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Welcome to the shut in thread!!! >Theme song http://a.po
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Welcome to the shut in thread!!!

>Theme song

>Old thread

>Steam Group

#shut-in-network on Rizon
#shut-in-gaming on Rizon

use kiwi irc and hexchat to get on


>Plug.dj clone

>Skype group
ask in the post

Join us to talk, find a fellow shut in friend and just try to be nice and have a good time! Feel free to put your contact info and such. Make friends and

Please note that this is a thread for ALL forms of shut-ins. NEETs, introverts, agoraphobics, people with social anxiety, et cetera!
>What do I do in the threads?
Talk to people, make conversation. Don't try to get into anyone's pants. It is a social thread on /soc/, for actually being social, without nudity!
>Wait, is this some super-secret cool kids' club where you can only be some sort of shut-in freak to participate in?
No, we are moderately tolerant of normalfags here. Feel free to participate, just don't be a dick.
>I DON'T LIKE ___________
Discuss it with us, but civilly. If you are spouting out cusswords and insults because you don't like something, chances are, it is not going to change and you will be blown off as some anally pained droll. Now, if you are civil, people will work with you.
>What's an IRC?
It is a chatroom for the shut-in group.
Use either Hexchat (https://hexchat.github.io/) or https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.rizon.net/#shut-in-network

Click on Rizon to the right

Type in #shut-in-network

or for gaming #shut-in-gaming

>Affiliated irc channels

#/x/philes on rizon

>Help im banned from the irc even though i never been there
Odds are you share the same host region as someone who was banned before. Have someone contact an op or owner to get it settled

>Ive been to the irc before and got banned
Talk to an op that banned you and see whats up or the owner. if you're still banned, tough shit

>Can I put in contact info?
Sure and please use this prompt:

>skype group?
ask the thread for an add to the skype group

>IRC name?
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
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>IRC name?


>Contact info







Sarasota, FL

>Favorite Book

Children of Dune

>Favorite Movie

Stalker by Andrei Tarkovsky

>Favorite Music



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>Contact info
kik is AlexErin9
skype is kai_alex9
mtf, recently started hrt
Ohio, US
>Favorite Books
Contemporary literature, science fiction
>Favorite Movies
Indie crap, documentaries, science fiction
>Favorite Music
Sludge metal, post-hardcore, post-metal, experimental rock, art punk, alternative metal, ambient
Mostly a NEET and a little bit of an introvert. I'm a musician and I'm still living at home for the time being
>What are you looking for?
other trans friends, I guess. Cis women, too. I'm not too picky, but I'd prefer to talk to people who are online a lot and who might be in similar life situations as I am, people who are from the US and Canada mainly
>Who do you want to add you?
anyone who fits whatever criteria I named above
>Who don't you want to add you?
men, prudes, people who aren't from the US or Canada, idk
>IRC name?

>Contact info
skype: pichi.dee




>Favorite Books
I don't read as much as I should, but Murakami is a recent favorite.

>Favorite Shows/Movies
Fantastic Mr. Fox. Pixar movies. Kevin Smith's Clerks-related stuff. I don't watch a ton of movies, but I'm not opposed to it or anything.

I'm also pretty into anime and manga. I mostly like heavy (or just engaging) slice-of-life shit, like Punpun, NHK, and BECK (manga). But really, anything that's dark, or poignant, or just well-written in general can pique my interest.

>Favorite Music
I used to be really into metal. Now I'm mostly a sucker for jazzy rap, electronic music of all kinds, some classic rock and vidya music.

>Favorite Vidya
I don't have any modern consoles, but I like fightgames and old Nintendo shit.
My favorite multiplayer game is Melee. Favorite single-player game is Mother 3.
I also stream speedruns and such on Twitch.

No / Yes / Used to have extreme social anxiety, but after fighting it for years, I'm pretty comfortable with people. Still naturally quiet and tend to be a recluse, though.

>What are you looking for?

>Who do you want to add you?
Just message me if we have something in common or you just wanna talk about some shit. I'm pretty open. If you added me in the past and we haven't talked in a while, don't be afraid to message me again. I don't remove people unless conversation is completely strained and there's no point.

>Who don't you want to add you?
Extreme /pol/-types that have no self-awareness.
re-adding due to new thread

>IRC name?
>Contact info
belgium, flanders
>Favorite Book
i read too many books to have only one favorite.
>Favorite Movie
the gladiator
>Favorite Music
two steps from hell and audiomachine
extreme introvert.
>What are you looking for?
chat, and possibly a relationship
>Who do you want to add you?
interesting people, preferably women.
>Who don't you want to add you?
>Contact info
kik: daftest.punk
Melbourne. Australia
>Favorite Book
Favourite book series is A Series of Unfortunate Events.
>Favorite Movie
The Truman Show
>Favorite Music
Alt rock, EDM, 80s music in general
Introvert, social anxiety
>What are you looking for?
People to talk to, and a gf.
>Who do you want to add you?
People that want to talk about similar interests, or just talk about random things.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Mean people, or people that want to talk about anime. (Sorry for singling that out, a lot of people seem to bring it up.)
>IRC name?
night shut
>IRC name?
no u

>Contact info



I come from the land down under, something something vegimite sandwich

>Favorite Book
LOTR, Voynich Hotel

>Favorite Movie
V for Vendetta, Hitchhikers Guide, End of Evangelion

>Favorite Music
Everything really, into mostly alt rap stuff atm


>What are you looking for?
People who can keep a conversation going. Friends to play vidya with

>Who do you want to add you?
Weebs, people who want to play games.

