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"If Lofwyr ran a campaign edition"

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Chummer 5:

Last Thread: >>44409251

Thread topic: GM advice.
Good but brutally hard GM, would probably have some secret motive where every run in game is just him seeing the most likely method of attack a group of real runners would take on actual facilities. He'd be as unreasonably cruel a GM as possible, and worst, if the "runners" (who are probably just SK interns) still succeeded by even a hair, he'd eat the real life security guy responsible for the defenses. I mean if a bunch of unpaid nerds figured out how to beat their plans in a game how are they supposed to hold up to professionals?
If Lofwyr ran a campaign, the PC's would be good corp drones that get sent on a run once in a blue moon; and their corp-bred grandchildren might just get a glimmer at what the eventual goal of what their grandparents had been doing was.
>Thread topic: GM advice.
Umm, that's not how generals work.
Surely he'd want to hire actual runners for penetration testing?
You're right. My bad.
No, but we have a thread up elsewhere that people completely disregarded the general structure in favor of GM advice. I put a general up from my phone, didn't have a ton of time to write up a full topic. If you want to suggest something else, go ahead. But a LOT of people have been asking for GM advice recently, and they get ignored in favor of "lol optimization circlejerk" (though last general was pretty good, probably because Mac came back).

There's a fair number of people trying to get into the game, least you could do is offer them something instead of the same tired discussions we get every time.

Or >>44447061 >>44447068 have got it, I guess, still interesting discussion.
My GM is letting me submerge at creation. Should I go techno-rigger? It just seems really cool.
Nah. Jumping in as a technomancer isn't really interesting. Install your sprites in the drones and have them run Diagnostics instead.
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Any ideas for Christmas related run?
Charity organizes a Christmas drive for metahumans in the Barrens. Humanis wants to make it look like an ork/troll riot starts around it, because those dirty metas can't control themselves around real, good-hearted humans.

Are your runners on convoy protection or on false-flagging duty?
A rogue terrorist is leaving gifts filled with HMHVV III blood, that explodes outwards, infecting many. You have to hunt down the ghoul, and bring peace back to (insert city).
>A Mr. Johnson needs the team to intercept a mail carrier who is delivering a dangerous artifact to a corporation, and can't destroy the other packages (Corp. would know somethings up)
>Gigantic Truck Full of Christmas Gifts
How important is a second form of combat? Do I need something besides guns if I'm a wizard?
Only important if you run out of ammo and are saving your drain. Just carry a cheap knife if you have the spare ¥. Also, nice repeating digits.
If you are a spellcaster, you already have the choice between guns and spells, omae.

And if you really need versatility, get different types of ammo or a taser. (Pretty efficient against pesky spirits and drones, that one.)
Is there any point in buying a suit of light body armour (of the mil-spec variety), assuming you could find and afford it?
...Higher soak dice? I don't know, I use an armored suit with about the same armor anyway.
There is always the point of being able to walk through small arms fire completely unscathed.

The problem is, owning one is nice but explaining having it away is next to impossible. Shit's really illegal, yo!
Why is armour illegal? Isn't it just for keeping you safe?
Thoee mil-spec suits can wade in and literally soak anything less than 15DV without noticing or having to roll.

It's mil-spec armour.
Just dress it up to look like industrial safety equipment. Say you're a service engineer or something.
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A free spirit insisting that he is Santa Claus is bringing gifts to good people. Unfortunately, he is taking those gifts from corporate armored vehicles, as the entire executive department in (insert city here) is on his naughty list.

Mr. Johnson will pay you good money to kill Santa Claus and restore Capitalism to the sprawl.
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So, I've been trying to build a decent Wheelman Rigger, but I've been having some trouble. It just feels like most of the rigger's unique equipment and abilities are focused on infowar and running drones. Is it worth investing in a 100k control rig if you are planning on playing a low-Log Go Ganger?

Also, the books keep making a big deal out of Riggers' massed jamming. Is it actually good? Doesn't it screw your decker, too?
Depends on the armor. People will ask the obvious questions when you run looking like you are about to start WW 4 [because really, what else would a guy without a security SIN be doing in military gear?] (and the answer to them is usually "call the Lone Star/Knight Errant').

Unrelated to that, making an adept and the section on "Improved Reflexes" states that I can "rase it up to three levels, 1 REA 1D6 initiative each, up to a maximum of 5D6". So I'm confused how the math adds up. It seems pretty busted if investing into LvL 3 gives you 5d6 Initiative (that's the initiative limit, corect?)
So, one of my players want to be some "nature-y" shaman, what would be the best mentor spirit for the job?
Probably an insect spirit of some kind. Bugs play a vital role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem.
Sounds great, I mean what could go wrong?
Spider, become pest control. Or, Great Mother, which is as hippy you can get. Could go even deeper and make up a literal tree/forest totem.

Level 3 gives you additional 3d6 of init. This adds up with your basic 1d6, 'ware bonuses, drug bonuses and spells to the maximum 5d6.


If you're a wizard you really, really want at least a pistol (or preferably an SMG) to be able to lay down some hurt without being afraid of drain. Having a gun also means you don't look like a total wizard e.g. people won't necesarilly shoot you first.


Great Mother
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What indeed.
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Nothing. Just look at this fine young insect shaman
The Improved Reflexes Adept Power only stacks with drugs,Improved Physical Attribute [Reaction], and the Lightning Reflexes Quality.
Guy who asked originally, doesn't Lightining Reflexes state it doesn't stack with Magical enhancements as well as 'wares?
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Hey /srg/,

I'm gonna play 5E next week and I only played 3E years ago, so I have no idea if my ideas are feasible. Can you help?

I wanna go with a something of a security specialist rigger with drones and maybe some etiquette thown in for good measure. Is it a good idea? It would also be good if I could handle myself in a fight.

Also, how is Chicago in 5E? Still bug city?

Riggers have a lot of options thanks to the new book, and etiquette and some self-defense is never a bad idea for a character. How do you want to use your drones? Fire support, swarms of little guys?

Chicago is still FUAKED, though.
Well, the initial idea is that it will be more along the lines of a street sam with some drone control for fire support, but skimming through the books, especially the new rigger 5.0, that doesn't sound possible.

Question though: if I go with fire support, does that mean I have to stay behind in the car, out of combat?
If you have an RCC it's a simple action to issue an order to all of your drones at once, so it's the sort of thing where you dive behind cover, issue orders to your drones to do all the shit you want them to, then start blasting fools. The drones will then perform their actions on their own initiative order from there.The worst situation you'll have is that etiquette + security + drone control + shootiness is a lot of resources to be spending. Depending on the general level of optimisation the rest of your group undertakes, you could be left behind a bit compared to other characters.
I see. I'll try to lower my expectations and work out something more specialized. Maybe drop security and etiquette. Thanks, bro.
You're right. Goes to show that a quick scroll through the page doesn't really work as a reminder on what rules you're trying to quote.
I'm not saying it can't be done, but if the rest of your crew is throwing thirty dice at their specialities and you're struggling for eight, it can be an issue. What I will say is that you probably couldn't do it well with standard priority.

