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My maths teacher said this: "you're always trying
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My maths teacher said this:

"you're always trying to get right to the answer as soon as possible, which is great for job interviews and supervisory discussion, but I know how students like you end up - you will not do well in exams that require careful and methodical work. You need to stop rushing ahead trying to get to the answer and slow down. I'm not saying I agree with the exam system, but I am saying that if you continue like this you will come a cropper at the end of the year."

How do I follow his advice and teach myself to slow down?
Start defining things and ask yourself if your answer makes sense in the context that you're given. This doesn't really help (either you get it or you don't), but at least you're wasting some time for the exam to end.

Oh, don't make me laugh. Thinking is unnecesary when you already know everything.

This is what I have started doing. Write everything really nicely. Let me give you an example.

In a math test, don't write x, write [math]x[/math].

The same goes for every mathematical symbol. Write the symbols really, really slowly so that they look really good, almost like if you were using Latex. Then, not only will you be a genius but everything you solve will also be considered a work of art.

It is working for me and it is really fun when I can actually nail the symbols well. One that is giving me problem is the notation for range space but I just need to keep practicing problems about range spaces so that I can keep drawing the symbol until I nail it.
What level of mathematics are we talking here

What level of mathematics are we talking here

Though I too enjoy some math calligraphy, I cannot help but feel that this thread is full of kids in Calc I or similar
I never said that it would help you understand, only that it's an academically acceptable way to waste time for the exam to end. Could you be masturbating during the rest of the exam period? Sure. Would that be okay? No.
Casting a vote for this.
>What level of mathematics are we talking here

I'm >>7793614 and I'm a freshman living the easy life. Please tell me that even in grad school I will be able to waste time drawing symbols.
prove/demonstrate/express everything in 2 different ways when doing sample questions, it will broaden your mind anyway and should show you more ways to prove something letting you fill up those pages come exam time with the symbol "=>" as you prove things in the most roundabout way possible.

Change from a BABYlonian retard to a Greek(Axiomatic) Mathematician.
>Quite literally saying that physics is more about raw memorization than any kind of logic.

Physicists confirmed for 70 IQ cavemen.

I always knew it, though.
Hard to say what he meant without the context. Can you give us examples of "rushing ahead" and "careful, methodical work"?

For instance, if I asked you to find the extreme values of f(x,y)=4x^2+10y^2 on the closed disk x^2+y^2≤4 would you dive headlong into the lagrange multiplier problem or would you quickly notice f has a global minimum at the origin and that the level curves are elliptical with minor axis along y and hence conclude the maxima are at y=2 and -2, bypassing a bunch of unnecessary work? I can see "going too fast" conceivably meaning either.

I suppose the negative aspect of my "style" is that I rarely, if ever, find the "poets solution", but just charge in with the "peasants solution" without stopping to think. As a cororally, I often miss simple shortcuts and sometimes just flatout misinterpret the question
are you trying to impress us with a calc 3 problem
this is satire, you emotionally retarded autists


i was going to start doing that...

>hey guys look what i learned today

Not him, but this isn't calc 3, it's calc 2.
I dont know what kind of watered down short bus school you guys went to, but I was taught about gradients and multivar derivatives in preschool, you serfs
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Putting it on an exam for a class I'm TAing, just grabbed it off pauls the other day because im lazy as all hell

So you're pic related? Cranking through prescribed methods won't help you when you get to rigorous proof-based math and it stops being about computation.
It's just a different sort of reasoning/looking closely at a situation and can be trained. Do harder practice problems. The highest-numbered exercises in Stewart without obvious procedures can require some exploration and are decent for this. Spivak can also help you zero in on which given facts you can exploit for an easy answer.
get a load of this shit prof
a good student will be both fast and correct.
Welcome to France, the land of superior STEM students.
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