>Who don't you want to add you?
>IRC name?


>Contact info








>Favorite Book


>Favorite Movie

Hansen's seven seats

>Favorite Music

Pomf Pomf



>What are you looking for?

Predators :3

>Who do you want to add you?

Pedos :3

>Who don't you want to add you?

Common fags
>I come from the land down under, something something vegimite sandwich
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Boots is a scrub™

I just want a buddy i can wake up to, play vidya games with all day, stream anime, then go to sleep together.
Someone i can ask everyday how their day has been and be excited for them to come online.
I can be a hardcore gamer, but also casual.
Age and gender don't matter. I probably won't even ask.
I'm home 247 so it'd be cool if i had another home 247 buddy.
I can try real hard to please.
You should think internet friends can be just as good as real life friends.
Don't be shy anon, i'm probably more shy than you.

skype: daandro
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>>Contact info
>>Favorite Movie
Alien and Re-Animator
>>Favorite Music
/meal/, noise, hxcx
>>What are you looking for?
>>Who do you want to add you?
>>Who don't you want to add you?
I will friend any degenerate fuck on here.
How the he'll do u guys make $? How can I afford to even use the electricity let alone but a computer???
Hello new fag. Two words, autism bucks
>IRC name?
>Contact info
Skype and Kik: MrConcreteDonkey
>Favorite Book
I haven't had the chance to read much lately, but I'm into classics, especially sci-fi. I'm a fan of Bradbury.
Also, Taiwanese math textbooks. A whole lot of schoolgirl math books.
>Favorite Movie
EoE and Star Wars (original trilogyfag)
>Favorite TV Shows
Anime. Lots and lots of it.
>Favorite Games
I don't play vidya as much as I'd like. It's mainly League right now.
>Favorite Music
Weeb music. Also rock, especially heavy metal. I'm more of a classic rock kind of person.
inb4 wrong generation
Borderline hikikomori who just happens to go to college.
>What are you looking for?
Real friends. I don't really care about relationships or anything like that, I just want friends. If you have something in common with me, please talk to me.
>Who do you want to add you?
Weeaboos, /a/ frequenters, socially awkward people like me, people with the same interests, femanons, really anyone like me
>Who don't you want to add you?
Neckbeards and autists.
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buying gamer gf
You seem like a new college student or something.
I hate that nervous feeling of leaving your house... like people are constantly looking at you or thinking badly of you. Its the number 1 reason I dislike leaving...

You seem like a faggot.
>Gamer gf
>Not just looking for girls that want to play games together

Seriously, I don't want somebody to date, just somebody to play games with every day.

>TFW never have a girl to play Dark Souls 2 (and 3 in april) with on PC
>Playing Dark Souls 2

It hits me everytime I come back to my hometown.
>Hating on Dark Souls 2
I bet you think Bloodborne was a masterpiece too.
Dark Souls >= Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2 = Bloodborne
>Being this wrong
You should feel bad about your opinions.

What do you actually think makes DaS2 worse than Demon's Souls? Or are you just parroting /v/?
The bosses were uninspired, the humanoid enemies in terms of a design aspect weren't a problem to me, the fact they all have very similar movesets just with different hitboxes made boss fights feel tedious. Flamelurker, Four Kings, and Old Hero were good humanoid bosses because they were unique. Fighting Dragonrider and Smelter Demon twice wasn't a nice throwback, just tedious, especially when the second fight is about as artificially difficult as you can get.

The thing that really pissed me off was their idea to tying a crucial game mechanic to a skill where if you don't level up the skill, the game mechanic straight up doesn't work. Rotating enemies looks stupid as hell too. Another issue I had with the rolling was that it doesn't work with lock-on the same way as any other game in the franchise, since it forces you to face that direction for a brief moment, stalling sideways roll -> attack.

Ascetics were cool for respawning bosses, and I wish that idea made it to Bloodborne, but non-respawning enemies was stupid as fuck. And then there's the problem the game had at high framerates on PC that no one should be able to object to.
>not wanting a cute gf to cuddle with while taking turns playing vidya
This guy gets it
>Your complaint is that you can't spam roll backstab enemies
>Literally says artificial difficulty
Wow you're top tier scrub.
There's nothing wrong with roll + backstab enemies. The dregs are all threatless anyway since you could just run past them, and there's no difference in end result between dodge, hit, dodge and just roll forward + backstab. The game doesn't have many threats to experienced players regardless of the method you use to clear, and new players almost never roll into enemies unlocked for the fast backstab. You could argue that parries are still in the game and they're more effective, but for clearing mobs, you can always be hit in between your parry and riposte. All the change for Dark Souls 2 did was make it more tedious to explore and clear areas of dregs, along with making the combat a lot more clunky because when you face new enemies, you don't know exactly where to dodge to anymore since they just rotate until the parry/dodge moment.