Actually, I've been wondering if it make more sense to skip the Control Rig if you are going to be playing a hybrid Rigger.

If you are going to be running with the group instead of staying in the car, you aren't going to be spending a lot of time jumped in, and if you aren't going to be jumping in to your drones, do you really need to pay 100+k and a pile of essence?
Gear access makes it easier to take things out right? So does that make reloading one simple action or still two?
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>thinking about character concepts
>ork, former gang enforcer, used to beat people to a pulp
>[insert traumatic, life changing event]
>awakened as a shaman, following peacebringer totem
>now a pacifist shaman/face

>would need skills as close combatant, face, shaman
>tfw when no way to build the character without him being woefully suboptimal

halp guise
In real life, there are drugs to help with insomnia. Are there existing rules for anything like that in SR? And if not, how would you houserule them?
If they are to be used to ignore the side effects of the negative quality, I might not allow it (no "free karma"). At least if the group is likely to never leave the sprawl where medication is easily available.

Otherwise, IIRC there exists an example of the need for certain medication being reflected in an increased lifestyle cost.
How do we make technomancers work in 5e? What changes to the Fading system, or directly to their forms, is necessary?

Let's do a project and fix them, /tg/.

Mac, any ideas from a writer's perspective?
Your character should be careful with the wasp images and microdrones. In the Shadowrun universe wasp is associated with dangerious insect spirits from the great beyond. Nearly anyone who knows wasps and insect spirits would react very unfavorably. Ranging from "i'm going to ignore that girl" to "I'm gonna kill it with fire".

Take a look at the movie "Akira". That might give you some inspiration for motorcyclebased riggers.
I was thinking more like something that would reduce the threshold by 1 or give a small amount of bonus die, not something that negates it (which would, as you say, make it free karma). It looks like insomnia meds without insurance in real life cost $200-$300 for a month supply, so the same or slightly inflated nY amount would probably work.
Correct, yes. Mechanically the only things you gain from using a Control Rig is;
An extra state of being online. Offline / AR / VR / Jumped In. So it takes that much longer to get ready, or to get clear if you're at risk of Dumpshock.
You treat Vehicle actions as Matrix actions, so the +2 for Hot Sim applies.
The limits of your Vehicle actions, as well as the Thresholds are modified by the rating of the Control Rig (1-3).

BAD things also happen:
1/2 of any damage the vehicle / drone suffers while you're Jumped In hits you as Biofeedback. Cold-Sim = Stun, Hot-Sim = Physical.
Matrix damage targeted at the vehicle / drone you're Jumped Into affects you / your RCC instead of the drone itself. So you save the drone from getting bricked, by getting yourself bricked instead.

The only real benefit is that if you're directly controlling a drone through your RCC and want to switch to another, it becomes a Free Action if you've got a control rig. It's generally not worth it.
Simple action drop the mag (Free if smartgun) simple action insert the mag, free for gear access. The problem you'll come up against is that you only get one Free Action per turn unless you've got Nimble Fingers or Perfect Time. Per RAW it works, but I'd be inclined to confirm it with the GM.
If you're taking steps to negate the negatives of a quality, then it's expected that you'll pay back the karma cost of the quality per the standard rules. Generally speaking, I'd suggest a flat nuyen increase for the lifestyle cost unless they're above Medium, in which case it can be absorbed as part of the general lifestyle cost.
Old injuries mean he can't fight like he used to. It's a hard life.
Now I'm imagining a run where a corp hires some runners to break into their own building for security stress testing. Nonlethal equivalents to the runners weaponry is dispensed and the clock started.
Unbeknownst to both parties however, a second team is breaking into the corp at the same time. Who aren't wielding nonlethal and want the real psydata, not the dummy.
Ha, I've done that run! I had tons of fun putting the players out of their comfort zones; my players have since learned never to joke about how Brand Loyalty and Emotional Attachment were never going to bite them in the ass.
Depending on the level of campaign you're doing, that's not really a hard concept to execute. I'd suggest only starting out as a low-grade shaman though, like MAG C or something.
If he's a pacifist, why spend the points on combat?
Hey SRG. So, I'm in a game of Shadowrun, and we were doing a practice session a few nights ago since only he GM had played before and we wanted to get some experience before starting things for real, make sure when "real" combat happens it goes smoothly and we know what checks to me, etc.

Now something came up was that during the meeting with Mr. Johnson, my character, a Rigger, had his circling X2 drone that was just doing basic surveillance on the area, come under attack by some script kiddie. The GM asked me to make a couple Firewall checks through the meeting, but I didn't wanna be meta and immediately do matrix perception, and I was making the checks by a good amount so I didn't. But it raised a question, the guy had been failing Brute Force checks, hacking away at my drone, and I had no idea. So my question is, what am I supposed to do? Should I just be making Matrix Perception checks every 5 minutes? Is it expected/accepted that when the GM asks you to roll Firewall, you run a Matrix Perception check?
Can players buy IC and run it on their comlinks or drones like any other software to ward off enemy hackers?
What are the ways to heal stun damage during a run, aside from spells? I've just noticed that my character is very likely to fill up his stun damage and not take any physical damage because of his armor, and don't want to get stuck KOed in the middle of a run.
Stim patches are your friend.
They seem to have a notable chance of turning into a serious problem later, when they wear off. Especially if you take yet more stun damage in the meantime.
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If the guy failed a brute force check, your GM should have told you something along the lines of 'As the dandelion-eater does her level best to coerce more nuyen and/or Mr. Johnson's personal commcode, your attention is caught by an agry red ARO flaring up in the corner of your vision. <<ILLEGITIMATE ACCESS DETECTED ON DEVICE WITH USER-DESIGNATION 'MISTER SLAPPY'. AGGRESSIVE SELF-DEFENCE PROTOCOLS ENAGED. RECOMMENDED ACTION: SECURE ALL PORTS. RETALIATE,>> Below that, in an almost sulky yellow: <<YOU ARE ON DAY 124 OF YOUR 30-DAY TRIAL OF DAHL DEFENSIVE NETWORKS. WOULD YOU LIKE TO REGISTER NOW?>>

Or something like that. Point is, Brute Force is ALWAYS noticeable
So, I'm a bit of a newbie to Shadowrun, but I was thinking of running a game of it for some buddies in the future.

