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OFFICIAL /comfy/ EURO 2016 THREAD #6
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12th of June 2016

Turkey vs. Croatia -- Paris 0-1

Poland vs. Northern Ireland -- Nice 0-0(15m in)

Germany vs. Ukraine -- Lille (9 p, CET/3 pm ET, ESPN)

Previous thread: >>68364455
1st for comfy
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first for nothing but comfy

>tfw hearing the sound of the rain hitting the concrete right now
feel like i might skip this game tbqhwyl
i wish i knew that feel friend

so hot here
Who will score First?
That hurt.
Is Blaszczykowski the one who saw his father murder his mother?

I seem to remember reading that somewhere
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1-5=Poland scores first
6-0=Northern Ireland scores first
Never heard of something like that t bh
I'm guessing Poland.
Looks like rain here
max comfy incoming
what happened to your nt team if compared to the last century

will brazil suffer the same fate
I don't think so, you have an endless supply of favela kids who play football all day

people here care way less about football than a few decades ago
The fan chors are so soothing.
Fuck me man! Pure horror
Gah, I feel like my first reaction if something like that happened to me would be to just give up, not become a professional footballer.

How do these lads do it?
Yeah. Raised by his uncle.
It's OK to cry but you must move on.
Great pass from pizcek
Is Milik a meme? I don't watch Eredivisie
ARGH so close.
second this
it's not like she got shot or something
literally stabbed to death. He must have stabbed here more than 10 times. It's just crazy to see this not when you're some kid who's still innocent about stuff, but when you're 10 years old and you're starting to comprehend the world a bit more. must have been crushing
SHould've buried that one laddy
>Watching game from overhead camera

Thank you BBC

Please explain.
He is good a loan from bayer Leverkusen they will buy him i guess
everything will be daijoubu
Fucking animals.
england fan tackled a norn iron or polish fan?
the french lads are saying 'il va lui voler le drapeau' (he's going to steal their flag) but he ends up tackling them. just some banter
Louts mate.

This is what it's like on any night out in Britain, have to put up with these goons everywhere you go.
shoo shoo dirty northerner
Can't your police do anything about it?

Oh wait...
so why can I hear them speaking French?
This.but he proofs us all its not about the fall its about the comeback
the lad under the rain is british.
so it's a group of French people, but the one who did bad thing is English?
Hands! !??
Almost blooter, nice save
It's a party infront of northern irelands goal.
just a prank bro :^_))))
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I bet we're gonna lose
the lad who tackled them is british
the group talking are bystanders and have nothing to do with him
This is totally unfair. Why is northern ireland allowed to play with 11 keepers?
Top banter
futaba top qt

is the entire irish team in the penalty box all the time?
That NI back line of six is just glorious. They give no fucks about playing any sort of football.
Looking forward for konyplianka and timoshuk but it will be indeed a tuff game
I was for n ireland before the match started but poland is clearly better and has my cheering now.
It's like a failed greek formation.
Not good not bad t bh
>get to a Euro for the first time in your history
>proceed to play 6 at the back
why is this allowed
just fuck off if you don't want to play footy
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Time to roll out that dough, make a sauce and place nice toppings.
>poland is clearly better

As if everyone didn't already fucking know this you mong
you can literally 0-0 draw your way out of the group, blame uefa
this is garbage tbqh
I think its a good decision against poland
lewandowski is one of the best CFs worldwide
you just know they're going to play like this until they get out
It's a good decision, but makes for a fucking awful match
>just fuck off if you don't want to play footy
This is footy tho, it's how you have to play against a superior team, like Poland, if you want to have a chance.
>tfw your country will never be as good of a country as poland

What can we do against them? Better at football, cuter girls, no arabs/niggers, bigger dicks, more masculine, more nationalism.
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Minute 39 did he play the ball with his hand?
I dont think so

Have a look at based zdf
you wouldn't last a day in poland you mong

>playing 6 (SIX) at the back against a slightly better team is okay
jesus fuck
Maybe I'll just nap during the second half time, go get some snacks for the Germany - Ukraine match instead. This match is semen slurping at its finest tbqfhwyfam