But I doubt that matters to you since I'm convinced from your language that you're just one of the people who play the game because lolsohard for gamer cred.
>IRC name?
I used to go on it, but I don't anymore.
>Contact info
Skype: spooky.stuff
>Favorite Book
Catch 22, Roadside Picnic, Lovecraft's works and I'm currently reading Dune
>Favorite Movie
Anything by Tarantino
>Favorite Music
Tame Impala, Mac Demarco, Alt-J. I listen to pretty much anything.
>What are you looking for?
Good chats
>Who do you want to add you?
People who like to chat
>Who don't you want to add you?
I dunno, probably people who are dicks
Wow you're full on shitter mode aren't you? The enemies track you until a point in their swing specifically so you can't dodge the second they start to move. You actually have to time your dodges, wow!
Skype: vv.vv.522
You're a fucking idiot. Obviously you have to time your dodge dumbass. He's saying that it's not fluid and makes for awkward animation and combating.
>Just got here
>nothing but hate and dickishness
Make it stop, please. :(
>making the combat a lot more clunky because when you face new enemies, you don't know exactly where to dodge to anymore since they just rotate until the parry/dodge moment.

No, he's saying that game's too hard because you don't just dodge the second an enemy starts to attack and then backstab it.

>when you face new enemies, you don't know exactly where to dodge to anymore

Literally. Complaining that he can't go through the entire game roll backstabbing everything like you can in DaS1.
some people take their video games too seriously
How's that any different from before except now they just look stupid now and have misleading animations.

Like, how is this okay?
Smelter Demon jumps into the air then starts rotating mid-jump.

I never said the game is too hard, its incredibly clunky but levelling AGI makes everything a joke. It takes adjusting to because they changed the mechanics so drastically, and once you adjust, the game is really easy, but it doesn't change the fact that the game's mechanics are bad.
Sigh. Have you played the series? It is the clunkiest of all the souls games. Although I was unaffected by the roll in DaS2 I agree that relative to the rest of the series, it was a terribly revised mechanic. As for back stabs, scrub play to begin with. He never mentioned difficulty, just game mechanics.
Guys, pls. Can't we all be happy? Wait until the new year to turn into bitter faggots, let's live in harmony for just a few days. :(
>Taking agility past 96
Literally why? Past 96 agi it's just a crutch for bad players, and only helps in PVE. Hell, even fatrolling at 86 agility you can still avoid most things easily if you're not bad.

Dark Souls 1 can be played (easier) unarmored because of how light rolling works, than if you were to wear heavy armor. What's your fucking point?
Do you have any pets? I have rats, the company is nice.
Check your privilege bruh
What privileges do I lay claim to here?
I never even mentioned 96 as my number you even admit the game gets incredibly easier as your Agility increases.

Dodging is a mechanical skill and tying it to a number was a stupid idea that just made the game feel broken.
It would be comical if they weren't derailing the thread with their shenanigans.
The game gets easier when you're not wearing armor in DS1. What's your point? It's just increased invincibility frames, both games have the same mechanic.
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>Very visible change in rolling based on something you can always modify is the same mechanic as invincibility frames being tied to levelling up a skill
Get good.

>roadside picnic
>tame impala

You da real mvp.
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>IRC name?
>Contact info
the one that gets ignored by everyone
Great Britain
>Favorite Book
Walking a Golden Mile
Have a Nice Day: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks
>Favorite Movie
The Wrestler
>Favorite Music
Don't pay attention to what songs belong to what genres so have some links to what I like at the mo
>Favourite vidya
Street Fighter 4
Metal Arms
Dragon's Dogma
Road Trip Adventure
Lisa the Painful
Risk of Rain
ye ye ye
>What are you looking for?
Conversational distractions and/or viddy gem buddies
>Who do you want to add you?
Nice people who don't care if I like rasslin/who will talk about rasslin with me, people who don't care if I don't initiate contact as often as they'd want
>Who don't you want to add you?
people who can't talk without memeing or being /pol/ as fuck. I'm not exactly leftwing but fuckin hell I don't want to talk about jews and sjws all day.

>additional information
I don't give a fuck about star wars
Currently learning how to make music, haven't made anything yet though, at least not saved.
Only multiplayer game I play is SF4 but I'm bad but I'm open to other shit but I'll be bad at that too
Speaking of which I'm bad at everything
I don't watch anime but I'll attempt a series or two every now and then. 2015 was the year I gave Welcome to the NHK, Attack on Titan and FLCL a shot, only finished NHK
You're probably cooler than me
>resorting to childlike mockery when you lose an argument
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>IRC name?
>Contact info
kik/skype/steam: Dstrukd
easiest to reach me on irc
united states of arizona
>Favorite Book
create your own religion(danielle bolelli)
>Favorite Movie
lethal weapon
>Favorite Music
90's anything, older r&b and hip hop
>What are you looking for?
people to kill time or game with
>Who do you want to add you?
anyone who will play shit on steam, LOL or battle.net
>Who don't you want to add you?
overly sensitive faggots, feminists, yes i know it's redundant. the skype group faggots, especially thirstmaster seth.
>IRC name?
>Contact info
No thanks, im good.
>Favorite Book
I dont read much, but probably S./The book of S
>Favorite Movie
Don't have one,
>Favorite Music
It shifts. Listening to a lot of celtic punk and electronica right now.
Neet and introvert.
>What are you looking for?
Nothing I guess.
>Who do you want to add you?
No one really, I'd rather not waste peoples time.
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who value their time.
Du borde gå med i skype gruppen.
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>Contact info
>Favorite Book
A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier
>Favorite Movie
Howls Moving Castle
>Favorite Music
heres one of my soundcloud playlists
when i'm not working at my local flower shop im on my computer
>What are you looking for?
steam friends!
>Who do you want to add you?
people with cute anime avatars
>Who don't you want to add you?
people that don't have cute anime avatars
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Chat is filled with people fishing for compliments and attention whores.
Constant none stop selfies sending the same picture over and over again to each other.
Alpha male here. What's it like being a beta shut in?
Weeb chat is the same way
>I hate when people call me ____
>Oh don't lie, you're totally ____
>WAH?! I'M NOT LIKE ____ AT ALL >_<
Like holy fuck, these are grown adults acting like kids and anime characters. I thought the 4chan weeb groups would be different because of how much people like that get made fun of.
you play dota?
Stereotypes exist for a reason, man.
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Can I get in on the skype group?

