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/gwlg/ - girls who like girls Been a whole since I saw one of
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/gwlg/ - girls who like girls

Been a whole since I saw one of these!

>A/cis or trans/L
>prefer cis, prefer trans, or don't care?
>looking for a friend, fuck buddy, or relationship?
>are you okay with LDRs?
>are you okay with or even looking to dirty talk?
>anything else you're looking for?
>anything you're not looking for?
>one fun fact about you
>Kik? Skype? Snapchat?
>A/cis or trans/L
Cis Bisexual
>prefer cis, prefer trans, or don't care?
doesnt bother me either way
>looking for a friend, fuck buddy, or relationship?
no idea. a friend to start
>are you okay with LDRs?
sure. if all goes well i mean
>are you okay with or even looking to dirty talk?
>anything else you're looking for?
wasnt looking but caught my attention so why not
>anything you're not looking for?
guys pretending to be girls
>one fun fact about you
pierced nipples!
>Kik? Skype? Snapchat?
maybe if the thread gets some more people. dont wanna be the first one
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>A/cis or trans/L
>prefer cis, prefer trans, or don't care?
don't care
>looking for a friend, fuck buddy, or relationship?
All of the above
>are you okay with LDRs?
I mean maybe, depends on a lot
>are you okay with or even looking to dirty talk?
>anything else you're looking for?
>anything you're not looking for?
Guys. Seriously. Don't add me.
>one fun fact about you
I have no gag reflex
>Kik? Skype? Snapchat?
Kik is charlottecherryxo
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A/cis or trans/L
I'm cis.
>prefer cis, prefer trans, or don't care?
Doesn't matter to me
>looking for a friend, fuck buddy, or relationship? Friend
>are you okay with LDRs?
not for me but i don't judge others who are in them
>are you okay with or even looking to dirty talk? No dirty talk
>anything else you're looking for?
Just friendships with ladies
>anything you're not looking for?
>one fun fact about you
I was a dancer for 10 years
>Kik? Skype? Snapchat?
Kik: HissingInTheDark
do u have skype?
>A/cis or trans/L
>prefer cis, prefer trans, or don't care?
Prefer cis
>looking for a friend, fuck buddy, or relationship?
Friend and/or relationship
>are you okay with LDRs?
It's alright, I guess. Prefer people who are nearer.
>are you okay with or even looking to dirty talk?
Not interested.
>anything else you're looking for?
Build close relationships with other girls at an emotional level. Also, someone to hang out with
>anything you're not looking for?
Sexting, males, one-track minds.
>one fun fact about you
I raise chickens instead of dogs
>Kik? Skype? Snapchat?
Kik: blackmariahhh
Will provide once I determine you are cool enough
>A/cis or trans/L
>prefer cis, prefer trans, or don't care?
don't care
>looking for a friend, fuck buddy, or relationship?
friends only!
>are you okay with LDRs?
global friends welcome
>are you okay with or even looking to dirty talk?
none at all, please
>anything else you're looking for?
honestly i'd just like to have one or two girly friends to bond with
>anything you're not looking for?
males, lewdness, shallow or ignorant individuals
>one fun fact about you
i'm fluent in over 10 languages!
>Kik? Skype? Snapchat?
kik or skype is okay, please leave yours.
nah, maybe if we really get along

for those who enjoy a lot of music, what's your favorite album/song (currently)?
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>A/cis or trans/L
21/cis/The US
>prefer cis, prefer trans, or don't care?
Doesn't really matter I guess.
>looking for a friend, fuck buddy, or relationship?
>are you okay with LDRs?
I'm not against them.
>are you okay with or even looking to dirty talk?
I'd rather not.
>anything else you're looking for?
Maybe play some games or something.
>anything you're not looking for?
Nothing really comes to mind.
>one fun fact about you
Uh, one time I got separated from my parents on a camping trip and no one found me for 3 days.
>Kik? Skype? Snapchat?
bethany.appletop is my AIM name.
Thread replies: 8
Thread images: 4

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