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I just had a nightmare a few minutes ago and can't fall
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I just had a nightmare a few minutes ago and can't fall back asleep. And as I lay here I'm curious about other peoples' dreams and nightmares. Thought maybe we could swap crazy brain battles and mind mischief. So, since I just had one, I guess I'll start.

I was running around the backyard with my dog, and as we neared the woods I could make out dozens of silhouettes in the distance. I called to my Mom, "Look at all the deer!" After watching them a moment I realized that they were all staggering and lopsided. ZOMBIES! I ran back to the house and began locking all the doors. I told my Mom she might think I'm crazy, but zombies. As I was grabbing knives she opened the window and said, "Nice costumes." They grabbed her and she disappeared. I ran upstairs, locked my door, and started crawling through this secret passageway. I got stuck, felt something creeping up behind me and - woke up.

Glad to be awake. Anyone else have one to share? Throw it out there.
The other night I had a nightmare were I took some kind of substance (I think it was to help me in some way) but then I started limping and staggered to the nearest toilet, when I looked in the mirror my pupils were distorted and leaking a lot of black fluid, it felt as if I was losing blood. I then fell to the ground and began to struggle breathing and had a huge yearning for someone to come help me but I knew they wouldn't, just before I died I woke up.
Sorry to hear about your nightmare OP. Dreams can be fucking cool and weird, but I find with nightmares it's more about how you feel than what is actually happening that makes them terrifying.
Ever have those dreams where your teeth start breaking, or get destroyed?
Started sleeping.....
See this wierd greyish walls and ceiling, so i decided to see where the hell i am. See this door and cant take my attention off of it so i thought id open it. Apparantly im in the morgue and i see myself on a steel table being disected (not great in english). It shocked me to see myself like that and right when that happened i git put back into my body and see this bright light above me, doctors start cutting me up talking about how i died. Right when i want to scream that im still alive i wake up.

Never knew why i had that dream
Loved those comics as a pre teen
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