>IRC name?
W...whats that
>Contact info
Skype: kzkevin1
Kik: groundcoffeee
>Favorite Book
The martian
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Anything but most metal,screamo, those like dark growling song, and some rap. I like all music but those 3
yup, My life consists of sleep, video games, eat, and lift somewhat
>What are you looking for?
Friends / Whatever friendship leads to
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
Im a fan of everyone.
late night bump
>IRC name?
can't stand IRC rooms, they are allways full of uptight jackass
female, MtF trans
>Favorite Movies
I like movies but I can't really think of favorites
>>Favorite Music
synthpop, 80s industrial, chillwave, vaporwave, 60s psych
all of above
>>What are you looking for?
friends, some one to brainwash me into a dumb nasty slut
>Who do you want to add you?
nice people, open minded people, people with at least a minuscule of social skills, people that are ok with strange fetishes
>>Who don't you want to add you?
jerks, trolls, people that add and then never talk, people that feel the need to tell me that the things I like are "wrong"
>Contact info
Skype: kristiwazhere
Yeah the irc is fucking weird, I went there last night and there were arguments galore. A couple of people were friendly though.
I made the comment that I hate IRC but that's just weird for a channel for shutins, that's more normie /soc/ shit
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>IRC name?
none yet
>Contact info
skype: robot.nhk
>Favorite Book
the picture of dorian gray
>Favorite Movie
chungking express
>Favorite Music
morrissey, leonard cohen
yes very much, technically not neet but practically hikki
>What are you looking for?
genuine friends who care, someone to talk to on a regular basis
>Who do you want to add you?
anyone interested from a compatible timezone, shut-in aspies would be great
>Who don't you want to add you?
friend collectors
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i want some one to do autistic *stabs u with my katana* roleplay with in a totally ironic way and to show off my waifu emoticon collection


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Friendly reminder that you should ask to get added to the skype group!
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>IRC name:


New Jersey

>Favorite Book:
One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Gregory Rabassa

>Favorite Movie:
Stand and Deliver
Wassup Rockers

>Favorite Music:


>What are you looking for?
Luis Miguel
That puta Gabriela, tell her to stay away from my man, pero like she aint even all that or nothin right? Whos prettier, Gabriela or me?
Hot Cheetos ya tu sabes!

>Who don't you want to add you?
la migra
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>Contact info
Edmonton, Canada.
>Favorite Book
Don't read a whole lot.
>Favorite Movie
Polar Express.
>Favorite Music
All sorts.
>What are you looking for?
Not entirely sure, maybe people with as messed up as a sleep schedule as mine to talk to.
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone who can put up with bullshittery and bluntness.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Dunno, I'll only have a problem if you do.
Where in jersey?
i think their comment was more or less related to the shut skype group. I dont know of anyone who posts selfies in the irc. we just autistics on there.
I'll join the skype group senpai
mommy please shoot me
>IRC name?
>Contact info
Skype: chadders1994
Kik: Chuddington
If any of you guys use WhatsApp then I can throw you my number 'n' shiz through one of the above
>Favorite Book
Mort is good. I'm slowly learning moonrunes so I'm using 'Japanese for Busy People' and that's nice too. I've been eyeing up 'Just Bento' because I can't cook for shit and want to not waste money going to the supermarket everyday whilst I'm out. I'm not full-blown weeaboo, I swear
>Favorite Movie
Bronson, Oldboy, and Ghibli stuff (spirited away, pom poko are the main ones). Luther is a good TV series though
>Favorite Music
Most things but I've been listening to rap lately:

This is possibly my favourite song I randomly found whilst tripping - it was like being wrapped in a safe place but a psychologist was there questioning everything I've done:
Student/Slowly losing it/Inside is warm right now
>What are you looking for?
People to have a laugh and a joke with. I recently managed to fix my laptop but lost all the stuff on it so Steam is the easiest way to talk. Skype on Linux is an unwieldy beast - it keeps asking about contact requests
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone! So long as you're interested in something, I want to be interested in it too!
>Who don't you want to add you?
At the moment I don't have the privacy to enjoy voice chat right now, so big talkers may have to deal with me typing to them which is never a nice thing. It seems so lop-sided.
sometimes the females and homos get a little frisky tho
Trumpunzel's edict
>IRC name?
I have no idea how irc works... I don't know if that disqualifies me from being in this thread. Or if I should share something like my kik. I'm not sure why I'm even posting in here. I'm fucking nervous.

>Contact info
Oh. There's a contact part... Uh. My kik is SpiralEater. Is that relevant?