Tfw they didnt even set a foot in polish box
Why the fuck not? It's safer than here.
just saw modric's goal... wew

i don't know where you live but everytime I go to stockholm/country side to visit my family I don't get any problems tbf
>go to get ice from the ice cube tray in my freezer
>ice that I put in like four hours ago hasn't frozen yet
>cold water all over my floor

Jesus, this is not comfy.
kek, this is so german
also based
>tfw the /comfy/ thread is divided in two just like ireland itself

theres a smaller, third one too, gueess it represents Cork
sorry poland but i must let you down
i want this to finish in a draw, so we can in the worst case scenario pass the group with 3-4 points
>park the bus
>tfw I removed milik from my fantasy team to put in Müller
yes /comfy/ we back

this is miles better than the totally non-comfy britcomfy thread

God damn North Ireland you suck dick
Best hope Müller has a good game then.
About time
poles have successfully claimed their place as irelands second race

ulster scots BTFO

Oh nice poland scored one.
>take back six counties after the failure that will be brexit
>expel prods
>sell 3 counties to Poland
Milik is the next lewandowski
and blazcikowski is a bit disappointing
ajax bought him last year
Probably, but you will beat at least NI and maybe even Poland
I was not sure but good Job
How much $$??
>so german
too bad there is nothing so dutch in this tournament
I'm so tired
like my eyes could close anytime soon
€2.5 million
i like that feeling
just as im about to drift off, i hope i do not wake up
but i always do
Dunno mate this ireland team seems a little too chill.
Seems legit t bh
its not like that though
i feel good just extremely tired
Good lord, I was about to ask what everyone was doing between matches, but then realised there's still half an hour this left!

Think I'll make a nice cup of tea.
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Is Long on the pitch/even nominale?
Long plays for the other Ireland
Fair challenge desu
Hello is this the /pol/ free zone?
>tfw it's not comfy anymore, just boring

for the most part
I will eat my selfmade pizza and then probbaly fap with the after eating rush.
What are you putting on your pizza bro? Couple of cheeky olives?
yes, but don't mention them or they will appear

>Poland vs N. Ireland
>expecting something else
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ARD stream just implodd?
We try
Salami, hamsausage, brown mushrooms and sliced tomatos. The juice of the tomatos I used as base for the sauce.
I'm hoping for some good memes tomorrow, the Belgium game should deliver

maybe even the Germany game today if we're lucky
I hope you'll at least wash your hands in between those two actions
How did NIR qualify? Who shot the goals for them?
>the state of Washington
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Kapustka sounds as a "cabbage" in Russian language, pretty funny
I kept thinking they were saying Kafka.
Ireland please no you deserve to get another 6 goals rammed into your lame arse for this game.
thats exactly what kapusta/kapuskta means in polish
Kyle Lafferty got six
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Milik a qt
I can't speak for their other games, but we choked away the lead in both our games against them, they were really lucky
How the FUCK did we not qualify
>blaming ireland for how shitty the north is

n-no bully

This will be a shitshow with them i can see a 5-1 against germany
Lewandowski should have just pretended he was playing against Hannover, he'd have scored that.

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Well why didn't they send the south to qualify then?
love the bbc commentary where if a NIR player manages to complete a pass they praise them like they're messi
professional choking skills
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Slow down bro! You are saying the wall is down?
...we did?
They have to or they'll get whined at for being England biased.
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This is a comfy match.
At least he hit the goal even if it was only from behind.
It's a boring match

I'm looking forward to your game later
I always have way more trouble with ard than zdf
the whole em.zdf section is pretty based tbqh
Their buildup game suck
why isn't ireland called southern ireland