Question is though, should I go with 4th or 5th Edition. I have a bunch of the PDFs for 4th edition already.
Ugh, I already PAID for my copy of Dahl Defensive Networks!

But yeah, thank you for clarifying.
im new to Shadowrun, only played Storyteller and D&D (and a long time ago)

its viable playing shadowrun over the internet? I don't have friends to play it IRL

and where do people play it? roll20?

GM here. it seems you're right, re-reading through the core book. I was going solely off the cheat sheets in the pastebin. under consequences: attack and sleaze, only sleaze is noted to have an owner notified consequence.

to be honest, it makes a lot more sense now.
Who are Tir Tairngire's countries/organisations of interest?
He's an enforcer turned pacifist. Cool for backstory, bad for optimizing. Like a burned-out mage: the backstory dictates he had some kind of magical skills, but they are pretty useless now.
There's games here and there, but you'll rarely find spots open on Roll20. There's a couple of reddit groups that run a Missions-style living campaign, but it's... Well, I don't care for it personally but there are people that enjoy being low-level gangers in a big angry world.
All good, it's a rather easy thing to overlook. Technically speaking the only difference (aside from the dice pool used) between Brute Force and Sleaze is that Sleaze DOESN'T notify your target if the test succeeds. That part of the cheat sheet should probably be re-worded.
My friends are interested in running through this.

I've played Returns, Dragonfall and Hong Kong, so I get how the systems work mostly, but how would I go about setting up a campaign?

Would it be a better idea to have them be a group of runners and have them uncover a campaign as I come up with it?

I've never GM'd before, so any starter tips would be great (downloading the books now).
combat stuff only needs 3 ranks to be decent at it. Most bouncers have 2 or 3, and if you're better because of augs or magic, more power to ya
I think I saw 6 suggested as a bare minimum rank in one of the Firearms skills to deckers and mages in one of these threads.
6 is for if you plan on using it. Note that's also the max you can start a skill at. It's reccomended for deckers and mages because they plan on hacking and magicing everything in sight, and forget that sometimes you just need a gun. But you're a pacifist, and probably won't be punching someone anytime soon, so it's less important to you. 3 is a solid real-world level for the skill, but for runners, that's pretty low.
>a megacorps is trying to register saint nick as a trademark so that they can replace santa claus with their own spokesperson.

>an elf priest who runs an orphanage want to protect the patron saint of children and shadowrunners. Stop the corps and save christmas!
Campaigns can be structured in a few ways. As you saw in the games, there's a few different ways to have mission giving, and key NPCs handled.
I tend to prefer the 'uncovering the campaign' approach, as I like having a few runs to sort of lay out the world and how everything works. That doesn't mean you can't have something throw the runner's together. Food Fight's the classic example of that, but really anything works. The games had a fair amount of backstory one way or another to get things moving, but you can appropriate elements of that fairly easily. Of course the players can make their own arrangements as well, and it's far from strange to have them either knowing OF one another before hand, or already having strong links. That happens in the runner community one way or another.
An easy start could be the runners getting hired by a cheap Johnson that's after no-name runners to keep the margins down. You could also have the party hired because they're not big name enough to have too many fingers in the pie, and so they're trusted for this particular task. You could have them all meet in a Lone Star cell, and have them bailed out by someone that wants to hire them, or have them in the same diner that gets hit by a driveby or something. And as you saw from the games, a dead mentor's always useful.

Starter tips wise, make sure you know the rules back to front. You're the GM, you'll need to help everyone at one point or another, and hacking and magic can blow out, power wise, if you don't have a grip on things.

Nothing wrong with short runs to get things moving, and the first few runs are a great opportunity to examine the world and bring people up to speed. An organised crime boss has a child kidnapped by a Bunraku mob. A low level corper needs another corp hit. A metahuman needs you to dig up some dirt on a Humanis-backed politician. A magic type needs you do clear out a nest of nasty paracritters in the barrens, etc.

You can take advantage of the Fixers and Johnsons to guide the players as to approach as well. Give them some ideas, let them know the ground rules for the setting.
IE, the blackmail guy letting them know that the target's in a gated community. "Try not to look too Orkish, or even badly dressed, for that matter. Security won't take long to turn up in those places, so don't screw it up by being noisy, I can't let this guy know that we're targeting him like this". Or the corper guy telling you a little about the target corp, or the Bunraku parlour having some advertising out the front that illuminates the concept a bit. Basic worldbuilding stuff really, but Shadowrun's just weird enough to need a bit of attention, so don't neglect it.

My player plays that. He has the skill and reputation not to be messed with, but doesn't want to hurt anyone anymore.
My personal metric for player dice pools is <4 for something you're shit at, >8 for something you do reasonably well, 12+ for something you're an expert at.

>Or something like that. Point is, Brute Force is ALWAYS noticeable
What? No it doesn't. You blind or someshit?

>If you fail with an Attack action, you are not noticed, because you failed to affect your opponent (though note the damage effects of rejected code coming back to you. Illegal Actions, p. 231).
>you are not noticed

SR5, p.236 - "Noticing Hackers"
Well then, what do you suggest as a reasonable frequency for making Matrix perception checks? I don't wanna be meta and just do them every time the GM asks me to make a firewall roll. What else is there?
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This anon is correct, although I'd tend to replace "expert" by "respected professional". Expert would be closer to 16 dice (enough to still be pro level under complex circumstances, such as shooting during a snowstorm)
Don't they get a mark on you when you fail? Which means they're probably aware SOMETHING happened, and would make a matrix perception the next turn.

You could always buy an agent and have them make checks 24/7
>I don't wanna be meta and just do them every time the GM asks me to make a firewall roll.
Technically, this should qualify as a hidden GM roll. As a GM, I use apps to roll secretly as to not cause suspicion (or roll in advance if it's a plot point and I know the pools)

>a reasonable frequency for making Matrix perception checks?
When suspicious, and before doing any illegal actions yourself. If you're paranoid, the best is to reboot your device every once in a while.

Some people runs agents or sprites who'se sole purpose is doing matrix perception to find marks.

There definitively should be a commlink App that basically acts like a shitty Patrol IC like any good firewall program does. (AKA do a perception check every two hours using it's native attributes [usually Device Rating x2]) I think I'll add that to my campaign.

Attack action: Minor consequences on both failure and success (feedback and alarm, respectively)

Sleaze action: No consequence on success, but major consequence on failure (get marked)


Brute Force is going in as a Heist (think: Gone in 60 seconds. You break in, the alarm sound but nobody knows who/what breached, how many or where they are. You still use your stealth/sleaze to remain undedected while you snatch and grab your paydata)

Hack on The Fly: typically videogame stealth where everything is rosy until someone spots you, at which point you're caught with your pants down and gotta work twice as hard.
For suppressive fire, do you need a FA weapon? It doesn't specify in the text, but I can't really see someone putting out 20 bullets in a 3 second period using a burst-fire or semi-auto gun.
Looks like it's only FA, not because they don't say it has to, but because SS, SA and BF clearly state what they CAN do, and it's not there.