I live in Indiana, but I'm currently in NYC

>Favorite Book
Looking For Alaska (entry level, blah blah, I know). I also love all things Neil Gaiman, and You Are Here from thich nhat hanh

>Favorite Movie
Um... Seeking a friend for the end of the world... The goon... It's kind of a funny story. Maybe some others, Idk.

>Favorite Music
I listen to a lot of Bright Eyes, Margot and the nuclear so & so's, La Dispute, and other music that sort of kicks your heart in the balls.

Introvert. Shut in. Generally anxious all the time, and I want to not be in my skin, pls, thank you.

>What are you looking for?
I have no idea. I'd like to find out though.

>Who do you want to add you?
See previous thingy.

>Who don't you want to add you?
Uh... Generally hateful people. I guess.
how and why are these dump ass threads still a thing?
thanks for the bump
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possibly the only good track in the playlist, scratch the lyrics.

toss the nip music in the trash and get into some actual house.
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>Sexual Orientation
>Relationship Status
>Text / Mic / Cam
>Favorite Music
Beatles, Can, Animal Collective, Incredible String Band, Pinder Family, John Fahey, Bluegrass. I love music.
>Favorite Movies
Not into many
>Favorite TV Shows
>Favorite Books
Walden, music theory/songwriting books
>Favorite Vidya
Alex Kidd, old stuff, Gunstsr Heroes! Jet Set Radio!
Psychonautery (even a word) wordplay, poetry, playing instruments
>What boards do you use?
/x/ /soc/
>Are you interested in Skype groups?
Sure, yes.
>Are you a NEET?
>What languages do you speak?
>What are you NOT looking for?
Angries, nasties, blue meanies
>What are you looking for?
Chillies, nicies, hearts club bands
Profile pic.
>Contact info
P.s group pleases I just got discharged from oding and feeling lonely
Thanks x
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I've had this account for 8 years: 1 friend in my list. 1 more from here who gift me Undertale I don't want really anything and I don't have many games I could play with you, but if you have space just add me so my list doesn't look so lonely.

If not a very friendly person, so chances are I won't respond to your messages so keep that in mind.

>went in to pay the bills today
>literally among the few times I actually go outside
>have mild anxiety of standing in line with a bunch of people that are going to casually judge you
>rationalize that it's not going to be that bad since most people don't give you that much attention
>doesn't help with the anxiety anyway
>get in the bank, the most huge line of my life
>about 30 people
>there's also like an hour left till it closes
>most other banks are too far away and would close by the time I get there
>everyone's spread out throughout the bank so there's no clear definition of a line or anything
>no tickets either for some reason
>whisper to the closest person asking who's last in line
>doesn't respond, doesn't even notice me
>try again
>pls r-respond
>no answer
>muster up the courage and ask in the most manlike voice I can >"who's the last person for bills"
>everybody turns around like I was going to blow up the place
>some girl somewhere at the side says it's her
>feel a bit embarrassed that I had to shout but whatever
>pick a spot and just stand around idling waiting for my turn
>can feel anxiety creeping in from all the people staring but manage to keep it in check
>20 minutes pass
>line doesn't seem to get smaller and more people come on in
>the girl I was supposed to be behind went in to pay her fines at a booth that's not for bills
>don't give it too much thought
>suddenly she's leaving the bank and by the time it hits me that she wasn't here for bills, that she was here for something else she's already gone
>now that she's not here, so much time has passed, and so many people have entered I've literally no idea who I'm supposed to be behind
>there's like 8 more people behind me reassured that I am behind somebody
>ok, relax, I'll just ask the people I remember from the time I came in
>it's not overly suspicious and they won't figure out that I don't actually know who I'm supposed to be after
>spend like two minutes elaborating the most strategic way of selecting 3 specific people to ask about their position based on what I remember
>the first person I've decided to ask was a nice old lady sitting near a young girl with heavy make-up
>the old lady literally says " I'm behind somebody who's outside"
>Outside? what the fuck does that even mean? There was nobody outside when I came in, what is she talking about?
>the girl also gave me the most "are you fucking retarded? " smirk ever after, the anime smug face kind everyone shitposts with.
>the old lady then says " Why are you bothering me??? leave me alone please I don't like talking to strangers"
>what the fuck
>young girl now visibly annoyed
>what the fuck
>I still don't understand why she did that, I look and sound normal, it seemed like she was laughing at me but I've just asked a simple question
>Having learned nothing I let some time pass and decide to ask the second person
>he's on the other side of the line so I start walking towards him, not too fast but not too slow since the bank guard decides to eye me at that moment which makes me even more anxious
>the anxiety from the guard and other people watching me makes me ask this guy in the most blunt way, I think I've literally said three words to this guy
>He clearly got annoyed and dismissively pointed at a person in the crowd
>I couldn't tell which person it was specifically
>But judging from the direction that he pointed, this helped me picture that there are about 15 more people ahead of me and I may very well be behind this dude
>Around that moment some random woman in a blue coat walked in from outside with a kid like she's on a fucking catwalk
>She bursts out " I am behind this man"
>I've never seen her before, decide to call her out
>Ask the guy she's pointing at " do you know this woman?"
>He says "what woman?" after she literally just shouted about him not two feet from him, what do you mean "what woman???" are you fucking high you absolute retard? THIS WOMAN RIGHT HERE
>guy decides he ain't wanna have part of this shit just backs off doesn't even say anything like what the fuck
>calm my shit, ask in the most polite way possible "The woman in the blue coat, here, have you seen her before?"
>Suddenly she interjects " IT'S ACTUALLY GREEN, IT'S A GREEN COAT THANK YOU VERY MUCH" in the most disgusted growl like roar
>This can't be fucking happening.jpg
>almost ready to lose my shit but calmly say "well, that's clearly a blue coat, it may be leaning slightly towards green on the collar but the overall hue is blue, although I'm just curious how are you so much in the front when I haven't seen you before here and I've been here for more than 20 minutes?"
>her child starts crying
>guard comes in
>"is there a problem?"
>My anxiety creeps in and I'm like yeah no I don't need this shit
>calmly say "there's no problem I just asked the woman a question"
>guard pulls me to the side, looks me in the eye and says " Son, do you have trouble with the law? like sex offense or anything like that?"
>what the fuck
>"no I don't, I'm just here to pay my bills"
>he asks me then what's the problem, guy looks like a genuine dude, decide to tell him the truth
>"Well I don't really know who I'm supposed to be after"
>fucking piece of shit starts laughing, and says don't worry about it and walks away
>what the fuck just happened
>everyone staring at me
>I don't even feel anxious, at that point I'm like what the fuck just happened dude
>almost certain at least 3 people have gotten in the line ahead of me
>the GREEN COAT woman uses her kid card to get in front of everyone
>it's so obvious she brought her kid here for this on purpose and yet nobody says anything
>the more people move ahead to the booth the more I contemplate killing myself over the uncertainty that some of them were actually behind me
>the 8/10 or so people behind me start to question my sense of reality and throw suspicious looks my way
>my anxiety is off the fucking charts I'm barely holding myself together at this point
>lose my sense of direction and somehow end up near the clerk window
>somehow manage to squeeze through without ANYONE saying a word
>pay the bills and see tons of people from the time I had arrived that were ahead of me still here waiting to pay their bills
>they don't even realize it themselves
>realize the only way to get shit done in this society is to be a complete and utter piece of shit
>come home still triggered with ptsd from the GREEN COAT incident
I don't think I can ever recover from today
>IRC name?
>Contact info
I think you can write my e-mail in skype to find me so... [email protected] I guess
Canada, Québec
>Favorite Book
I don't read a lot of books
>Favorite Movie
Battle Royale 1 or 2 I don't remember which one.
>Favorite Music
Pretty much everything
>What are you looking for?
Friends I guess
>Who do you want to add you?
People who enjoy gaming, funny people etc..
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who want to talk on the mic or things like that, my mic is broken and my english is terrible.
>teleports behind you
>unsheathes Chikage
heh nothing personnel m'lady
>tips fedora
>cuts throat
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>Appropriating memes

