only wants to have her husband inside her.
>Now we're talking.png
Virgin in the front, martyr in the rear?
Yes, please.
>She's clean and pure and chaste!

Anon, please! This is a blue board.
Livia or iustitia?
Bring back the Qlippoth hordes to properly reclaim it in the name of the Abyss and it's true owners

>Being a slut isn't immoral


Or maybe Impudicia
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a luvia is behind this.jpg
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An aristocratic name, anon. I approve.
Fuck i forgot about her
>sex is wrong
"If I wasn't wrong why would I not be having it?"
Oath of Chastity is purely optional, anon.
I'm pretty sure Shelyn's paladins aren't chaste. And she's one of the big good goddesses.
>I'm thinking definitely more of a humble beginning for her, literally a farm girl or something. Culture is western, maybe i'll roll roman-esque.

Try something cute and provincial, like Emilie or Maria.

Generally, French and Spanish are really close to Latin and have some of the cutest feminine names in the world.
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>I'm pretty sure Shelyn's paladins aren't chaste.

Actually, they very well could!

Shelyn places all her stock in *love* and *romance*, not sex. There are many examples of Shelynite Paladins that practice courtly love or remain pure and virtuous because hey, they're "waiting" for "the right one."
Hey /pfg/ commission anon from a few days ago. The artist sends me WIP pics so i decided to share.

This is what i chose
The fuck? Take your futa-shit back to /d/
Well, he did say that it was going to be futa way back at the start.
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How much did the commission cost? Because the art shows promise but, unlike you, I have no problems with man-ass.
Looks good mate. I thought we were going to see aushualee and greta though?
They're actually different. Your class level and caster level are not necessarily the same number.

Case in point, Magical Knack.
Is it possible to gain hit dice but not class levels?
This. Random prostitute lady isn't nearly as fun.
Pftt, can't even handle a real feminine penis.
Yes, if you're a monster. Also, Inspire Greatness.
Bard's inspire greatness, I think skalds can do something similar. Those are only temporary, though.

Does becoming a were-critter still give you animal hit dice?
Round 50

Originally it was going to be arue but i didn't find who to pair her with and no one suggested arues and greta ;_;

I asked this question and an anon made a nice point for it. I could probably change it since its still WIP but idunno. It's weird to explain but i like a sort of cohesiveness to my commissions.
Humans are monsters, right?
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gnome monstrosity.jpg
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Are they in the bestiary?
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>Round 50

I need a name.
Succubutt and Greta.
Lini and a Bardadin.
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I meant name of the artist so I can place the commission, dummy!
Oh. Carry on then.
What domain should i choose for my familiar if she's a Bard-a-din of Shelyn?

I'm mostly thinking Luck or Air
I am a fan of Air (Wind) for the AoE bull rush blast ability.
Wind isn't a Shelyn subdomain though >.>
Oh, huh. Well, ask your GM maybe.

I sometimes forget that there are GMs who limit what domains you pick by the god, instead of letting you pick ones that fit the concept of the god you worship and your own character's interpretation of them.
There are GMs who actually feel the need to buff clerics even further?
"If you worship a god, you're not always strictly inferior to the clerics who don't." isn't really a buff, but a QoL change for people who want to have more interesting fluff. Worshipping a god as a cleric actively penalizes you normally.

The power level of the classes matters a lot less than the players having an enjoyable time, and the real power of the cleric was never in the domains. I trust my players not to break the game regardless of what classes and options they take, and as long as everyone's aiming for the same rough power level, it's not really an issue.
So my gaming group is pretty large, about 10 people. We figured that splitting into 2 smaller groups was a good idea, since with 10 we don't get much done.

Thing is, some players stepped up to be new GMs, and they chose randomly who was in each game.

Now I'm in the shittier game, and I don't want to be a dick by saying something.

Here are his limitations on character creation, "1st level. Characters limited to only one book (ie you don't get feats / magic stuff from Core AND Advanced Player Guide. Pick one or other)"

Do you see my problem? What do I do?
Honestly, I'd just walk from that game and find other ways to hang out. If you're all friends, then they'll understand that that's not your fun.

It's not being a dick unless you're a dick about it. You cannot and /should/ not be forced into a game you don't want to play, ever. When that happens, it harms everyone, because you're not having fun thanks to the rules in play, and that's going to affect everyone else because you're not engaged.
Rolled 92 (1d100)

It starts with not wearing an outfit like that.

>Characters limited to only one book (ie you don't get feats / magic stuff from Core AND Advanced Player Guide. Pick one or other)

Could you maybe ask him to explain what the point is supposed to be?
Why don't you take over as GM?
The point is that he hates fun. He literally spent like 40$ on the super big psionics book from DSP and hasn't let us use it for any of his games (He ran a few one shots.)

I want to play the game and GM's have already been decided.
Incidentally, this logic also suggests women in general can't be paladins. Therefore, Iomedae is not and never was a paladin! The correct way for a DM to handle the encounter with her in WotR is to have her teleport the PCs into her chambers because she needs their heroic Ds. All of them.

