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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 139
Jackie Robinson Day.

Giants @ Dodgers - 7PM

Kershaw v. Bumgarner

The only game that actually matters today.

Don't be mad,
Don't feel offended,
But we all know this is meeting everyone sets their DVR for.

I didn't set my DVR.

I dont give a fuck about a game between two NL teams.
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>yfw Bumgarner no-hits the Dodgers on Jackie Robinson day

you mean 10:10 pm
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2016 World Series MVP desu
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Mad as fuck and offended
>Least coast
Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier 69 years ago today.
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>fake west coast rivalries
>people caring
OP pls
>DeGrom unable to finish bullpen sesh

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Not really, just have literally no interest.
Hi guys Jackie Robinson here. Just check the 42 to be sure.
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How can anyone say that Kershaw isn't better than Bumgarner?
Hey look, the Braves are losing

>How you want your elbow, Jacob?
Nats/Phillies top of the 1st was amazing. 5 runs, 10 batters, 40+ pitches.
bumgarner isn't a notorious choker

Multiple rings>Multiple entries
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Can anyone say that Kershaw doesn't choke to death in the playoffs?
Is there any pitcher with as many entries as Kershaw?
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Fucking faggot

David "I was saving all of my playoff wins for Boston" Price
>somebody hasn't shot olberman yet

Are the nats, dare I say, elite?
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Typical day for Matt Williams.webm
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>Beating up on the lillies, barves, and marlels

Nats going to get exposed
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>Clayton Kershaw has the lowest H2h ERA against a single team...in the history of baseball

Anybody want to guess what team???
There's clearly more than 42 people in that pic alone. Weak bants.
Kershaw gets owned by the cards in the playoffs. Honestly, if they played the giants in the post season I doubt he would choke against them, but against the cards? He's fucked.
is the NL East the worst division in baseball?
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No I don't

AL West is pretty bad too.
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>driving runners in
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>yfw your team is epic bad
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Were those trophies won against the Los Angeles Dodgers????
Because if they weren't I'm not sure what it has to do with anything.

It would be like you having a conversation about with someone about purchasing your next car a having a little mentally ill homosexual boy come and they and sell you his Tonka truck collection.

>this image was made before the two CGSO he had with 15K and 14K..... One of which was a 1-hitter
Man, the Pirates are bad
You know why San Fran call themselves the Giants? Because they are Giant faggots. Top kek
what's his ERA in the postseason though
>back-to-back E5s
>barves babsel
Its different. The nl east has the better team and the two worst teams. but the al west average is better than the nl east. Its 8 games into the season and the nats have a 3 games lead already. they will be up 30 games at least by august.
Technically they were won against the rest of the league, including the Dodgers
O's winning tonight
oh I thought the marlins were playing the nats. that would explain why they are winning
Kershaw has never met the Giants in post-season.
When Kershaw makes the postseason he cliches in SF on a 1-hit / 14K CGSO @ ATT
>they will be up 30 games at least by august

"This is my first season watching baseball"
Why are you avoiding my question? What is Clayton Kershit's postseason ERA?
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>mfw this was the test to see if the Phillies were on the come up
Not this year boys
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>Chicago media making all these comparisons between this year's Cubs and the 1969 team
Gee, I hope this season turns out to be EXACTLY like 1969 for the Cubs.
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Thread where
Gausman when
Its pretty bad. Those 2 innings against the cards were horrible. Thankfully he's only 27 so there's still time to improve that.
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not less than 3
>Only 27
He doesn't have THAT much time to improve. He's not getting any younger desu.
How many innings did Bumgarner pitch in the 2015 postseason ?
>this challenging shitshow in the Phillies-Nats game
Everyone calls DeGrom the best young pitcher in baseball but has less that 400 career innings pitches and is only 6 months younger than Kershaw while having the ultimate injury.
I'd rather have a pitcher who is GOAT in the postseason every other year than a pitcher who is shit in the postseason every year.
Kershaw is a first ballot hall of famer though, Bumgarner isn't.
That's young. Plenty of time to lower it. He just needs to pray to get rid of the cards demon magic over him.
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How does it make you feel that no matter how many championships the Giants win that they will never be seen in the same caliber as Los Angeles?

Just think about that, Kershaw can never pitch in post-season again but will retire as an all-time greatest PITCHER.

Bumgarner can win 10 more rings but will only be seen as the pitcher who is good for 2 weeks.

Kershaw is GOAT all-time.

