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I'll start

It's a meh team, I don't care about them

I actually want them to lose, fuck Tsunaldo and Pepe

The banter and the memes would be awesome if football is coming home. England would be so butthurt if the best Brit nation of all times is Wales

Would be nice if a team with a player from Atlético wins the Euro and a player from Real Madrid not. I rooted for Atletico that day and it was so close, one of the worst days ever in football because the bad guys won that day

They have been the best team the last years, it's always good when the best team win because it feels fair

I have always liked catenaccio, it is my favorite style, also Buffon is one of my favorite players ever

See Belgium. Also a player from Liga Mx winning the Euro would be pretty based.

I don't think this one needs an explication but whatever.
A country that has less people than a small city being the best team from Europe, with the best fans of the tournament, beating 3 world champions in their way, that would be one of the best stories of all time. Unironically I am a /lifelong/ Iceland supported, it is my favorite country since I was a kid. The cold weather, the quality of life, I've always felt that small=comfy, they are very close to the north pole, they don't have countries close to them, The Iron Giant was one of my favorite movies as a kid and the last scene is in Iceland, and I'm a fucking contrarian hipster.
I like Kuba

Worst outcome possible, but at least TSUUUposting engulfing the board could be funny

Top lads in this team, the banter would be quality

Don't really like some of the cunts in this team, but they can be fun to watch and have some players like Vertonghen and Carrasco that I like

Nothing to complain about, with a well functioning, organized team getting the result they worked hard for

I love Buffon and actually like their defense oriented playstyle

I like Greaseman

King of underdog stories, plus they have a likable team
It's one of my favourite countries, Poles are usually nice, intelligent people, their women are one of the best looking, they have top notch history, architecture and, besides Catholicism, our cultures are really similar. My first favourite in this championship

I want them to lose as well, they are nothing but monkeys, especially that Ronaldo who is conceited as fuck.

This is my 4th favourite. I like their language and Celtic culture and I prefer them over Belgium.

I would like them to lose as well, because Belgium is not a country. I have only supported them against Hungary because, honestly, I don't really like Hungary

They are also too conceited because they won the world cup, and they are but like 50% Germans (speaking about the team), so I would like Germany to lose as well.

This is my 3rd favourite. I like Italian culture as well, their history etc. Similar to Poland, but we are not that close, maybe only the language similarities bond us.

I would like it to lose. Too many (sand)niggers.

My 2nd favourite. Iceland is one of my favourite European countries, not only because of the cold weather, but also because of their culture, polar days/nights and top notch language. It's also similar with the David and Goliath skirmish, a country smaller than your average French city beating the entire France.
Iceland must win so we get more vids of slightly drunk icelandic girls on youtube
Big tournament casual here.

Don't really care.
Never liked their team, never liked Donaldo and I don't want their migrants to honk their horns for 3 months straight. I hope they lose as soon as possible.
Don't really care. Cool dragon.
They play offensive football, I wouldn't mind them reaching the final.
They can be spectacular, I'm rooting for them.
I've always had mix feelings for Italy, but I never mind when they win.
I'm half French, and even though I don't particularly like the team I still partially root for them.
Everybody loves the underdog, and so do I.

All in all I'm rooting for which ever team comes out of the right side of the bracket to win.
>this much ABP

I want them to lose. We're playing against them. I like Kuba and Lewa, I like Polish people. Fucked a lot of them in Erasmus.



Hope they lose. These disgusting, fowl nazi beasts are ruining football along with Spain.

I like them. If we don't win, I hope they do. Solid team. Loved watching them beat Spain.

90% of their national team isn't even French. Incredibly arrogant. Literally Little England 2.0.

I like them and hope they go far even though they have a small mentality.


Because I wanna see spee explode.




See /. Also a player from Liga Mx winning the Euro would be pretty based.

Because I wanna see spee explode.
>See /. Also a player from Liga Mx winning the Euro would be pretty based.
Whoops. That was supposed to be just " / ".
i like them
big fan of Glik and Krychowiak

i like Portugal and their people, but i fucking hate this team

love them, also England would be shitposted out of exsitence

Based Ninja is the only thing i like about that team
i'd be pretty mad if they won after we beat them though

pic related


Payet and Kante are pretty based

i might just die from happiness

Underdog nation that hasn't done well in quite some time. Interesting history and traditions. Friendly people (at least in Belgium)


Purely for the English butthurt it would provoke. Although I'm expecting a lot of British flags to become """"""Welsh""""""" overnight if it happens.

I'm not Belgian, but fuck it if I wouldn't shitpost so hard on /sp/ if they won.

They're the favorites and would deserve it, but I'd rather see the Italy curse prevail. German victory would be too predictable.

Surprisingly entertaining to watch play. Conte and Buffon magic could make it happen. (Haven't forgotten 2006 though...)

My home country. Not expecting much, but would love it if it did happen. Payet and Greasy man deserve it.

I hear they have good dentists
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