I bet you stole rare pepes too
>saving the thumbnail
why don't you just pay your bills online like normal people in the 21st century?
Skype group..
Please? X
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>Contact info
>Favorite Book
The Giver
>Favorite Movie
Tommy Boy, Benjamin Button, Akira
>Favorite Music
Indie music mostly
used to be
>What are you looking for?
Cool people to talk to
I've lived in Tokyo and like anime a bunch, those are both fun topics~
>Who do you want to add you?
cool people
>Who don't you want to add you?
axe murderers, rapists
>IRC name?
WB4D ( I'm rarely ever on )
>Contact info
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dankmaymes/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dankmayme/
>Favorite Book
Mein Kampf
>Favorite Movie
Mad Max
>Favorite Music
I will link my Youtube favorite list, its a few years old
Introvert if any
>What are you looking for?
Honestly just some new steam buddies. Not really had a chance to game during xmas though ;[
>Who do you want to add you?
Gamers - People who can have a conversation past 1-2 words.
Anyone who goes on /fit/ aswell, recently started lifting so i could use a few more friends there.
>Who don't you want to add you?
People with Waifu's.
Friend Collecters

Thats my submission. :) happy new year when the time comes guys!
bump for senpai

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>IRC name?
>Contact info
I got two steam accounts
Add for Dota 2 and CS: http://steamcommunity.com/id/nyanturdzzz
Add for all kinds of games: http://steamcommunity.com/id/No4Play
>Favorite Book
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
>Favorite Movie
I just like horror movies, sci-fi and a lot of Korean stuff
>Favorite Music
>What are you looking for?
Steam friends who likes to discuss hobbies, play games and such
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone, cute anime avatars help.
>Who don't you want to add you?
NA or Asian people who wants to play vidya, because ping.
Europe is blazingly hot this winter. How are you doing?
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I also like stealing reaction images my friend
we don't have a lot of cash in general, let alone any to keep in an account
What's that Skype group chat link?
just have to wait for someone to add you
>IRC name?
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
And fix it!
>Who don't you want to add you?
looking for a weeb girl gamer gf
ey bby
wanna be my gf?
are you even a girl
I am
prove it
Get in IRC, everyone there will be my alibi
irc is scary
dont catfish the poor shut in >:(
ok :(
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113 KB, 638x630
it was worth it!
Now I am finally free of this place!
I had you unbanned right away but if you want to be banned forever..
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What the fuck kind of degeneracy is this?
Actually... It was only a joke, but It might be better that way!
Thanks for everything!
the best
you can come back you dork i took you off ban and autokick
get a job and go to a credit union faggot
What are you nerds doing to better yourselves for the new year?