>The point is that he hates fun

Well obviously, but have you tried putting him on the spot?

Make him actually explain, to the group, why he's doing this bullshit.
>(ie you don't get feats / magic stuff from Core AND Advanced Player Guide. Pick one or other)
Does... does he realize that characters become literally nonfunctional if he does that? Here's an example: Disarming Strike from APG requires Combat Expertise and Improved Disarm, both from the Core book. Want another? Disrupting Shot from APG needs Point-Blank Shot from the CRB. Dazing Assault needs Power Attack. I'm pretty sure almost every feat in the APG requires feats from the CRB, as do feats from every other book that's come out.
>The point is that he hates fun
Why is this man your GM? Rule 0 is "have fun".
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I think it's looking good, personally. There were a few good ideas and I'm happy to see any of them. It sounded like you were thinking of getting two commissions though. Did I misunderstand you, or is this one just the first of two?

I like the direction this is going but find it funny that it would again mean no Arueshelae, cockblocking most of /pfg/ a second time. Unless we get Lini and succubutt, I guess.

More people on /pfg/ need to remember this.
What is the other GM doing for his game? Also, seconding >>44464287 and >>44464411.
Pettanko's just don't get enough love.
He thinks that this is "Balanced"

The only way to play is to pick Core and that's not a fucking way to play the game.

Because he said he wanted to be and the people in charge don't really care because they're not in his group.

I don't know, I only know what's going on in my game.

>He thinks that this is "Balanced"

Have you tried, through calm, reasoned argument, to explain to him that he is utterly full of fucking shit?

Make her spunky red panda buddy with the Luck domain, because she's going to need a lot of it to stay pure and true to her beloved.

Speaking of, what kind of DM do you have, along with players? I ask because playing an attractive, virginal young woman and saying she's going to stay that way for the one she loves is just a huge invitation for some DMs.
There's no reasoning with him, he thinks I'm just whining because I "Can't make overpowered characters" which I don't do. When everyone in the group sucks at making characters and won't take my advice, it's not my fault when I make a reasonably competent character.

Seriously, anyone who believes that kind of crock needs to have their campaign derailed by casting bullshit.
>people in charge

Wait, so do you just mean the people DMing? Or is there someone overseeing this all?

>I only know what's going on in my game

What the fuck? Did you guys just completely go your separate ways?

You've got three choices. You can stick with this game despite the shittiness of it, you can leave and be gameless, or you can leave and try to get into one of the other games. Everyone here will suggest first the third, then the second, and advise against the first.
I'm sure the normal /pfg/ advice would be to build a wizard and break his game out of spite, but I'm gonna echo >>44464287. Unless every other player is going to mutiny with you, it's better to just not play.
Playing Core only is a perfectly viable way to play the game for new babbies who can't into system mastery. It's also shit.

What kind of group do you have which is so regimented that you can't just take over or something? Are you press-ganged into playing?
I FUCKING KNOW. These people think that me playing a Vivisectionist Alchemist is broken though.

The original 2 DM's (We do an afternoon game and an evening game) decided that we were doing this and gave the 4 slots to the 4 players who wanted to DM. I missed the session that day and got shafted.

I'm going to try option 3. Fuck that shit.

I could literally build anything and he'd think that I was breaking his game.

We've been playing together for like 2 years and some of these people still can't understand how to play. One guy ONLY makes Rogues and every time they suck.
>Are you press-ganged into playing?

>tfw no people to press-gang into playing D&D with me.
Good luck, man. That's rough.
Every other player mutinying with you arguably makes it better, because then you still have a group that wants to play, you just need to find a new person to run or pitch a better concept or otherwise fix the problem that sent everyone running in the first place.

Anyway, yeah, >>44464287 sounds like good advice if you're not willing to offer to run in the DM's place (which most DMs, being starved of the chance to play, will happily take you up on) or can convince the current DM to loosen his restrictions. Just don't be petty about things and it should work out well enough. Are you worried that quitting the game (even gracefully) will make your DM's claim that you just want to powergame seem verified to your other friends?

i think i'm safe.
I want to generate a world in Dwarf Fortress and use that as my setting
Because he knows how lewd bardadins already are.
Dire carp et al?
What the fuck, tell us stories about the DMs that rape your characters? That's not even close to normal.
I went to choose an avatar on the Paizo boards and saw this. Not sure what to think of that, or if I should conclude that it's a joke or mistake, or something meaningful.
Not neccesarily. I would definitely copy over dieties, geography, political borders, important characters, locations, and of course notable monsters.

DF is relatively limited by some traits. There are of course only half a dozen normal races and a million best races, while the only form of real magic is necromancy, while PF is much more broad in that respect.

The cunts.

Vivisectionist alchemist is like, fun incarnate.
It took me way longer to get the joke than I care to admit. Crystal Frasier strikes again!

Given some of the people working at Paizo we should be happy there isn't a "non-binary" option or something like that.
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