Kershaw vs MLB:
>2.14 ERA

Kershaw vs Giants:
>1.21 ERA

Bumgarner vs Dodgers:
>3.89 ERA
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>cubes mad as fuck
How does it feel to know that you will never see the Dodgers win a worlds eries?
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What's going on in this thread?
Reds gettin blown the fuck out already
The Dodgers have a good team and a great farm system, so they will competitive for awhile. I see them winning it at least once in the next five years.
accidentally a word
not as long as eternal choker is a starter
Orioles @ >Rags
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Depends. If he plays the jints its an auto bye as the jints get raped by shaw. If its the cards he'll choke.
>If he plays the jints its an auto bye as the jints get raped by shaw
When has shitshaw ever "raped" the Giants?
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>why don't teams with bad bullpens just call up all their good pitching prospects to start off in the bullpen to ease them into the majors?
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Why doesn't God love Atlanta?
because they're the San Francisco of the east coast
they literally have like 5 future aces in the farm right now though
Last year of the Dodgers window to be open. If they don't win it all they will have to do a firesale and send Kershaw to the Shite Sox.
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You go get em' Tigers


>all these collisions
Hate to break it to you but the MVP is on the winning team. And we all know who that is going to be. The Royals
>asstros load the bases twice, once with nobody out and once with only one out
>get no runs out of it
>twins and angels almost the same color
when the twins get so red
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>be asstros
>have only 1 run scored against lelfrey despite bases loaded twice and infinite walks
o kek my sides
That sounds like something the Reds would do.
How did player #42 perform for your team today, /mlb/?
>tfw Springer is shit
>tfw white is a one week wonder
>tfw Gattis will never get catcher eligibility
>tfw still need room for Reed
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is tampa trying to drive down attendance further?
what happened
What is happening here?
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part of the catwalk broke and hit some old lady
>the city of floriduh MLB teams
Netting messed up and a foul hit him
Fan got hit by a foul ball through a small hole in the netting.
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either one tbH
>One of the five fans in attendance at the Rays game got hit by a foul ball when the netting failed
That is bad luck.
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tfw no tribe gf
Because black people
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We are biding our time to be ELITE in our new stadium both in soccer and basedball,
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>year is dividable by 4
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His entire career he raped them. Somebody post the stats.

Like how can you even question that? Nigga does it everytime.
>Cubs and White Sox have the same record
Dodgers have urias, cotton, and de leon. One of them will get called up at the end of the season.
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> haven't been to a ballgame in over a week
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how does that draw?
>barfs are going to win
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>still 1.5 innings to go
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white sox can you stop winning please? thanks
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Honestly I have no idea how we keep winning. There's no offense whatsoever.

Well tomorrow is Danks day. You'll get your lead then.
Sorry >we'll try and stop tomorrow
new club, first season next year
Anyone else getting commercials with mlb.tv
>Twinks and Anglels both wearing the same color jerseys
I think I figured it out
You have to, HAVE TO, let Texas take the lead, or they won't >rags
O's made a mistake last night by getting 2 up over them.
Maybe cuz they've plays against shitty teams to begin the season
I'm getting *a* commercial.

The same commercial every break.
Is it the one with the black vegan
We played against shitty teams last year with no offense and lost by the boatloads though.
no it's that stupid Jason Statham commercial with the Miku song
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This. Every fucking commercial break. Just the one commercial then it goes to the regular "commercial break in progress" screen.
I get some kike talking about asset management and fucking t moblile
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Where is tiki?
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is that fucking commercial supposed to make me want a phone? at some point up the creative ladder, didn't anyone stop and go "what the fuck is this?"

producers, directors, comp artists, vfx guys, executives, LG brand people...nobody thought this was a fucking awful ad?
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who went to day games back in the day? seriously they used to hold even the world series during weekdays. was it all homeless people or something?
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>dat goatee guy who force pushed him over
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#Rays Souza said of fan: "It looked liked it caught her right in the eye, which wasn't a good sight."
night shift fags like security guards and strippers

white men with jobs have always been able to take off work

can you not, scrub?
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rays fans.webm
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nice pun.
>women in charge of keeping their heads up and wearing a hat to catch balls
my stepdad use to go to Padres day games all the time when they played at Jack Murphy. He just left work early since his only other employee was his brother
why would you take off work to see a fucking baseball game?
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because i'm a red-blooded american man? do you seriously not fucking do this? i do it at least five times a season
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>Danks tomorrow
>Bats are cold

Won't be for long sadly.
Because they can afford it. And it's the World fucking Series. Remember, back in the day, baseball was the undisputed #1 sport in America.
at my job if you dont use your vacation or sick days at the end of the year you lose them.