>it is in fact a combination of controlled and fully automatic bursts

Fully automatic bursts would insinuate it's only for FA, but yeah the RAW is not clear.
>Looks like it's only FA, not because they don't say it has to, but because SS, SA and BF clearly state what they CAN do, and it's not there.
Ah, thanks. Yeah, that does look to answer the question.
Alright, I'll read up on agents then. Those'll be in the Matrix/hacker section of the corebook, right?

The program section in the Matrix chapter, yeah.

So far, I've decided that I want to have them operating out of a shitty shed behind a bar. I plan for the bar to be their sort of "job hub" for the start and I want them to get their first few jobs from someone in the bar before they eventually move on.

My plan for the campaign is that they will start off with the plan of trying to fund a much better safehouse than the shitty shed and build a name for themselves as a group of runners that get the job done and then find themselves pulled into something by a corp they worked for before.

Any suggestions for the first run? None of them know anything about Shadowrun, and while I need to read the books extensively to make sure we do hacking and magic right, I want to have the first run interest them enough that they're willing to do a run every week and advance the plot a bit.

Food Fight is the traditional first run ... but have you checked this out?
>one player is super into Shadowrun and hype to play
>two barely respond and have given only 2-3 words about their character
>one hasn't even responded if they're playing or not
>herded them together via steam to talk backstory and characters, ended up barely discussing anything of note

God damnit. I thought I had a group.
Such is the risk of matrix meets. Try setting up a meatspace group.
Try not livimg in an area with four digit population and I would.

All we have here is MtG.
Come on, there aren't two people amongst those that would be willing to give RPG's a shot? That's all you need to get started.
>There definitively should be a commlink App that basically acts like a shitty Patrol IC like any good firewall program does. (AKA do a perception check every two hours using it's native attributes [usually Device Rating x2]) I think I'll add that to my campaign

That's what an agent is for. And since Matrix Perception uses Data Processing as limit, you can do it from a Commlink/RCC, null sweat.
Commlinks can't load programs can they?

Commlinks can load programs, mostly lightweight ones like Browse and whatnot. Not full decking cyberprograms unless you kit them out or your GM is lenient.
Not by default, but you can mod one with a program carrier module and install the agent in there.

Costs some nuyen, but worth it for the 24/7 matrix overwatch.
Note: you can't do this directly; you have to go Program Carrier (Virtual Machine) > Agent.
They could in SR4, why not now?
So, new player question: For a purely combat oriented (Street Samurai) character, is it more efficient to go adept and boost yourself with buffs, or go the cyber-/bioware route to go full robocop?
Explosive rounds should deal more damage.
Bioware adept is the way to minmaxing.
Then again, it's easier to deal with magical minmaxed builds with background count, since counters to a chromed powergamer also screw over all other non-awakened.
Throwing everything you have to maximise *one* skill is not the smartest thing to do in shadowrun, even for a purely combat character. Bioadept faces are strong as fuck though.
I have a question, regarding 5e.

How viable is it to make a character with a max rating Skilljack and max rating Skill wires? Costs a bunch (40,000 nuyen and 1.2 Essence (for Alphaware)), but opens up alot of possibilities, I think.

Any thoughts?
You're probably better off starting with a mundane with a lot of 'ware for a first character, if you want a killing machine.
Actually, I was more going for a Riotshield frontman, with gas mask and all that. SWAT style basically. Bone lacing and Orthoskin were two things that looked really nice on paper.
Not being able to bullshit your way through checks with edge is a bit of a downside of skillsofts. Activesofts also cost a bunch, a lot more than the jack and wires themselves do. And using a skillsoft network or running three skills at once is basically opening your asscheeks and leaving yourself at either your team's decker's, or the enemy hackers' mercy, since there's no way to go around the wireless requirement with a router.

It's pretty solid anyway if you know what skills to have with you when stepping outside the safehouse.
If you want to go soak monster, then even more reason to go the 'ware route.

Magic is, well, not bad at boosting soak, but has a harder time doing it.
So why is the Vocal Range Expander bioware rating R, while the Voice Modulator cyberware is rating F? Is it because CGL hates cybernetics, or am I missing something?
Voice Modulator doesn't really have any legal uses that immediately leap to mind, while a singer could get the range expander for their work?
Might have something to do with modulator adding its rating to impersonation tests.
You could use the modulator for singing just as easily, though.
As a mage, you only need to cover with gear what you can't already cover with spells, since spells are always better.
Apart from that, you want to be prepared for if you take too much drain and have a high wound modifier from stun damage (or physical). Keep in mind also that drain damage cannot be healed unless by resting, so no stim patches omae.
Doubt it, senpai.
>Others insist that there’s no discernible difference in expanded ranges and natural voices, unlike the distorted sound of cybernetic vocal enhancement, and that snobbery is the only reason for pushback.
I thought stim patches did work on drain, I'm short my book atm, but doesn't it just say it can't be healed by first aid or magic?
what would you call first aid if not stim patches
Something that uses the First Aid skill, which stim patches don't.
Can you guys think of any premade runs or run hooks with a technomancer (or otaku, I guess) as Johnson? I have a situation where a player will be seeking out someone to perform a resonance realm search, and I'd like them to have to do more than just buy it, you know?
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You are the reason why we can never have nice things.
What are you even doing playing tabletops if you hate anyone with reading comprehension.
No him, but I'd call "using a medkit" first aid, not "slap on this patch full of adrenaline". Stop being so butthurt someone disagrees with your perception of things.
Not as a Johnson, but you could have a triad's techno picked up by a corp and the runners have to break him out
"Nice things" is slapping on a stimpatch to get rid of stun damage so I can cast more shit. Therefore, you are the reason we can't have nice things.
Hey /srg/, I have a question about the setting and spell casting in general.

