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What does the logic gate for the bottom left part of a number
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What does the logic gate for the bottom left part of a number look like (0-9)? I'm trying to teach myself this.
File: 20097231618291[1].jpg (87 KB, 858x690) Image search: [Google]
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What do you mean what does the logic gate look like? Have you any idea how things like clocks or stopwatches are implemented in digital circuits?

Look up binary coded decimal and 7-segment displays. Basically there will be a digital circuit that keeps track of the time in a four-digit binary coded decimal and then each one of those digits will be sent to a 7-segment display multiplexer.

Keep in mind that the gate configuration in pic related isn't nearly the entire thing nor is it the only way to do it.
how does the circuit know when one second has passed ?
>nor is it the only way to do it.
It looks silly, 8 inputs to control 11 digits
That's the job of an independent timing circuit. There are a million ways to do that. Look up real time clocks or crystal oscillators.

What's in the image above is solely to control the output of the seven segments of a single digit of the clock. The image in OP would require four of those circuits I posted above, and again that's only for display. You'd need another timing circuit, a control circuit, and a binary coded decimal stepper.

Well by all means, come up with a more elegant solution and revolutionize the alarm clock and handheld stopwatch industries.
Kek, sorry anon, I didn't mean to be rude.
If you're aiming to do this just "as an exercise" let us know what kind of "inputs" we're getting and prepare to learn about karnaugh maps

Otherwise the answer is indeed "whatever your 7-seg display/driver/multiplexer/interface wants,"
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