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Sup cunts, what do you send a chick who asks you what you're
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Sup cunts, what do you send a chick who asks you what you're going to do to her?
Start slow and sensual, like how you'd brush your fingers over her jaw, and then holding the back of her neck for a kiss.

Build up into the hard core stuff. Don't start with it.
I have two different methods I'll start with one I might keep the other a secret.
>start At McDonald's usually for a first date.
>in the line up start grabbing her ass they love that in public
>order her a small fries and a diet coke bitch better stay fit
>order me a double big Mac large fries large coke 2 apple pies and 3 jbc
>drug her drink while we are at the drink fountain I usually wait till someone's on the other side of her and touch that cheek then drug her drink
> wait 20 mins for bitch to eat fries
>bring her to my car then home
> either look at her I'd an bring her home or keep her as a prize depending
Fuck off to hell with this shit. /soc/ is for cams and meetups, not for your fucktarded off-topic questions. Fuck you faggot
>cams and meetups,

new to soc
>I put on my robe and wizard hat
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