Why isn't Virginia called East Virginia?
Guys should i bet 5-1 for germany vs. Ukraine?
Why isn't England called Zantar? We'll never know..
>it's another 1 goal difference episode
good point
Why is USA not called Middle America?
It was for like 15 minutes. At least according to English law prior to the Anglo-Irish treaty
Nah, it's the first match, they aren't gonna score that much. Just like France, they will underperform, but still win.
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Holy so much power in that shot. If only they could aim a little better.
If that had gone in, he'd be in contention for goal of the tournament there.
Good corner.
That match was really not good
im going to learn for my driverlicence i guess
The first team that scores three goals on a game should be awarded the title on the spot.
just slept for like 25 minutes going to watch a movie now
im wondering when the first BTFO will come, maybe this evening
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>inb4 cursed the highest score will emain 2-1
Piszczek looks like he's perpetually crying
What movie?
which movie?
It's the bags under his eyes that do it.
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Please just forfeit your next matches, NIreland.
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Naissance des Pieuvres
but I might watch it after the game (as the germany team is a pretty big deal innit)
Phillip Lahm also always looks like he is crying.
This was a better match than the Croatia - Turkey foul marathon.

delet this
that's some top tier kino
stop using this meme word
This is year of the slavs

Germay will lose 1-1

kinoposting saved /tv/ tbqh
Finally is over. Now i can get comfy till Thursday.
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My pizza was so good
perfect suace and dough
Now I can comfy even better filled up.
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Brudis ?
Bist du der /deutsch/ Russe?
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Nah, Seagalposting did.
listening to music right now. its like the time moves slower because I'm actually looking forward to the match

I think the pepe "our jobs" meme was funny
>popsicle so cold my lips almost freeze to it
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Tv and local beer = Max comfy
Fuck I hate how I never get to play much on weekends because of all the events going on.
Blitzkrieg Ukraine
I feel sorry for Ukrainians, they didn't deserve any of this
I'll feel sorry for them, when we're actually done steamrolling them. Until then, this might be a 4:4 against Sweden.
>Kovalenko will play instead of Sydorchuk
Who and how changed our coach?
I hate the mcdonalds kids. Why pretend that brand is anything but cancer for your future and ability to peform sports?
These two teams have the GOAT aesthetic
Merkel did a hot call.
>mini helicopter carrying the camera
I love how you could look at any Ukrainie player and immediately knew he is slavic
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> fucking turk not singing the anthem
>not Wellesposting
Come on germanicbro's


How many goals will Mueller score?

Over/under 1.5
>roach and ape refuse to sing
top kek
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>tfw taking a shit while listening to the anthem
what's the stance of official medias on FRA / DRA flags ?
At least Khedira sang it as a pure german
I wish both these teams luck in this competition

they're two of the teams I actually like
is shevchenko playing
i meant east/west germany, whatever the english the acronym is
Is Emre Can likely to get any minutes throughout the tournament?
Löw is swag as fuck
part of the coaching staff I think

man I miss him, he was the GOAT striker back in the day

alright bolivia
always a chelsea flop
Why are they singing "Die Nummer 1 am Rhein sind wir"?

This isn't the bundes lads, get it together
This is probably a stupid question, but where is Reus?
What a save!
What a save!
What a save!
I'm kind of glad though because I fucking hate chelsea

He was the man for Milan and Kiev
Because on the other side, there is France ;)


hurt again
Ta. Gundogan as well huh?
Do I watch the second half of this game or the E3 EA presentation? Both will be mostly football I assume.

Sheva ;_;

Mods sticky this shit wew
do you hate being comfy


both missed both wc and this euro
>you will never be able to pull off adidas originals like an eastern european
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Tired as fuck lads
Need an honest answer lads, would it be pathetic of me if I went to foreign club games as a natural viewer?
Nothing wrong with a natural viewer

Myself, I'm an unnatural viewer
Same 2bh

>week off work
>have to go back tomorrow
>probably loads to do
Woat feel
neutral* lel
>low and his assistant twinning



why would it be?
If you mean go see foreign clubs live, no it won't

I've done it many times, people don't mind, they like talking to foreign fans

/spuh/ isn't real life
gotze more like shitze am I right lads haha
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Treuly a majestic race.
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