Is possession magic a thing? Is it reserved only for spirits and the like? Is it maleficarum? Could my PCs ever have reasonable access to it?
What would be the best way to include the Nac Mac Feegle in Shadowrun?
It is; no, you can make spirits possess vessels or yourself; usually no, exceptions exist; definitely yes, check Street Grimoire.
Speaking of patches, do you ever have to worry about the wireless bonus on trauma patch? Keep the wi-fi turned off until you need it and then just slap it on, and it immediately works.
What do you think using a medkit actually entails if not using drugs? oO
Page 278
Please form an orderly line for the ass fucking
But a stim patch doesn't heal, it just suppresses it for a while before it comes right back. It doesn't even use the word "heal" in the description.
Also, the Missions (official living campaign) errata says you can use them to remove drain temporarily, but it comes back as drain, not just normal stun: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12034805/Shadowrun%20Missions%20Chicago%20FAQ%20Update%20v1.2.pdf

Page 13:
>>Can a stim patch be used to heal Drain?
>Technically, stim patches do not heal anything. They simply temporarily remove the damage for a short period of time. So yes, stim patches can be used to negate the stun damage done by drain.
>However, when the stim patch wears off the user reapplies the removed stun damage, plus one extra box of stun. To prevent abuse, this extra box of stun is also counted as Drain damage, and thus is unable to be healed magically.

Go suck a dick.
It "removes" stun damage, but you later take rating+1 unresisted damage. The old damage doesn't come back, it just vanishes. So technically, it kinda seems to get healed.
Could a mech suit rigger take distinctive style without anyone knowing what they look like?
Basically, they never go on a run without their suit on, but a mech suit it going to be pretty recognizable
Does anyone have that matrix flowchart? The one that shows you what matrix actions you should do in order? I lost it when I was switching computers
Mech suit?
Some creative part additions and you can turn any vehicle into a mech, the rest is fluff
So did your GM forget that failed Attack actions bounce matrix damage back to the attacker? You'd be none the wiser to the attack but he'd wreck his deck after a few failed tries.
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SR5 Matrix Flowsheet.pdf
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See attached
Thank you! I knew I saw it somewhere!
I'm not usually a fan of hidden rolls, but this would have to qualify.
It sure did. Some script kiddie was bouncing attacks off the drone's firewall. I was just trying to drive home the point of matrix defence and overwatch. The techno jumped into VR and rekt the guy though.

Probably bad form, since it was in the middle of the meet. The Johnson tried to politely ignore the rigger and techno going unconscious and drooling a bit on themselves.
Thank you so much for the sheet, I really appreciate it
Okay, so I'm the anon from last thread who's working on a job board for her group. I've got most of it sorted, but the real question right now: Should I have a Jackpoint-esque stable of minor NPCs contributing to non-job discussion (and occasional job advice), or just one or two people running the whole thing as a fixer? The latter is in either way, it's more the minor NPCs I'm wondering on.
I didn't plan that at all for my group. The players have their contacts, where fixers usually are the "core NPCs" who get you jobs, and during the different runs quite a few other NPCs came into play. Depending on which NPCs the players interacted most with, a somewhat stable lineup of characters grew on it's own.
GMs of /srg/: Do you modify the prices or effectiveness of any gear (guns, cyberware, drugs, etc...), and if so how?
Do you really need to max an attribute? Do I really need 8 charisma for a shaman face or is 7 enough?
Are you rolling 12-15 dice in your main skills? Because that's generally your target coming out of character creation. If you can meet that with 7 charisma, you're good.
He's a mage so I imagine his main concern regarding Charisma would be the drain, not the skills.
What would you be giving up for the point of Charisma?
The only modification I have so far is that all laser weapons are shifted up in Availability, but they also each get an extra point of damage.
you need to sell shadowrun to a prospective player in ten sentences or less. what do you say?
Play a few One-Shots. Judge it afterwards.

It's useless to add a VM program to a commlink since commlink can't run cyberprograms at all, per RAW.
>Explosive rounds should deal more damage.

Considering that german was Ex-X, and that all explosive rounds at the time were Hand Loads... the shadowrun equivalent is +3DV -1AP. Fired from a WWII gun as presented, we'll use the Garand's rule from Gun H(e)aven 3. It's 12P -1AP

The new total is now 15P -2AP.

A good centermass shot as shown in this video would be a good 3 net hits at minimum.

Total damage to be resisted: 18P -2AP

I think the explosive ammunition runs fine rules thankyouverymuch.
If what you want is straight up soak, get an Omegaware Titanium Bone Lacing and a Restricted Gear (Alphaware Dermal Plating[6])

That's 4.5 Essence, +3 Bod, +9 Armor, +3 to unarmed damage. It's the best armor rating compatible with the endgame Milspec Armor.
Orthoskin and bone lacing or bone density work just fine, but are also chew up quite a bit of essence at chargen. They're pretty cheap nuyen-wise, so you'll be able to get higher-grade versions fairly quickly and free up a lot of essence, but at chargen they'll severely restrict your options.

Grab rating 3 move by wire with Restricted Gear instead of skillwires, and beg your GM to use the german prices for skilljacks.

Skillsofts are expensive, true, but they're still a steal compared to buying skills up to rank 6.

Worth considering is a subscription to a skillsoft network (CF p. 78). It's expensive, but being able to know and do anything is nifty.

Hardwires are pretty cheap tho.
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>GOD is wathcing
Is this typo, or a real thing? I'm new to the lore.
Grid overwatch defense or something.
I'm the shaman I don't fucking know
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>Players want to start using weapons from WAR! & EWA

I don't really mind but this can only end poorly and me most likely getting bitched out if they try to take on the army head on at some point
Grid Overwatch Division, or the fun police. Do too many illegal things without rebooting your device, you get a nice chunk of damage, booted off the matrix, and they call the meatspace cops.
I was thinking of building a Russian or Serbian torturer/face/doctor.

What's the state of Russia these days? Good build idea, bad, ways I can improve the concept?
Good idea.

What's Russia like? Who cares! Just do the accent (sometimes) and have your character drink a lot of vodka.

Well, after the Awakening and stuff, Russia decided that the time was ripe to conquer Europe. They conquor Poland and Finland, and are on their way through Germany when SOMEONE manages a simultaneous series of air strikes, assassinations, and computer virus attacks. Russia backs off, Berlin gets another wall, because Shadowrun writers have enormous boners for anachronisms.

Shortly afterwards, the Alliance for Allah (lol) decides that the time is right for THEM to conquor Europe. Russia jumps in to save the day, which helps ease some of the tension.

It's pretty much 60s/70s Russia again, except with cyborg orks.
Thanks omae. This is going to be a lot of fun.
For the motherland!
Right now? Revanchist and aggressive. Riddled with internal corruption, economy is in bad shape, so the government is turning to nationalism and shows of military strength to keep things in check.
>Berlin gets another wall

Well, the wall was to divide the Flux and the rest of Berlin, but the Flux was obliterated and assimilated and the wall torn down now.
No, not yet, but I am considering rescaling the price of wired reflexes.

I really feel like Wired Reflexes 2 should be a bit cheaper. Rating 1 is fine, cheap but relatively essence-heavy. Level 2 cranks the price up so far that bioware almost always is the better option, money- and of course essencewise. Also I wonder why the newer, more high-tech bioware has better availability.