Day games are cozy
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I don't understand the question
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doyers desu
good to see Ryan Howard can still hit em out of the park
he's the only Philly I like
The O's just put up a fucking clinic against the Rangers in the 7th. 9 runs in an innning and 4 dingers jesus christ
tfw no 19 year old cottage cheese thighs gf
>/mlb/: the post
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braves win.jpg
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Go Red Sox, no worries here, none at all.

fuck you for pointing that out i thought she was passably cute at first

> i thought she was passably cute at first

jesus christ anon, i thought i had low standards
yfw the Os break the single season home run record
Go Twins. Lets catch those Cleveland Spiders. We can do it!
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>marlels losing to a team that started frenchy, stubbs and gordon beckham
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Good team? Or just a lot of shitty opponents?
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tonights lineup
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>no farmlins man
Good team but
>suck when there's any kind of stress or pressure
>injury prone team that just happens to be fairly healthy at the moment
>shitty opponents
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Mariners frog.png
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good, but like all DC teams has playoffs trouble
The only reason ker>shaw/bumgardner matchup is relevant is because bumgardner hits bombs off of kershit. Otherwise its just Kershaw dominating another shit team
Is MLB the best run pro sports organization in the US? I think they treat baseball with respect
>Jays averaging over 10 K's a game

The last couple times I watched mlbtv they didn't once show any ads. Thank God.

That ad where they showed Rob Riggle and other D list celebs talking about baseball was annoying as hell, too.
im actually kind a excited to see if martin can reach a legit 0.10 batting average
my bad let me correct that

a 0.010 ba
does it normally have commercials if you don't have adblock?
Is there a team dumb enough to take him in a trade?

the MLBPA is the strongest union in sports and one of the strongest in all of labor, that keeps the commissioner's office in line
Reds are getting absolutely

Hey Jackie
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forgot pic

They probably send some dumb nigger to negotiate in the NFL so the commissioner thinks he has more power than law enforcement and the right to seize a player's private property at will.
RP plz end this slaughter.
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implying hitting keuchel.jpg
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>it's a don't score a single run against this pitcher who kills you every time episode
>despite pelfrey's best start ever episode
throw him and a prospect(to take on the contract) for smoak

his mass and surface area might actually draw some HBP walks
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sandofat defense force 2.png
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pelfrey got away with murder those first few innings
that 9th inning was very painful
thanks famm
it's the only way he would ever let in less than 4 runs in 6 innings. str8 luck
idgaf about the rivalry I'm more interested in Bumgarner v Kershaw
Can an anon do a huge favor for me and shoop a Reds hat on Michael Jordan crying?
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Buck truck rolls on after a small speed bump, but we back boys
O's in the WIN column
I use ublock origin and this is the only time I've gotten any sort of ad
Fucking rags
its not even funny making fun of them anymore they still have 2 more games against the orioles

Remember when they were bragging about having an elite bullpen a week ago?
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I understand now why the braves are ass
What a game after that 2nd inning spaghetti lol
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Players you wouldn't mind getting a career threatening injury

i can't wait until this garbage-ass meme dies
yeah Worley got a bit squirrely. I thought it was gonna be a repeat of last night

>fireworks go off in Arlington
>Palmer: looks like its a continuation of the 7th
top kek
>he thinks about memes
That's just Tiki.

> he doesn't dream in memes
>Dubstonio goes to sleep
>dreams of Verlander ass
weren't the rags supposed to be unstoppable this year?
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it happened.jpg
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>Twins vs Angels
>both teams wearing red
>all players wearing number 42
Jonny Schoop and Nolan Reimold most underrated niggas in the AL
Oh god. What happens if the Ts win but they count it for the Angels?
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I-i thought i was the only one...
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more ass than Kate dont blame me
>being color blind

they're clearly different shades of red
>Cardinals PH dingers
Holy shit, I know >we're playing garbage teams but the bench already has more fingers than last year
No, just typing on my Microsoft Surface
they're pretty fucking similar
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nice seats.png
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we back senpaitachi
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what the fug.png
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>losing to the twisn
>tweny throusand and 16teen
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thanks for beating the shitkees, we beat the >rags for you
>we beat the >rags for you
Angels are a shit team, famski
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Our offense is still shit but I'll take the W
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Kenny williams.jpg
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can somebody smug this photo up?

asking for a friend

thanks bomston
where's navafag at? i wanna tell him his husbando a shit
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smug mariners frog alt.jpg
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You can thank the Rays, they gave him Ray-ids.

When is this Bumgarner is a good pitcher meme going to end?
>zero (0) rings
Way to ruin all the fun Anglels
>Trout batting .230

So, uh, is he hurt or something?

Because if so, the Angels are fuckt.
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how is this?

>first place
i think they're fine
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 139

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