I'm going to try and get good at something because I've wasted my whole life not being good at ANYTHING and that is awful. Not even video games and I've played them pretty much my whole life too. Fuckin sucks.
>IRC name?
>Contact info
kik: dollangangerr
south usa
>Favorite Book
lolita, flowers in the attic series, catcher in the rye
>Favorite Movie
i have alot
>Favorite Music
>What are you looking for?
cute people and friends
>Who do you want to add you?
people who keep me company i get lonely alot
>Who don't you want to add you?
no bully pls
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>Flowers In The Attic series

Hey, I recently watched the 2014 film which I thought was really good and decided to start reading the books on a friend's recommendation, I actually just watched it with them. What are some of your other favourite books?
i like the green mile, a clockwork orange, and thats all i can think of atm
>get a job
where do you think you are
I'm going to make a game, get a car, try and turn down my autism, and relax more.
Be my waifu pls
>tfw I have a qt gamer grill who wants to game with me.

Best feeling ever.
but i like my music playlist

sorry it doesnt suit your personal taste
tfw lonely as well, but no kik
skype is dollangangerr as well
27-m-east coast usa
I enjoy talking about just about everything and I love to learn.
Tell me something I don't know.
yo jmpw like the x86 jump wide instruction call?

>IRC name?
changes with each connect
>Contact info
xmpp ask me
port charlotte fl
>Favorite Book
god emperor of dune^H^H^H
The Lazarus Effect
>Favorite Movie
fight club
>Favorite Music
semi-retired sysadmin living on NEET buqs SSDI
>What are you looking for?
absence of the lack of sunlight
>Who do you want to add you?
add... i don't comprehend
>Who don't you want to add you?
see above
Night shut
I just want to fuck.
Why are there no neet girls that wanna fap with me inbetween binges of anime we watch together?
cause u a gross week fuck
still morning
But everything is about sex
turns out $2k+ mbp have autocorrect in their browser, weeb
hormonal issues
how the fuck does >>23059534
calling out a spelling error/autocorrect/whatever make him/her a weeb? Do you know what that word means?
He's saying that the "week" in >>23059242 was a result of autocorrect changing "weeb" to "week"
Oh, I read it as if the correction would be "weak" from "week"

weeb detected
> chequed
most of this thread is weebs
I don't feel like answering that whole questionnaire. just add me on steam. ID = holypickle

Evening bump
What's up, /shut/?
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Enjoy your depression while you lay in bed
nah man imma eat candy and cheesecake
I'd kill for that second day off.

Finally get pc upgrades and only have a day to enjoy them.
fuck you i want cheesecake :(
Someone on
>ps4 (destiny,bf4) rominamacci
>xboxone (halo) scumTEKK
Do you know where's that image is from?
I quit my job recently :)

We can make it together :)
want someone to fuck and cuddle with
I would also kill to quit my job.
Only interesting person here so far.

Should have told the security guard that the bluecoated bitch was trying to cut ahead in front of you.
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motherfuckin' lemon squeezy barbERSHOP QUARTET HECK YEA
afternoon bump
happy new year from europe

this year i'm getting a weeb girl gamer gf for sure

happppy new year fellow european!
good luck on your quest for a weeb gamer gf
this year i may or may not get cancer

fingers crossed
If you have to state you're an alpha, you're probably not one.
This year I will speak to a girl and try to make a connection. Wish me luck /shut/!
Everyone did
God speed
I went to some coffee shop meet up with a family member to make them feel better the other day.
It was very awkward
apparently you were just suppose to chat and share music.
Everyone was sharing what they did for a living and sharing music
>shut-in with no job, watches anime, plays vidya and goes out rarely and listens to chillstep/japanese music.
Needless to say I stayed quiet and only said a few words.
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xth for crippling loneliness
Alpha male here. What's it like being a beta shut in?
>tfw laying in bed alone

Thanks for reminding me.
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45 mins until maximum puchi future is achieved
happy new year /shut/
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First Boots is a Scrub™ of the New Year in the west coast!
I might have thought the same until I tripped their trans special snowflake sensor. If you feel fine avoiding that like the plague then why the hell not
>Only interesting person here so far.

>special snowflake sensor.
How'd you do that?
Be my waifu pls
I vaguely remember trying to make some point about society shaping peoples image of gender and apparently something in there made them think I was saying something that sounded transphobic. It was like, explaining to a feminist about how the patriarcy would work and then being accused of being part of it. I should have known better than to expect that I could explain a concept without someone getting triggered
first post of the new year for me!
33 m us
Just want some company, prefer a woman with as much time on their hands as me.

Skype: jamegumb158
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Happy Birthday to me...
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>IRC name?
dont use it
>Contact info
Skype: duder800 steam: futafunny
>Favorite Book
The Greyknights omnibus
>Favorite Movie
The thing
>Favorite Music
Death grips, schoolboy Q, Aesop rock
Yeah/not really/kinda
>What are you looking for?
friends to talk too and be less depressed
>Who do you want to add you?
guys who want to play games listen to music or just hang out and talk
>Who don't you want to add you?
girls who are looking for lewds or a relationship (i am currently in a relationship) but if your cool and dont get wierd then girls are fine
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15 KB, 639x480
>IRC name?
nah soz
>Contact info
skype: creiinyaa
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
the aristocats or the heathers
>Favorite Music
bubblegum octopus or the cabs
shut in when i can be! i have a fear of men and older women wich limits me and has gotten worse recently, i used to be a neet and horribly depressed but am trying to make friends now
>What are you looking for?
friends only please, i dont want any form of relationship or sex
>Who do you want to add you?
i would prefer women! but guys are ok too given you're not imtimidating or seeking anything sexual. i browse /cgl/ alot and would like to get to know people from there
i want to make friends i can play magic the gathering with, im hoping to get more into it
people who live in sweden would be nice too, i want to try to know more people here since i dont at the moment
>Who don't you want to add you?
anyone seeking a relationship!
evening bump
Please add the skype name:
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parket is a parakeet