Wired Reflexes (Rating 1-3)
Rating 1: 2.0 Essence — 08R — 039,000¥
Rating 2: 3.0 Essence — 12R — 149,000¥
Rating 3: 5.0 Essence — 20R — 217,000¥

Synaptic booster (Rating 1-3)
Rating 1: 0.5 Essence — 06R — 095,000¥
Rating 2: 1.0 Essence — 12R — 190,000¥
Rating 3: 1.5 Essence — 18R — 285,000¥

Why isn't it something like this, with linear scaling but still a big difference between essence and monetary cost?

Wired Reflexes (Rating 1-3)
Rating 1: 1.5 Essence — 06R — 055,000¥
Rating 2: 2.5 Essence — 12R — 110,000¥
Rating 3: 3.5 Essence — 18R — 165,000¥
Good question. I wish it was
It's probably an allusion to the older editions. Wired Reflexes have been around since 2050, and had this exact essence scaling and weird prices for a very long time.
How would you guys run a game "From the other side". Where your players are security, cops, civilian contractors.

Are they The new jacks on Lone Star's Special Investigations unit? Are they beat security in one of the larger corporate own neighborhoods? Or are they the last of the dying breed of Government sponsored Police Officers?

Personally i'd run it like pic related.
With the kind of character builds considered acceptable here, they should be a squad of Red Samurai lieutenants at the very least.
All of the mentioned could work, imho. Depending on the general power level, of course. Also: I want to play in a DocWaggon campaign!
As security/HTR/cop type jobs? I'd probably put them as part or at the head of an anti-crime taskforce.
I was thinking of applying a flat 5-10% discount on cyber to make it competitive against bio and magic. Anybody else run a discount, and if so, what amount, and how well does it work?
I noticed that a while back when trying to make a no-bioware sammy. At Rating 2, which is what you want unless you are using Restricted Gear, Boosters are one third of the Essence cost for only a 30% increase in cost.
Rating 3 is even more ridiculous.

The only good thing with the current system is that you can realisticly stick Rating 1 Wired Reflexes on a lot of go-gangers and corp-secs.

Speaking of GITS: SAC: 2nd GIG: Electric Boogaloo...

Full body replacement. Is it even feasible, given the rules?
The best you can get is a Robocop-like result: there'lll still be some fleshy bitz in your torso and skull.

Brain-in-a-jar was possible in 4e, but they ditched it.
I'm considering having a 20% Essence cost reduction on "full body mods" (Muscle Replacements, Wired Reflexes, Bone Lacing, Orthoskin...) for each full cyberlimb installed.
What? But if I'm not rolling 20 dice for everything I do how can I win the game?
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On a related note... How awesome would it be to be a rigger with a Tachikoma?
Some of those augmentations don't exactly get in the way of the limbs and aren't hindered by them. You still get the same extra armor from bones, and WR strictly benefit from this with no downsides. It feels like something that could be as easily abused as the Redliner revision someone suggested earlier.
I'm not suggesting they are hindered, just that your soul should not care as much if you change every muscle in your body compared to every muscle in your body minus your two arms that are already cybered up. The nuyen cost stays the same, as you have to adapt the limbs to keep pace with the rest of the body.

I'm aware this opens some opportunities for abuse, which is why I'm only thinking about it and not implenting it yet.
Also Essence calculations are already complex enough

Well you could get around some of the cost of "Mission expenses" with requisitions and what not. But then you have to dance around the paper work and red tape and DAMNIT theres no time! The terrorist said the bomb would explode at noon!
How far along is the work on putting Rigger 5.0 into chummer? I'm really looking forward to playing around with some of these drones and vehicles.
We have a face whose entire purpose is facing to the point where he literally has NO combat skills. He bunkers down with the rigger in the van or does nonviolent infiltration with his connections and the right documentation and forgery. He's basically Moist Von Lipwig without even a shred of morals and loads of mafia connections.
they actually -do- work if you don't play them as a suboptimal decker and instead play them as SPRITE MASTER SUPREME while using complex forms as emergency 'oh fuck' buttons rather than your go-to choice of operation.
How would one run as-realistic-as-possible anthroform drones in 3e? I have a concept that's equal measures interesting and depressing, but it requires it to be possible to make highly realistic anthroforms (or some other, more obscure alternative - I mainly read up on street-level lore, so I might not know some of the more esoteric methods).
The character is an Ares exec who's being allowed to indulge his peculiarities as a runner, so resources are at A. I'm the GM, so I know I could just homebrew or handwave if I felt like it, but I like having characters written into NSRCG, and I also prefer to not cheat or fudge if I can make it properly.
They make good hackers too, if your GM interprets Sprites as being able to do Teamwork Tests.
To elaborate, I'm thinking of a typical van (or in this case office) rigger who has all the resources that he needs, doing most of his running through a remote-controlled van containing a few anthroform drones with weapons mounts, ideally indistinguishable from humans on casual observation. Of course, he speaks and interacts through them.
I know that it might almost be easier to just create a low-stat character for the drones themselves and apply the rigger's skills, considering that it's an NPC character who probably isn't going to be extremely major, and most (if not all) of his rolls are going to be through the drones. Rigger rules are a headache, and I'm really only asking because I like the concept I've come up with.
I don't like cheating, fudging or abstracting things, but looking at the rigger rules and comparing them to how much screentime the character will likely get, abstracting it into a character sheet instead of using the drone rules is likely what I'll be going for if there isn't a clear solution. Building a walker seems like the closest equivalent, but I'm not sure if it can be made to look like a human.
It shouldn't create any plotholes, though, as it's basically just a more advanced Actroid loaded up with weapons and remote-controlled by the rigger.
Why wouldn't they be?
I don't know, some people have a problem with that (and Agents too). Honestly, technos don't need another kick in the nuts.
Yeah. I could understand saying no to teamwork test for those Matrix Actions the Agent/Sprite doesn't have the skill linked with; but not outright refusing them.
Is there any true advantage in dual wielding pistols over just using multiple attacks with a single weapon (aside from more ammo capacity)?
To me it reads like they amount to about the same.
Did they ever release a TM book after the disaster that was Data Trails for TMs?
I remember a discussion about it here.
I don't see it in the mega, so...did it not happen/not-yet?
Not yet. E-book is still being worked on according to Little Mac.
There were hiccups in the development that set it back (namely, Little Mac quit for personal reasons, now she's back), but I think it's still in the official upcoming releases list.
Welp. Alright, cool, as long as it isn't dead.
Does it have a name?
I haven't checked up on 5e (or anything /tg/ related really) for about one year.

Did 5e ever get Karma gen?
Did it ever get a Chummer? How's it compare to 4e chummer? Is there a 4e-to-5e character converter included?
What's happened in the metaplot?

