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What is wrong with them?
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What is wrong with them?
the whole team, except rodgers of course.

File: packers tackling.gif (990 KB, 360x274) Image search: [Google]
packers tackling.gif
990 KB, 360x274
Secondary looks good at times
Mason Crosby has had a good year outside of that Detroit kick

Rodgers holds on to the ball way too long
All receivers got exposed as shit with Jordy dead
Lacy is fat
O-line can't block for shit
Who needs tackling?
Run D is non-existent
Clay Matthews is roider and has been overrated since his first two years
Tim Masthay is useless
McCarthy needs to go
Clements needs to go
Capers needs to go
Fire Slocum only to bring in fucking Zook
Thompson needs to go
Strength and Conditioning team needs to go

Very true post.

>Rodgers holds on to the ball way too long

That is valid, but he's always done that. Not excusing it but it's nothing new. Also a big thing is that there are no short/quick passes that aren't WR screens. No slants. No quick timing stuff. Lots of retarded downfield routes with slow as fuck receivers. I think if Rodgers had a coach that emphasized quick passing and made it the offense, Rodgers would have zero problem doing it.

Right now the whole team (and McCarthy) is still living in 2011 with the "big plays win games" mentality - despite having a bunch of slow retarded niggers at receiver and an offensive line that is offensive.
Too much hgh
McCarthy. he should have never took back play calling.. Rodgers hates having him as play caller.
>2nd place in NFC last year
>2nd place in the NFC North this year
Rodgers is a great player who is trying his hardest to make gold out of shit. I respect the hell out of the guy for the amount of wins he's been able to squeeze out of this awful team this year.
Refs stopped calling pass interference whenever a receiver didn't catch a ball
The Vikings would have to win first. Have you forgotten that they are the Vikings?
Vikings have beaten the Packers before to get into the playoffs. It's not impossible.
Just imagine if Carolina's D hadn't allowed GB to comeback in that game. GB would have gotten absolutely BTFO in both games against the two best NFC teams.
Complaining about this

Jesus Packers fans are almost as bad as pats fans
Imagine if the Lions had a brain and didn't let him score that Hail mary.
team is ass
I've heard Rodgers is gay, is this true?
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