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Checking out your abstract work. I can see Vegeta's face in this image
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2 MB, 1000x563
Time to die, Kakarot
>IRC name?
>Contact info
Kik: ignats_
>Favorite Book
Silence of the Lambs, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
>Favorite Movie
Back to the Future
>Favorite Music
90s hip hop, hipster shit, lots of other stuff
NEET, introvert, depression, anxiety
>What are you looking for?
An escape. Someone who needs the company as much as I do.
>Who do you want to add you?
A girl who has nothing going on.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Men. People who aren't talkitave.
he's our parakeet

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He is not
yes ;-;

you're clearly in denial
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It's funny that you think I'm him
I never said I thought you were him. I have no idea who you are.

But you're in denial, whoever you are.
Blogtime. Today is my last day of work and the last day of my 'two weeks notice'.

After today, I am officially unemployed. No more shitty dead end retail job. No more [shit] income. I can vaguely consider myself a NEET/shutin with some legitimacy now.

It's amazing how I have a sudden desire to take care of myself.
I already took a shower for once. I'm considering changing my diet for the better and possibly even engaging in minimal physical activity for the sake of health and shape. My nails are actually of similar length. I can sleep when I'm tired for as long as my body demands (which is still far too much, sadly) and wake up when I'm not. I actually feel like buying a car now. I can actually play games/watch anime/listen to music.
I actually feel like learning new things. I can study new subjects! I could practice piano more! I could practice languages more! I could work on some kind of a project! Maybe I can actually learn how to compose music for once! Maybe I can actually write something substantial/meaningful! Perhaps I could actually be social with some people again...

I hated holding myself back for the sake of a poverty-level income and being part of a disgusting consumerist culture that contributed to the stupidity and ignorance to the community around me.
It's essentially the opposite of what I stand for; I want to brighten myself, but I also want to brighten those around me...

Being jobless doesn't make my excessive narcoleptic hypersomnia any less relevant, but it certainly helps me live with it.
My lack of actual energy is still very apparent, but now I can use the little I have on myself.

... but, well, money comes first, right? I have nothing lined up. I have a paltry savings at best. I'm just making my poverty worse.

I already know that I'm getting actual ambition over nothing.

I need to fix up my resume and commit myself to a new lock and chain; I need to keep up the facade and continue to disregard my mental and physical health entirely...
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gay cunt

Yes, please.
Nigger you wish you were me.
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No one was talking to you, sit down boy
Don't make papa bend you over his knee. (At least you have good taste in who you impersonate~)
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39 KB, 630x420
North Carolina
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
Lion King
>Favorite Music
Sufjan Stevens
Introvert, I go weeks w/out contact then scramble to maintain relationships
>What are you looking for?
Don't know
>Who do you want to add you?
Don't care
>Who don't you want to add you?
No one
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I'd like to see you try that, fuccboi prime
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Bend over, boy
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I will not arararararagi
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;-; okay
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You couldn't handle me. My style is impetuous. My defenses, impregnable.
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such a good girl
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I wanna say beli but I'm also not sure.
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You know me
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t-thanks, anon-kun...!
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I know a lot of people tho, senpai. That ain't very narrow.
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I'll give you a hint. I'm in irc
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zuuzuu? JTG? aninnymouse? McButts? I have no idea, senpai.
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hoot hoot you fag
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>suggesting me
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you smell like a scrub
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Homosexual vulvas are my favorite, but it's difficult to post appreciation for them without lewdness. Oh well.
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you might need some potassium, senpai
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open wide, this isn't gonna be smooth
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Do it.png
183 KB, 497x366
I'll bully you in your bully-holes, buddi-boi
>Contact info
Skype: KampfOrange94
>Favorite Book
Tough question, either "Animal Farm" or "Of Mice and Men".
>Favorite Movie
The Zero Theorem
>Favorite Music
Dave Brubeck, Charles Mingus, Karnivool, Nils Frahm
>What are you looking for?
I'd love some recommendations regarding books and music. Some general company would be nice, too, maybe even some "deep" talk.
>Who do you want to add you?
See above.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Anyone with sexual intentions or the typical /pol/ user.
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>looking for music recs
John Coltrane - A Meme Supreme
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I'm a world renowned booty bandit you can't even compare
Man, I feel you. I'm nowhere near NEET but I'm almost done with my holidays. No work, so no need to go out and talk to people, sometimes, I admire NEETs for that. Hope you can somehow get a comfy job to get some money. The NEET lifestyle sounds expensive if you're not living with your parents. Also, happy 2016, did you celebrate?
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Alabama Shakes - Sound and Color
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97 KB, 267x200
Heard of it but never listened to it. 3 mins in now and I love it. Thanks!
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114 KB, 960x720
Gonna listen to that right after Coltrane. Already excited!
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