Thanks for the update
Yes, it's even better and constantly updated
The official 4e-5e conversion is okay but kinda shit
CFD, CFD zombies, and one of the big 10 is set up to fall.
Are there any rules for imposing yourself between the enemy and an ally, or for an ally to take cover behind you? I want to make a troll that literally acts as a wall and medic for the team.
Chummer 5 is in the OP. It's breddy gud. based yekka
My bad, I've become one of those people who skips the OP's of generals.

The cover rules apply. There's even a section for using metahuman bodies as cover. Simply put, if you totally obscured the target, then they'd effectively be shooting blind, or needing to penetrate the troll to get to the runner behind him.

Beyond that, it's not exactly something that rules cover easily. If there's a giant troll rampaging around, then he's either going to attract a lot of attention anyway, or well disciplined corpsec is going to specifically target what he's protecting anyway. Putting yourself as the best target is likely going to make you more likely to be target than anything else.

Maybe some very bright coloured armour? Flashpacks strapped on?
There's also that armour mod that gives you the effects of a Flashpack woven in.
Duel-wielding becomes useful when you start hitting your accuracy limit consistently and you need somewhere to put those points. Called shots aren't always the best move. I had a street sam who was rolling enough with Machine Pistols that duel-wielding TMPs became viable. It was fun.
So how viable is it to play an AI which jumps into it's i-Doll and actually uses it for runs?
Presuming 4e because I don't know 5th
'skillsofts' for drones are a LOT cheaper than for meatbags, so you'll be able to buy 10 skills for every one skillsoft a meatbag could have
Stuff to watch out for is how long your drone can run before needing to refuel. I think it's 6 hours by default

Also, isn't it a Nadeshiko (though an Evo Orderly can do the same stuff)? I made a runner called iDoll and everyone hated it, as they should have
Does anyone know the name of the prototype weapon that you would have to roll a 1d6 everytime you would shoot it?
That actually sounds like a really cool idea, having the PCs be an elite DocWagon team extracting high value customers from in the middle of firefights and street warzones.
Skillsofts for drones actually take up autosoft slots now. Don't you use your own skill ratings anyway?
The Nadeshiko and the i-Doll are mechanically the same.

What about the drone pretending to be a rigger and stuffing some cyberarms in as a back-up?
Use a Direktionssekretar instead.
>take up autosoft slots now.
Yea but you don't need lockpicking 4 all the time. Just load up some basic stuff to plug in holes you have due to spending karma on non-combat shit
4 dice is better than no dice
Realistic Features though
AIs can't use autosofts in place of skills
Direktionssekretar can take Realistic Features. They're explicitly stated to be used for infiltration and spying.
To follow up with this I think it was a ares rifle from one of the older books but i'm not sure
The Ares Excalibur
Oh, shit, yeah, the Excalibur. That's the one.
Is it worth upgrading the Pilot rating when you plan to only jump in a drone?
Not really, since you'll be using your meatbag attributes/skills when jumped in.
Thanks a ton
It's the bored writefag who barely does anything but rewrite creepy or fetishistic character concepts into hopefully functional ones here. If anyone even reads these, I hope that they can serve as proof of concept that a surprising amount of bad concepts can be saved with a bit of work.
>quick glance

Formatting, dude. Actual paragraph breaks. Please. PLEASE.
I know, I know. It's a bad habit. It distracts me to paragraph-break when I'm writing, and when I do it afterwards, I feel like I'm artificially inflating my writing.
does the mega not have storm front on it?
Steel Lynx with grenade launcher, Gecko Grip, Rigger Coccoon, 2 Crude Cyberarms with integrated cybersubmachineguns, winch.


Very possible for corps. Betaware/Deltaware makes it stupidly easy to do cyborgs. Considering the closest to the GiTS crew is the Lonestar Shadowriders, betaware at the very least. AAA equivalent (like the FireWatch) would be Deltaware.

Well, only Kusanagi (and maybe Batou, but I'm not sure he's on an artificial brain too) are true 100% cyborg as far as I recall. Also, SR4 brain-in-jars cyborgs used normal drone bodies, not usually human conversions. (think LQ-84i)

>So how-to in SR?
In short, following the Shadowrun concepts of cybernetics, GiTS crew wouldn't be "cyberlimb"-cyborgs (that would be the Appleseed cyborg) but rather a replacement of all fleshy bits with cyberware (same thing for MRR:Revangeance characters, they still bleed). This means complete muscular, dermal and skeletal replacements (Muscle Replacement [4], Titanium Bone Lacing, Dermal Armor [6]). Considering corps would select a biocompatible subject (or science them until they are) for complete conversions AND they'd make it an augmentation bundle for a further 10% essence cost reduction... on Delta that's only 3.06 essence cost. Add a Move-By-Wire[3] and you're now at 4.56.

Cyberears[4], Cybereyes[4], Skilljack[6], VCR[1] brings it to 5.34

You still got plenty of room for nanohives and brain 'ware.

Now, remember that Cyberzombies are even stronger than that...
MGR characters bleed because they have a stabilizing liquid that covers wounds and that is totally not blood. Giant robots in MGS2 had the same kind of blood. Cyborgs there also have their torsos completely replaced, so a complete conversion essentially only leaves 4e's brain in a jar.
>so a complete conversion essentially only leaves 4e's brain in a jar

The problem is that SR4 brains-in-jars are babies (human or animal) brains with artificially induced personalities, because adult fully-formed brains don't survive the trauma.

They do survive, they're just more likely to go nuts. Which is an ongoing issue for the other brain types as well, just a slightly less critical one.

Having said that finding an analogy is going to be difficult however you wrangle it because Cyberware makes you insane/evil/kills you in Shadowrun, and in GitS it doesn't.
Well, early game Raiden is not a full conversion yet, Jetstream Sam is barely augmented (he's a cheesebag with only one superoptimised cyberarm and maybe a couple of bioware). Sundowner fits the flesh-replacement. Mistral and and Monsoon would be full cyberlimb conversions though.

Mistral in particular is funny SR5-wise, because she basically has like 18 modular connectors to which she connects small [immobile] drones with cyberarms mods that are all linked to one DR6 RCC acting as a Swarm with Unarmed [6] autosoft for insane Parry rolls.
Can you Inhabit an ally into a wimp?

It seems a much kinder option than kidnapping someone off the street...

It would follow the same rules as inhabiting a corpse, since WIMPs are not "alive" (no essence).

Which is then "inhumane" for the spirit.
Someone could remind me what are the rules for Shadowrunning? I just know the "never cut a dragon" or something
Watch your back
Shoot straight
Conserve ammo
Never cut a deal with a Dragon
>Having said that finding an analogy is going to be difficult however you wrangle it because Cyberware makes you insane/evil/kills you in Shadowrun, and in GitS it doesn't.

Well, you won't get a 1:1 conversion, but >>44485472 was pretty close thematically and functionally.

Make sure you trust whoever is watching your back
Shoot straight, but only shoot if you need to
Bring enough ammo to get the job done
Never knowingly cut a deal with a dragon

What the drek is that, the Sperethiel version for fancypants?
Watch your back.
Shoot straight.
Conserve ammo.
Never, ever cut a deal with a dragon.

Geek the Mage first.
Geek the Techno second.
Never use .jpg
Enough guns is never enough.
First to fall asleep gets drawn on.
Carry Stick 'n Shock or Gel Rounds
Assume everything contains RFIDs
Beat up nerds, take their computers.
Always have leverage on your Johnson, for security.
Make a good first impression, strong handshake, eye contact.
Guns may solve problems, but so do bribes. Which also make you less enemies.
Get your payment in an escrow account.
You can add:
>never run against the Azzies
>Shoot infected on sight
To that list.
>Stick 'n Shock or Gel Rounds
Welp. Those are things I need to pick up in a few days.

>never run against the Azzies
Look kid, Im a seasoned player, some might even say that Im one of the best, if not the best, gamer this board has to offer. Dont believe me? I have over 300 hundred board games at my house, over a 100 at my arms reach right now. Card games? I got a deck for every possible combination of cards of M:tg, I even go to tournments and shit. No biggie. D&D? I'm proud to say that as a player I'm always the party leader, maxed as I can be and I'm not afraid of taking that extra edge that puts me ahead of enemies and allies alike. Hell, I got to get paid for having sex with hot girls and killing dragons with my expert builds. I like to shit on the GM one-directional adventures, by solving it with brains and brawl instead of one or the other, wether the party likes it or not. When Im the GM, Im proud to say that NO PARTY ever finished one of my adventures. Think you're gonna face some lazy sleepy goblins? Think again, they are fully trained comandos, that will attack and take full cover before you can do shit. Dont hate the player, hate the game. WH40K? Dont even get me started, kiddo, shit would blow your weaklings mind on how real it gets.
So, you listen, kiddo, and you listen good, because this will be a freebie.
The system is full of what we in the know call noob traps. You step into one, and you may as well kill yourself, because you are now dead weight. Trolls, complex forms, full cyberlegs, luxury lifestyle, flaws that do more than give extra karma - they are at every corner, and they are there to get you. So you tread carefully, and only use something you know works, and works well at that.
Bottomline: You are either laying it right or you are not playing at all.
anyone have any info on the yakuza groups in Seattle? we're planning on setting up a company there and one of the players in our party has connections to the yakuza but doesn't know the proper lore for which clan he should be in now that has come up. any information or references would be helpful.
Please /tg/-sama, let me suckle on your gorilla munchkin cock while you answer one more stupid question:

What if I have done none of those things aside from getting two full cyberlegs. How do I recoup my loss?
All things considered, I'd rather stay alive, omae. All the nuyen in the world don't matter if you're dead.
Sounds like something a wageslave would say. You sure you run the shadows and don't just dress up like it's Halloween all year, chummer?

Would... Would that work? Could I do this?

I was always sort of disappointed that there wasn't a good method of getting extra arms in shadowrun.
Nah, a wageslave is dead already, a zombie in its corp-controlled cocoon. It'd praise the Azzies with its dying breath instead of spitting on them and staying as far away of them as possible.
According to fluff actual additional cyberlimbs aren't possible.
The only exceptions are very very few npcs like Hatchetman who has 3 arms, but he's also a batshit insane cyberzombie.
>never run against the Azzies
Here's some Corp-specific advice
>With Ares, you'll be running in to, or with some super heavy weaponry. Carry KE IV, and spray everyone.
>With Aztechnology, you'll either be going for something entirely mundane, or running into horrific blood sacrificing assholes who you should run away from, fast.
>With NeoNET, Computers or something, I don't know, their characterization sucks horse dick
>With Wuxing, expect mystical juju, geomancy, fung shui, and big trucks.
>With Renraku, expect super racist assholes who don't stop fucking around with fire. Try to avoid attracting the Red Samurai, and don't acknowledge the existence of any A.I. you see
>With EVO, be prepared for things to get... Weird. Monkey-people, cyborg dogs, sapient squid. That kind of stuff.
>With MCT... Make fucking sure you're not going into a Zero-Zone.
>With Shiawase... These guys are fucking WEIRD. When the Goddamn SPIRITS which your entire culture revolves around fucking hate your guys, you know something's up.
>With S-K, do the job fucking well. Do your best work ever. Work tooth and nail. That way if Lofwyr takes notice, he'll likely try to hire you for some counter-work, rather than kill you for fucking with him.
>Horizon. What a nice bunch of guys, I really don't understand why anyone would want to run against them. It'd kinda be like taking money from a charity, know what I'm saying? Don't get fucking captured. Brainwashing ensues. They don't even let you swear any more.
I thought it was possible to have a few sets of limbs. Surge furries can have 6 arms, shouldn't it be possible to have cybernetic ones as well?
>With S-K, do the job fucking well. Do your best work ever. Work tooth and nail. That way if Lofwyr takes notice, he'll likely try to hire you for some counter-work, rather than kill you for fucking with him
Shouldn't it be that way with most corps? Outsize of crazy japs and azzies (so like half of megas are already out), most other corps' executives should know not to go after a respectable professional and a potential asset.

They way I see it, when dealing with corps, your current employer should be a bigger potential threat than a corp you run against.

Just run them as bundles, it gives an additional 10% discount to Esssence.
Read Seattle 2072
i ran a game where the players worked for horizon on a show like Cops and they got to see how the other half lives.

as turns out they live in constant fear.

They're not additional limbs, they're pieces of equipment. They run on their own initiative and all that shit.

Just don't get them hacked because OH BOI
Nartakis too. They don't get an essence discount when replacing that shit though... So be careful.
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True, but you can attach cyberlimbs to drones, which you can run off of a Swarm... This is the most compelling idea for a non-standard Rigger that I've ever heard, real talk.
Really? I thought wimps could breathe on their own, and retained unconscious bodily functions, which a corpse doesn't.

So, the only way to get a cyber-ally is to kill somebody?
Personally I don't see why not.
I'd have you take qualities based on ambidextrous though.

So if you want to use your third arm without a -4 penalty (or your fourth one with -6 etc) you'd need to take ambidextrous and tridextrous (and quadextrous and so on) to actually use them effectively yet you'd still have to split your dicepools according to the multiple-attacks rule.
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